[Top 10] Mobile Legends Best Fighters For Beginners

best fighter heroes for beginners, easy fighter heroes for beginners
19 Jan 2023

Fight for your way.

Mobile Legends is composed of various heroes that cater to a certain role. One such role is the fighter role. If you are the fighter in the team, you are expected to fight on the frontline, securing your core hero. Other than their defense and sustainability, fighters also deal with the damage that can provide support for the core hero.

If you are a beginner, you might find this role challenging, especially since most fighters are for close-combat battles. In this article, I will walk you through some of the easiest fighters that you can use as a beginner.


10. Phoveus

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Do not ever think of blinking.

Phoveus is one of the best picks right now for beginners. He is a magic damage-based fighter that can deal area-of-effect damage with his skills. This characteristic is good, especially if you are new to the game and still not that very familiar when it comes to single-targeting a hero. With his area-of-effect damage, you can surely damage multiple enemies at once.

What makes Phoveus Great for Beginners:

  • Hitting an enemy will reward you with an increase in shield and movement speed.
  • He is great at clearing out lanes and killing minions, which is good for pushing.
  • His second skill can be used as crowd control and can be activated from a distance.
  • If an enemy hero blinks near him, he will receive additional damage output.

Phoveus guide: 

How to use the New Hero Phoveus Properly | MLBB


9. Badang

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One of the strongest fighters at the moment, no doubt.

Badang has lately become popular not just for beginners but also for amateur players. Because of some changes that were made to him, he is now one of the top fighters to use in Mobile Legends. 

Badang’s skills are also not difficult to master and can be controlled easily. His first skill allows him to throw a punch at a target which deals damage. The second skill can be used to jump to a small distance toward the enemy while gaining a shield from it. Lastly, his ultimate allows him to trap enemies in one place and deal with continuous punches for a period of time.

What makes Badang Great for Beginners:

  • He is sustainable in the late game.
  • His ultimate makes him immune to any crowd control effects.
  • He can stun, slow, and knock back enemies when he stacks up his skills.

Badang guide: 

Badang Complete Hero Tutorial and Guide | Best Emblem, Build, Combo, Skills, Tips and Tricks | MLBB


8. Terizla

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The meltdown.

Terizla deserves to be included in this list because of his very easy skills. Skill 1 allows Terizla to deal damage to all enemies in his path while he gains additional movement speed. Skill 2 damages all enemies in front of him and slows them at the same time. His ultimate skill covers a lot bigger area and deals more damage as Terizla jumps on a designated location and pulls all enemies that surround him.

Terizla is widely used in the lower ranks, especially since it is a good counter for marksman and mage heroes.

What makes Terizla Great for Beginners:

  • He deals a great amount of area of effect damage. 
  • He can be used as a tank because of his great defensive skills.
  • He is very useful in team fights because of his CC skills.

Terizla guide: 

Terizla Complete Hero Guide. Best Build, Spells, Skill Combo, Tips & Tricks | Mobile Legends


7. Paquito

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One punch is all it takes.

This boxing hero often deals as much damage as an assassin, which is why he is frequently used by gamers. Paquito has 3 relatively easy skills, but in order to master his combos, you really need to practice a lot. Paquito’s passive allows him to gain bars, and when he fills 3 bars, he can cast one of his skills with enhanced damage, ignoring cooldown reduction. 

What makes Paquito Great for Beginners:

  • He gains a shield when hitting an enemy hero, which is a good feature for beginners. 
  • He can dash, which a great for escaping critical situations.
  • His skills are tricky for the enemy because he is quick and agile.

Paquito guide: 



6. Yin

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Just call his name and he will be there.

Yin is pretty new compared to other heroes listed here. However, his skills are very good and perfect for a beginner. This fine hero is a nightmare for 1 vs 1 situations and really deals a lot of damage. Yin is also versatile and can be used as either a jungler or an exp laner.

Yin can increase his movement speed, stun, and single out enemies due to his skills. If you want to stand out in lower ranks, you might as well consider Yin.

What makes Yin Great for Beginners:

  • When there are no allies near him, he deals more damage, which is why he is good for solo lanes.
  • He is quick and has a great defense.
  • When he casts his ultimate, locking the enemy, no one can interrupt them, and no enemies can provide backup to your target.

Yin guide: 

Yin Tutorial & Guide 2022 (English): Skills, Combo, Tips & Tricks | Mobile Legends | ML


5. Aulus 

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Do not underestimate the power of fire.

Aulus is one of the newest heroes in Mobile Legends. This fighter deals high damage just by casting his basic attack. Aulus is really strong, especially when his ultimate reaches level 3. Because of this, Aulus is known for being a late-game bloomer and a monster in the later part of the gameplay. He is great against heroes with bad mobility, like Layla and Carmilla. 

What makes Aulus Great for Beginners:

  • He has good defense, movement speed, and attack. 
  • He attacks with extensive area-of-effect damage skills.
  • He is designed for the late-game phase since the more he levels up, the more he becomes stronger and deals with additional attributes.

Aulus guide: 

AULUS Tutorial & Guide 2022 (English): Skills, Combo, Tips & Tricks | Mobile Legends | ML.


4. Leomord 

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The dark demon.

Leomord has always been part of one of the best fighters in ML. Leomord deals critical damage and can summon his horse to gain more abilities. With his skills, Leomord is best to use against mage and marksman heroes that have low mobility. 

What makes Leomord Great for Beginners:

  • He does not need mana to use his abilities.
  • He can summon his horse to deal more damage to enemies.
  • He can slow enemies down and attack them from behind without a scratch.

Leomord guide: 

Leomord Best Build Guide and Gameplay || Mobile Legends How to use Leomord 2022


3. Balmond

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The OG fighter.

Balmond is one of the least-played heroes out there, but through time, he gained his popularity thanks to the changes in the meta. Regardless, Balmond remains to be one of the easiest-to-use heroes because of his simple mechanisms and not complicated skill guide. Balmond also has early-game damage, which is good for building defensive items early on. Even if he s a fighter, Balmond can also be used as the tank or jungler.

What makes Balmond Great for Beginners:

  • He deals true damage and can easily escape by casting his skills.
  • He lasts long on the battlefield and is very easy to learn.
  • He has great durability because of his tank potential, which is useful in late games.

Balmond guide:

Teach me how to play Balmond | Mobile Legends


2. Argus 

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He never goes out of style.

Argus is a top-ranked hero. He deals a huge amount of damage in close combat due to his skills and basic attacks. Argus is a hero who does not die easily in the game because of his insane regeneration ability. Argus counters high-burst heroes like Aldous.

What makes Argus Great for Beginners:

  • His HP regenerates the more enemies attack him.
  • His ultimate enables him to be immune from opponent attacks for a period of time.
  • He can easily escape critical situations because of his blink skill.

Argus guide:



1. Zilong

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Instant connection whenever you use him.

I mean, Zilong is actually that hero that will be introduced to you the moment you play Mobile Legends. As basic as he may sound, he is also a good fighter to use as you rank up. Zilong’s skills are very easy to understand and have simple mechanisms. Because of Zilong’s abilities, he is reliable both in split push and rotation.

What makes Zilong Great for Beginners:

  • He can easily escape from enemies because of his sprint skills.
  • He has a good amount of lifesteal and gains additional attack speed when his skills are activated.
  • He can easily chase and hunt down enemies, which is good for ambushing.

Zilong guide:

​​Zilong Best Build Guide and Gameplay || Mobile Legends How to use Zilong 2021


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