[Top 10] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings That Give You an Advantage

best graphic settings 2022, mobile legends graphic settings,
01 Nov 2022

Feeling like you’re at a disadvantage against techy gamers? Then read ahead!

Mobile Legends is a battle between heroes. However, if you know how to manipulate and explore the settings, then you really have an edge against your opponents.

Do not worry anymore about clicking the wrong button or turning on a wrong gameplay setting because written below are the best graphic settings that will not just give you an advantage, but can also ensure victory!


10. Camera Height

Buying a phone with a bigger screen can be a costly solution if you want  to play Mobile Legends with a wider view. Of course, gamers would want a wider view because it would mean  gaining a much better vision against nearby enemies. But you don’t have to opt for an expensive fix now because the Camera Height setting will address that concern!

Turning it on will result in a zoomed-out and wider view of the battlefield, which is definitely an advantage against other players.

How Turning on the Camera Height will give the user an advantage:

  • A better view during team fights
  • Higher chance of catching lurking enemies

How to Apply High Camera Height:

  • Go to Basic Settings
  • Find the Camera Height option
  • Click the High button


9. Outline

This is up to you if you like this setting, but if you’re someone who is having a hard time to single out enemy heroes in the game, then this will aid that concern.

Enabling this will highlight heroes, minions, and monsters by a thin black line displayed around them. This way, you will have a much clearer and sharper vision of them in-game.

How Turning on the Outline will give the user an advantage:

  • A more direct view of various characters in the map
  • Less chance of missing out on opponents trying to hide in the bush

How to Apply Outline:

  • Go to Basic Settings
  • Find the Outline option
  • Click the On button


8. Colorblind Filter

This setting represents the inclusivity of MLBB, as this is perfect for all colorblind gamers. This is a good option for them to avoid getting at a disadvantage against their opponents. The colorblind filter will change the color of the HP bar, making it more recognizable to them.

This way, they can see the current status of their hero’s health and can freely  attack enemies with no hesitation! After all, gaming is for everyone, and no one should be left behind.

How Turning on Colorblind Filter will give the user an advantage:

  • Better recognition of the MLBB map
  • Optimal gameplay during team fights
  • An accurate view of the HP bar

How to Apply Colorblind Filter:

  • Go to Basic Settings
  • Find the Colorblind Filter option
  • Click the On button


7. HD Mode

Turning this setting on will display your match in high definition. If you are someone who loves playing in a more realistic map view, then this is perfect for you.

Most of the time, this setting does not work for slow devices. So if this won’t fit perfectly for the phone you have, might as well skip this part. But for those who have devices that are perfect for gaming, then this is a good setting that will give you an edge.

How Turning on the HD Mode will give the user an advantage:

  • Clear and brighter map
  • Much easier to notice skills from opponents

How to Apply HD Mode:

  • Go to Basic Settings
  • Find the HD Mode option
  • Click the On button


6.  HFR Mode

If you want to experience smoother graphics, then turning on the HFR mode is the best solution for you. By enabling this, the game will run at 60 frames per second, making it convenient for every gamer.

Utilize this setting, and you will definitely have a smooth victory!

How Turning on HFR Mode will give the user an advantage:

  • Smoother gameplay
  • Experience the best graphics during team fights

How to Apply HFR Mode:

  • Go to Basic Settings
  • Under Graphics, find the HFR Mode option
  • Click the On button


5. Refresh Rate

Enabling this option will improve the frame rate during team fights and prevent FPS drop when you're in-game.

When your FPS drops, that is oftentimes due to a lot of action going on in the game. It is most likely that your  phone’s specs cannot handle it anymore. Therefore, it will really give you a disadvantage and may even cause defeat! That is why turning this on will really be a great help for gamers.

How Enabling Refresh Rate will give the user an advantage:

  • Fixes lag during the game
  • Gives you a decent FPS boost

How to Apply High Refresh Rate:

  • Go to Basic Settings
  • Under Graphics, find the Refresh Rate option
  • Click the High button


4. Damage Text

What this setting does is show you the amount of damage you dealu receive. Enabling this will give you a visualization of how much damage you are able to deal and contest, and will help in strategizing during gameplay.

If you are someone who likes to calculate predictions in-game, then this will definitely be a big help!

How Turning on Damage Text will give the user an advantage:

  • Identifies how much damage is dealt against the player
  • Identifies what kind of damage is attacked by the opponent
  • Can be a basis in choosing the next item to purchase

How to Apply Damage Text:

  • Go to Basic Settings
  • Under Graphics, find the Damage Text option
  • Click the On button


3. Merge Text

This graphic setting is interconnected with the previous setting, only that you get to see the total damage, not individually.

Do not worry because you will still have visualization on the amount of damage you deal and receive. This one is up to your personal preference on whether you like the merge or the contrary. Nonetheless, both still make you one step ahead against enemies.

How Turning on Damage Text will give the user an advantage:

  • Merges the damage numbers of certain continuous attacks
  • Informs you on the amount of damage you deal and receive
  • Gives you good analysis  for the next item to purchase

How to Apply Merge Text:

  • Go to Basic Settings
  • Under Graphics, find the Merge Text option
  • Click the On button


2. Graphics

This setting really depends on the device you are using, so it’s best to determine which option best suits your device. Use smooth when you have a slower device and choose Ultra when you have a high-end device. You can also choose  anything in between as long as you don’t lag in-game.

When you’ve chosen the perfect option for your phone, this will result in a smoother in-battlefield graphics quality.

How Enabling Graphics will give the user an advantage:

  • Results to sharp battlefield view
  • Smooth gameplay  

How to Apply Graphics:

  • Go to Basic Settings
  • Find the Graphics option
  • Choose the Graphics Quality that suits you best


1. Creep HP

This setting is definitely a need for every jungler. When you play as a jungler, you must kill the monsters as efficiently as possible in order to avoid getting ganked by opponents. Hence, you must know the exact amount of HP a monster has when you use your retribution at a perfect timing.

By enabling this setting, you can finally address that concern because you will see the exact HP of a jungle monster! There is no need for you to guess when to click that retribution anymore.

How Turning on the Creep HP will give the user an advantage:

  • Faster farming rotation
  • Less chance of getting behind in gold
  • High chance of seizing opponent’s farming route

How to Apply Creep HP:

  • Go to Basic Settings
  • Find the Creep HP option
  • Click the On button


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