![[Top 15] Mobile Legends Most Picked Heroes That Are OP! (Latest Patch) most picked heroes at the moment, OP heroes in mobile legends](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-01/mobile-legends-op-heroes.jpg.webp?itok=kQixpNpe)
Face the scariest and most powerful Mobile Legend heroes at the moment.
Mobile legends go through a series of updates from time to time. In between those updates, there rise the so-called “overpowered” or OP heroes who seem to be too much to handle on the battlefield. These OP heroes list changes oftentimes and are not permanent. For example, these heroes might be strong during this season and not during the next season.
For the latest patch, let’s find out the OP heroes at the moment that you surely always see during draft picking.
15. Gloo
Gloo is here to seize the day.
Gloo is one of the most picked tank heroes at the moment. Gloo is a tank that can jump on a target just by using his ultimate. This can be quite strong but difficult against heroes that can easily escape or those with high mobility.
Hence, Gloo is best for heroes with bad mobility, like Terizla and Layla.
What makes Gloo Powerful In The Current Meta:
- He is a tank with great magic damage.
- He has good mobility for a tank.
- He has a high regeneration ability, which allows him to defend his allies better.
See Gloo In action:
14. Argus
Does he even die?!
Argus is a hero that offers a lot of damage from close combat, especially with his skills and basic attacks. The best thing about this hero is that his ultimate prevents him from getting killed because of his sustenance. This skill is great against heroes with high burst damage, like Kadita and Aldous.
What makes Argus Powerful In The Current Meta:
- He is a good fighter with an excellent set of crowd controls and regeneration skills that are useful in the late game.
- He is a mass damage dealer with high mobility, making him a good substitute assassin too.
- He can go on solo lanes and can win in 5 vs. 1 fights.
See Argus In action:
13. Kimmy
She is everywhere, even if you are not looking.
Kimmy is still one of the best heroes in Mobile legends and has an average win rate of 54.50%. Kimmy deals magic damage and has a strong spray gun weapon. The good thing about Kimmy is that she can attack even while moving! So if you are a hero who is only for close combats, better not go against Kimmy.
Kimmy is a good counter against heroes like Chou and Leomord.
What makes Kimmy Powerful In The Current Meta:
- She has good mobility and attacks with no intervals in-betweens.
- She has a mix of physical and magical damage, which allows her to deal more damage.
- She is very OP in the early since she has a large basic attack without having any items.
See Kimmy In action:
12. Kadita
Please welcome the water goddess.
Kadita currently has a win rate of 52.80% and continues to get banned in ranked games. Kadita is often seen as a mage hero, but now, she can also be utilized as an assassin! She has a very powerful ultimate skill that deals a tremendous amount of damage to enemies close to her.
With Kadita, she can be a good pick against heroes like Lunox and Selena.
What makes Kadita Powerful In The Current Meta:
- She is a good initiator even if you use her as a mage hero, signifying her effectiveness in poking and luring enemies.
- She has a great area of effect damage that can knock down multiple enemies at once.
- She is very flexible and can be used in different builds, such as full-damage or full-tank.
See Kadita In action:
11. Yve
Take her wrath.
This season, Yve continues to dominate the mage line, as she has an average win rate of 53.80%. Yve is the favorite mage hero of most players, especially those who want to rank up faster.
Yve has a strong area of effect damage skills, making her attack all enemies that are within the area she targets. Her ultimate is the very reason why she continues to remain relevant since when this is activated, she summons a big raster, allowing her to deal high amounts of damage.
What makes Yve Powerful In The Current Meta:
- Her skills allow her to easily harass enemies.
- She deals an insane amount of damage.
- She can quickly target backliners or those that deal heavy damage but lacks in defense.
See Yve In action:
You Can't Kill Me! Yve Perfect MVP GamePlay! - Top Global Yve by 3x15 - Mobile Legends
10. Julian
Behold, the Scarlet Raven.
Julian recently had a win rate of 51.79%. This shows that not only had he been used frequently in ranked matches, but players who use him have a high chance of winning! Julian is one of the newest mage/fighter heroes in the Land of Dawn. The very reason that he’s still new is one of the factors why players can’t seem to fully know how to attack against him yet.
What makes Julian Powerful In The Current Meta:
- He has no ultimate ability, yet you can level up his third skill to make him more powerful
- Each of his skills has an enhanced version, which he can utilize after activating any of his two skills.
- He has a lot of skill combos which are very advantageous during team fights.
See Julian In action:
29 Kills!! Best Julian One Hit Build and Emblem - Build Top 1 Global Julian ~ MLBB
9. Melissa
The Cursed Needle.
Melissa has been very frequent in the banned area, as she got an estimated 16.29% of ban rate. Despite that huge percentage, she still bears a higher win rate of 52.43%, showing the skill range that Melissa can offer on the battlefield.
This hero is a gold laner, but she can also be maximized as the jungler. Because of this, Melissa is prone to leveling up and gaining the ultimate gold advantage over her team, which means that she can immediately buy equipment and enhance her damage as early as possible.
What makes Melissa Powerful In The Current Meta:
- She deals 150% extra damage to minions, making her excellent for pushing.
- She has a lot of dash and blink skills that allow her to gain extra attack speed and escape from enemies.
- She has a very defensive ultimate skill that enables her to release a protective field that prevents attacks from melee heroes.
See Melissa In action:
8. Paquito
Oh, please. You are just one punch away with Paquito.
Paquito has always been the talk of the town ever since his release. His ability to knock down enemies without even scraping his HP is truly something that continues to fascinate most players. This fighter hero is inspired by the professional boxer from the Philippines—Manny Pacquiao. That is why Paquito is designed to become a good boxer that has very powerful jab skills!
What makes Paquito Powerful In The Current Meta:
- He has a very short cooldown, which allows him to use his skills almost anytime.
- His skills deal enormous damage, making him more like an assassin.
- He has a diverse skill set and many blink skills, enabling him to confuse opponents about his next moves.
See Paquito In action:
7. Atlas
Do not go in groups if you are against him.
This hero is surely on the list, especially with most players who display a lot of reactions about his skills. Some players insist that Atlas’ power comes from his passive, which slows down enemies around him for a period of time and reduces their attack speed. This allows Atlas to maximize his ultimate ability and trap all enemies in one play.
Atlas is a very good tank to pair with a jungler or marksman that has huge burst damage.
What makes Atlas Powerful In The Current Meta:
- For a tank, his skills cooldown is fast, allowing him to use his abilities again.
- His crowd control is too troublesome for opponents, especially for those who have low mobility.
- He can easily trap enemies and ambush them using his ultimate skill, which leads to a fatal chain that will lock all enemies that are near him.
See Atlas In action:
MVP Tank!! Atlas The Annoying Tank!! - Build Top 1 Global Atlas ~ MLBB
6. Faramis
This monster resurrects.
Faramis is often underrated, but once you play him correctly, he is an OP hero. In fact, his ban rate reaches up to 70.04%! This huge ban percentage is an indication of how people really do not want to play against Faramis!
Faramis is a support/mage hero who has a damaging ultimate skill that can really make or break the situation. His ultimate allows him to resurrect dead allies in a certain area for a period of time. The good thing about this is that during the resurrection, players have control over their heroes and have 100% HP with full attack power! This skill is very useful if your team wants to have a comeback.
What makes Faramis Powerful In The Current Meta:
- The revamp on his passive now allows him to increase his damage.
- He has the ability to reduce his own cooldown time and get additional magic damage from time to time.
- He has high mobility and a low respawn rate.
See Faramis In action:
Faramis Revamp with Full Def Build is The New META!! - Build Top 1 Global Faramis ~ MLBB
5. Leomord
The king with a horse is ready to take your life.
Leomord has been in and out of the meta. But for this season, this Sword Sword hero has an estimated win rate of 58.96%. This is because of his attacks that give critical damage to opponents!
