What are the top seeds for Minecraft survival?
You all know the feeling of loading up a new Minecraft world for the first time only to find yourself stranded on an island with nothing but three flowers and a goat to work with. Next time, instead of leaving the structure of your Minecraft world to fate, why not try loading up one of these seeds? These Minecraft seeds have been tried, tested, and found worthy by thousands of players
So what is a seed in Minecraft? Well, everybody knows that each world in Minecraft is randomly generated. Every time you load up a new world, you have no idea what biomes will appear or what the landscape will look like. However, each world has a unique alphanumeric code called a seed that allows you to replicate its exact structure. In short, every time you use one specific seed when generating a new world in Minecraft, that world will look exactly the same every time.
This, of course, is great for when you want to show your friends the mountain you found that looks like an Among Us crewmate but don’t want to send them your entire world file. They can just put the world’s seed into their own computer and find the mountain themselves.
So, here are my personal top 15 seeds for 2022 to guarantee an epic survival experience. (Survival experience contingent upon the individual skill of the player. Neither Joshua Handyside nor Gamers Decide are liable for the loss of any players’ diamonds. Conditions apply; results may vary.)
15. Ice-land Village (-7927740399004943842)
Vanilla Ice would be right at home here
This seed honestly feels like something out of the Elder Scrolls. You are spawned into a normal plains biome village, but all around is an ice spike biome. As far as the eye can see, there is nothing but ice, snow, and polar bears. Unless you’re planning on making friends with the polar bears and living off of Coke, I would suggest you search the village and prepare yourself for the trek ahead. This seed is not for the faint of heart, but it does serve a satisfying challenge for those willing to take it.
What is awesome about this seed:
- Beautiful biome generation
- Spawn in a village
- Unique challenge for hardcore players
Compatible versions:
- 1.17.1
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
14. gargamel (gargamel)
Up amongst the hallowed ranks of Minecraft legends such as Herobrine and The Temple of Notch is this seed. Veterans of the game will fondly remember being told to put “gargamel” into the seed bar by friends. The strange name is not the only reason so many people remember this map so well, though. Initially, it spawns you inside of a dark cave. When you finally make your way outside, you see a very unique valley with tall and twisted mountains. There are numerous fascinating features to find in this seed.
What is awesome about this seed:
- gargamel
- gargamel
- gargamel
- world terrain is pretty cool
Compatible versions:
- Beta
13. Valley of Isolation (4725084288293652062)
I would establish an industrial empire in this valley
This seed spawns you in a long and wide valley surrounded by sheer mountains. Inside is a huge, almost entirely flat, plains biome just begging to be developed. Whether you want to shut yourself off from the rest of the world, recreate Ice Age 2, or just have plenty of space to build with a good view, this is the seed for you.
What is awesome about this seed:
- All the space you could want to build
- Natural walls all around
- Diverse selections of biomes and structures nearby
- Hides you from the government (assuming your server has one and assuming that the government never checks spawn)
Compatible versions:
- 1.17.1
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
- 1.7
12. Tri-Village Area (-4060839488929676108)
You'll be doing more fetch quests than you can count here
Sometimes you want your Minecraft world to feel like it’s designed for a storyline, just like other games. This seed gives you just that. You spawn on an island with three separate villages, a shipwreck, a small forest, multiple caves, and scattered lava. This would be the perfect place to set up a storyline for your friends or test out an RPG mod. Plus, when you complete the game, you can say you took over the WHOLE TRI-VILLAGE AREA!
What is awesome about this seed:
- Spawn on a large island
- Three, count ‘em, three villages
- Caters to survival needs without ruining RPG immersion
Compatible versions:
- 1.17.1
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
- 1.7
11. Riverland (12550605)
Almost seems a shame to build something here, it's so pretty
This seed is for those of you who prefer to travel by boat. With numerous lakes and twisting rivers winding through dense forests and rolling plains, you’ll have to end of beautiful views as you sail your way around. I recommend cranking up the shaders and turning off GUI for the full experience.
What is awesome about this seed:
- More rivers than the Shire
- No game-breakingly crazy features for relaxed players
- Abundant resources
- Numerous prime building locations
Compatible versions:
- 1.17.1
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
- 1.7
10. Jungle Sierra (-6959380534049454472)
There's probably dinosaurs in there somewhere
You spawn into your new world, ready for adventure. All around you is the lush green and dank atmosphere of the jungle. Lurking in the shadows are various creatures ready to kill you if you dare step too close. But survival is only the first step, as there are numerous secrets to be found in this mysterious bowl.
What is awesome about this seed:
- Mountain range forms a bowl with a jungle inside
- Lush cave beneath the mountain
- Jungle temple nearby
- Perfect for an Indiana Jones-type adventure
Compatible versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18
9. The Abyss (1671308434037806506)
Reminds me of what 11-year old me would do to every world
Maybe you just listened to Diggy Diggy Hole for the 4,000th time. Maybe your dream is to slowly transform into a cave troll. Either way, there is no better place to do it than in The Abyss, where an enormous and intricate hole has been dug out for you right next to spawn. Seriously, no single picture can do this thing justice. Do yourself a favor and live that #CaveLife.
