[Top 15] Mobile Legends Most Kills In A Ranked Game

most kills in a game, most kills in a ranked game
19 Jan 2023

Unleash the beast!

Mobile Legends is no fun if it does not involve killing your enemies. Well, maybe everyone is instantly attracted when it comes to wounding other people without any consequence. Basically, you cannot win this game without knocking down enemies. 

Although some heroes are meant just to be the support, there are core heroes who are meant to lead the pack. These heroes are known for being notorious in the field and have the highest tendency to get the MVP or the most kills on the team.

If you want to know about excellent players who got the most kills in a ranked game, read until the end of this article!


15. Midnight AC

19 kills in game.

Hayabusa is an assassin who can outsmart you with his shadow plays. Midnight AC has been called the Hayabusa God and continues to dominate the Land of Dawn with his gameplays!

For this video, Midnight was able to achieve 19 kills in less than 15 minutes in a game against meta heroes like Melissa, Vale, and Aulus! This shows that Hayabusa can still compete in the meta as long as you know how to utilize his skills and position him strategically.


14. Dang

22 kills in game.​

Clint is one of the best marksman heroes out there. He deals burst damage and is deadly the moment he gains additional attack speed and mobility. This is why Dang did not have a hard time getting 22 kills when he used Clint in a ranked game.

In the video, you can notice that Dang did not get too aggressive in the early parts of the game and just focused on giving Clint the gold advantage he needed. After purchasing essential equipment, Clint already began rotating and killing enemies along the way.


13. Edwin JiSa

24 kills in game.​

The top global Lunox is here to make a statement that this mage hero can also be included in the list!

Lunox, when equipped with the items necessary to maximize her potential, can be a great damage dealer for the team. Although she lacks in sustainability and can be a squishy hero for most assassins, she still has the skill that allows her to escape smoothly in critical situations. This is why Edwin JiSa was able to go around enemies and prohibit them from trapping Lunox in their skills. This was a crucial part for him to secure many kills in the game.


12. Vonn

27 kills in game.

Gusion is a famous assassin. So when I tell you that Vonn was able to kill 27 enemies using Gusion, I guess that no longer becomes a surprise for you! 

Gusion ideals deadly damage on top of his insane mobility. He can easily chase and hunt down enemies, which is why Vonn was truly able to penetrate the enemy team’s formation. By using Gusiion, Vonn did not have a hard time dominating the game. 

With Gusion’s farming skills, he can easily steal jungle monsters from the enemy side and impair their core hero from gaining coins and exp. A fully equipped Gusion is a force to be reckoned with, which is why Vonn ensured to buy all the equipment needed to make Gusion even more powerful.


11. Thonyx

30 kills in game.

Yin is a fighter who got famous because of his ability to single out enemies. Other than this unique skill, Yin also deals damage that can instantly knock out the opponent! So when Thonyx used Yin to take down enemies 30 times, it was definitely not a surprise, given Yin’s background!

With Yin’s durability, he is flexible no matter who the enemy is. In the video, you can see him fighting against Balmond, who is a natural bulk hero. Yet, Yin did not face and continues to reduce Balmond’s HP. This shows Yin's strength and sustainability, which fuelled him to kill that many enemies in a game.


10. Remember

30 kills in game.

When I mention the name ‘Karina’, you probably already know where this is heading. The queen of savages has really lived up to the hype because Remember gathered 3 savages in just a 10-minute game! Not only did they achieve 3 savages, but Karina also finished the game with 30 kills! 

The mindblowing part of this video is the fact that Karina was able to kill 3 enemies in 1 minute. Given Karina’s passive and basic skills, this fact is truly possible since the more she kills, the more she can use her skills again with no cooldown! So if you want to use a hero who can immediately help you achieve that savage dream, use Karina.


9. Gameplay Proplayer

31 kills in game.

When you use Miya in a ranked game, a lot of eyebrows may go up, doubting her capabilities in the long run. However, Gameplay Proplayer proved their doubters wrong as they lived up to the challenge and made Miya kill 31 times in a ranked match! 

Of course, the power of Miya cannot maximize without a tank that can support and guide her in the early part of the game. Fortunately, Gameplay Proplayer has Tigreal alongside, who can always protect Miya against preying enemies. What made this whole video even more fascinating was the fact that Miya’s teammate went into AFK! Still, Miya was able to destroy the opposing team’s composition and bring victory!


8. Gameplay Proplayer

32 kills in a game.

Yep, you probably thought you had already come across this player earlier. Well, he is just that good that he kept on killing enemies more than the average. This time, instead of Miya, Gameplay Proplayer used Zilong to knock down opponents.

Zilong is known for his mobility and burst damage that can instantly kill enemies who get caught in his trap. Because Zilong is great at ganking and ambushing heroes, Gameplay Proplayer maximized this ability to hunt down squishy enemies and damage dealers. That way, the enemy team will be impaired in terms of damage output.


7. Krian

37 kills in the game.

Brody, the Lone Star, is defintely on this list after Krian killed 37 enemies in less than 15 minutes! Brody already has the tendency to kill multiple enemies at once because of the nature of his skills, especially his ultimate. Krian utilized this advantage and was able to hunt down low HP heroes.

More than that, Krian was also supported by Angela, who could easily possess Brody and give him an additional boost in speed and HP. Other than Angela, Atlas was also present to give Krian excellent sets to show off Brody’s skills.


6. Yuzuke

37 kills in the game.

Who says you can’t pull off Alucard in a ranked match?!! Yuzuke has proven that Alucard is still a beast in the field, if only you know how to use it. At the start of the video, you can see that Yuzuke showed off his favorite hero. Any guess who that is? Of course, it’s Alucard!

Sporting 4,202 matches with a win rate of 67.9%, it is no wonder that Yuzuke was able to pull off 37 kills! The Alucard in the game was the core of the team, alongside Claude as its marksman. Despite the enemy team having Aldous, Alucard was still able to penetrate into the opponent’s team's less strong allies, such as Pharsa and Claude. Every time Pharsa attempts to activate her ultimate, Alucard takes the chance to ambush her and ensure an instant kill.


5. Turkz

40 kills in the game.

40 kills in a single ranked game are not impossible if you have Fanny with you! Within 25 minutes, Turkz was able to destroy the enemy team and immediately dominated the game.

Without the right buff and assistance from teammates, Fanny can immediately secure enough power and gold to outplay the enemy team’s core hero. Since Fanny is dependent on her buff, you can notice that Turkz often steals jungle monsters from the enemy team’s side and always make sure that he gets the buff before anyone can get to it first.


4. Queen

50 kills in a game.

From her name itself, the Queen of Marksman has arrived to shed blood on the battlefield! 

Queen used Layla in a ranked game, and the outcome was truly a disaster if you were on the opposing team. Not only did she incur multiple savages, but Queen was also able to garner 50 kills in the game! Insane, right?!

Of course, some people say that this was possible since Queen played in the lower tier and used a smurf account. Since all enemies were beginners, killing them was just a piece of cake. Nonetheless, Queen's level of dedication and skills to secure that many kills in a single match are worth stanning for!


3. KingJasro

52 kills in the game.

If you want an extreme bloodbath in the game, then you have to use the infamous Fanny. Fanny is proven to be the ultimate killer in Mobile Legends! If one just knows how to use her, then the team can definitely ensure a win!

KingJasro used Fanny when he made 52 kills in a ranked game! Imagine that?! 52 kills in less than 20 minutes! That’s insane! But of course, all of that was possible because he used a hero that is unstoppable, especially when she gets her buff and energy. With enemies like Layla, Vale, and Pharsa, Fanny already had a lot of sure targets. That left the enemy team with only two durable heroes—Esmeralda and X.borg. Still, despite having tough shields, the enemy just couldn’t stop the power of Fanny.


2. Bads

53 kills in the game.

It is already open knowledge that Wanwan is one of the best heroes that you can use if you want savages in a game. Because of this, Wanwan has a huge potential to secure the most kills on the team.

Well, that theory is indeed true, for Bads has successfully secured 53 kills in a ranked game by using Wanwan! In the video, Wanwan was truly unstoppable and almost seemed like an invisible insect in the air. No one can almost see her because of her speed and attack! Even if the opposing team had Gusion, Wanwan was able to outsmart him and get the ultimate gold advantage between the two core heroes.


1. Dracula

82 kills in a game.

Maybe Alucard is indeed a master of killing because Dracula also used him when he secured 82 kills in the Mythic Rank! Definitely a mindblown, isn’t it?

I know you are very curious about how that was possible. Well, other than the fact the game took part for more than 40 minutes, Dracula was also assisted by two great heroes that are known for being excellent setters—Gatotkaca and Atlas. 

Throughout the game, These two durable heroes assist Alucard in every team clash and ensure that all enemies are controlled and handled before Alucard uses his skills. This kind of composition and chemistry is one of the vital reasons why they were able to secure the win in this very late game.


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