Leomord has the ability to slow enemies in a target direction and can quickly charge unto them. If paired with a good support like Angela or Estes, he will truly become a force to reckon with!
What makes Leomord Powerful In The Current Meta:
- His passive skill allows him to deal damage to enemies when their HP is below a certain percentage.
- He is best against heroes with high mobility since he can outrun them.
- He can quickly provide back up or cut into fights because of his second skill.
See Leomord In action:
MANIAC!! 88% Win Rate Leomord [ Top 1 Global Leomord ] EL Putra ft Nafil - Mobile Legends Gameplay
4. Martis
One of the best fighters at the moment.
Martis is not new in the Meta list because of his high movement speed and killing potential. Over the years, a lot of new heroes came in and overshadowed him. But the new buff on his passive has truly given him a reason to rise back up again!
Every time Martis uses a skill, his attack speed increases by 30%, up to a maximum of 120%! This is super powerful and is very helpful in the late game! When playing Martis, it is advisable to prioritize leveling up his second and ultimate level over his first skill since his second skill offers multi-stages of damage, which increases the damage he deals to enemies.
What makes Martis Powerful In The Current Meta:
- He has an insane amount of attack speed, which is a good advantage for a fighter.
- His second skill gives immunity that is useful for breaking enemy formation.
- He can also provide crowd control effects, can knock up, and mass stun enemies.
See Martis In action:
Supreme No.1 Martis Powerful Jungler Build [ Top Global Martis ] ~丂Ҝ乇ㄒ~ - Mobile Legends Gameplay
3. Valentina
The copier.
Is this even an OP list if we will not include Valentina? This monstrous mage has been giving headaches to all of its opponents. Valentina is a mage hero who provides a high level of damage from early to mid-game! That is very unlikely for a mage hero, which is why everyone just wants to use her and does not want to go against her.
Overall, Valentina remains to be a very interesting hero ever since her release.
What makes Valentina Powerful In The Current Meta:
- She is very flexible and has the power to deceive enemies, which is a good advantage in order to outsmart them.
- She is a perfect choice for a player who is well-rounded to the skills and abilities of all other heroes.
- Her ultimate skill enables her to copy an enemy hero, allowing her to forge their strengths and use these strengths against the enemy team.
See Valentina In action:
2. Wanwan
Try to catch her.
Wanwan is considered to be one of the toughest marksman heroes at the moment. She is sporting a surge ban rate of 73% with a win rate of 61.36%! That is how badass she is in the current meta!
Wanwan is a hero who needs to complete a condition in order for her to use her special ultimate skill. She also has good mobility and attack skill, which helps her to run away from prying enemies and to go for the ultimate kill.
What makes Wanwan Powerful In The Current Meta:
- She has good movement speed for a marksman, which makes her move like an assassin.
- Her second skill gives her a purifying effect, which is good against CC enemies.
- She can reveal hiding enemies because of her passive, which is perfect for ganking.
See Wanwan In action:
1. Gusion
Prepare your fast hands.
Gusion continues to be on top of the list, especially with his quickness and high burst damage. For this season, he has an estimated win rate of 56.85%! I know you might be asking how come Wanwan comes second to him when she has a higher win rate.
Well, the very reason is that between the two, Gusion remains to be a more stable and powerful hero since he is a full assassin. In fact, Gusion has a high chance of winning against Wanwan than Wanwan winning against Gusion.
If you play against a very experienced Gusion player, you will truly have a hard time eliminating him from the game.
What makes Gusion Powerful In The Current Meta:
- He is excellent from the early to late game.
- He has good mobility and dash skills, which are good at poking enemies.
- His skills do not rely on the abilities of others and can shine on their own, which is perfect if you do not have a 5-man team and you mostly go on solo gaming.
See Gusion In action:
Gusion 90% Win Rate! Perfect Jungler Gameplay! - Top 1 Global Gusion by Free2win - Mobile Legends