![[Top 10] Mobile Legends Best Female Heroes That Are Excellent! (Latest Patch) best female heroes in mobile legends, excellent mobile legends female heroes](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2022-07/mobile-legends-female-heroes.jpeg.webp?itok=2KgoSzlD)
Who will run the world? Girls!
Mobile Legends does not only have hot, strong male heroes. It is also composed of badass females equipped with mighty skills and power!
Refer to this guide below and find out which female heroes are currently on top!
10. Lunox
The one that brings peace and balance.
Lunox possesses the power of light and dark. Basically, she maintains balance and order in the Land of Dawn. The thing about Lunox is she can only be powerful if you play her well.
With Lunox, she can be used for various purposes. You can use her as an offlaner or midlaner. Although she may look like just a typical mage hero, she can provide burst damage skills and kill enemies quickly!
The only thing to remember about Lunox is she can be very dependent on her skills. So always make sureyou use your skills wisely and avoid aggressive gameplays while on cooldown.
Why Lunox Is Great:
- Perfect in team fights
- Unpredictable gameplay
- Best in poking enemies
- Gains immunity
See Lunox In action:
9. Lesley

You think you can run away from her?
Lesley is one of the ultimate favorites, especially if you are still new to Mobile Legends. Other than the fact that she is very easy to use, she also deals a great amount of damage and can attack even from a distance.
Always remember to utilize her passive so that you can gain increased range and damage. This results from burst damage, making her a deadly assassin/marksman hybrid. Take note that Lesley has no crowd control skills. So always stick to your tank and never go on a fight alone with no proper items.
Why Lesley Is Great:
- Long-range attacks
- Unstoppable during mid to late game
- Her ultimate can provide vision, even those hiding in the bushes
See Lesley In action:
MANIAC LESLEY PERFECT OUTPLAY [ Top Global Lesley ] ᴋɪɴɢ. - Mobile Legends Gameplay And Build
8. Angela
She may look cute, but she's dangerous!
Angela is one of the greatest supports in the current meta. She is very flexible and can work with any teammates. When you use Angela, your core will immediately gain an advantage against the opponent.
The unique thing about Angela is she can support any ally, even if she is miles away from them. Her skills allow her to possess any teammate and provide additional speed and shield. Just be alert whenever you use her because she can be very vulnerable. Angela is also often the first target of assassins, so always make sure that you keep your distance during team fights.
Why Angela Is Great:
- Can immobilize enemies
- Heals teammates
- Her passive gives her extra mobility
- Decent poking skills
See Angela In action:
93.4% winrate !! Angela Best Build & Gameplay 2021 ~ Build Angela Mobile legends
7. Beatrix

She's been in the meta for so long! She's that strong.
Is the list even complete without mentioning Beatrix? Beatrix is the most sought-after hero in the latest patch. Her skills are still difficult to decode, making her a great pick during ranked games.
With Beatrix, you have the advantage since opponents will have a hard time predicting your next attack. She can also deal damage both from a distance and in close combat, making her a one-of-a-kind female hero.
You also have to maintain good positioning. She can be vulnerable against heroes with great crowd control skills, so always play wisely.
Why Beatrix Is Great:
- Manaless marksman
- Excellent versatility
- Can attack turrets outside their range
- High mobility
See Beatrix In action:
BEATRIX 94% Winrate! Nonstop Ganking [ Top Global Beatrix Best Build ] By Dreamer. - Mobile Legend
6. Esmeralda

She's ready to eat all your shield!
What makes Esmeralda an annoying hero to fight against is her insane shield. This makes her very difficult to kill. Even after using all your skills against her, she'll still be alive!
Her shield is Esmeralda's greatest asset. This is due to her skill, which gives off a shield and additional damage to the enemies.
At first glance, she seems too strong that nobody can counter her anymore. However, keep in mind that even though she's as thick as a 1000-year-old tree, she is very vulnerable to stun abilities. So always be extra careful against heroes like Harley and Cyclops.
Why Esmeralda Is Great:
- High shield percentage
- High mobility
- Low skill cooldown
- Excellent escape mechanism
See Esmeralda In action:
IMMORTAL!! Offlane Esmeralda Best Build and Emblem - Build Top 1 Global Esmeralda ~ MLBB
5. Ruby

Are you ready to face to Lifesteal Goddess?
If you are looking for a female hero with exceptional lifesteal skills, Ruby is the answer for you. She is often underrated for beginners because her skills can be intimidating. However, Ruby is highly recommended if you want to excel in higher tiers.
By using her scythe, Ruby can easily drag opponents to her and pool them! This gives a great advantage to her allies and a higher chance to dominate the game.In the latest patch, Ruby is sometimes used as the tank for the team. This makes her a very reliable hero since she can contributeoffense and defense to the team.
Why Ruby Is Great:
- Excellent initiation skills
- Insane lifesteal ability
- Effective crowd control skills
- All skills have Area of Effect damage
See Ruby In action:
4. Alice

Pave way for the bloodsucker.
Alice was already an effective mage, but the recent changes on her just made her even more powerful! Now, her ultimate skill no longer has a cooldown. As long as you have mana, it will continuously damage enemies!
This is why Alice's revamp was very much anticipated by the users. With that, she can now activate her lifesteal skills non-stop. The only thing to remember about her is she is very squishy. Assassins like Ling and Karina can easily get to her, so always make sure that you get to farm first before initiating fights.
Why Alice Is Great:
- Very powerful in 1 vs 1 fights
- Almost unlimited lifesteal skill
- Can slow and immobilize enemies
- Good harasser
See Alice In action:
22 Kills!! Powerful Offlane Alice The Forgotten Hero!! - Build Top 1 Global Alice ~ MLBB
3. Benedetta

The underrated assassin.
Third on the spot is Benedetta. Only a few canmaster her skills, but she is really great against mage and marksman heroes.
Technically, Benedetta is too much for mage and marksman heroes. She can just easily dive through the back and easily kill those damage dealers. Not only does she provide excellent offense, but she also possesses high-speed movement. Anyone will be having a hard time catching her! So if you'd like a very badass female hero, try her!
Why Benedetta Is Great:
- Can be immuned to enemies' crowd control and damage effects
- Excellent escape mechanism
- High burst damage
See Benedetta In action:
2. Natalia

Always stay alert when she's around.
Natalia is truly that hero that you can rely on no matter who the enemies are. She's just too great that she can counter almost any hero in Mobile Legends!
The best thing about Natalia is her ability to be invisible. This makes her movements surprising to the enemy team, which leads to better ganking and ambush percentage for you. Enemies also find her annoying because she is very difficult to catch.
Natalia is best against soft and slow heroes like Miya and Layla. Just be careful in the latter part of the game because once your enemies begin to buy items against you, you might have a hard time killing them off.
Why Natalia Is Great:
- Perfect in 1 vs 1 fights
- Excellent in ganking and stealing enemy jungle monsters
- High mobility
- Insane burst damage
See Natalia In action:
How To Play Natalia Like A Pro Against Meta Heroes | Natalia Best Build 2022 - MLBB
1. Valentina

Isn't she the most powerful right now?
You might be wondering why a mage hero is today's number 1 pick. Well, never underestimate this female magic dealer because she is one of the most banned heroes in ranked games. Valentina has a very dangerous ultimate skill that no one wants to go against her.
What could her ultimate be, and why are they so afraid of her? Well, she's that hero who can copy the skills of her enemies. Yup, you heard that right. So if you believe that you have the advantage by picking the best hero out there, think again if you play against her. She can easily give you the taste of your own medicine!
Why Valentina Is Great:
- Main burst damage
- Can copy ultimate skills
- Very unpredictable
- Decent crowd control abilities
See Valentina In action:
100% Broken!! New Hero Valentina MANIAC + 18 Kills!! - New Mage Valentina Gameplay by Gosu Hoon - ML
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