As a Support, your allied damage dealers will depend on you for assistance in executing team objectives and tasks. It is vital that you learn how to effectively provide assistance to allies and allow them to build items that will carry the match and have an impact. Support roles can roam and transition between mage and tank roles in the front and back lines of battle.
10. Lolita
Lolita is a Tank Support who specializes in Guard/Crowd Control. She is quite hard to master in gameplay and heavily relies on damage dealers but has a 100% Durability Rating which renders her true to her specialties. Her ultimate skill defines a tank's role in Mobile Legends in terms of initiating team confrontations.
She can generate a shield with her second skill, deal multiple strikes with her first skill and slow down opponents then deal burst damage through the use of her ultimate skill. Her second skill has a second touch where she can shoot her shield to deliver a stun. Lolita is made for the front-lines and can easily disrupt opponent gameplay and tactics. True mastery of Lolita is seen in her ability to support and guard allies in the front-lines.
What makes Lolita a Great Support.
Crowd Control - She has a wide area of effect and can deal damage on multiple heroes at once.
Durability - With a rating of 100% in durability, Lolita is heavy in defense and can survive even the most lethal attacks.
Skill Combination - Her skills work in perfect synchronization as an initiator of team encounters.
Lolita Details: http://https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/hero/20/skill
See Lolita in action:
9. Minotaur
Minotaur is a dual role Tank Support who is known for his ability to build rage in attack and HP Regen. He has a 100% Durability Rating which speaks for itself. His skills focus on AoE, HP Regen and Damage, which makes him a highly ranked Tank and Support.
His enraged state increases his level of intensity in damage and area of effect. He can also knock opponents into an airborne state while dealing physical damage. Additionally, he can aid allies in HP Regen through his second skill that buffs and heals him. Minotaur is an extremely flexible and durable hero who can carry the team in support.
What makes Minotaur a Great Support.
- HP Regen - Minotaur can buff himself through his second skill and also replenish HP for his closest allies.
- Crowd Control - He can deal damage on multiple heroes with area of effect skills that can be increased in intensity when enraged,
- Enraged State - Minotaur has the unique attributes that can stack in defense and attack, sending him into a lethal frenzy where energy and damage in his attacks are almost doubled.
Minotaur Details: https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/hero/19/skill
See Minotaur in action:
8. Kaja
Kaja is a dual role Fighter Support who excels in crowd control. He is a hero who displays the need for practice in Mobile Legends, being fairly easy to understand but quite hard to implement into full effectiveness. He is also highly durable and capable of snooping around the frontlines.
Kaja can suppress and drag opponents through the use of his First and Ultimate Skill while his Second Skill can leave a bomb trail that explodes within a set time. His First Skill may also replenish his HP when he deals damage after dragging an opponent. He is a charge specialist in this regard, while his overall magic damage is instilled with crowd control area of effect damage.
What makes Kaja a Great Support.
- Crowd Control - Kaja can suppress a target and deal damage on multiple opponents in the process.
- Flexible/Adaptable - Kaja is extremely versatile. He can play in both the back and front lines of team formation, gank and even be played as a core.
- Mobility - He can dash and has speed in attack and movement that is faster than others in his unique category.
Kaja Details: https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/hero/62/skill
See Kaja in action:
7. Mathilda
Matilda is a dual role Support Assassin whose best specialty is as a Guard for teammates. She is also an effective initiator due to her ultimate skill that enables her to fly around and target an opponent before crashing in and dealing damage while being temporarily immune. She also has the unique ability to call allies to her side.
She is extremely mobile though her damage is more on immunity and crowd control, where she heavily relies on allies to deal damage despite being an assassin. She is still capable of damage, especially when built well with items. In spite of all this, her true potential is realized through poking and initiating then supporting allies to bring about a favorable outcome.
What makes Mathilda a Great Support.
- Immunity - Mathilda’s skills offer her immunity that allows her to poke opponent front-lines with a high survivability rate.
- Crowd Control - She can lock on one target but her skills can impact multiple opponents through area of effect.
- Mobility - She is highly mobile since her skills can speed her up in movement and attack. It needs to be timed though since spamming her skills may reduce her speed when needed.
Mathilda Details: https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/hero/102
See Mathilda in action:
6. Carmilla
Carmilla may probably be the most durable pure Support Hero on this list with a 90% durability rating. She is as strong as a Tank and can deal damage similar to a Mage. Her Passive Skill can steal Magical and Physical Defense from opponents that stacks up to 5 times and lasts 5 seconds.
Understanding and real mastery of Carmilla is realized through her capacity to survive encounters and offer crowd control through damage. She can be played with mage and tank items that makes her a huge force in battle. She is a perfect support hero who can effectively maintain different aspects of team and individual encounters.
What makes Carmilla a Great Support.
- Crowd Control - Carmilla’s Second and Ultimate Skill have control effects with a rating of 80%, which is huge. She can deal damage on one target which will then spread on to other opponents in range.
- Durability - She has the unique ability to steal magic and physical defense, which adds to her longevity in play.
- Mobility - Her skills enhance her movement in attack while she is generally a fast hero in terms of movement.
Carmilla Details: https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/hero/92/skill
See Carmilla in action:
5. Floryn
Floryn is a fantastic healer who can help regenerate HP for allies regardless of distance. Within her skills, crowd control effects play a major effect while she can also deal a considerable amount of damage. More emphasis is placed on her HP Regen, where allied damage dealers can support sustainable heroes in close situations.
