![[Top 10] One Piece Best Episodes Revealed-1 Best One Piece Episodes, One Piece](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2022-02/top_10_one_piece_best_episodes_revealed-1.jpg.webp?itok=PrvZDLJA)
Is it possible to choose only ten episodes among the masterpiece that is One Piece?
After thousands of episodes, it is difficult to think about choosing the best episodes of One Piece, especially since Oda has given us moments where he has made us cry our hearts out, get angry or outright lose our heads with emotion. However, after giving it a thorough thought (I promise it took me over fifteen minutes), here are the top ten One Piece episodes so far:
10) Episode 53: The Legend has Begun! Head to the Grand Line!
Luffy smiles before being executed by Buggy.
At the beginning of the series, we found several episodes deserve to be at this top. However, starting this top is an episode that is perhaps underrated even though it has several moments that fill us with nostalgia when we return to it.
In episode 53 we have one of the first parallels between Luffy and Roger, the appearance of a mysterious figure (that we will later find out is the father of our main character), and it's the moment when our beloved Straw Hats are about to enter the Grand Line and, as the title says, start their legend.
At the end of the episode, they give us a moment full of emotion as one by one the crew proclaims their dream as they head to the entrance of the Grand Line. This episode also gained bonus points for the rubber boy laughing as he is about to be executed just to be saved by lightning.
9) Episode 870: A Fist of Divine Speed - Another Gear Fourth Application Activated!
Luffy reveals the snake man
I’ll start by saying that the episode in which Luffy first activates the Gear Second might as well deserve this spot on the top. The only reason it doesn’t is that the fight between Katakuri and Luffy gives this episode the edge.Not only because of how epic it is, which it is, but also because the direction and animation of this episode are masterful, thanks to Kohei Kureto and Masahiro Shimanuki respectively. Undoubtedly the studio’s work did more than justice to one of the most significant fights in One Piece.
I also have to admit that I love this form of Gear Fourth. I’m sorry but Snake man is so much cooler than Bounce Man.
8) Episode 982: Kaido's Trump Card - The Tobi Roppo Appear
The Straw Hats postpone their toast
If I gave credit to the direction and animation of the previous episode on this list, in this one I should give an award to Toei and every person who worked on this episode. In the recent era of One Piece, it certainly enters the top three.
This episode has it all: the Straw Hats rampaging through enemies in beautiful choreography, the introduction of Kaido’s officers, a musical performance by Queen, a moment that shows what Luffy awakens in people, and beautiful dialogue. All this is accompanied by an animation quality worthy of a movie.
Not only that, ending the episode we have one of those moments that bring a full circle as we look back to past episodes when the Straw Hats are about to celebrate Jinbei joining the crew, much like that moment in episode 53 when they proclaim their dreams.
Most importantly, however, is Luffy showing off his musical prowess again after hundreds of episodes.
7) Episode 974: Oden Wouldn't be Oden if it wasn't boiled!
Oden's last moments
Heartbreaking and touching are the words I would use to describe this episode. The third act of the Wano Country arc begins with a flashback of Kozuki Oden’s story, the impact on his country, culminating in the famous Legendary Hour in which Oden tried to survive with his retainers the execution in boiling oil.
Episode 974 puts us in the final part of the Legendary Hour. As the execution proceeds, with Oden holding the Akazaya nine on his shoulders, his name is cleared and it’s discovered that he was only acting like a fool to protect them all from Orochi. Thus the people of Wano, moved as they learn the truth, started begging the shogun to stop the execution and cheer Oden on.
Unfortunately, although Oden survived the hour, Orochi had no intention of keeping his word. With his last breath, Oden helped his retainers escape and shared with them his dream and last orders: survive and help open the borders of Wano. Then, posing as always, Oden says goodbye with his famous line left in half “Oden wouldn’t be oden…” finished by all the people crying “if it wasn’t boiling”.
What a badass.
6) Episode 236: Luffy vs. Usopp! The Spirit of the Clashing Men
The devastating duel between Luffy and Usopp
Honestly, I sometimes hate Oda every time he wants to give his characters a bit of development. But you have to trust the process.
This chapter, and this battle, are incredibly emotional. Usopp challenges Luffy to fight over the Merry, which Luffy decided they would leave behind since it was no longer repairable and they were going to get a new ship. This is the moment that many judge Usopp terribly for, but you have to understand that he is not like the other crew members.
Usopp is not particularly strong or knows how to navigate, so seeing that they would leave Merry triggered his insecurity. What could stop them from leaving him behind when he was no longer useful? So he challenges Luffy. However, we see the captain of the Straw Hats develop too, and after some trouble he defeats Usopp. Proving that, as the captain, his word is final. Even with tears in his eyes.
How dare you Oda?! They are best friends!
5) Episode 808: A Heartbreaking Duel - Luffy vs. Sanji - Part 2
Luffy refuses to fight Sanji
Entering the top five we have another moment full of emotions and a heartbreaking duel. Not only that, the animation accompanies the plot with flawless quality.
While Luffy refuses to fight him, Sanji kicks his captain trying to push him away to protect the crew and Zeff. Another great characterization moment where we see, despite commonly looking like a fool, Luffy demonstrates his ability to understand people’s hearts.
Luffy knows well that Sanji just wants to protect them; he also understands that this is not Sanji’s dream and he’s not willing to fulfill it at the cost of one of his friend’s happiness. The episode culminates with the great voice actress that brings Luffy to life, Mayumi Tanaka, giving it her all as our main character delivers a speech telling Sanji that he’ll be waiting for him there, starving until he returns.
Sincerely, Oda likes to make its viewers suffer.
4) Episode 483: Looking for the Answer - Fire Fist Ace Dies on the Battlefield
Ace says goodbye to Luffy
I don’t even know where to begin with this episode. It speaks volumes for a character with little screen time that his death broke the hearts of so many. Oda is a master of making you love his characters.As the war progresses we discover that Ace is none other than the son of Gol D. Roger and that this is something Ace detests to the point of despising his very own existence. However, seeing everyone’s effort, and Luffy, to save his life Ace exclaims to Garp that he wants to live even if this is selfish.
Just when we thought that Luffy finally rescued his brother and they would escape together, the fire nation attacked. With his arm made of magma, Akainu attacks Luffy. However, Ace gets between the two, and Akainu’s arm pierces him. Whitebeard immediately smashes the admiral into a Looney-Tunes-like stamp, but it’s too late. Finally, Ace dies in Luffy’s arms in a heartbreaking moment with beautiful but painful last words.
Thank you for loving me.
PS: Low key the title of the episode is a huge spoiler. No one thought of that when they were making it?
3) Episode 312: Thank you Merry! The Sea of Separation in the Snow
The Straw Hats bid farewell to Going Merry
Let us continue along the path of tears. Oda is famous for not killing many characters, but when it’s time to say goodbye to one of them he manages to make it as painful and narratively beautiful as possible.
The final moment of the Merry is also one of those we fans usually use to refer to Oda’s mastery. I mean, who is capable of making you cry over a fictional ship? With everyone crying, Merry’s final words (yes the ship speaks) it’s impossible to hold back the tears as Luffy yells Merry’s name at the end.
In a way, this episode (and the entire Enies Lobby arc) is one of the first to make viewers feel how serious the journey is and that the risk is real. Is not certain that everyone will make it to the end of it and fulfill their dreams.
2) Episode 405: Disappearing Crew - The Final Day of the Straw Hat Crew
Luffy breaks down after failing to save his friends
At this point, I think it’s becoming clear that One Piece is not so much full of jokes and silly characters as many people think. The truth is that the reason people have watched a thousand episodes of it is that we’ve been emotionally manipulated arc after arc. This episode is especially painful.
Watching as one by one the members of the Straw Hats disappear, watching Luffy break down at the end when he realizes he couldn’t save any of them, not knowing at the time what would happen, makes this episode one that all of the fans remember and love deeply. See, I told you, emotional gaslight.
This episode would also add special weight later when Luffy tries to rescue Ace. After the war, while mourning his dead brother, Jinbe reminds Luffy that he still has something left. His crew, his friends.
Oda calls it character development, I call it emotional damage.
1) Episode 278: Say you want to live! We are Friends!
Robin finally allows herself to express her wish
While having to choose the previous nine episodes was somewhat difficult, the number one spot in this top could not be any other than this one. There are no One Piece moments more iconic than the ones Oda gave us in this episode.
Starting with the culmination of Robin’s backstory, undoubtedly one of the best in the series, we have Luffy declaring war on the world government by ordering Sogeking to burn the flag atop Enies Lobby. We have all the Mugiwara being badasses posing in front of CP-9 and all of the marines. And finally, we have Luffy asking Robin to say she wants to live and she tearfully replies that she wants to set sail back out to sea with them
The whole episode is nothing but a master class by Oda on how to make your viewers support piracy. That’s why episode 278 is the best episode of the whole show.
Besides, you have to admit that the look on everyone’s face when Sogeking burned the government flag is a laugh riot.