![[Top 15] LOL Wild Rift Best Carries (Ranked) [Top 15] LOL Wild Rift Best Carries (Ranked)](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-04/wild_ridt_main_image_3.jpg.webp?itok=fpspgxIy)
Nasus is a Baron lane champion that can hard carry late game as long as you get enough stacks on his first ability. Due to the fact that he can get stronger the more he stacks, Nasus can build more tank items and still deal a lot of damage. This makes him almost unstoppable against most champions. Nasus excels at the Baron lane; this makes it easier to stack since most of the champions in this lane are mostly melee champs. Once you reach a certain number of stacks, you can easily engage your enemy laner. Nasus can cast a really good slow on a single enemy; this slow makes it almost impossible to run away from him. He can also reduce the armor of enemies that are hit with his 3rd ability, “Spirit Fire," which makes it easier for him to kill enemies that have some armor stats from items or ability effects.
Your role as Nasus is to stack as much as possible in the early stages of the game. This means that you can’t help your team take the first dragon; the only exception is if you’re struggling against your enemy in lane, either because they’re a range champion or because they have abilities that can easily stop you from getting stacks safely. Your third ability can reduce armor, and it has a wide area of effect. This will let your allies that deal AD damage deal a lot more damage than they normally would.
Early on, it’s better to build a tanky item, but if you can stack properly, then going for “Divine Sunderer” as a first item will work well. This also lets you stack better since your first ability can proc the on-hit effect of the item, making it easier to kill enemy minions.Early on, it’s better to build a tanky item, but if you can stack properly, then going for “Divine Sunderer” as a first item will work well. This also lets you stack better since your first ability can proc the on-hit effect of the item, making it easier to kill enemy minions. Your build will mainly revolve around being more tanky, this will increase your effectiveness in team fights, but this won’t always work, some champions can easily get through all of your health, armor and magic resistance. Champions like Brand and on hit champions like Vayne can deal a lot of damage even if you build resistances against them. In this case it’s better to play away from your team and focus on pushing lanes and getting towers, this will either drag 1 or 2 enemies to you just to stop you from pushing, this might look bad but Nasus can easily take on 2 enemies. Nasus can easily take down enemy towers, with the right runes, items and a good amount of stacks you can easily take down three towers while the enemy is distracted with objectives like Dragon or Baron.
What makes Nasus a strong Carry:
- Nasus can go up against more than one enemy alone.
- He can scale to a point where he can just one-shot enemies, even if you only build tank items.
- Nasus can end a game if you don’t stop him from taking your towers.
- Nasus can’t be stopped by one champion as long as he isn’t behind.
See Nasus in action:
Camille is a Baron lane fighter, excelling in 1v1s and dealing a lot of true damage through her first ability, “Precision Protocol." Camille isn’t that strong in the first few levels, but she can be played very aggressively once you get all three of your basic abilities. Making use of your passive that gives a barrier that blocks either AP or AD, the stat that the enemy has more of will be the one deciding which kind of barrier you will get. Her second ability is really good for clearing waves and dealing damage based on the enemy's max HP. This makes Camille do well even against tanky champions in the Baron lane since her first ability deals true damage and her second ability deals damage based on the enemy's HP. Her third ability, "Hookshot,” is a good way to engage the enemy. This ability is a dash that can deal damage and stun an enemy champion that gets hit with the second part of the ability. It also gives Camille a boost in attack speed. This synergizes well with the rune “Kraken Slayer” and the item "Blade of the Ruined King," making you very effective against tanky enemy champions. Her ultimate ability, “Hextech Ultimatum,” is a great way to prevent an enemy from escaping. This ability forms a hexagonal field around the target, preventing them from escaping no matter what they use, allowing you or your team to secure a kill.
Camille is a really good pick against most Baron lane champions, she has a lot of damage dealing abilities and a way to escape and sustain and a really good way to secure kills, early on she isn’t that strong but when you get all three of you basic abilities make use of your passive to play aggressively by initiating trades, if you can hit the enemy with your second ability and land you stun with your third ability you can deal a lot of damage, make sure to do your basic attack cancel animation with your first ability, you can do this by landing a basic attack first then immediately pressing your first ability to initiate another attack, this makes sure you deal the max amount of damage in the least amount of time. Once you get your ultimate ability you can play a lot more aggressively, just make sure to land your abilities to avoid losing trades. You can also save your third ability as a way to escape or disengage, your 2nd ability can slow the enemy by a lot, allowing you enough time to get close.