She is the perfect support for Tanks and Fighters, since she can sustain their longevity in team and individual confrontations. Damage dealers may rely on her crowd control attributes to capitalize in attack. Floryn defines the role of support in timing and assistance with the ability to poke the front-lines as well. She is flexible enough to take on a mage and support role.
What makes Floryn a Great Support.
- HP Regen - Floryn can aid allies through HP Regen with the use of her Ultimate Skill. Timing is necessary since this skill will be missed and cost the game if not engaged with precision and timing.
- Crowd Control - Her first and second skills have a decent area of effect that can slow down multiple opponents. At her peak, she can also deliver significant magic damage.
- Roam - Floryn can easily speed up when engaging her skills and can back up in team situations with ease. Spamming her skills in the frontlines without proper gold count and build is a recipe for disaster.
Floryn Details: https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/hero/112/skill
See Floryn in action:
4. Diggie
Diggie is the only hero in Mobile Legends who doesn’t respawn at base after being taken out. He is the Ultimate Crowd Control Support with his fun and resourceful support skills and would have ranked number one on this list if he was easier to master in strategy and tactical gameplay.
It is fairly normal for Diggie to have a high death rate, since one of his abilities is in revealing opponent locations through map hacking by sticking to them during his respawn phase. It is these kind of strategies that make him hard to master. His skills may be easy to understand but successfully implementing these skills take timing and precision.
What makes Diggie a Great Support.
- Crowd Control - Diggie is extremely resourceful, where his skills can lock on one hero but have area of effect where the said skills can impact and slow down multiple other heroes. He is the perfect set-up for team encounters through crowd control.
- Guard - His Ultimate Skill provides a shield that can actively follow where he roams. He can protect multiple allies through this skill, especially in team confrontations.
- Roam - Diggie has perfect mobility and attack in speed that enables him to close gaps on the battlefield with ease. He is a suitable roam hero who can gank lanes and poke opponent fronts.
Diggie Details: https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/hero/48
See Diggie in action:
3. Rafaela
Rafaela brings great value to team formations with her Second Skill that summons healing powers on allies. Her Ultimate Skill is a powerful crowd control ability that allows her to inflict severe damage on opponents. She is the best roam support hero and would have ranked first if her role included guard. Rafaela’s capabilities lie in betweening support and attack.
Her greatest asset is being able to assist heroes as a healer from anywhere on the battlefield. This skill requires patience and timing by engaging it when her allies are in need. Her First and Ultimate Skill offer high damage with a 70% rating in crowd control. She may also be the best offlane support with her potential in dealing damage while aiding with HP Regen.
What makes Rafaela a Great Support.
- HP Regen - She can support allies through HP Regen from anywhere on the battlefield. Timing is required where Rafaela can aid allies when they need it the most.
- Offlane - She can play in both the back and front-lines of battle and has speed in mobility and attack that makes her a great gank and team utility.
- Crowd Control - Rafaela has extreme damage with area of effect that can impact multiple targets at once. She can be relied on as a Tank for her cc abilities.
Rafaela Details: https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/hero/14/skill
See Rafaela in action:
2. Angela
Angela is a delightful Guard Support who has a high deal of crowd control embedded within her skills. Her unique Ultimate Skill allows her to teleport over and support allies as a ventriloquist would support a dummy with strings. She is very easy to comprehend and master.
She perfectly complements heroes with attack speed effects, since these are heroes who are soft and squishy. With her ability to boost HP and offer assistance in attack, it adds a layer of durability to soft damage dealers. She is also a great pairing for Tanks and Fighters in team confrontations. Playing Angela requires timing in engaging her ultimate skill during successful in-game campaigns, especially in attack and team fights.
What makes Angela a Great Support.
- Unique Ultimate Skill - Angela’s unique Ultimate Skill grants her the ability to aid allies with HP and deal damage that has cc effects. This skill requires precision in timing to see the best outcome.
- Crowd Control - Angela’s first skill can stack up to five times and affect multiple heroes at once. Her ability to teleport makes this an effective skill during team confrontations where she can join in after judging the situation.
- Heal - She can heal opponents through the use of her First Skill when spamming it or her Ultimate Skill, which can assist one hero with HP Regen.
Angela Details: https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/hero/55/skill
See Angela in action:
1. Estes
Estes is the number one known healer in Mobile Legends. He is a Top Guard and costs only 24,000 Battle Points. He is the perfect utility hero that can heal up to four heroes within range through the use of his Ultimate Skill. He also has decent crowd control that can slow down opponents.
He defines the Support Role in all its essence and requires precise and accurate positioning and timing in engaging his skills. Estes is a preferred roam hero who can back up heroes in lanes and team confrontations. He is also a perfect combination for all other heroes, essentially damage dealers. He is very well worth obtaining and mastering as your number one support hero.
What makes Estes a Great Support.
- HP Regen - His Ultimate Skill can heal up to four allies at once. Estes is a great healer but needs timing and positioning to effectively aid allies in advancing on team goals and objectives.
- Crowd Control - His First and Second Skill have continuous damage that can effectively slow down opponents. This is a great set up for allies to capitalize on.
- Roam - Estes is fast in mobility and has speed in attack as well. He can cover lengths of the battlefield with ease and back up in support where needed, especially in the mid-late game when fighting over territory.
Estes Details: https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/hero/34/skill
See Estes in action: