[Top 10] Mobile Legends Best Teams That Wreck Hard (Latest Patch)

best mobile legends teams, best teams in mobile legends
18 May 2022

Ready to see the best Mobile Legends Team?

Like any other popular online game, Mobile Legends also has its own competition around the world. Hundreds of teams have already signed up throughout the years, and some of them stood out!

These people train for months just so they can give their best performance in the contest. Because of that, they fully analyze all the corners of Mobile Legends and create a way to combat their enemies. This is the reason why the groups' gameplays are being followed by casual viewers, starting a meta. 

Now, let's check the best teams out there that have truly mastered excellent team composition and combination.


10. Kagura + Franco + Wanwan + Helcurt + Uranus

ONIC PH was brilliant with this strategy. Because the enemy's damage dealer was Lancelot, they picked Franco to delay him. Franco and Kagura would scout near the buffs whenever it started to farm. Franco would keep on hooking the jungle monsters, putting a strain on Lancelot's skills. If ever Franco would have an opportunity to hook a hero, he would do so without a doubt since Kagura is just camping near him. And that started to impair the so-called superteam of MPL PH Season 9, ECHO.

The jungler for ONIC PH in this strategy was Helcurt. And since Lancelot was delayed, Helcurt had a huge gap against him in terms of gold and items. And you know what happens when Helcurt gets to farm fast, right? It would be a bloodbath!

Uranus and Wanwan were also instrumental in keeping the lanes intact and supporting Helcurt in the early part of the game. Overall, ONIC PH did a good job giving ECHO its first loss in the competition.

What Makes ONIC PH Great: 

  • Great in counter picking
  • Deep international competition experience
  • Excellent teamwork

ONIC PH details:

  • Under ONIC Esports, an organization based in Indonesia
  • 2nd in MLBB M3 World Championship
  • Previously named Dream High Gaming

9. Benedetta + Kagura + Esmeralda + Brody + Hilda

EVOS SG played with these heroes in one of their international matches. Kagura has always been a consistent mage, no matter what the meta is. You just can't stop her!

Esmeralda and Hilda were also no-brainer picks. EVPS SG needed tight defense and frontliners, so they chose to pick heroes who could deal huge damage while still protecting the damage dealer. Benedetta can farm on its own, but without early support, she might be troubled with scouting enemies. As expected, EVOS SG was able to decode their opponent's moves and outsmarted them.

What Makes EVOS SG Great: 

  • Composed of young minds
  • Always open for new members
  • Excellent communication in-game

EVOS SG details:

  • A Singaporean team
  • Under EVOS Esports, an organization based in Indonesia
  • Founded in 2018

8. Beatrix + Johnson + Esmeralda + Lancelot + Kadita

ECHO used the Johnson strategy to fight the M3 World Champions during one of their matches in MPL PH Season 9.

We all know that Johnson is a great tank, which can deal a lot of surprise damage to enemies. With Kadita on the team, ECHO's tank had an instant partner. They drove around the map and found ways to target Blacklist International's damage dealer. The moment Johnson crashed into someone, Kadita would then cast her ultimate.

Beatrix was also excellent in securing the gold lane. When she was able to farm intensively, enemies were not able to stop her! Add to that input the defense of Esmeralda and great offense from Lancelot. 

What Makes ECHO Great: 

  • Star-studded roster
  • Best in vision strategies

ECHO details:

  • Founded in 2021
  • Formerly known as AURA Esports 
  • A Southeast Asian team under the franchise of AURA Esports in Indonesia

7. Xavier + Franco + Brody + Karina + Ruby

Familiar with Xavier? RRQ Hoshi dominated the game with this lineup, together with a new hero.

The perk of using a new hero is that opponents might not be too familiar with it. In short, they would have a hard time countering the hero's skills. However, you also have a disadvantage because if you do not master it, you might even cause your team's downfall.

But RRQ Hoshi lived up to the expectations. Karina and Brody's aggressive skills were also helpful in limping the enemies. Ruby and Franco's defensive abilities were also the secret formula since the enemy team had a hard time penetrating their composition.

What Makes RRQ Hoshi Great: 

  • Great team chemistry
  • Best in aggressive plays
  • Can pull off risky team fights

RRQ Hoshi details:

  • Formerly known as RRQ Oxygen and PSG.RRQ
  • An Indonesian team
  • RRQ organization was founded in 2013

6. Natan + Yve + Beatrix + Paquito + Ruby

Who can forget this team? Blacklist International made noise when they ended the game in 9 minutes by using this lineup!

Yve has been mentioned a lot of times in this article. This just proved how she is one of the best heroes in the latest meta. Once you secure Yve, your opponents will be having a hard time during clash fights. Yve's ultimate will greatly disrupt your enemy's combination plays, which will benefit your team.

Paquito and Ruby also offer crowd control abilities to defend the damage dealers, Natan and Beatrix. At one glance, you might even question how come there were two marksman heroes. But with a team like Blacklist, they were able to pull that off!

What Makes Blacklist International Great: 

  • Pioneer of the UBE (Ultimate Bonding Experience) strategy
  • Made support heroes back in the meta
  • Great teamwork

Blacklist International details:

  • A Southeast Asian esports team under Tier One Entertainment
  • Back-to-back MPL PH champions
  • Philippines' Representative for Sea Games 2022

5. Karina + Brody + Yu Zhong + Selena + Mathilda

This lineup is quite risky, especially if your opponents would start to counter your skills. 

SEEYOUSOON leveled up their game and chose two assassins to complete the team. Although Selena was intended to fill the mage role, her early game dominance and aggressiveness truly gave SEEYOUSOON a great advantage. 

Let us also commend the group's effort in reaching one of their objectives: ending the game immediately. If they let the game be dragged, it might even tilt their standings. Selena is known to be weak in the late game, so that is not a great idea. They also do not have a full tank hero, so that could also lead to their disadvantage.

Yu Zhong's ability to attack even the heroes at the back was perfect in securing an easy win for SEEYOUSOON. Brody's mobility and huge damage were also key factors. Overall, the team showed excellent communication and synergy that their opponent could not just break that.

What Makes SEEYOUSOON Great: 

  • Great teamwork
  • Aims for fast games
  • Excellent assassin players


  • First Cambodian team to grab the championship title at the MPL KH Season 1
  • Founded in 2020

4. Esmeralda + Harith + Yve + Hayabusa + Ruby + Franco

BREN Esports utilized these heroes when they were able to defeat the top 1 MPL PH S9 team at that time. BREN was suffering in 8th place. Viewers thought they would not be able to stop their bleeding, but they indeed proved their doubters wrong!

Yve was truly the game-changer. The damage that she dealt with her ultimate has shaken the composition of the opposing team. Esmeralda, Franco, and Ruby were also able to seep into the defense of their enemies, weakening their strategy. When the enemy's frontliners were already wounded, Hayabusa then had the perfect opportunity to attack the damage dealer.

Their hero picks were not shocking. However, they delivered an excellent job. This just proves that sometimes, victory depends on who is the wisest during the game.

What Makes BREN Esports Great: 

  • Known for long gameplays
  • Excellent mage players
  • Aggressive strategic gameplays

BREN Esports details:

  • Founded in 2017
  • M2 World Champions
  • Also has competitive teams in League of Legends, Rules of Survival, Valorant, Tekken 7, and many more.

3.  Esmeralda + Kagura + Ruby + Lancelot + Natan

When you look at them, it looks like an ordinary day in ranked games. However, Todak utilized this setup when they defeated Keyd Stars in one of their matches at M3 World Championship.

Ruby, without a doubt, is a good frontliner. Esmeralda is deadly because she can provide input both in offense and defense. Their combined skills are fatal because they can easily wash away the shield of the enemies.

Kagura and Natan act as support for their core hero, Lancelot. These three were the prime pokers of Todak, reducing their enemies' HP bars constantly. With this kind of setup, Todak used a tank substitute. Ruby can already act as one, so instead of choosing another full tank hero, Todak chose to add more damage to their group.

What Makes Todak Great: 

  • Great team chemistry
  • Known for being great fighter players
  • Composed of young members, which means fresher gameplays

Todak details:

  • A Malaysian esports organization
  • Started in 2020
  • Currently the #3 Mobile Legends Team in the World

2. Lancelot + Paquito + Kimmy + Khufra + Lylia

These were the playmakers of TNC Pro Team when they made a surprising split push comeback against their enemy team. 

Given that their opponent had Natalia, TNC made sure that Khufra's objective was to keep her away and give Lancelot the farm it needed. The early game objective was good. However, their opponents were able to dominate still and outkilled them.

From early to mid-game, TNC was on rock bottom. Paquito and Lylia could not seem to deliver enough outputs to tilt the gameplay. Lancelot was being targeted too. And since Natalia was present, Kimmy was often caught off guard. 

Despite that kind of situation, TNC did not give up. When their enemies were busy killing the Lord, they did not contest. Instead, they gave it. TNC focused on getting their other objective: split push. Fortunately, they were successful! As their enemies were trying to defeat the Lord, TNC was already at the enemy base, securing their win.

What Makes TNC Pro Team Great: 

  • Best in strategic objectives
  • Never gives up easily
  • Good team chemistry

TNC Pro Team details:

  • Currently playing with their new roster lineup
  • Founded in 2021
  • Under the multi-gaming organization of Philippine net cafe chain TheNet.Com

1. Karina + Yve + Rafaela + Ruby + Claude

Considering that Yve is such a very powerful hero in the latest match, it is no wonder that RSG PH truly had an advantage when they secured her against RSG SG. This was their lineup when they dominated RSG SG in one of their recent matchups.

Although the team's opponents at the time were Ling and Benedetta, they were able to limit their actions because of Yve's ultimate. Rafaela and Ruby also played a big part in controlling and poking the crowd as they wait for Karina to enter the scene. Claude is a self-explanatory marksman hero. If you are a Claude Master, it is not a surprise that you can easily penetrate your enemy's defense just by using your ultimate.

What Makes RSG PH Great: 

  • Great team chemistry
  • Simple yet effective hero picks
  • Early game dominance objective

RSG PH details:

  • Currently the #1 Mobile Legends Team in the World
  • Founded in 2021
  • Direct-sister team of the Singapore-based RSG Organization

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