Do you have what it takes to win in net?
A lot has been written about skater builds in NHL 19, but what about the goalies? Where is the love for the masked man between the pipes? It’s like nobody wants to play goalie this year and the argument can be made that EA neglected goalies in NHL 19. But if you’re reading this, you must want to stop 100mph packs. This quick article will show you how to be a Vezina winner in NHL 19. So, what are your options?
3. The Stand-Up Goalie
The pionear of goaltending in modern hockey. No masks allowed.
In real life, nobody plays standup anymore. This is the oldest goaltending style; it pretty much died out by the end of the 1960s. The stand-up goaltending style relies on size, quick reflexes and passing to succeed. This style provides the ability to react and maximize net coverage dynamically. However, the major downside of this style is poor low shot coverage and rebound control. Notable stand-up goalies: Bill Ranford, Jacques Plante
2. The Butterfly Goalie
Not quite Muhammad Ali, but close.
This goaltending style evolved following the death of the stand-up style. It corrects for the main weakness of the stand-up style: stopping low shots. Most of the time, goalies will make saves in the butterfly position. The thinking behind this was that most of shots (about 75 percent) are aimed at the lower part of the net, so this style maximizes efficiency. The main benefit of this build is the boost you get for your reflexes and positioning. Rebound control is also excellent. If you choose this build, you may be susceptible to high shots and deflections.
Notable butterfly goalies: Patrick Roy, Henrik Lundqvist
1. The Hybrid Goalie
Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too. Just this once.
The hybrid style is the newest style of goaltending. It was introduced in the late 1990s/early 2000s. The thinking behind this technique is that you should be able to read and react according to the type of shot you are faced with. It is adaptable and blends the best traits of the butterfly and stand-up styles. The hybrid style relies on athleticism and versatility to provide success. This is the most balanced of the three builds and that is why it is the best one. You will have good reflexes with this build and can tweak your weight and height to suit your playstyle. This build places the emphasis on your skills as a player. If you have sound positional instincts, you will be a great goalie with the hybrid technique as your base.
Notable hybrid goalies: Martin Brodeur, Jonathan Quick
Specialization Suggestions
Penalty Kill Energy: increase to energy for all teammates after successful penalty kill
Calming Influence: increase to energy for all teammates after successful breakaway or penalty shot save
Clutch Goalie: grants slight attribute boosts in the final five minutes of the third period