For your first item you can either build “Divine Sunderer” or “Trinity Force”, I recommend building “Divine Sunderer” against champions that build items that increase HP, and build “Trinity Force” against champions that build more on AD or AP. After building your first item you can either go for a full tank item or an AD item that also has stats that make you more tanky against your enemy in lane. Your play style will also depend on the items you build, if you’re tanky enough you can be the one starting the teamfights by engaging with your third ability and your ultimate, if you not that tanky but your team has a champion that can engage then you can just follow that ally and combo you abilities when they start to engage, remember your ultimate can lock a single enemy in place but it will also push the enemies that you didn’t target away, this is a good way to collapse the enemy team, splitting them apart making it hard for them to respond to their main damage dealers.
What makes Camille a strong carry:
- She can deal a burst of true damage with her first ability; this skill also has a low cooldown.
- She can beat a lot of champions in a 1v1 match, which lets her play independently from her team, splitting and pushing separate from your team, and with her third ability, she can easily escape if more than one or two enemies come to stop you.
- You can easily engage the enemy team while taking the least amount of damage possible. Your second ability can heal you, and your ultimate will make you invulnerable for a few seconds, giving your team enough time to respond and follow up on your engagement.
See Camille in action:
13.Master Yi
Master Yi is a AD carry Jungle champion, once this champion gets fed you can say goodbye to your squishy allies. Master Yi can instantly be untargetable while also being able to get close to the target with his first ability “Alpha Strike”. His second ability “Meditate” is one of Master Yi’s ways of staying alive, this ability not only heals him per second but also gives him a lot of damage reduction. His third ability is an ability that passively boosts his AD stat but also if you use it you add additional true damage to your basic attacks. His ultimate ability “Highlander” will give Master Yi a boost in his movement speed and attack speed, while this is active he cannot be slowed making it easy to chase down enemies that don’t have any form of crowd control.
Master Yi is a champion that can carry a game once you can snowball early on. He can also only be played as a Jungler because he doesn’t really do well in lane. In the early game, you wouldn’t actively invade or gank unless there was a high chance of getting a kill. Your main priority early on would be to farm gold for your first item, which could be done by fully clearing your jungle and taking scuttle crabs. You also need to keep an eye on different lanes to look for opportunities to get a kill. It’s fine to tower dive early on, as long as you have your second ability. Once you get your ultimate ability, you will have an easier time tower diving low-health enemy champions since your ultimate will reduce the cooldown of your abilities by a significant amount, making your first and second abilities available for you to use to keep yourself alive.
The first item you’d want to build is “Blade of the Ruined King." It has decent stats that you’d want early on, mainly the attack speed and the additional on-hit effect. Building more attack speed is good but building a bit of tankiness or sustain will give you a lot more room to work with.
What makes Master Yi a strong carry:
- Master Yi can chase down and kill enemies really fast, if enemies decide to fight you one by one, there’s a high chance you’ll kill them all.
- can snowball really easily once he gets a kill.
- can easily tower-dive enemies.
See Master Yi in action:
Fiora is a Baron lane bruiser; as her description says, Fiora is a duelist and can easily be one of the best champions in 1v1’s; her mobility, damage, and sustain are all definitely in the S tier. She can bully her lane opponent really easily, especially if she hits a vital from her passive “Duelist’s Dance." This makes her deal true damage based on her opponent's max HP while also healing her for a certain amount. Her first ability, "Lunge," is a dash that also strikes the closest enemy; this will prioritize champions over minions or monsters, and the cooldown will also be reduced if you manage to hit an enemy. This ability is really good for chasing an enemy down. Her second ability, "Riposte,” is good for countering enemy abilities. Not only will Fiora parry all the incoming damage and debuffs, but this ability will also stun enemies if the ability it parries has an immobilizing effect. Her third ability, "Bladework,” boosts her attack speed for the next two basic attacks; the first one applies a slow, and the second basic attack will crit. Finally, Fiora’s ultimate ability, “Grand Challenge,” will reveal all four vitals on the targeted champion. If you can hit all four vitals, you will deal an additional bonus true damage to the target, and a zone will form below that will heal you and your allies. The heal will last depending on how many vitals were hit.
Fiora excels in dueling enemies, you’d win most fights as long as you can properly use all of your skills, this includes dodging skill shots with your first ability or parrying them, parrying an immobilizing effect will also stun an enemy so you’ll have the opportunity to hit all the basic attacks from you third ability. Early in the game you’d want to poke your enemy’s vital whenever you can, it’s an easy trade since you gain a boost in movement speed and a heal. Don’t use your second ability to deal damage, save it for countering certain enemy abilities that may immobilize you preventing you from chasing or escaping, or even to just not get hit by an enemy’s ability that may deal a lot of damage.
Your first build will either be “Trinity Force” or “Divine Sunderer." These two items will let you deal a lot of damage since your first ability can activate on-hit effects, and since this prioritizes enemy champions, you can continuously land empowered attacks on an enemy champion. Building “Blade of the Ruined King” is also effective since it synergizes with her first and third abilities. After your first and second items, you’ll build more tanky items that boost your survivability; items like “Death’s Dance” and “Sterak’s Gage” work well in keeping you alive in teamfights. If you're not having any impact on team fights, it’s better to separate from your team and push lanes. You can win a lot of 1v1s, and if you want to get to your team immediately, take the teleport enchantment on the boots since you can select your ally as a teleport location.
What makes Fiora a strong carry:
- Can snowball in lane really well, getting one item or a component of your item can be enough for you to solo kill your enemy laner early.
- She can heal the whole team and even start team fights by flanking the enemy.
- Can play independently from the team but still be very powerful in team fights.
See Fiora in action:
Samira is an AD marksman mostly used in the duo lane. She has a lot of AoE attacks that scale well with critical strike chance, making her a huge threat the more items she builds. She also has a lot of mobility, allowing her to get into her attack range really quickly with her passive or close the gap and get into melee range with her third ability, “Wild Rush." Samira’s passive “Daredevil Impulse” lets her stack whenever she hits an enemy with her basic attacks or abilities; the stacks also increase her movement speed. The stacks are represented in letters and stack in this sequence: "E," "D," "C," "B," "A," and lastly "S." Her passive also lets her do a melee attack instead of a ranged attack when she is really close to an enemy; her melee attacks also deal bonus damage based on an enemy’s missing health. Additionally, enemies that are stunned near her will let her have the choice to quickly dash into her basic attack range and do a quick basic attack. Samira’s first ability has two ways to be cast. The first is the normal way, which makes Samira shoot her gun, firing a bullet that will deal damage to the first enemy hit. This bullet can hit minions, so it can be blocked in certain situations. The second way her first ability can be used is if an enemy is within a certain range when she casts it. Instead of shooting her gun, Samira will swing her blade, dealing damage to enemies that get hit by it. Take note that this skill can crit and will deal bonus damage. Her second ability will make her swing her blade around her twice; this deals damage around her while also destroying enemy projectiles within its range. Her third ability, “Wild Rush,” is a dash that can only be cast on enemies or structures. Samira can also press this ability again to instantly cast her first ability. Lastly, her ultimate “Inferno Trigger” ability can only be used when Samira stacks her passive all the way to "S." Once she can use it, she will immediately start shooting enemies around her. This ability can also benefit from a critical strike chance, making it deal more damage.
Samira does well in the duo lane, especially if you have a support that has multiple ways to immobilize enemies. She can deal a lot of damage early, even with just the starting item. She gets a huge boost in her attack speed, and if you are confident enough to go into melee mode to deal more damage on low-health enemies, you can get kills early. You can play really aggressively if you have a support that can stun or knock enemies up. Make use of your passive to close the gap and deal additional damage to enemies that are low on HP when using your melee. Try to position well. Although you deal a lot of AoE damage, you can’t just go into five enemies without any combo stack. Try to stack up at least up to “B” before you try to go in. Sometimes you’ll get stuck at “A” if you start with a low stack or no stack at all. This is bad since you might not be able to deal enough damage to kill your enemies and you may end up dying instead.
The best first item on Samira is definitely “Bloodthirster” as it gives you sustain and a good amount of AD, you won’t need much attack speed on Samira so building “Infinity Edge” for more damage or “Essence Reaver” to get more sustain on your mana while also dealing more damage with your abilities. Building more crit and more damage is key when playing Samira, but building an item like “Phantom Dancer” to have better survivability is also a good choice, since it’s also a cheaper item to buy compared to crit items that also give AD.
What makes Samira a strong Carry:
- One of the best damage dealers in the game, almost all her abilities deal AoE damage, making her a huge threat in team fights.
- high mobility thanks to her third ability, which will also reset whenever she gets a takedown, making her hard to take down.
- She has a lot of ways to protect herself: she can block projectiles, making it hard to get her with projectiles that can crowd control her; she can also dash multiple times, making her hard to hit and target.
See Samira in action:
Lucian is an AD carry marksman that can do well in the mid lane or duo lane; he can play aggressively early on and bully his enemy in lane. Lucian can deal a lot of on-hit damage thanks to his passive, which doubles his basic attacks every time he uses an ability. Early on, you’d want to poke enemies with your first ability; this deals a lot of damage and can deal damage to more than one enemy in a straight line. His second ability deals damage in a cross, but since this scales more on AP than AD, you will only use it to activate your passive. His third ability is a dash, which is his only mobility. You’d want to use this as the start of your combo since the cooldown of this is lessened every time you use your passive. His ultimate ability is a barrage of bullets in a straight line. This skill has a long range and deals a lot of damage. It can be blocked by minions and monsters, so be careful using it when there’s a huge minion wave. The good thing is that this deals a lot of damage to minions, making it a useful way to clear minion waves.
You’d want to keep poking the enemy with your first ability, but if your support has a good amount of crowd control, you can play more aggressively, especially if you have support like Braum or Nami, whose kits can synergize well with yours. Although you can play really aggressively, try not to get stunned, crowd-controlled, or caught out of position. Make sure to use your passive well; don’t spam your abilities without using them since your overall damage will be reduced.
Since Lucian is a champion who also relies on using his abilities to deal the maximum amount of damage possible, his mana consumption is also really high. The first item you will want to build is “Essence Reaver." This will help sustain your mana a lot since his passive will also activate the effect of the item. Lucian isn’t a champion that needs a lot of attack speed, so building more damage and on-hits will work well. Another thing is to take the Kraken Slayer rune, Lucican can easily activate this multiple times, letting you deal a decent amount of true damage.
What makes Lucian a strong carry:
- Lucian can deal a lot of on-hit damage, if he doesn’t get stopped, he will deal a lot of damage against the enemy team.
- Lucian can easily do a lot of burst damage to a single target; if he can land his full combo on a squishy enemy, he can kill them easily.
- He works well with a lot of champions, making him easy to support, and since he has a dash, he doesn’t need an ally guarding him all the time.
See Lucian in action:
Lilia is an AP jungle that has incredible clear speed, this is thanks to her abilities being mostly AoE attacks and to her movement speed that allows her to clear a camp and quickly take the next camp. Lilia can deal damage over time with her abilities from her passive “Dream-Laden Bough”, this also heals Lilia during the duration of the effect. Lilia can gain a lot of movement speed when she hits her abilities, this is a passive of her first ability “Blooming Blows”, this ability deals damage around her while also dealing bonus true damage when enemies are hit by the outer part. She can also deal a huge burst of damage from her second ability “Watch Out! EEP!”, this is also an AoE attack like her first ability, enemies hit by the center of this will take more damage. Her third ability “Swirlseed” is a long range attack, this won’t stop until it hits any kind of terrain or an enemy. Once it hits an enemy it will deal damage, revealing and slowing any enemy that is hit. Lilia’s ultimate “Lilting Lullaby” makes her abilities leave a mark on enemy champions, when she uses the ability enemies that are marked will become drowsy and after a few seconds they will fall asleep. Enemies that are asleep can be woken up when either Lilia or her allies deal damage to them, they will also take additional damage.
Using Lilia is all about maneuvering in team fights, landing your abilities while moving around while making sure you deal the maximum damage of your abilities and overall leaving a huge impact in team fights by either deal a lot of damage to a lot of enemies with her AoE attacks or putting as many enemies as you can to sleep with her ultimate. You can also be the one to start team fights by either flashing into the enemy and landing your first ability to as many enemies as possible and then using your ultimate to put them all to sleep, giving your allies a chance to catch up to you, keep in mind this is a very risky play but you can buy the Stasis enchantment on your boots so that you can become invulnerable after you cast you ultimate, this will buy you enough time for your enemies to fall asleep.
You can take many build paths on Lilia, you can go a full AP build allowing you to deal a lot of damage in exchange for being squishy, this isn’t too bad since you can gain a lot of movement speed making you hard to catch and hit with abilities. You can also go for a more tanky build, just build one or two AP items, “Riftmaker” and “Liandry’s Torment” would be your go to since both items will let you deal more damage while still giving you a bit more HP. Like I said before the Stasis enchantment on the boots will be really good since you can go in and land your combo without being put into a risky spot, but if you’re going for a build that is more on the tanky side you can take the Protobelt enchantment so that you can have more opportunities to engage on the enemy while your Flash is on cooldown.
What makes Lilia a strong carry:
- Deals a lot of damage all throughout the game, she rarely falls off since she deals damage based on max HP.
- She has a big impact in team fights, her AoE abilities and the sleeping debuff that has the potential of affecting the whole enemy team can win team fights.
- Her ultimate can turn team fights around.
- Hard to hit with skill shots because of her high movement speed, this also makes it hard to run away from her.
See Lilia in action:
Akali is an AP assassin that can be played in mid or Baron lane. She can deal a lot of burst damage while being relatively hard to kill. Her kit lets her close the gap between her and the enemy team’s damage dealers. Her passive empowers her basic attack range whenever she hits an ability and steps away at a certain distance. Her first ability, “Five Point Strike,” damages the enemy and slows them when they are hit at maximum distance. Her second ability, “Twilight Shroud,” grants her stealth while she is inside; this is also her main way of recovering energy. Her third ability, “Shuriken Up,” is her dash and gap-closing ability. Akali will throw a shuriken forward and dash backward if she hits an enemy, and she can recast the ability to dash towards the enemy that was hit. Her ultimate ability, “Perfect Execution,” will make Akali dash towards a target, dealing damage. This ability can then be cast again to deal a burst of damage based on an enemy’s missing HP.
Akali can be played really aggressively when you get your first three basic abilities, if you land the end of your first ability you can slow the enemy down just enough for you to get in range for your passive, once you hit that immediately use your third ability to dash backwards this can activate your passive again and if you recast your third ability you can immediately get in range for another empowered basic attack and you can still use your second ability to avoid getting hit and restore energy. Once you have your ultimate ability you can play a lot more aggressively and even commit to tower dives if you're confident enough.
First item is definitely “Infinity Orb”, this item synergizes well with your ultimate ability, this will boost your execution damage. Another good item is “Riftmaker” which also improves your overall damage while also giving you more sustain. Your third item should be “Rabadon’s Deathcap” but you should build this after you get your boots enchantment which should be the Stasis enchant. You can build more defensive items for your fourth and fifth but you can also go for more AP.
What makes Akali a strong carry:
- Akali is an assassin that can kill squishy enemies really quickly while being safe with her mobility.
- She can stay safe inside her shroud giving her a lot of outplay potential.
- Stays strong all throughout the game, once she snowballs and plays more aggressive she will easily walk all over the enemy team.
See Akali in action:
Wukong is a Baron lane champion that can carry his team with his exceptional teamfight potential, he is also very tricky to go up against and most of the time enemies will end up wasting their damaging abilities on his clone. Wukong is a champion that can snowball hard once he gets a kill, once he gets his core item and his ultimate ability he can punish his enemy in lane without much risk. His passive increases the damage he deals to his enemies each time he hits them with a basic attack or an ability. His first ability “Golden Staff” empowers his basic attack in two ways, first is a passive ability, it will increase his basic attack range whenever he uses an ability and the second part is an active ability that will make his next basic attack. His second ability “Warrior Trickster” will make him go invisible while leaving a clone behind, this clone will also mimic his first and third ability. HIs third ability “Nimbus Strike” , this skill will make Wukong dash to a target while also giving him a boost in attack speed. Finally his ultimate ability “Cyclone”, this ability will make Wukong and his clone spin with their staffs, enemies that are hit will take damage and be knocked up, this ability is really good in team fights making Wukong able to engage for his team.
Wukong has a decent early game, being able to poke with his third and first ability while being able to get out with his second ability, this makes it hard for enemies to trade with him since they may end up wasting their abilities on his clone. You’d want to keep pushing the lane early on and get your ultimate skill as fast as you can, once you have your ultimate you can help your team get objectives and win teamfights. You can also play for towers, Wukogn is good at pushing lanes because of his empowered basic attacks and his boost in attack speed.
Your core item as Wukong is definitely “Trinity Force” this works well with your first ability. Going for a “Black Cleaver” to “Sterak’s Gage” will let you deal damage while staying relatively tanky. You can build more tanky items as well if you’re having a hard time staying alive.
What makes Wukong a strong carry:
- Wukong is effective all throughout the game, he can deal a lot of damage and engage for his team.
- Wukong can easily take towers so you can split push with him.
- He is hard to kill and enemies will most of the time waste their abilities on his clone.
See Wukong in action:
Urgot is an AD champion that can be played in the Solo lane or Jungle. As a newly added champion he is slowly dominating Wild Rift. He is a bruiser that can deal a lot of damage at all stages of the game while having a high survivability rate because of the slows he can apply to enemies. This champion only grows as the game progresses, the more items he has the harder it is to deal with him.
Urgot can 1 v 1 a lot of champions making him really strong in the solo lane, once he gets his ultimate he becomes even harder to fight as he can execute enemies. His passive deals AoE damage and deals damage based on an enemies max HP, this is very strong as enemies that build HP items will take more damage. Urgot's ultimate will slow enemies based on their missing health allowing him to easily chase low health enemies that are hit with his ultimate, when a champion gets executed enemies around Urgot will be feared allowing to freely deal damage or run away.
As Urgot is just recently added he doesn’t have many champions that can counter him, this makes him almost always banned in matchmaking but whenever he isn’t he is a must pick either for ensuring a win or to make sure the enemy can’t pick him. His stats even work well with the new tank items as it gives him more survivability and his third ability scales with HP as well.
Early on you’d want to play safe and farm, as a ranged champion Urgot can easily bully melee champions especially with the slow he can apply. Your third ability is a dash that can flip an enemy behind you, you can use this aggressively to initiate fights or to quickly get away from a risky situation, remember when you're trying to play aggressive with this try to hit all of you passive on one side before using it so that you can maximize the damage. Your ultimate will fear enemies that are near you whenever you execute your target, a good way to use this is when the target is getting dragged to you, you can flash into his team to fear them, this is a good way to crowd control multiple enemies.
What makes Urgot a strong Carry:
- Urgot is a champion that can easily win 1 v 1s and even disengage whenever it’s too dangerous for him.
- Urgot doesn’t have any hard counter making him hard to deal with once he snowballs in lane.
- Urgot doesn’t fall off in the late game, he continues to do a lot of damage and tank a lot of hits.
See Urgot in action:
Olaf is an AD champion that can be played in the Jungle or Baron lane, he is a champion that hits hard even against tanky champions, he also can sustain really well with his abilities, having a passive that increases attack speed allowing him to sustain more with his physical vamp. His passive “Berserker Rage” makes it so that he gains more attack speed the lower his HP is, this works well with his second ability. His first ability “Undertow” makes Olaf throw his axe forward, reducing the movement speed and armor of enemy champions. The cooldown of this ability will also be reduced if Olaf picks up the axe. His second ability “Vicious Strikes” gives him a boost in his attack speed, physical vamp, and incoming heals. His third ability “Reckless Swing” deals true damage and if the enemy doesn’t die he’ll also take true damage, you can use this to execute minions, monsters or even champions. The cooldown of the skill is reduced by basic attacks, but don’t spam it since it also deals damage to Olaf. His ultimate skill “Ragnarok” passively gives him armor and magic resistance, if you activate this ability Olaf will become immune to all forms of crowd control, this lets you just run down to the enemy damage dealers without getting stopped.
Early on, you’d want to farm until you get your three basic abilities, but even with just two, you can already play aggressively. Just make sure to take your second ability since this will help you win one versus one because of the attack speed and spell vamp advantage. Your true damage ignores armor but not shields; make sure not to waste it on full-health enemies since you damage when you can’t kill them with the ability. In team fights, it’s better to engage with your team; if you engage with five enemies, you’ll die fast even if you ignore crowd control.
FIrst item you’d build would be “Divine Sunderer” this will let your next basic attack after every ability deal more damage and heal you for a bit. Next items you would build should improve your damage while also increasing your sustain or tankiness, building “Black Cleaver” gives you HP and AD while also helping reduce the enemy’s armor, adding the armor reduction from your first ability makes enemies take more damage from your basic attacks. You can also build “Death’s Dance” to slow down the damage you take, giving you more room to sustain yourself with your basic attacks with the help of the physical vamp and attack speed from your second ability. Your ultimate will let you ignore any type of crowd control so if your enemies rely on crowd controls to stay alive like Veigar or Jinx, you can just run straight to them.
What makes Olaf a strong carry:
- In teamfights Olaf can just run straight to the enemies in the backline.
- Olaf can kill most enemies in one versus one’s, he can outsustain and out damage most champions.
- He can get an early lead since he’s one of the strongest champions in the early game.
See Olaf in action:
Yone is an AD champion that can be played in the Baron and Mid lane, you can also play him in the Jungle since his third ability is a good way to gank enemies. Yone has one of the best ways to engage the enemy while having little to no risk, he can knock up more than one enemy twice, and most of his abilities are AoE allowing him to deal a lot of damage to multiple champions. Yone’s passive “Way of The Hunter” makes it so that he deals half of it as magic damage. The passive also doubles his critical strike chance making him deal a lot of critical damage early on even with just one item, take note he deals 20% less damage on his critical damage compared to other champions. HIs first ability “Mortal Steel” makes Yone thrust his sword forward, this ability applies on-hit effects and can critically strike, every time Yone hits an enemy this will get a stack, at two stacks the next “Mortal Steel” will make him dash forward and knock enemies up.Attack speed will reduce the cooldown and cast time of this ability. His second ability will make him cleave in a cone in front of him, this will deal damage based on an enemy’s max HP and give Yone a shield. The cooldown and cast time of this ability also gets reduced by attack speed. His third ability “Soul Unbound'' makes Yone dash forward in his spirit form leaving his body behind, in this form all damage that he deals to enemy champions mark them, after the duration of his third ability ends or whenever he recasts the ability, his spirit form will then return to his body and all enemies that are marked will receive true damage base on the damage Yone deals to them. His ultimate ability “Fate Sealed” will make Yone charge for a few seconds and then strike all enemies that are in front of him, enemy champions that are caught will be knocked up and Yone will teleport behind the last enemy champion hit.
