Mobile Legends currently has over 100 heroes with 63 being female. Here is a selection of female heroes, the Top 10 most beautiful heroes that look awesome.
10. Angela
Angela is a robot persona created to inspire the world with love and happiness. She is a prominent support hero with regen abilities that without a doubt, contribute greatly to a team's performance. Angela has a unique ultimate skill allowing her to teleport and possess another hero while lending her other skills in assistance.
Angela ranks at number 10 on this list since she is a programmed artificial life form. She is, to say the least, awesome in the sense that her face and overall composure are adorable, and resemble a doll. Her charisma inspires joy and delight, while her character is centered around love. Angela is best paired with Helcurt amongst all other ML heroes.
9. Miya
Miya is a Mobile Legends elf character. She is a formidable marksman hero with the ability to blink and conceal. Miya is best used in the lower ranks, as she faces a smaller pool of opponents. She can be readily countered by opponents as one of the most common heroes, yet she is always a worthy selection for committed users who have mastered her.
Miya is by far the most beautiful elf hero in ML. Her warrior attire makes her look awesome, appealing, and attractive to the eyes. The fact that she looks cool in comparison to other elf characters compounds her awesomeness. Miya’s ultimate skill is best paired with the item Wind Of Nature and Inspire as the battle spell. She is indestructible and can wipe out an entire team if used correctly.
8. Carmilla
Carmilla is a vampire heroine in ML. She is one of the most underappreciated Mage heroes, frequently overlooked in favor of other heroes. Regardless, she remains a significant hero recognized for her life-stealing and crowd-control skills, durable enough to be played as a Tank.
Carmilla is without a doubt the most beautiful vampire-themed hero in ML. Her attire is a stunning crimson dress braced with warrior armor. What makes her awesome is her gothic look, which perfectly complements her dress and overall character. Carmilla is Cecillon's (another vampire-themed hero) in-game love interest.
7. Silvanna
Silvanna is a Monyan Imperial Princess. She is one of ML's most potent life-steal heroes that is recognized for being adaptable and durable; yet, patch updates always have an impact on her talents and abilities, whether they are nerfed or enhanced. She is a renowned hero among elite ML players, and she can perform a range of roles, notably Tank and Core.
Silvana is the ideal princess warrior. Her face, with blue eyes and blonde hair, would turn heads in real life. Her outfit is similar to that of a knight, and her figure is in stark contrast to a movie character portraying a warrior princess. Silvana appears to be flawless from head to toe, and she embodies bravery and justice. Everything about her is awesome.
6. Fanny
Fanny is an adolescent rebel who was not allowed to guard the Moniyan Empire but persisted in doing so anyway. She is one of, if not the deadliest assassins in ML, and she moves and attacks using cables. Fanny is one of the most difficult heroes in ML to master but definitely worth the effort.
Fanny has the perfect teen figure. Her golden hair and young face are that of your typical high school crush. Her outfit is simple leather plated with armor in certain areas. She portrays a genuine outgoing and cheerful personality which shows on her face, and that is what makes her awesome. In the ML plot, she is Tigreals younger sister.
5. Natalia
Natalia is an orphan, trained and raised as an assassin by the monastery of light. She is a top-tier hero with a lethal combination of skills during attacks using crowd control, concealment, and weaponized claws attached to her hands. She is mediocre in terms of hero mastery and undoubtedly entertaining and challenging.
Natalia has the perfect late-adolescent body and features. Her appearance and behavior reflect the orphan she is, full of lethal emotion. She is attractive, and her attire consists of a modest fabric hood covering her red hair with armor that reflects her strengths and capabilities. Her awesomeness comes from her demanding, driven personality paired with a deadly demeanor.
4. Kagura
Kagura is a teen ninja who utilizes an ancient sacred umbrella that interrelates her ability through the Ancient Chinese Philosophy of Yin and Yang in dealing damage. She is a top-tier mage, with the ability to annihilate an opponent with her skills. When in full build, she has a one-hit kill potential. She can even be seen as an assassin.
Kagura has the face of a princess from a fairy tale, and her long hair cascades down her back adding to her overall beauty. She even has princess-like characteristics and her outfit is simply a gown intertwined with a dress that is neither too dark nor too light. What makes her amazing is how she uses her umbrella as both a weapon and as the device that it is, its sacredness adds value.
3. Rafaela
Rafaela is an angel-themed character in ML. She has amazing potential as support and greatly enhances her team through mobility and healing. She is the perfect support when there is no Tank hero in a team.
Rafaela is an angel, thus her beauty should be obvious. She has wings and exudes brightness. Her attire consists of a robe with brass armbands, which is beautiful and pleasant. Her face has the perfect features and symmetry of a celebrity crush. Rafaela is the in-game sister of Argus, a fighter hero.
2. Odette
Odette is a classic portrayal of a Disney Princess, having long blonde hair and a dove theme. Her face has a natural balance of characteristics. Her entire being exudes purity and nobleness, which is what makes her so remarkable. Odette's beauty shines through her entire attitude, making her one of the most attractive ML heroines.
1. Guinevere
Guinevere is a superb fighter who also has mage-like powers. In prior versions of ML, she was categorized as a Fighter/Mage, but in subsequent upgrades, she has been changed to a Fighter. She is a top-tier hero that is reasonably simple to learn and has an ultimate skill that creates a forcefield and sends the opponent airborne for some time. This is one of the most lethal ultimate skills in ML.
Guinevere is a noble character in ML, coming from a noble family. She ranks on this list at number one since she is currently officially voted as the most beautiful ML heroine. It comes from her perfect portrayal of elegance, beauty, and wisdom, also shown in her outfit. Her noble status is perfectly captured by her demeanor and character in her general presentation.
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