10. Beginner Layout (Placing Things as You Go)
A classic beginning farm layout in Ooblets
See Beginner Layout in action: DangerouslyFunny
When starting out in Ooblets, the number of creatures and crops available can be daunting. It may be difficult to figure out how you want to live life in Badgetown and what to focus your energy on. A fancy farm layout may be the furthest thing from your mind for the first few in-game days.
And that’s totally okay. Games like Ooblets are meant to be enjoyed, and if you’re constantly stressed about what your friends might think of your layout, that enjoyment can be easily lost. Being lax in your farming practices may be just the thing to help take Ooblets from just another pastime to a full-fledged obsession.
However, if you’re looking to rake in the gummies via planting and harvesting crops, this layout is definitely not recommended. Most of the time, players using this layout won’t have oobcoops, sprinklers, or even crunchsters on their farm. And even if you do throw down a few, chances are their AOEs won’t be optimized for total coverage.
Still, it’s hard to beat the nostalgic feel of a sporadically-chosen farm layout. I recommend embracing this stage of the game wholeheartedly(and taking tons of screenshots) before upgrading to a more efficient layout.
Why Beginner Layout is great:
- Easy to put together. This layout doesn’t require a certain number of oobcoops, sprinklers, or even crops. Just place what you’ve got and move on!
- No planning necessary. Forget spending hours counting out plots and gathering resources. This layout utilizes spur-of-the-moment decisions to their fullest!
- A level of charming humility. Straight lines and harsh corners can make for the worst eyesores. Embrace the natural feel of randomly-placed crops and coops. Plus, this layout will give you plenty of great “before” photos for your memorabilia!
9. The Total Completionist
A collector’s dream farm layout for Ooblets
If you’re a “Gotta catch ‘em all!” kind of gamer, then this is the farm layout for you. Designed by Reddit user u/arencari, this farm accounts for every ooblet type and rarity in the game along with every growable crop. But the fun doesn’t end there! The entire layout is also organized by region, so even OCD gamers can be satisfied.
Although not entirely practical, this farm and its accompanying “ooblet apartments” are sure to impress any onlooker. It takes a certain level of commitment to establish your entire farm on the dream of being a museum curator.
For those who like the idea of an all-inclusive ooblet sanctuary but still want a profitable farm, this layout can be easily modified to include more crops for increased production. If you manage to wrangle one of each gleamy ooblet, you can even make a living off all the oobsidian you’ll be swimming in!
Why the Total Completionist is great:
- Show off your collection. What’s the point of gathering every kind of ooblet if no one ever sees them? Now you can proudly display all your little, dancing friends.
- No ooblet left behind. This layout accounts for every ooblet in the game and every rarity! That’s three times the cuteness organized into adorable “ooblet apartments.”
- Visualize your progress. With so many different regions to keep track of, this layout makes visualizing achievements easy by organizing everything according to where it’s found, including ooblets!
8. Beginner+
Beardo Benjo basking in the glory of their farm in Ooblets
See Beginner+ in action: Beardo Benjo
A step up from the Beginner layout, this farm design features wooden pathways and neat plots to keep your farm organized. Although it may be plain, there is a beautiful simplicity with this design. No one can accuse you of noob status when your farm is full of neat lines and thriving crops.
The biggest downside to this layout is the lack of sprinklers. Even if you were to add sprinklers to your own copycat design, the spacing of the plots prohibits optimal sprinkler AOE. Still, when you’re just starting out, chances are you won’t have many sprinklers anyway.
I recommend using this layout (or one similar to it) as a stepping stone to help you get to a more intricate design later. Even starting with a basic layout can help make crops easier to reach and care for as well as give you a foundation to build off of for your own ooblet oasis.
Why Beginner+ is great:
- Requires few resources. When you leave out all the expensive sprinklers and oobcoops, you’re left with a resource-friendly layout that anyone can achieve regardless of how many hours you’ve clocked. Clean up your farm with only a little stamina and a few planklets.
- Expandable design. This layout is created entirely with rectangles. Add new sections in any direction with just a few more wooden boards.
- Avoid looking like a try hard. Some farm layouts get cluttered with too many paths, shapes, and objects. Bypass unnecessary extras and keep your farm clean and free from ridicule.
7. Generic Farm
Alaric Games reigning over their domain in Ooblets
See Generic Farm in action: Alaric Games
While Ooblets may resemble other farming sims in its crop-growing mechanics, one unique feature it adds is the oobcoop. An adorable (and impractically small) structure, the oobcoop provides more than a warm place for your ooblets to rest. Each oobcoop, when upgraded to level five, can house up to five ooblets and allows them to clear and till the ground as well as plant, water, speed up growth, keep warm, and harvest crops.
Because oobcoops are such an essential part of maximizing farm productivity, this layout is completely centered around them. Each 3x3 area boasts its own oobcoop, and the wooden paths surrounding the coops increase efficiency as you pick up the crops your ooblets have collected. What’s more, you can repeat the pattern as often or as little as you like to change the size of your fields.
This farm layout is great for when you’ve got more oobcoops and planklets than you know what to do with. Having plenty of helper ooblets is also essential on those days when you don’t have enough time or stamina to take care of your crops by yourself.
Why Generic Farm is great:
- Optimal layout for gathering crops. While ooblets harvest crops for you, they are unable to sort them into your chests. This farm makes it easy (and quick) to run around each oobcoop and grab any veggies left laying on the ground.
- Don’t walk a mile in your shoes. The largest benefit of wooden walkways in Ooblets (aside from their aesthetically-pleasing organizational capabilities) is the boost of speed you get when running over them. With the insane number of pathways you’ll be placing with this layout, you’ll be able to speed from one end of your fields to the other in seconds.
- Keep it simple, Sidekey. Forget all the frills with this straight-forward layout. The entire farm is made up of 3x3 plots with one oobcoop in the center of each and wooden pathways all around. It’s so easy, even a wuddlin can do it.
6. Beginner Pro
KatherineOfSky caring for their crops in Ooblets
See Beginner Pro in action: KatherineOfSky
Much like the Generic Farm layout above, this design utilizes the beneficial oobcoop. Rather than having each 3x3 plot surrounded by paths, though, this layout groups plots into 6x6 areas with four oobcoops apiece. Though it is a simple adjustment, this optimizes the space on your farm and allows for more crops to be planted.
As with all modifications, though, this one comes with a bit of a setback. While you’ll have more crops at your disposal, there are fewer pathways for you to run on. Gamers who use this design may find themselves taking extra time to gather up their crops as they must step into the dirt to retrieve those crops on the innermost tiles. I recommend using this layout if you’re finding yourself strapped for cash but with a little extra time on your hands.
Why Beginner Pro is great:
- Compact creativity. By pairing the oobcoops into groups of four, the footprint of your farm will be much smaller. Plus, the change in groupings allows for more interesting crop combinations.
- Supports full automation. Forget wacky layouts with oobcoop-less plots. Every crop in your farm will be lovingly managed by one of your trusted ooblets once you invest in a few oobcoops.
- Upgrade as you go. With the more versatile spacing of crops, you can easily switch from using sprinklers to space heaters to oobcoops as you gain resources without having to redesign your entire layout!
5. Variety Pack
u/FJKrueger’s plan for achieving bountiful harvests in Ooblets
Ooblets offers a play style to fit any kind of gamer perfectly. Among these customizable features is the player shop that Mayor Tinstle gifts you. While some gamers may neglect the shop in favor of Plenny’s lucrative bulk orders, others may find it more rewarding to stock up their own shelves and watch the customers roll in.
If you’d rather live your life as a humble shopkeeper, then this is the layout for you! With room for each crop variety, you’ll never run out of those random items the occasional villager asks for.
Obviously, this layout isn’t nearly as profitable as some of the other possibilities (especially if you decide to dabble in the different crops), but it can be perfect for those looking for a more casual gaming experience. I recommend this layout for anyone yearning for the simple life of a shopkeeper rather than the streamlined existence of a millionaire.
Why Variety Pack is great:
- A little bit of everything. Always keep a healthy supply of every crop on your farm. This layout also generates raw resources as well as processed goods and even boasts an area set apart for hatching ooblet seeds.
- Room for the wild. Don’t overlook the many bounties of nature. It can be easy to disregard the rocks, weeds, and branches that gather on your farm as mere nuisances, but don’t forget that they can be a great source of nurnies, planklets, and even those precious clothlet seeds!
- Process like a pro. No more waiting around for one ooblet to crunch all your springbeans. With three crunchsters and two swooshlers, you won’t be waiting long for your crops to turn into liquid gold.
4. Generic+
Dũng Hồ Trí overseeing their diligent workers in Ooblets
See Generic+ in action: Dũng Hồ Trí
Although not as automated as the Beginner Pro and other layouts, Generic+ stands out for its unique combination of large and small plots. Rather than copying-and-pasting plot after plot, Dũng Hồ Trí designs areas geared toward different roles including growing crops, producing oobsidian, and processing ingredients.
One downside to dedicating space to things other than crop growth is the lack of coherency in spacing. This often causes some crops to be untended by an oobcoop or sprinkler. If you don’t mind a little bit of manual labor, though, this design can be a good route for making other processes (like brewing that sweet beanjuice) smoother.
The unique, double-wide pathways featured in this layout make getting around your farm even easier as you no longer have to run on a tightwire. The give and take in this situation, though, is that you will lose valuable crop space. Still, if you often find yourself misstepping, widening your pathways is one great solution to making travel easier.
Why Generic+ is great:
- Let nature breathe. This layout sacrifices some of the strict lines of cultivation to give plenty of room for nature to run its course. This way, you’ll never run out of nurnies or planklets again.
- Production perfection. With special areas designed to maximize crop production, your ooblets can operate more crunchsters and swooshlers than ever before.
- Let the oobsidian rain. Set aside a few oobcoops specifically for your gleamy ooblets and watch them generate more oobsidian than you could ever need!
3. Beginner Extreme
Maybe Sarisa strolling through their gardens in Ooblets
See Beginner Extreme in action: Maybe Sarisa
Many gamers find the gridlike pattern of plot after plot mundane and repetitive. Instead of opting for the boring lines of a traditional farm, spice things up with the Beginner Extreme farm layout. Now, you’ll have plenty of different-sized plots to fill up with whatever you’d like.
The versatility of this layout also allows for customizable automation. Perhaps you don’t like the idea of enlisting hoards of ooblets in your quest for riches. Maybe you’d prefer to harvest your crops with your own two hands.
No matter what your dream farm looks like, this layout will help you achieve it. Despite the many benefits to having a more freeform layout, this design can often feel cluttered and disorganized to those gamers who value order above all else. You may also find it difficult to fill some of these plots with oobcoops due to their irregular sizes.
Why Beginner Extreme is great:
- World of automation. This layout features many types of automation: sprinklers, oobcoops, heaters, and more. With all that variety, your crops are sure to be well cared for.
- Let the artistic juices flow. Without that cookie-cutter quality of other layouts, you are free to make your farm your own by changing up where each of your crops grow.
- Plenty of foot traffic. Wander where you will with this patchwork of pathways. No more running in straight lines; now you can forge your own path as you roam your territory.
2. Maximum Output
Nitwad’s money-making machine in Ooblets
See Maximum Output in action: Nitwad
With this streamlined layout, you will never work a day in your virtual life again. Hand the reins over to your trusty ooblet companions and watch them raise harvest after harvest of the most profitable crops. The only thing you’ll have to do is take a quick run each morning to gather up the goods left on the ground and refill the oobcoops with your chosen seeds.
While this farm design isn’t anything special to look at, it will make you buckets-full of gummies that will make you tear up. The largest drawback with this farm is the amount of resources you’ll have to part with to build all 87 oobcoops and max out their levels. You’ll definitely want to keep an eye on the weekly Dance Barn rewards for the occasional oobcoop if you’re looking to make this layout a reality.
Without the handy speed boost granted by wooden pathways, gamers who take the plunge on this layout may find their morning rounds fairly time consuming. However, unless you’re willing to sacrifice some of your precious profits, there’s no way to get around this small dilemma. I recommend this design to those who are willing to put up with a little pain for the most efficient and profitable farm on the market.
Why Maximum Output is great:
- Rakin’ in the cash. If untold riches are your goal, then look no further. This layout optimizes oobcoop placement to ensure you bring in the largest harvests possible.
- Straight to business. Don’t waste your time and resources on fancy designs or speed-boosting walkways. This farm is focused on one thing only: money.
- Full automation. Never spend a day watering, planting, or harvesting again. Let your eager ooblets lend a hand instead.
1. Symmetry Matters
An aerial view of Glumberland’s adorably optimal farm layout in Ooblets
Most gamers, when launching Ooblets for the first time, will be immediately charmed by the tiny, dancing creatures the game is named for. For those who withstand the onslaught of adorable bum-wiggles, there are bright graphics, catchy tunes, and silly characters to fall in love with. No matter where you look, you cannot deny that Ooblets is founded on the cute factor.
It stands to reason, then, that your farm should be equally cute in both content and design. Luckily, the makers of Ooblets have done half the work for you by creating adorably strange crops to tend and huggable farmhands to help. All that’s left is to design a farm that is worthy of it all.
This layout, designed by the Glumberland team themselves, achieves all that and more. With your ooblet pods in the center of the design and pathways branching out from all sides, this farm will provide you with all the resources and crops you need while still living up to the charm this game is known for.
Now, that’s not to say that this layout is completely perfect. There are still areas that can be hard to reach, and some of the crops aren’t manned by those hug-inducing ooblets. But overall, this farm satisfies every need you’ll have as you search out the secrets of Badgetown and other areas.
Why Symmetry Matters is great:
- Stay true to Ooblets’ intent. The core element of Ooblets is cuteness. From the unique dance battles to the cuddly ooblets, to the unearthly crops, this game is chalk full of adorable things for you to ooh and ahh over, and your farm should be no different.
- Sanctioned ooblet nest. Since ooblets are the engine of both the game and most farm automation, it makes sense to have a designated spot to nurture their life-giving seeds.
- One place for every need. Whether you’re short on springbeans, planklets, or flootisauce, this farm will produce it for you. No more hunting through the streets of Badgetown. Instead, grow it all in your own backyard!