Your Duo will define your in-game strategy
There are countless variables in League of Legends, so you want to make sure your strategy maximizes any variables under your control. Going into a game with a roadmap for how to dominate with your duo is the best way to climb the ladder.
In League of Legends, half of the game is understanding what each of the 150 champions does. Now, if you’re trying to win games and demolish your opponents, the next step is understanding how those 150 champions interact with one another. Here are some of the most powerful duos the game has to offer.
10. Twisted Fate + Shen
Twisted Fate and Shen have two of the most iconic global ultimates in the game. Combine the two, and you get an omnipresent duo that can show up anywhere, anytime. Utilizing Twisted Fate’s pick potential, with Shen’s follow-up, the two create fear of being alone in the hearts of the enemy.
- Utility
- Global Map Presence
- Crowd Control
- Teamfight Power
- Split Pushing
9. Nocturne + Shen
Similar to the Twisted Fate + Shen combo, but with an aggressive twist brought by Nocturne. While Twisted Fate is a utility champion, Nocturne is an assassin. This enables Shen to follow him deep into enemy territory, locking down and deleting enemy carries before they know what hit them.
- Low CD Assassinations
- Global Presence
- Nearsight Debuff / Information Denial
- High Burst Damage Potential
- Evasive Utility (Spellshield, Auto-Attack Immunity)
8. Lucian + Braum
This duo has terrorized the bottom lane for years. Let’s break down why. Lucian’s passive, Lightslinger, causes him to fire two auto attacks at once after casting one of his abilities. Braum’s passive, Concussive Blows, causes any target Braum attacks to be stunned after being auto attacked 3 more times. While Braum is typically considered to be a very defensive champion, his offensive capabilities are highlighted best when playing with Lucian.
- Burst damage
- Crowd Control
- Evasiveness via Braum’s shield and Lucian’s dash
- Long Range - Both have an ult that reaches very far
- Durability - Lucian typically builds Life Steal, while Braum is naturally a tank
7. Sejuani + Renekton
Sejuani and Renekton play off of the synergy between Sejuani’s Permafrost and Renekton’s Ruthless Predator. The combo allows Renekton to attack several times in quick succession, stunning his target. This simultaneously stacks up Sejuani’s permafrost, which allows her to immediately stun the target again. And if that’s not scary enough, they still have 3 more abilities a piece, including their ultimates.
- Crowd Control, and more Crowd Control
- Burst Damage
- Gank Power
- Teamfight Power
- Backline Access
6. Elise + Renekton
Similar to the Sejuani + Renekton duo, Elise + Renekton is a higher damage alternative. At the cost of Sejuani’s crowd control, Elise brings only a single stun in her kit, but tons of damage. The key combo here is for Renekton to engage using his point-and-click stun, allowing Elise to land her skill-shot stun for free. There is almost no top laner that can survive the full combo from these two champions in the early game.
- Burst Damage
- Crowd Control
- Mobility
- Gank Power
- Pick Potential
- Single-Target Lockdown
5. Jarvan + Galio
This duo specializes in diving into a fight and disrupting everything in their path. Using Jarvan’s engage tools, as well as his ultimate which traps his target in a stone circle, Galio gets a prime opportunity to use his ultimate on Jarvan, knocking up the trapped target, and any others nearby.
- Crowd Control and more Crowd Control
- Global Presence
- Utility
- Teamfight Presence
- Durability
4. Camille + Galio
Similar to the Jarvan + Galio duo, this variation brings in Camille, a hyper-mobile fighter with insanely high damage and target lockdown in her kit. Where Jarvan acts as an off-tank, Camille will be annihilating targets in seconds. This playstyle is much better in the mid to late game, where Jarvan might have difficulty locking down a carry protected by their entire team.
- Crowd Control
- Single-Target Lockdown
- Mobility
- Global Presence
- Extremely High Damage
3. Malphite + Yasuo
While Yasuo’s ultimate suspends any knocked up target in the air, Malphite’s ultimate is probably the most reliable in the game for knocking up multiple targets before they can get out of harm’s way. Combine that with Malphite’s innate tankiness, high base damages, and Yasuo’s high scaling damage, this is a duo that will not disappoint.
- Crowd Control
- High Damage
- Mobility
- Teamfight Power
- Pick Potential
2. Yone + Yasuo
Since these two champions are brothers in the League of Legends universe, it only makes sense that Riot would design them to be one of the most powerful duos in the game. Each of them gaining double Critical Strike Chance, the hardest scaling stat in League of Legends, this duo is scary! The amount of damage they can dish out in a matter of seconds will destroy entire teams before the knock-up ends.
- Extremely High Damage
- Mobility
- Teamfight Power
- Pick Potential
- Did I say damage?
- Skirmish Power
1. Samira + Pantheon Support
Samira, Riot’s newest champion, excels as an early game marksman, whose specialty is following up on crowd control with extremely high damage. Meanwhile, Pantheon has been a terror in the early game for as long as League of Legends has existed. He specializes in his leap/stun (which is where Samira follows up) as well as his insane damage, and tops it off with invulnerability granted by his shield. There is not a duo that can contest these guys in the bot lane.
- 100 to 0 Burst Damage
- Single Target Lockdown
- Global Presence
- Durability
- Teamfight Presence
- Snowball Potential
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