Yone can struggle in lane in the early levels, once you get you three basic abilities you can then play aggressively, you can fully stack your first ability and then use your third ability to get close to the enemy, knock them up using the first ability cleave to deal damage and gain a shield and then either keep attacking the enemy or return to your body by recasting your third ability to deal true damage to the enemy. This makes it hard for the enemy to trade with you since they’ll be airborne giving you enough time to deal damage and then cleaving them to gain a shield making it impossible for you to lose a trade. Late game when the enemy team is grouping up you would want to drag them into tight areas in the jungle making your ultimate skill more likely to hit more than one enemy, you can also stack your first ability so that you can chain your knock up from your ultimate with your knock up from your first ability.
Don’t use your third ability to run from enemies since you’ll always go back to your body, you should also keep in mind where you want to leave it since enemies can see your real body giving them a chance to ambush you when you return.
You’d want to build items that give critical strike chance, this will help you deal a lot of damage early on, your first item can be “Solari Chargeblade” this gives you good stats like attack speed, critical strike chance and ability haste, your abilities will have a shorter cooldown and your basic attacks will also have an additional on-hit effect that adds additional magic damage to your basic attacks after every ability. You can then build “infinity Edge” to increase the damage of your critical strikes, this also gives a good amount AD and with this as your second item you will have a 100% critical strike chance. You can also build “Blade of the Ruined King” if you're up against high HP enemies when playing in the Baron lane. Then you can build items that counter enemies like “Mortal Reminder” for enemies that have a lot of healing or “Death’s Dance” to survive more in fights.
What makes Yone a strong carry:
- Yone deals a lot of damage to multiple enemies, not to mention he can easily get to the enemy team’s backline.
- He can also go to teamfights without much risk because of his third ability.
- Yone stays strong and has many uses to help his team to win teamfights, whether it’s dealing damage or setting up for his team.
See Yone in action:
Vex is an AP control mage played in the mid lane, she can fear multiple enemies thanks to her passive and her abilities being mostly AoE. She can turn into an assassin once she gets her ultimate ability allowing her to surge forward to the enemy champion, allowing her to get close and burst them quickly. Her passive “Doom N’ Gloom” lets her basic ability interrupt dashed and fear enemies, enemies that use a dash or blink will also be marked allowing Vex to deal bonus magic damage with her attacks. Her first ability “Mystral Bolt” is a damaging ability that Vex sends to the targeted direction. Her second ability “Personal Space” will let her gain a shield and emit a shock wave around her that deals damage. Her third ability “Looming Darkness” makes her send out Shadow to an area to deal damage, when this ability causes fear enemies will move away from the center instead of away from Vex. Her ultimate ability “Shadow Surge” sends shadow forward and will stop at the max range or if an enemy champion is hit, enemy champions that are hit will be marked, Vex can then recast the ability to surge towards the marked champion.
Vex can fear multiple enemies and has different ways to do this thanks to her passive. The best way to cause fear is to use your third ability to fear them, if you can land it correctly you can make the enemy move towards you allowing you to deal damage by utilizing the Gloom mark from the passive and your first ability, since it is hard to land against players that are wary of it. You don't have to use your second ability to deal damage unless you're sure you can kill the enemy, this skill has a long cooldown early so you’d want to use it to stay alive. Whenever an enemy uses a dash or blink they will be marked by your passive, this will let you deal bonus damage if you can hit them with your basic attack, first or second ability. You can easily chase down enemies with your ultimate, just make sure you can land it, this ability also resets when you get a kill so make sure to keep using it.
Your first build should be “Luden’s Echo” this item gives a lot of good stats like mana, AP and ability haste, this item also improves your ability to burst enemies since you will deal additional magic damage with the passive effect of the item. You can then build “Rabadon’s Deathcap” as your second item to give you more AP allowing you to deal more damage. “Horizon Focus” is also a good item for Vex since you will deal bonus magic damage to enemies when you hit them with your ultimate and fear them. After this you can build more AP or build “Void Staff” if the enemies build more magic resist to counter you.
What makes Vex a strong carry:
- Vex can AoE fear enemies making her hard to deal with in teamfights since she can fear the front lines of the enemy.
- She can easily get into the backline of the enemy and crowd control them with an AoE fear, this is an excellent way to engage for your team, having the stasis enchantment on the boots will make this more effective.
- She can easily burst the enemy’s ADC or mage.
- She remains effective all throughout the game and this goes for solo play by playing mid or grouping up for teamfights.
See Vex in action:
Vayne is an AD marksman carry, she will go in and out of invisibility to deal a lot of true damage to the enemies. She can solo a lot of other marksmen in the game, and even kill tanks quickly. Once Vayne starts to snowball she will be almost unstoppable. Her passive “Night Hunter” gives her movement speed when moving towards an enemy champion. Her first ability “Tumble” will make her dash a short distance towards any direction, her next basic attack will also deal additional physical damage. Her second ability “Silver Bolts” has a passive effect that makes it so that every third basic attack or ability on the same target deals bonus true damage based on an enemy’s max HP. This ability also has an active effect that will give Vayne more attack speed for her next three basic attacks while also healing her for the damage of “Silver Bolts”. Her third ability “Condemn” will knock an enemy back, dealing damage and if they collide with a wall or terrain they will also be stunned for a few seconds. Her ultimate ability “Final Hour” will buff her passive and first ability while giving her more AD.
Vayne can be played aggressively when you get your first three basic abilities. You can out sustain an enemy early with her second ability, you will also have more attack speed than them. Your first ability is useful for dodging enemy abilities, while also being a good way to poke them. You can use your ultimate and first ability to position yourself in a good spot to get free hits on the enemy, enemies will have a hard time focusing you when you keep going in and out of invisibility. Your first ability cannot go through walls so keep that in mind. The true damage of Vayne is so you don’t need to build a lot of penetration, this will give you more room for more effective items.
Vayne isn’t a champion that relies on dealing critical damage, you want more attack speed and on hit effects while giving you a bit of sustain. Your first item should be “Blade of the Ruined King”, this will let you deal more damage to champions that build more HP items while also giving you attack speed and physical vamp. You can build “Wit’s End” as your second item, this will give you more attack speed, magic resist and sustain, this is good against enchanter type supports that deal magic damage. You can still build crit items like “Phantom Dancer” and “Bloodthirster” to get more survivability while also dealing more damage. Your last item should be “Guardian Angel” for more survivability.
What makes Vayne a strong carry:
- Vayne can maneuver in fights really well, making it hard to focus her on teamfights.
- She can deal a lot of damage even to tanks making one of the best carries.
- She remains strong all throughout the game.
See Vayne in action:
Aatrox is an AD fighter in the Baron lane, he can deal massive amounts of damage, can knock up enemies three times with just one ability and heal with his passive and physical vamp. Aatrox is one of the most difficult champions to play against right now, being effective in team fights with his AoE damage and knock ups, being able to heal himself even against multiple champions and his ultimate ability gives him more sustain making anti heal items less effective against him. His passive “Deathbringer Stance” makes his next basic attack deal damage based on an enemy’s max HP and heals him for that amount as well. His first ability “The Darkin Blade” can be caster three times, this ability has a sweet spot that will knock enemies up if they get hit within that area. His second ability “Infernal Chains” will make him send a chain and if an enemy champion is hit an area will be formed around them, if the champion cannot exit it in time they will be pulled in towards the center. His third ability “Umbral Dash” will make him dash forward; this can be used while casting other abilities so you can use this to hit enemies with the sweet spot of your first ability. This ability also passively gives him physical vamp against enemy champions. His ultimate ability “World Ender” will make him go into his demonic form, increasing his damage and the healing he can receive. Killing enemies will also extend the duration of his form.
Aatrox can be played aggressively in the early stages of the game, he wins almost every match up in the Baron lane with the exception of ranged champions. You can deal a lot of damage to enemies by landing the sweet spot of your first ability, you can use your third ability to position yourself to hit the enemy at the sweet spot. You can take a lot of fights early since you can always out sustain them with your passive and third ability. Your ultimate increases your AD a lot so try to use it before engaging enemies so that you can deal your maximum damage. Your third ability will reset basic attacks so you can use it after a basic attack to do another basic attack quickly.
First item you should build is the “Black Cleaver” . This item gives ability haste which works well with Aatrox, this also reduces the armor of enemies allowing you to deal more damage. After that you can build “Death’s Dance” which works well with your ultimate since the healing you’ll receive after a take down will also increase. Then your third item should be “Sterak’s Gage” which will improve your damage and increase your survivability. Building either “Serylda’s Grudge” or “Spirit Visage” will work well for you, one gives you HP while also improving your sustain and the other helps you deal more damage by giving you more armor penetration.
What makes Aatrox a strong Carry:
- Aatrox can deal a lot of damage early on and when he gets a lead he can become unstoppable.
- He can beat a lot of enemies in one versus one with his damage and sustain.
- His ultimate will extend every take down he gets, this makes him hard to kill in team fights when he gets a kill.
See Aatrox in action:
And that’s the top 15 strongest carries in the game, keep in mind although these champions are strong it will still depend on the player to bring out their strengths. One more thing, these might change in the future with buffs and nerfs but most of these champions stay strong with just how their kits work in the game so it will just make you change how you play them.