![[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Solo Heroes To Rank Up best solo heroes for rank games, best solo heroes at the moment in mobile legends](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-01/mobile-legends-best-solo-heroes.jpg.webp?itok=sdj-G9c1)
How about I tell you that you can do it all… alone?!
Mobile Legends is a game that is known for playing with a team. However, if you don’t have some company, it is still possible to rank up and even reach the Mythic TIer!
For today’s article, I will walk you through this season’s meta heroes that are definitely for solo players! So sit back, relax, and take notes as I enumerate them one by one.
15. Balmond
Avoid the fan-shaped attack.
Balmond is such a core hero in the team. He is good in defense and can last long during team fights. At the same time, he all offers decent damage since his ultimate skill will depend on the missing HP of the enemy. Therefore, he can burst on the enemy quickly.
Some players also use Balmond as the jungler. Every time they do, they always get the upper hand in getting the Lord or Turtle.
What makes Balmond Great For Solo Queue:
- He contains an area of effect damage that can easily protect him and his teammates.
- He has good control skills that can pass off tank qualities. So if you use him as a jungler, he already has innate defense skills.
- He regenerates HP for every hero slain and minion.
See Balmond In action:
29 Kills + MANIAC!! 3X Guardian Helmet on Balmond? Real Monster! - Build Top 1 Global Balmond ~ MLBB
14. Clint
Fire the mighty bullets.
Clint has a passive that attacks a line of enemies after casting any of his skills. These attacks can also damage turrets without him getting hit by them! These abilities of Clint are perfect for poking enemies in the early part of the game as well as killing them at the same time. For Clint, his first skill and passive already have a big range, so he is safe and easy to use.
What makes Clint Great For Solo Queue:
- He has good early-game damage, allowing him to deploy, kill enemies, and push towers quickly.
- He is mobile for a marksman and can blink in any direction, making him difficult to catch.
- He can easily carry the team because he deals a lot of burst damage both in the early and late games.
See Clint In action:
13. Paquito
He will never be out of the meta.
Paquito is another hero who deals burst damage. Because of the variety of his skills, he is one of those heroes with diverse skill combinations, and players just love how versatile he is! Other than this burst damage, Paquito’s skills also have innate dash and shield. If you are against him, you are not just fighting a fighter who deals so much power. You are also fighting someone who is quick!
What makes Paquito Great For Solo Queue:
- He is a good hero when countering other meta core heroes because he is very agile.
- He has a good set of crowd control skills that can silence most of the heroes in Mobile Legends.
- He is perfect at chasing down enemies since he has lots of combos to offer.
See Paquito In action:
12. Lesley
Sniper ready.
Lesley is definitely a tank killer after the revamp! Now, she gains critical damage from her passive, and that makes her a new threat in town. Although, you must remember that Lesley is low on mobility. But, she has innate immunity skill that allows her to escape critical situations.
What makes Lesley Great For Solo Queue:
- He can attack enemies, even those that are out of her sight.
- She can enter into the camouflage and be immune against base attacks from enemies. When she enters this state, she also increases her movement speed.
- She already deals a great amount of damage in the early game, which is good for farming and poking enemies.
See Lesley In action:
11. Gusion
The assassin of the year.
Gusion also had a revamp in his passive, and that makes him better than ever. Not to mention that Gusion already has many dashes for escaping whenever he kills an enemy. The only thing to look out for in Gusion is that he is complex and requires a lot of practice to master him. It is already known that to be a good Gusion player, you must be quick and has a fast hand because his skills are set to be played that way.
What makes Gusion Great For Solo Queue:
- He is very difficult to catch since he can easily escape during critical situations.
- He can dash in and out of the battlefield, which is why he can also enter enemy turrets just to kill opponents.
- He can target lock a hero, which is good for targeting the main damage dealer of the enemy
See Gusion In action:
10. Bruno
Kick it.
Now, it’s definitely time to talk about Bruno! Bruno is a marksman hero with an easy set of skills, but deadly! Players often underestimate him, but if you know how to navigate Bruno in the game, you will surely rank up. His skills are easy to learn in the current patch, and his attacks also have range and positioning skills. Bruno almost has everything that is needed for a marksman, so it all depends on how you carry him
What makes Bruno Great For Solo Queue:
- He has a high attack range, which is perfect for killing enemies from afar.
- He is good at poking enemies since he can position his skills easily.
- He has crowd control damage and also deals great critical damage.
See Bruno In action:
SAVAGE! Supreme No.1 Bruno 5,300+ Matches! - Top 1 Global Bruno by Who knows.... - Mobile Legends
9. Alice
The bloodsucker.
Alice has always been a threat in Mobile Legends. This blood-sucking queen has always been a good crowd controller and can mark back liners easily. As a mage, Alice relies on her ultimate skill to deal damage and restores HP. Since her basic attack is not that much of an enemy-killer, a player should definitely utilize Alice’s ultimate to outplay enemies.
What makes Alice Great For Solo Queue:
- She can clear lanes, which is a good advantage for a mage hero.
- She can easily escape from enemies because of her blink skills.
- Her ultimate relies on her mana and does not have a cooldown.
See Alice In action:
8. Valir
The fire-breather.
