MHW Iceborne Best Sword and Shield Builds [Top 7]
The Sword and Shield offers some of the best mobility and attack speed (second to Dual Blades) of all the weapons in Monster Hunter World. The shield gives decent blocking ability while also available for skull bashing and you can use items and the slinger with it drawn. Using rapid successive attacks is a good source to bank your strategy on when hunting your target. Whelp no more friendly and engaging banter, let's get to the builds.
7. Banbaro Elementless Beginner SnS Build
1st Build
What’s Awesome About Banbaro Elementless Beginner SnS Build:
- Great Set When Starting Iceborne
- Trumps Highest Pre-Iceborne Sets
- Easy Materials to Gather
- Non-Elemental Boost Skill
- Good DPS Potential
- Offensive Guard, Protective Polish, Handicraft Skills Health Boost Attack Boost and Guard Skills
Build Details:
- Chrome Knight Sword III
- Non-Elemental Raises Base Attack for Non-Elemental weapons
- Offensive Guard Temporarily Increases Attack Power After Successful Guard
- Protective Polish Preserves Sharpness After Sharpening
- Guard Reduces Knockbacks and Stamina Depletion when Guarding
- Health Boost Maxes HP
Armor Set:
- Banbaro Helm beta
- Banbaro Mail alpha
- Kaiser Vambraces alpha
- Banbaro Coil beta
- Banbaro Greaves beta
- Handicraft Charm III
6. The Comfy Guiding Land Build
3rd Build
What's Awesome About the Comfy Guiding Land Build:
- Safi’s Drakfang
- Gold Rathian Essence and Teostra Technique
- Divine Blessing Secret
- Wonderful Survivability and Comfort
- 2 Armor Set Bonuses
- Great for Guiding Land Tempered or T3 Investigation Monsters
- Fortify Skill
Build Details:
- Gold Rathian Essence Unlocks Divine Blessing Secret (Maxes Divine Blessing Lvl)
- Divine Blessing Gives a Chance of Reducing the Dmg You Take
- Teostra Technique and Attack Awakened Abilities
- Attack and Health Regen Weapon Augments
- Fortify Increases Attack and Defense After Carting
Armor Set:
- Kaiser Crown beta
- Golden Lunemail beta
- Kaiser Vambraces beta
- Golden Lunecoil beta
- Garuga Greaves beta
- Attack Charm V
5. The Healer Build
4th Build
What’s Awesome About the Healer Build:
- Full Support Build
- Teammates Will Adore You
- 4 Pc Kulve Taroth Armor Set Bonus
- Kulve Taroth Essence and Free Meal Secret
- Wide Range, Free Meal, Quick Sheath, Mushroomancer and Flinch Free Skills are Great for Support
- Even Heal Teammates Poison and Elemental Blights
Build Details:
- Kulve Tarroth Essence Unlock Guts
- Guts Keeps You Alive From Attacks that Would Normally Kill You
- Free Meal Secret Maxes the Free Meal Lv
- Free Meal Skill Gives a Chance of Using an Item for Free
- Ancient Divinity and Attack Weapon Awakened Abilities
- Affinity and Attack Increase and Health Regen Weapon Augmentations
- Mushroomancer Lets You Eat Usually Inedible Mushrooms and Gain Certain Effects
- Wide Range Allows the Effects of Items to Also Affect Nearby Allies
Armor Set:
- Kulve Taroth’s Fury beta
- Kulve Taroth’s Ire beta
- Kulve Taroth’s Rage beta
- Artian Coil beta
- Kulve Taroth’s Wrath alpha
- Friendship Charm
4. Amazing Kjarr Sword and Shield Elemental Meta Build(s)
1st Build
What’s Amazing About Kjarr Sword and Shield Elemental Meta Build(s)
- Can Use for All Elemental Kjarr Weapons
- Velkhana Divinity Armor Set Bonus
- Frostcraft
- Water Attack, Critical Eye and Critical Boost Skills
- Quick Sheathe Skill
Build Details:
- Kjar Slicer Water (Can Use Any Elemental Weapon)
- Affinity, Defense, and Element Up Weapon Augmentation
- Velkhana Divinity unlocks Critical Element (Boosts Elemental Crit Dmg) and Frostcraft
- Frostcraft Builds Attack When Weapon is Sheathed
- Frostcraft Considerably Raises Element Dmg
Armor Set:
- Rimeguard Helm beta
- Rimeguard Mail beta
- Rimeguard Vambraces beta
- Rimeguard Coil beta
- Brachydium Greaves beta
- Flood Charm
3. Best Status, DPS and Utility Builds Sword and Shield Set(s)
1st Build
What’s Awesome about the Best Status, DPS and Utility Builds Sword and Shield Set(s):
- Several Builds for Each Status
- Paralysis
- Teostra’s Technique Armor Set Bonus
- Health Regen and Peak Performance Skill
- Critical Eye, Attack Boost, Handicraft, Agitator, Free Element, Critical Boost, Latent Power and Weakness Exploit for DPS
- Good Purple Sharpness
- Garuga Greaves
Build Details:
- Radobaan Os III
- When Monster is Paralyzed it Can’t Move and is More Vulnerable to Attack
- Peak Performance Boosts Attack When Health is Full
- Affinity. Health Increase and Status Up Weapon Augmentation
- Latent Power Boosts Affinity and Reduces Stamina Depletion After Taking Dmg
- Garuga Greaves has Built-In Critical Eye and Great Gem Slots
Armor Set:
- Kaiser Crown beta
- Rex Roar Mail beta
- Kaiser Vambraces beta
- Kaiser Coil beta
- Garuga Greaves beta
- Awakening Charm III
2. My Raging Brachydios SnS Build Lightbreak Sword
What’s Awesome About My Raging Brachydios SnS Build:
- Lightbreak Sword
- Raw Damage Righteous Dumb DPS
- Good Purple Sharpness Longevity
- Really Good Gem Slots
- Comfy Set
- Agitator Secret and Teostra Technique Armor Set Bonus
- Attack Boost+ Critical Eye+ Agitator+ Master’s Touch+Critical Boost+ Weakness Exploit+ Blast Attack= RDDPS
- Airborne Skill
Build Details:
- Agitator Secret Maxes Agitator Level
- Agitator Skill Boosts Dmg when Monster is Enraged
- Airborne is Great for Mounting and SnS Helmbreaker Move
- Weakness Exploit Skill lBoosts Affinity of Weak Spot Hits
- Can Swap out Affinity/Comfort Skills for Health Boost/Blast Attack etc...
Armor Set:
- Kaiser Crown beta
- Brachydios Mail beta
- Kaiser Vambraces beta
- Kaiser Coil beta
- Brachydium Greaves beta
- Attack Charm V
1. The Infinite Sharpness Build SnS Build Safi’s Shatterfang
- Safi Shatterfang
- Teostra Technique Awakening
- Rajang Will and Teostra Technique Armor Set Bonus
- Infinite Sharpness w/out Softening Monster Parts
- 100% Affinity
- Righteous and Dumb DPS
- Master’s Touch+ Critical Eye+ Attack Boost+ Maximum Might+ Critical Boost+ Peak Performance= RDDPS
- Handicraft and Stamina Surge Skills
Build Details:
- Teostra Technique, Sharpness and Attack Awakening Abilities
- Teostra Technique Unlock’s Master’s Touch (Boosts Sharpness)
- Rajang Will Adds Maximum Might Secret (Maxes Maximum Might Lv)
- Affinity, Health Regen and Stats Up Weapon Augments
- Maximum Might Increases Affinity Depending on How Long Stamina is Full
- Stamina Surge Speeds Up Stamina Recovery (Helps with Maximum Might)
Armor Set:
- Kaiser Crown beta
- Grand God’s Peer Garb beta
- Kaiser Vambraces beta
- Grand God’s Peer Belt beta
- Kulve Taroth’s Wrath beta
- Attack Charm V
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