[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Heroes For Grandmaster Rank

best grandmaster heroes, best heroes for grandmaster rank
24 Mar 2023

Who are the best Grandmaster rank heroes?

Grandmaster rank is the last stage that you have to finish in order to experience the draft picking. Basically, this is the bridge between being a beginner and an amateur player. Hence, your performance on this rank will surely become the foundation of how you will act up in the coming tiers.

Hero-picking is actually a personal choice. However, you cannot deny that every hero in Mobile Legends has their own set of uniqueness and abilities that fit well to certain situations. For example, a certain hero might be good in the Warrior rank but is not suitable in the Mythic rank.

For this article, we will focus more on the Grandmaster rank and the heroes that are appropriate to use at this stage. Surely, when you use these heroes, you can definitely face your enemies with no fear.


15. Hanabi

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Time to become one of the shadows.

Hanabi is one of the marksman heroes who can do solo pushes, especially when she already gets the right equipment to sustain her damage. This hero is perfect if you are a player who prefers safe plays and does not entirely go for close combats.

What makes Hanabi Great:

  • She has a bind control effect, which allows her to hit multiple enemies at once.
  • Her basic attack can bounce from one enemy to another, so she can just position herself safely at the back.
  •  She can immediately clear minions and heroes, especially when provided with items such as Scarlet Phantom or Windtalker.

14. Hylos

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Ready for the kill?

If you prefer tanks, then Hylos is the one for you. This hero is perfect for the Grandmaster since he is just very easy to use. He is also thick and very hard to kill. If you want a hero who can last all throughout the team fight, you might as well choose to practice mastering Hylos. 

What makes Hylos Great:

  • With every buff he gets, he becomes thicker and harder to kill, allowing him to protect damage dealers easily.
  • He can regenerate HP, making him very durable in the long run.
  • Compared to other tank heroes, he recovers HP faster.
  • He can also stun and slow enemy heroes, especially when he casts his ultimate skill.

13. Harith

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Small but terrible.

Ever since he was introduced, Harith has already made his name known in the Mobile Legends scene. This hero has become everyone’s favorite in terms of dealing with damage and pushing turrets. In the Grandmaster rank, Harith’s skills and abilities are really effective and very strong since only a few heroes can counter him.

What makes Harith Great:

  • His skills only have a short cooldown time, enabling him to spam his skills from time to time.
  • He is very quick and agile. The reason why he is difficult to catch.
  • He can easily escape crowd control effects from enemies, especially if you pair him with the Tough Boots equipment.

12. Claude

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You can never catch him.

Speaking of marksman heroes, Claude will never go out of style. Claude has always been the talk of the town regardless of the meta. Even if he countered some revamps, he remains on top, especially if the user has truly mastered him. In fact, analysts say that no other hero has achieved the stable scaling of Calude yet.

What makes Claude Great:

  • He is very painful from the beginning up to the end of the game.
  • When paired with the right equipment, he can easily tear down tank and fighter heroes with his ultimate skill.
  • He can move quickly from one place to another because of his teleporting skills.

11. Lunox

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The balance of the world.

Lunox is a mage hero with 6 skill sets. This can be a little intimidating to hear, but most players say that the moment they practiced Lunox enough, her skills were already very easy to understand. Mage heroes are often not that damaging. However, with Lunox, she is definitely very strong and a hero that you cannot just defeat alone.

What makes Lunox Great:

  • She can become invincible for a period of time. During this, no one can attack or hurt her.
  • For a mage, you no longer need to worry about assisting her in farming since she is built to be able to do it without any help.
  • She can clear lanes easily because of her high magic damage. 

10. Nana

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Do you want to become her next friend?

Supports are often neglected since they do not really offer that much damage. However, supports are also a vital part of the team, especially in providing backup and enhancing the skills of teammates. Nana is a hero that you can rely on in terms of softening very thick enemy heroes and poking them.

What makes Nana Great:

  • She can cast her skills from a distance, allowing her to poke enemies from time to time,
  • She drops a skill that will transform any enemy hero that moves near it. The moment they transform, they will be slowed down.
  • She can provide vision to the team, which is very helpful in finding prying enemies or hiding enemies in the bushes.

9. X.Borg

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Oh, wait. Don't get caught in the fire.

X.Borg became famous, but he is no longer frequently used in the higher ranks. However, he is still quite popular in the lower ranks. With X.Borg, you can really cause real damage to opponents just by blasting your basic attacks from time to time. 

What makes Nana Great:

  • Given that he is a fighter, he is very durable and can really provide a strong defense for the tea.
  • He has an insane HP Regeneration ability. You don’t need to worry about her HP at all because he can just regenerate it, enabling him to live until the end of the clash.
  • He is strong both in the early and later parts of the game.

8. Zilong

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The simpler, the better.

I mean, are you even in the grandmaster rank if you cannot see someone using Zilong? Zilong is a universal hero who is just effective regardless of the rank he plays in. He is actually one of the first batches of fighter heroes in Mobile Legends. His mechanism is also not difficult to learn, which is why he is very popular among lower ranks.

What makes Nana Great:

  • When you cast his ultimate skill, his movements will become faster and quicker, which can be used to hunt down enemies.
  • He is very easy to use and friendly for beginners who are still unfamiliar with the game.
  • He is best at pushing turrets because of his fast attack speed.

7. Miya

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The classic hero.

Miya is still relevant up to the Grandmaster rank. According to players, Miya is actually very useful and can pull off even if she will be used in ranks higher than Grandmaster. However, the downside is that she is weak and very fragile. One attack from an assassin, and she will immediately be dead. 

What makes Miya Great:

  • All of her skills are not difficult to understand, so anyone can easily master Miya.
  • She has the ability to disappear for a period of time. She can use this to escape or to prepare for an attack from behind.
  • When paired with the right equipment, her attack speed and lifesteal abilities will be enhanced, allowing her to win against one-on-one fights with tank or fighter heroes.

6. Balmond

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Your go-to fighter.

Moving on from mage and marksman heroes, let us also check out some fighters that are perfect in the Grandmaster rank. Balmond was a tank until he was revamped to now become a fighter also. Although his skills seem to be very basic and non-damaging, his mechanism is actually very strong. In fact, he is known for getting his strength in his second skill and is being supported by his first skill.

What makes Balmond Great:

  • He is great for EXP lakers who prefer pushing and solo laning.
  • He can provide both offense and defense, which is why he is such a great help to the team.
  • Compared to other fighters, Balmond is one of the most basic heroes that you can easily learn if you aim to master his skills.

5. Saber

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One shot, one kill.

Saber is probably the only assassin that is mostly being used in the Grandmaster rank. That is because he is very easy to use and does not require the utmost practice for you to understand his skills. The only thing that you need to look out for at Saber is that he can be weak in the later part of the game, especially if enemy heroes have already begun buying equipment to counter his damage.

What makes Saber Great:

  • He can basically counter almost all heroes in Mobile Legends, meaning that nobody can outsmart him at the Grandmaster.
  • He deals burst damage that can instantly kill enemy heroes.
  • His ultimate skill can lock the target and keep them on air for a period of time. At this stage, the target can no longer escape from him unless the target uses Purify skill.

4. Eudora 

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Did somebody say she's useless?

Eudora is one of those mage heroes with very easy skills. This electric-stricken hero only needs to adjust her position from time to time. If she gets a good spot, she can immediately kill someone just by exhausting his skills. To maximize her potential, Eudora needs support from tank or fighter heroes.

What makes Eudora Great:

  • She offers a stunning effect that immobilizes enemies for a period of time.
  • She has burst damage, which can really kill heroes with weak defense and low HP regeneration.
  • Her ultimate no longer needs precision. As long as you target lock the enemy, her ultimate skill will immediately follow that hero.

3. Bruno

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One kick of the ball, and you are already on your knees.

Bruno is a very deadly marksman hero, even with his basic attacks. Although Bruno can be weak in the early game, he gains his maximum potential after farming and getting the right equipment. His skills are also very easy and do not require that much prediction and positioning. As long as he can cast his skills to a target, that is already enough for Bruno to cut their full HP bar into half just by one kick.

What makes Bruno Great:

  • His passive skill allows him to increase his critical chance every time he damages an opponent.
  • He can easily escape from enemies because of his skills.
  • His initial mobility is good enough and quite fast than others.


2. Lesley

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Sniper Queen.

If you really want a hero who can attack from a very far distance, Then Lesley is the one for you. This hero is actually a half-assassin, which is why she has quick moves. She can also be easily paired with tanks or fighters and can destroy quickly, especially with his first skill. If you want to maintain an ideal distance between enemies, then Lesley is perfect for that.

What makes Lesley Great:

  • She can attack a target, even those that are already beyond her vision, when she casts her ultimate skill.
  • Her first skill allows her to become invisible and faster in movement speed.
  • Her first skill deals burst damage, which increases in damage the more she spends gold on equipment.


1. Tigreal

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I mean, everyone probably knows how to play him.

I’m sure you already know who this hero is. No matter where rank you are in, Tigreal is the hero you will always look up to. Tank players are very rare in Mobile Legends since most players prefer to be the ones dealing with damage. Others also hate too bulky heroes since they tend to be slower than marksman or assassin heroes. With Tigreal, his sets can really make or break the whole situation. So if you want to choose a hero that will really maximize the abilities of all your teammates, then Tigreal is the one for you.

What makes Tigreal Great:

  • He is a great initiator, thanks to his abilities and skills that allow him to dash and surprise enemies.
  • He has high durability that can really take in attacks from enemy heroes.
  • He has a lot of crowd control abilities that enable him to pool enemies together and knock them up.


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