What is awesome about this seed:
- Biggest natural open cave you’ll ever see
- Ready visual access to numerous ores right off of spawn
- Unbelievable amount of free space for a partially suspended base
- You can say “so we back in the mine” every time you walk into your base
Compatible versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18
8. Jellyfish Island (2945671375784082726)
Looks more like a squid if you ask me
Jellyfish island is a place for people who are happy with a limited selection of things to live with. Sure, we may only have five biomes, three types of wood, a few hundred square blocks of space, and no access to villages. What we do have, however, is enough resources to live comfortably and an island that looks like a jellyfish. What more could you ask for, really?
What is awesome about this seed:
- Mushroom biome near spawn
- All the wood you’ll need
- Lovely beach pond to live by
- No pesky villagers disturbing you
- Limited biome challenge for survival pros
Compatible versions:
- 1.17.1
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
- 1.7
7. Pirate Archipelago (4409268827133885173)
If this was in a Bethesda game it would have four full volumes of history
Despite looking like an archipelago at first glance, this is actually one giant island. It be a fair few leagues from spawn, I tell ye, but it be worth the trip for a swashbuckling young sailor like yourself. There even be an outpost on the coast just waitin’ to be keelhauled and converted into a trading post. Bring yer friends and start a hearty crew in this beautiful seed. It works best in 1.18 Pre-4, but will still look awesome in 1.18 or 1.18.1.
What is awesome about this seed:
- Giant diverse island
- Perfect for a number of themed worlds (especially pirate, yarr)
- Ample access to the ocean makes travel easy
- Island includes a stronghold and five of the six tree types
Compatible versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18
6. High Plateaus and Valleys (7055488)
True legends always choose the high ground
I could tell the instant I looked at this seed that it would make a beautiful world. More than, that, however, I think the number of plateaus and valleys would be a fantastic way to make people feel like their bases are separated while still being close together. No more arguments on SMPs about how far away everyone should build. Just plop down next to your friend, but a couple hundred blocks higher.
What is awesome about this seed:
- Positively beautiful landscape
- More building space than you or your friends can know what to do with
- No lack of necessary resources
Compatible versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18
5. Villager’s Bounty (-1450767757144792204)
There are so many more icons than this shows it's rediculous
One thing that relatively few of these seeds address is the abundance of structures. This one more than makes up for that. No fancy spawnpoint, no ridiculous mountain formations, just all the villages, ocean monuments, ruined portals, and buried treasures you could ask for.
What is awesome about this seed:
- A huge variety of structures scattered everywhere
- That’s about it, this seed is kind of a one-trick pony
Compatible versions:
- All
4. Glacial Fortress (4828314963420308588)
THIS is what it's like to chew 5 gum
Where Ice-land Village seemed like a spawn out of Skyrim, Glacial Fortress seems like the awe-inspiring home of a Norse god. Truly showing off the new power of version 1.18, this seed features two grassy craters surrounded by vast snowy mountains. If you want to impress your friends the moment they join your world, this is the seed to pick.
What is awesome about this seed:
- Coolest (pun intended) spawn in history
- Several handy biomes readily available
- 90% of base work is done for you
Compatible versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18
3. High Rock Peninsula (708446)
Perhaps not for the more clumsy among us
High Rock Peninsula is a lovely exotic resort complete with cliffside villages, lovely water features, and colorful badlands next to lush jungles. Go swimming in our tropical waters, brave the vast open caverns, or explore the mysterious jungle temple.
What is awesome about this seed:
- Giant peninsula with breathtaking natural features
- Savanna, jungle, and badlands available
- Cliffside village near spawn
- Insane water features, cliffs, and chasms
- Shipwrecks and tropical waters
Compatible versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18
2. The Behemoth (69420)
It doesn't look too big until you see how small the buildings are
This seed is called The Behemoth for a reason. The nearest village from spawn sits upon a gigantic mountain with a ginormous gash through it. Given that The Behemoth is surrounded by jungle and spewing with lava, one could be forgiven for thinking that this location was custom-made. I could spend the entire lifetime of a survival world just exploring and developing The Behemoth.
What is awesome about this seed:
- HUGE mountain
- Village, crevasse, and lava source readily available
- Several biomes nearby
- Greatest Bond villain base of all time
- Literally the coolest seed code to exist
Compatible versions
- 1.18.1
- 1.18
1. MineContinent (218609999)
A veritable smorgasbord of biomes
In this seed, you spawn onto a 4,000 by 4,000 block continent with almost every single structure and biome in the game. This seed practically hands you everything you could ever want out of Minecraft all within a few minutes’ travel of spawn. This is the seed for all of you who hate searching three hours for a desert when you just need some sand.
What is awesome about this seed:
- Literally everything you could want on one massive island
- No pressure to make a build to live up to an impressive structure
- Almost every biome and structure in the game
Compatible versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18
And that is my top 15 seeds for Minecraft survival. Now that you’ve chosen the seed for your new survival world, you might want to check these articles out to give you the best start you can get: