The MGSV modding community is quite small in comparison to the behemoths of GTA 5, Minecraft, and of course Skyrim ; despite this, there are some excellent mods that you can use to enhance your current experience, or bring you back to try it out again. The most popular type of mod for MGSV are the character reskins, from unique original designs to simple model changes; but graphical, script-based, and content mods are popular as well. I won’t guarantee that there is every type of mod you can think of, and if this game wasn’t for you to begin with, these mods probably won’t convince you; however, if you only had issues with parts of the mechanics, there are several that will improve your experience.
15. The Man Who Sold the World
“Let the legend come back to life”; return to the fifth metal gear as the true big boss.
If you would rather just forget about Venom for your next V playthrough, and step into the shoes of the legend himself, which the song itself refers to, then this mod might be for you. It’s just a simple retexture of Snake’s face and arms to make it look like Big Boss instead of Venom.
There are several choices with the arms and the face. The voice and animations don’t change (even the ones where he’s struggling with his arm); it just gets rid of his scars, ponytail, and missing limbs to remind you of the third game’s Snake. But he still doesn’t talk.
What we like about tmwstw:
- Options: can have naked arms or undersuit arms, a mullet or V’s ponytail
- Big boss: allows you play as Naked Snake instead
- Timelines: makes you imagine, what if Boss never had a phantom
- Simple: a very simple mod; it would be a miracle if it caused you problems
Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/59?tab=description
14. Multi Quiet Player Mod
Instead of using her as just an ally, play as Quiet with both voice and animations.
Another remodel mod, but extremely more complex; MQPM changes your model into Quiet as well as the animation and voice, all intertwined smoothly. There are several different costumes you can use, like the XOF vest from the prologue and outfits from MGS3. You can override the male or female soldiers and set her as one of their uniforms, so you can have this mod installed and still have Snake available.
Her hair can change in a few ways, like a blonde hairstyle or with her hair loose out of a ponytail. However, it does have a complex setup, with multiple separate mods and extra steps when compared to the other mods. They made something that completely morphed Quiet into a playable character, going beyond a simple reskin.
What we like about Multi Quiet:
- Customization: you can choose how you want Quiet to look
- Overrides: choose who you want Quiet to override, so you can keep Snake
- Animations and VA: there are several mods to make the reskin feel natural
Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/228?tab=description
13. No Development Requirements
A simple mod that gives you free guns, tools, and boxes.
You just need to read the title to know what this mod does. If you’re tired of grinding for the weapons and tools you can use this mod to unlock them all. This mod also removes deployment costs and lets you purchase Mother Base’s platforms for free. There are two options forthis mod: online itmes not included, or online items included.
This mod must be installed after Chapter 2, or the mod will not work correctly. Also, after installation, you will have all the items even after uninstalling the mod, so make sure to have a backup if you’re just trying the mod out.
What we like about No Development Cost:
- Its Free: you can get all the items and platforms for free, and just play around
- Two options: you have the ability to choose to unlock online items or not
- Removes grind: removes management stuff if you don’t want it
Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/316?tab=description
12. No Deployment Costs
Although it may seem redundant, having the option to only reduce deployment costs might be better.
This mod only removes deployment costs and not anything else of the previous mod. The reason this is placed at a spot higher than No Development, is because it can keep the development part of the game for the players who still want it.
Slowly building up Mother Base and your arsenal can give you a lot of satisfaction; so this mod gives you the choice of keeping those elements, but removing deployment penalties, if you’re one to quickly teleport to the helicopter all the time. It also doesn’t permanently affect the game after uninstalling.
What we like about No Development:
- Keeps development: the option of reducing costs without unlocking everything
- Uninstalls smoothly: uninstalls and doesn’t affect the game like the last mod
- Saves cost: this gives you the option of removing early game costs
Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/597
11. Infinity Suppressor/Ammo
Shoot silently forever.
Another mod that is self-explanatory; if you want a suppressor to last forever, or ammo that lasts forever, you can use these mods. The suppressor duration is well implemented in this game, but some players would rather just not deal with it. And some people would rather just be able to keep shooting, instead of waiting for a supply drop.
These mods are just useful tools, as both infinite ammo (infinite bandana) and suppressors are in the game, but they take a while to unlock and develop; also, most guns have suppressors, but not infinite suppressors. So, you can choose one or both of these mods if you want to or not.
What we like about Infinite ammo/suppressor:
- Gives infinite early: you can get endless silent firepower earlier in the game
- Mods are separate: you can use one or both without issue
- More infinite guns: gives infinite suppressors to guns that don’t get them
- No bandana: use if you want infinite ammo without a infinite bandana
Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/559/?tab=files
10. MGSV Outfits Unlock
Unlock all the outfits without deleting costs, but remove specialists.
This mod had weirdly specific rules: you get all outfits that are locked behind achievements or S-rank missions, and you don’t need crew specialists to develop them, but it doesn’t remove the cost.
If you want to get the outfits for free, the earlier y mod “No Development Costs” will do this, but also has the uninstall problem.This mod is similar to No Deployment Costs, it changes a specific thing without breaking the game.
What we like about Outfits Unlocked:
- Outfits: gives you cosmetic and game-changing outfits of the game
- No specialists: doesn’t require you to find specialists to develop the outfits
- No S rank: you don’t need to replay missions over to try and get an S rank
Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/454
9. No More Timers
Removes the mobile gaming-like wait times for this AAA, stealth-action game.
This is one of the better mechanically changing mods because it changes something that everyone can agree is annoying. It doesn’t change the gameplay, but a flawed idea that tried to add ‘realism’ for the militia creation aspect. . However, the timers don’t really immerse you in that way, often getting in the way of experiencing weapons and tools that you’ve already worked up towards for hours.
You still need to spend money and materials, again keeping that part of the management in the game, but you don’t need to keep the game up in the background to get that beautiful weapon you already paid for. It also erases the timer from platform building and deployments.
What we like about No More Timers:
- Management: keeps the good elements of development in the game
- No timers: remove the flawed timers for weapons and platforms
- Ignores the ‘Realism’: removes a fake idea of realism that hinders the game
Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/300?tab=description
8. Anyone’s Improvement
A mod of general tweaks and changes that give a faster pace to the game.
Again, being a management mod, Anyone’s Improvements finally hits all the right notes that the others just didn’t quite get. It’s a collection of changes that create a faster paced game in almost every aspect. If you’ve played the game before and want to speed through the developments, or if you are a new player and feel like it takes too long to gather materials, this mod will solve your problems.
There are two versions to choose from; Basic and Deluxe. One is not better than the other, they are just there for you to choose if you want to change less or more. The Basic focuses on multiplying resources like plants and metals and increasing stats of soldiers. The Deluxe has everything of the Basic, plus shortening timers (which you wouldn’t need if you removed timers completely) and improving Combat Deployment Missions and their variation. There are many other things the mod does, but it would be impossible to list them all in such a short paragraph.
What we like about Anyone’s Improvement:
- Speedy: speeds up the management of the game, without breaking it
- Two versions: both versions are viable; more changes or less?
- A wide picture: looks at the entire management process, instead of one element
- Works well: for all its changes, the mod is easy to install and works perfectly
Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/277?tab=description
7. Kingdom of the Plants
Adds layers of foliage to the two open worlds, creating a more impressive wilderness.
Kingdom of the Plants retextures almost every plant and tree in the game, not only improving the graphics but also how luscious it feels as well. The game is completely filled with plants, and some of the vanilla ones don’t look entirely great.
But this mod adds consistency to the quality of the plants, and there’s also a light version for those with lower-end PCs. It’s a very good-looking mod that works well with some of the other mods coming up on this list. There is a downside: a well-known crash, near the landing zone, south of the airport in Central Africa. This mod is also one of the largest.
What we like about Kingdom of the Pants:
- Glorious foliage: improves the foliage, a large part of the game’s graphics
- Light version: has a version for lower-end pc’s
- Compatible: there are other graphics mods that work well with it
Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/1110?tab=description
6. Yet Another Weather Mod
A simple mod that changes the details of the weather to make more engaging storms.
This mod changes the rarity and length of storms in each location; it’s a simple change in the game’s script. The length of storms has almost doubled, and there’s a change of different kinds of weather in each location.
Afghanistan will get a rare chance of rain, and Africa will get a rare change of fog, etc. The different types of weather will happen in both locations (except sandstorms), throughout normal gameplay. There’s not much else to say; it changes the weather.
What we like about YAWM:
- Adds weather: a chance of getting weather in places they wouldn't normally get
- Length: given more time to play around in weather because of extended times
- Performance: there are no graphical changes, it doesn’t effect the frames
Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/328?tab=description
5. I Can’t Believe It’s Not ReShade + Beyond Ultra
Upgrade the graphics with two mods that go together like fish and ham. (top: vanilla, bottom: modded)
I Can’t Believe It’s Not ReShade is a mod that, like it says in its name, is not a reshader. It’s a simple color scheme that attempts to give the effect of one. The daytime is brighter and the night is darker; the ground is covered in colors that explode more, like the yellow sand of Afghanistan and the deep green of Central Africa. On top of this, having the Beyond Ultra Setting mod installed improves the graphics, with the goal of having the smallest effect possible on the performance.
The most important upgrade is the reduction in pop-ins in the far distance, creating smoother movements of the terrain. There are also three versions of the mod to fit the strength of your computer. These two mods work incredibly well together at fixing the two biggest graphical problems; draw distance pop-in and the slightly washed-out colors.
What we like about ICBINR + BUS:
- Fixes what’s needed: these two mods focus on the biggest graphical problems
- Beyond Ultra options: three different choices to fit your pc
- Performance: both mods keep a mix of performance and graphics in mind
Download ICBINR: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/406/?tab=description
Download BUS: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/1011
4. More Animals (Afghanistan, Africa)
A dozen more sheep stumbling over the rocky terrain adds more life into the world.
With the increase in animals, wandering around the two open worlds feels more interesting and alive. In vanilla, animals seem too random, occasionally poking their heads out in groups of 3 to 4. With More Animals, they aren’t full-blown realistic herds, but large packs which are a nice addition to the wilderness. . The only animals that aren’t increased are the hostile animals; which was taken out from an early version, because of an issue with compatibility with another mod (Infinite Heaven). But having fewer carnivores kind of makes sense, right?
More animals increase an element of the game, that should have been around that level in the first place; having too few animals is strange for a game in the wild , and catching animals only increases the zoo (which gives you a few plants and occasional GMP bonuses), so it doesn’t really give you a huge boost in development. But adds a huge amount to the world as a whole.
What we like about more animals:
- More animals: the frequency and larger groups of animals liven up the world
- Kingdom of Plants: this and the foliage mod work surprisingly well together
- Two mods: you can choose to only install one location or the other if you want
- Quickens zoo: building up the zoo becomes much easier
Download (Afghanistan): https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/356?tab=description
Download (Africa): https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/360
3. Morbid’s Side-Op Expansion Pack (Infinite Heaven add-on)
50 unique side-ops; about 8 hours of new content.
These 50 new side-ops are more difficult than standard ones, adding a nice challenge for those looking for new content; an example is that hostages aren’t marked with interrogations. They also offer a greater variety of ops that differ from vanilla: Prisoner Elimination, Weapon Retrieval, and Vehicle Sabotage, etc.
There is also depth in the missions as well, with prisoners in each mission that the player can save if they choose too. There are also female soldiers in the missions, flavor text for each mission, and specific obstacles for some of the ops. They are not only fun and challenging missions, but they offer quite a nice bit of cash to go with it.
What we like about Morbid’s Side Ops:
- Content: adds a huge amount of content, of unique side missions on top of that
- Challenge: each mission is moderate to intense in difficulty, satisfying to beat
- Variation: missions have unique obstacles, items, or flavor text
Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/464?tab=description
2. Infinite Heaven (and IHHook)
Gain tools to control the game’s file settings during play, with a graphical menu to go with it.
Infinite Heaven lets you do anything you want within the game; a menu of cheat codes. You are probably familiar with these kinds of mods as they are in most moddable games. Above, I used the free cam option; there are also options to skip the helicopter ride, change your health, reduce the maximal level of enemy alerts, etc. There are also addons for the mod, like the last entry in this list.
The mod works well, but it is almost unbearable to use without IHHook, a graphical UI for it. Without it, there’s text that periodically appears on the side of your screen, and awful controls that lead you to often misclick; it’s difficult to traverse. The UI that IHHook adds is clickable and can be used with a controller or keyboard. It is slim and efficient, similar to the the Valve Developer Console.
What we like about IH:
- Cheats: you able to mess around with a huge number of settings and configs
- Addons: there are several add-ons to Infinite Heaven
- Easy to use: with IHHook, the commands are easy to understand and use
- UI design (IHHook): the UI for the menu is clean and effective
Download (Infinite Heaven): https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/45
Download (IHHook): https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/1226
1. SnakeBite Manager
Basically the bread and butter of MGSV modding.
Again, if you’re into mods, you’ve heard of these types of mods before. Think of Vortex or Mod Manager 2 for Skyrim; SnakeBite creates a program that installs and uninstalls mods for you inside the game, with a simple drag of a file and a click of a button. It’s a simple mod manager, without the mod settings and customizations you see in different games’ managers, but it’s the only one for MGSV, and almost every mod builds their structure around it.
Every mod on this list either requires SnakeBite or has a version of it. It also comes with a ‘mod builder’ called makebite, which is used to format and build the files for MGSV mods; though, it won't be much use as someone just using mods, the Quiet mod above requires it for setup.
What we like about it SnakeBite:
- A MGSV mod manager: there isn't another well known one out there
- MakeBite: comes with a program that can format and create .mgsv(mod) files
- It works: shows you if there’s an issue or an outdated mod in relation to the game
Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/106?tab=description