10. Dismounted Gothic Knights
With their distinct looks, plate armor, and two-handed blades, Dismounted Gothic Knights make up the Holy Roman Empire’s elite troops. However, I’m only putting them on the list because of what they could’ve been.
Due to the nature of Medieval 2’s engine, Dismounted Gothic Knights and other two-handed units aren’t very viable in combat. When used correctly, they can still pack a punch, but M2’s engine prevents units like these from reaching their full potential.
- High charge bonus
- Armed with two-handed greatswords
Link to Wiki: https://totalwar.fandom.com/wiki/Dismounted_Gothic_Knights
9. Scots Guard
Being skilled archers and decent, well-armored infantry, the Scots Guard are great all-rounders to bring onto the field. Their longbows make them a formidable foe against enemy skirmishers, and their skills and heavy armor make them great infantry to use in a pinch.
Their only real weakness is being charged by cavalry. Though, you can easily make up for this by making sure they’re guarded by spearmen or other cavalry.
- Armed with armor-piercing longbows
- Proficient in melee combat
Link to Wiki: https://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Scots_Guard_(M2TW_unit).html
8. Dismounted Imperial Knights
Another one of the HRE’s knightly units, Dismounted Imperial Knights are armed with maces and shields, giving them an edge against other armored units. Beyond that, however, there’s nothing else to say about them. They more or less fill the role that any other heavy infantry would, and many players have said that DIKs do it slightly worse than the other heavy infantry on this list.
- Armor-piercing weapons
Link to Wiki: https://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Dismounted_Imperial_Knights_(M2TW-K-TC_unit)
7. Dismounted Chivalric Knights
DCKs, as well as their variations throughout different factions, function similarly to Feudal Knights, but they have better armor and morale, with the cost of being more expensive to recruit and maintain. Many players have opted to go for Feudal Knights instead, seeing that they’re more cost-effective, but if you’re confident that your empire can afford these knights, then you’ll find that the upgraded morale and armor they have will go a long way when ordering them to hold the line.
- High morale, attack and armor values
Link to Wiki: https://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Dismounted_Chivalric_Knights_(M2TW_unit).html
6. Dismounted Feudal Knights
Dismounted Feudal Knights are considered the standard for heavy infantry in the game — your worth as a unit is decided by how well you can perform against them. It’s for a good reason too, they’re cheap to recruit and maintain while being solid units on the field, and you can upgrade their weapons and armor to make them more formidable.
Among the European factions, these knights are the bread and butter of any army.
- All-round solid heavy infantry
- Common and cost-effective on campaign and in multiplayer
Link to Wiki: https://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Dismounted_Feudal_Knights_(M2TW_unit).html
5. Venetian Heavy Infantry
One of Venice’s professional troops, these troops are among the best heavy infantry in the game. Armed with armor-piercing poleaxes, they boast a decent charge bonus and edge over armored units, while being heavily armored themselves. They’re one of Venice’s most powerful assets, and they should not be taken lightly when seen on the battlefield.
- Armor-piercing weapons
- Large shields
Link to Wiki: https://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Venetian_Heavy_Infantry_(M2TW_unit)
4. Dismounted Christian Guard
Being one of the most formidable cavalry/heavy infantry units in the game, Christian Guards are, ironically, the Moors’ response to the west’s roster of heavy cavalry. Boasting high armor, superb skills and heavy armor, they are more than a match for even the most seasoned of knights!
- High armor and attack values
- One of the Moors’ solid counters to western knights.
Link to Wiki: https://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Dismounted_Christian_Guard_(M2TW_unit).html
3. Varangian Guard
The Varangian Guard is the Byzantine Empire’s most fearsome asset. Despite being armed with a two-handed axe, their high attack stat, armor-piercing capabilities, and heavy armor means that they can cut through any other infantry in the game, buggy engine or not.
Being surprisingly cheap to maintain as well, they are the key to solidifying the Byzantine Empire’s precarious military position.
- High charge bonus
- Armor-piercing weapons
Link to Wiki: https://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Varangian_Guard_(M2TW_unit).html
2. Hashashim
Despite their small unit size, the Hashashim boast one of the highest stats that a melee unit can enjoy. The Hashashim are an expert unit of assassins, available to three factions in the game. They’re capable of hiding themselves in almost any terrain, and can spring from their hidden positions to catch unaware enemies by surprise.
However, don’t get the wrong idea. Being stealthy isn’t the only use for the Hashashim. They’re very strong in head-to-head combat, and can cut through most enemy infantry with ease.
- Expert ambushers — can be hidden in almost any terrain
- Extremely skilled warriors, reflected in their stats
Link to Wiki: https://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Hashashim_(M2TW_unit).html
1. Dismounted Conquistadores
Available to only Portugal and Spain, Dismounted Conquistadores are a unit of soldiers trained for the colonization of the Americas. Properly equipped and trained, they make for a fearsome unit on the battlefield. They boast a near-perfect balance of mobility and armor, and they’re extensively trained and tested in the use of their weapons.
They can only be recruited in the Americas, but you’ll find that taking on the endeavor will be worth it.
- Considered the best heavy infantry in the game
- High stamina, stats and morale
Link to Wiki: https://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Dismounted_Conquistadores_(M2TW_unit).html