Valir is a mage hero that you can use as a roamer. Valir has a special burning effect due to his passive. This allows him to give continuous damage to enemies, even if they are already away from him.
Valir is a hero that is equipped with various crowd control abilities, and that makes him very helpful and useful during team fights.
What makes Valir Great For Solo Queue:
- Valir is great at disrupting the formation of enemies because of his burning skills.
- He is perfect at poking enemies in the early parts of the game.
- He is a tank killer and surely a good hero to fight against bulky tanks.
See Valir In action:
2 Minutes MANIAC!! 20 Kills Valir Totally Annoying!! - Build Top 1 Global Valir ~ MLBB
7. Granger
The long-range attacker.
Granger is a hero that relies on equipment. So if you do not have the gold advantage, that is a threat to him! Always make sure that Granger stands out among the team and does farm as early as possible. This will allow Granger to gain early burst damage and be able to show off his mobility combo against enemies.
What makes Granger Great For Solo Queue:
- He deals burst damage from a distance, which is good against low HP enemies.
- He is very mobile and can change position from time to time while attacking.
- He is very OP in the late game, especially when he has already collected all items he needs.
See Granger In action:
Top Global Granger Solo Build Gameplay - MLBB
6. Jawhead
Don't go near him.
I get it. You will probably say, “But I don’t see Jawhead being played often in ranked games!” Brace yourselves because Jawhead will surely begin to pop out in your bank list because of his effectiveness!
Jawhead can offer an enormous amount of damage to enemies while also getting additional shields and movement from his second skill. This is why Jawhead can easily jump in and out during team fights.
What makes Jawhead Great For Solo Queue:
- He can throw enemies or allies at a certain position because of his skills.
- He can quickly provide support or backup because of his mobility.
- He provides crowd control skills and deals continuous damage to enemies.
See Jawhead In action:
21 Kills Jawhead Aggressive Gameplay! - Top 1 Global Jawhead by Kaizen. - Mobile Legends
5. Brody
The world champion.
Brody is a great asset to the team because of his early-game damage. Brody’s ability to gain early-game advantage allows him to farm immediately and push towers. Brody is also great at killing enemies, especially with his ultimate skill that attacks all enemies that were marked by it.
What makes Brody Great For Solo Queue:
- He has lots of damage in the early game.
- E can lead the team since he can attack while also positioning himself strategically at the same time.
- He has great burst damage that is perfect in late games.
See Brody In action:
Picking Brody was crazy for solo Ranking up | Mobile Legends
4. Sun
The multiplier.
Sun is another hero that is worth talking about in this list. Some players may not agree with him, but Sun just works like a dime when going solo. When Sun, you can push, achieve objectives, and kill more than one enemy with the right build.
What makes Sun Great For Solo Queue:
- He can multiply himself and deceive enemies. This also allows him to outnumber a single enemy.
- He is an absolute package for solo ranking since he can provide both defense and offense.
- His doppelgangers also reduce XP and gold to enemies whenever they are able to kill one.
See Sun In action:
21 Kills + MANIAC!! Sun CRIT + ATK Speed Build is Deadly!! - Build Top 1 Global Sun ~ MLBB
3. Lapu-Lapu
The Philippine hero.
Lapu-Lapu’s first skill can easily zone out enemies and poke them away. As a mighty fighter, Lapu-Lapu is built to be sustained during team fights and not easily get fazed by marksman heroes or other fighters.
When you cast Lapu-Lapu’s ultimate skill, you will b able to activate his first skill two times with the right CD items. Since his ultimate has a short CD, you can utilize this and harass enemies.
What makes Lapu-Lapu Great For Solo Queue:
- He is immune to CC skills by enemies.
- He is very mobile and can easily escape from the enemy’s attacks.
- He is known for his chasing abilities and insane burst damage.
See Lapu-Lapu In action:
ONE VS ALL!! 18 Kills Lapu Lapu Almost got SAVAGE!! - Build Top 1 Global Lapu Lapu ~ MLBB
2. Moskov
The fastest hitter.
Moskov surely deserves a spot on the list. We all know that Moskov is a late-game monster and that he can deal an absurd amount of damage every second! Just remember to let Moskov gain the necessary items he needs in order to unleash his true potential.
Solo ranks, if not always, turn into a late game. So if you use Moskov, that can defintely turn to your advantage. Since Moskov is weak in the early game, just position him strategically and do not do aggressive objectives without equipment.
What makes Moskov Great For Solo Queue:
- He has fast attack speed, which is perfect in the long run.
- He can immobilize enemies for seconds and continue attacking them.
- All of his basic attacks deal critical damage, which is a dealbreaker when it comes to killing enemies.
See Moskov In action:
1. Xavier
Prepare to be surprised.
In order to see his true potential, Xavier must be played properly. You might often see him sniping down enemies with his ultimate skill. However, Xavier’s secret relies on his second skill and cooldowns.
Xavier may also be vulnerable against assassins and high-mobile fighters, especially in the early game. When you do, always position behind the fighter or tank.
What makes Xavier Great For Solo Queue:
- He fires a weapon that deals an insane amount of magic damage to enemies.
- He has crowd-control abilities, making opponents unable to move within a certain area.
- His passive also allows him to deal with stronger attacks when facing enemies.
See Xavier In action: