10. Researching (best for early-game)
A Shrumbo losing its soul to science in Ooblets
There are many things to do with your cute, little ooblets, but the most important is to research them. This may sound like a scary, and potentially painful, experience for your ooblets, but it is actually a relatively simple procedure. Not to mention, it’s an easy way to make some money.
New players can easily get rich quickly using this method as there are no prerequisites to unlocking the Ooblet Scanner. All you need is a new ooblet and 10 seconds to scan them at the Lernery. Rugnolia will pay you handsomely for every unique ooblet you bring in, and her reward will only increase with the rarity of each ooblet.
This is not a sustainable way to make money, however, since there are a limited number of ooblet types in the world, and each type only has three rarities (Common, Uncommon, and Gleamy). However, you’d be silly not to take advantage of Rugnolia’s generosity while it lasts! I recommend taking each new ooblet straight to the Lernery before sending them to the Wildlands so you don’t miss one.
How to research ooblets:
1. Win a dance battle against a wild ooblet. This will give you the chance to obtain a new type of ooblet seed.
2. Plant the ooblet seed and watch it grow. Different ooblets take longer to grow, so be sure to check in on your new friend’s progress every day.
3. Harvest the ooblet pod. You’ll know your ooblet is all grown up when a purple, plum-like pod appears (it will also sparkle a little bit). A few ooblets have yellowish-white pods instead, but these will also be sparkling.
4. Take a trip to the Lernery. Make sure your new ooblet is following you (you can edit “Follow Babies” on the Ooblets tab in your inventory) then make your way to the white, camper-looking building on the right side of Badgetown (it’s near the giant mansion that serves as the Peaksnubs’ clubhouse).
5. Visit when Rugnolia is there. Rugnolia can be found inside the Lernery in the morning and evening (she takes an afternoon walk to Town Hall every day). Rugnolia must be inside the Lernery in order for you to use her Ooblet Scanner, but she doesn’t have to be standing right next to it.
6. Interact with the Ooblet Scanner. The Ooblet Scanner is a green box with one open side.
7. Select the ooblet you’d like to scan. Rugnolia will join you at the Ooblet Scanner and ask if you’ve brought her a new ooblet to scan. If any of the ooblets with you have not been scanned, the “Yup!” button will be purple (otherwise, it will be grayed out and unselectable).
8. Receive your reward. Immediately after the scan is finished, you will be rewarded 50 gummies for a common ooblet, 100 gummies for an uncommon, or 300 gummies for a gleamy.
9. Keep on scanning. Rugnolia will automatically pick an unscanned ooblet from your follow babies. Simply keep interacting with the Ooblet Scanner until all of your ooblets have been scanned.
9. Trading Wishies (decent for end-game)
The coveted wishy in Ooblets
One quick way to earn some gummies is to trade in your wishies. Wishies are an alternative form of currency that you receive for completing Tinstle Tasks and other quests. You can check how many wishies you have by opening your inventory and looking at the left side panel (right next to your character portrait).
You can trade in 50 wishies for 100 gummies by interacting with the Wishy Well in the Town Square. Alternatively, you can trade in wishies at any time by selecting the Wishy Well icon in your inventory (right next to the number of wishies you have).
It can be tempting to trade in all your wishies for a quick buck, but I definitely do not recommend this method until very late game (and only sparingly at that point). Wishies are used for many important upgrades and learning tons of blueprints. Even if you’re drowning in wishies right now, I guarantee you will eventually find yourself wishing for just. One. More. Wishy.
If you are determined to repurpose your wishies, however, there are a couple good ways to keep your wishy-to-gummy revenue consistent: Daily Wishies Tasks and Dance Barn Tournaments. If you do all three Daily tasks and win the 1v1 and 2v2 dance battles, you can earn 105 wishes (or 210 gummies) per day.
Daily Wishies:
1. Start the day off right. You will get a new set of 3 “Daily Wishies” quests every in-game day.
2. Find your Daily Wishies tasks. These are located in the bottom-left corner of the screen (you may need to press a button or two on the d-pad to expand the task list).
3. Complete your tasks. There are three levels of tasks: 5 Wishies Tasks, 10 Wishies, and 20 Wishies. Each level has a set pool of tasks it can pull from each day (You can find the task pool for each level here). These tasks can range from winning a dance battle to upgrading the size of your house.
4. Get a good night’s rest. Wishies earned through daily tasks are rewarded when you go to sleep at night (you can find the exact amount earned in the daily player summary).
5. Take your wishies to the Wishy Well. If you would like to trade in your wishies for gummies (or any other reward), you can visit the Wishy Well either in the Town Square or on the left panel of your inventory.
Dance Barn Tournament:
1. Unlock the Dance Barn. Once you hit player level four, you will receive a Tinstle Task called “Reopen the Dance Barn.” Navigate to the Dance Barn (A Tinstle Task marker can be found on your map) and talk with Bazil. He will ask for 20 planklets, 12 nurnies, 4 clothlets, 1 oobsidian, and 300 gummies to fix up the Dance Barn and sell it to the mayor.
2. Visit the Dance Barn. The next day, you will be able to enter the Dance Barn and join in the daily tournament.
3. Sign up for the 1v1 dance battle. Interact with the sparkly table to the right to sign up for the dance tournament. (Note: Accepting the challenge will immediately start the dance battle.)
4. Dance your heart out. There are three types of dance battles offered at random in the Dance Barn: Vanilla (regular dance battle), Freebie (all moves cost zero beats), and Signatures Only (you can only play the signature move cards of the ooblets you’re using). You will receive 20 wishies for winning the 1v1 battle.
5. Repeat for the 2v2 and 3v3 battles. You will move up the ranks of the dance tournament until you lose a battle. The type of dance battle will remain the same, but you will be able to switch out your ooblets in-between battles. You will receive 50 wishies for winning the 2v2 battle and a special reward (shown on the tournament sign-up sheet) for winning the 3v3 battle.
6. Take your wishies to the Wishy Well. If you would like to trade in your wishies for gummies (or any other reward), you can visit the Wishy Well either in the Town Square or on the left panel of your inventory.
8. Trading at Cuddlecups Cafe
A Badgetown resident relaxing outside of Cuddlecups Cafe in Ooblets
It’s a well-known fact that Meed (the owner of Meed’s Seeds) is a certified crook in disguise. While she may offer half-priced seeds on one seed variety a day, the amount she pays you for your fully-grown crops and tasty goodies is akin to highway robbery.
Luckily, Dubble at Cuddlecups Cafe is willing to buy your baked goods at a much more reasonable price (despite her canonically debt-ridden business model). Dubble is a little pickier about what she will buy, but you can sell most of your baked goodies and drinks to her for a nice little profit.
The most profitable thing you can sell her is Hop Hop Hop Dobs (these will net you 53.5 gummies/day per Dob). The recipe and ingredients for Hop Hop Hop Dobs can be obtained within a few in-game days as the only prerequisite is upgrading the Wildlands to level two. Late-game, you can start selling your Zinooka Cakes to Dubble as well (Zinookas take 4 days to grow, so you’ll be getting 40.19 gummies/day per Cake).
This is a great alternative to settling for Meed’s lower prices when you’re tight on funds. However, I recommend stockpiling your goodies for Plenny’s Bulk Orders instead as those bring in a substantially higher profit. The only downside with selling to Plenny is that he asks for specific numbers of items at specific times instead of just buying whatever you bring him.
Hop Hop Hop Dobs
1. Find the Hop Hop Hop Dob Recipe. You’ll have to assemble four recipe pieces in order to learn this recipe. Recipe pieces can be found around Mamoonia, both outside and in any building. Most recipe pieces will be hidden by interactable objects; keep an eye out for any sparkling objects while walking around.
2. Upgrade Wildlands to level two. You can do this by completing the daily Wildland goals found on the bulletin board to the left of the Wildlands entrance.
3. Gather spicyspears. Spicyspears are forageable items found in the Wildlands. Navigate to the newly unlocked area to the northwest (near a big pond) and look for plants with three red peppers on them. There are seven plants total, and each plant will give you three spicyspears.
4. Acquire muz seeds. Buy at least one muz seed from Meed’s Seeds. Each muz seed costs 3 gummies, but if you get them on sale, you’ll only have to pay 1 gummy per seed.
5. Plant your muz. Grow your crops in an area of your farm that is easy to get to. Branches, weeds, and rocks spawn frequently, so I recommend keeping your plants as close to your house as possible to ensure you always have at least one direction to access your crops from. Muz takes two days to grow.
6. Place your crunchster. You will receive a free crunchster in the mail on day five. Or, if you’re impatient, you can make one using the fabricuter at Manatawee for 10 nurnies, 10 planklets, and 1 oobsidian. Each Crunchster will take up two spaces on your farm.
7. Grind up some muz flour. Assign your favorite (or least favorite) ooblet to the crunchster, then fill up the input slot with muz. Before you know it, you’ll be drowning in muz flour!
8. Cook your Hop Hop Hop Dobs. These are made on a hotplate using one muz flour and one spicyspear. A basic hotplate can be found inside your house on day one, but you can buy a fancier one from Manatawee if you’d like.
9. Deliver the goodies to Cuddlecups. In the lower right corner of Cuddlecups Cafe, you can find a cash register sitting on the counter (Dubble will often be standing behind the register). Interact with the register to trade with Dubble. She will buy each Hop Hop Hop Dob for 110 gummies for a profit of 107.
Zinooka Cakes
1. Learn the Zinooka Cake Recipe. You’ll have to get really good at dance battles in order to learn this recipe as it can only be obtained by winning a Dance Barn Tournament. You’ll have to check in at the Dance Barn at least once a week to find out which day the Zinooka Cake Recipe is offered as the tournament prize. On the day that it’s offered, you need to win all three dance battles to earn the recipe. I recommend saving your game before starting the tournament (and even in between battles) to avoid losing your shot at this nifty recipe.
2. Get to player level two. You can earn experience by winning dance battles, completing Tinstle Tasks, and planting crops. Once you’re level two, you’ll unlock the Meed’s Seeds Expansion at the Wishy Well.
3. Purchase the Meed’s Seeds expansion. The Wishy Well in the center of town offers many upgrades, including an expansion for Meed’s seed stock. This expansion costs 75 wishies (which can be earned by doing the same things that net experience).
4. Start your crops. Purchase at least 1 zinooka (10 gummies/packet, produces 3 zinookas), 1 flootiflower (7 gummies/packet, produces 4 flootiflowers), 3 muz (3 gummies/seed), and 3 sweetiebeetie (5 gummies/seed) seed packets from Meed. Don’t forget that Meed puts one kind of seed on sale for 50% off each day.
5. Plant your zinookas, flootiflowers, muz, and sweetiebeeties. Grow your crops in an area of your farm that is easy to get to. Branches, weeds, and rocks spawn frequently, so I recommend keeping your plants as close to your house as possible to ensure you always have at least one direction to access your crops from. Zinookas and flootiflowers take four days to grow, muz takes two days, and sweetiebeeties take three days.
6. Place your crunchster. You will receive a free crunchster in the mail on day five. Or, if you’re impatient, you can make one using the fabricuter at Manatawee for 10 nurnies, 10 planklets, and 1 oobsidian. Each Crunchster will take up two spaces on your farm.
7. Grind up your muz and sweetiebeeties. Make sure your crunchster is being supervised by an ooblet, then insert your muz and sweetiebeeties (you can only have one type of crop in the crunchster at a time). You will need at least 3 muz flour and 3 froobtose to make a Zinooka Cake.
8. Build a swooshler. You can obtain the swooshler blueprint from the Wishy Well for 75 wishies. One swooshler requires 10 nurnies, 10 planklets, and 1 oobsidian to build. Use the fabricuter to assemble your swooshler. Each swooshler takes up two spaces on your farm.
9. Blend your flootiflowers. Assign an ooblet to the swooshler and fill it with your flootiflowers. You’ll need at least 3 flootisauce to make a Zinooka Cake.
10. Bake your Zinooka Cakes. These are made on a hotplate using one muz flour and one spicyspear. A basic hotplate can be found inside your house on day one, but you can buy a fancier one from Manatawee if you’d like.
11. Deliver the goodies to Cuddlecups. In the lower right corner of Cuddlecups Cafe, you can find a cash register sitting on the counter (Dubble will often be standing behind the register). Interact with the register to trade with Dubble. She will buy each Zinooka Cake for 200 gummies for a profit of 160.75.
7. Foraging
A player gathering sporbets in Ooblets
The world of Ooblets is full of colorful objects for you to interact with. Many of these items can be picked up, carried, eaten, or sold. When you’re first starting out, it’s very convenient to sell everything you find.
You can definitely make a pretty penny (or should I say gummy?) this way. Meed won’t buy just anything from you, though, so you’ll most likely need to open your own shop to pawn off your trash-turned-treasure. Snowplops (dropped from the sky on snowy days in Badgetown) and Gembers (plucked from the ground in Nullwhere) are especially profitable.
However, I recommend holding on to almost everything you pick up. Each kind of ooblet requires a different item as a peace offering before they will battle with you, and many of the early-game ooblets need those shrooms you just sold. Even late-game, some of the most profitable dishes you can make ask for a variety of forageables to garnish your lovingly-grown crops.
1. Wait for a snow day. Weather in Badgetown is rather sporadic, and there are no set seasons. Because of this, snowy weather is never guaranteed. Instead, you just have to hope for the thrill of Christmas morning every time you get out of bed.
2. Start the search. Snowplops can fall anywhere in Badgetown, even on the beach. You’ll have to spend most of the day walking in circles if you want to scrounge up a decent number of snowplops before the weather turns warm.
3. Unlock the player shop. Once you turn on the Nullwhere Oobnet Tower, you’ll receive a new Tinstle Task called “Open your own shop!” Tinstle will gift you a derelict building to fix up which requires 30 nurnies, 150 planklets, and 6 oobsidian.
4. Stock your shelves. When you repair the shop, there will be four shop displays already inside. Each display can hold one item at a time (they can be restocked if a villager purchases the item displayed). I recommend placing a chest in your store where you can keep excess supplies for restocking.
5. Open your store and wait for customers. Random villagers will wander in throughout the day after you interact with the shop sign near the front door. Each customer will have a specific item in mind when they walk in. If the item they want isn’t displayed, they’ll leave empty-handed. If you do have what they want, though, they’ll pick up the item and wait near the cash register to be rung up.
6. Ring up your customers. When ringing up a customer, you will have three options: 1) Normal Sell (sell at base value), 2) Haggle (you will spin a wheel to determine the price), or 3) Negotiate (you will play a skill-based minigame to determine the price). Each option has its own pros and cons, so weigh them carefully before choosing.
7. Rake in the money. After successfully ringing up a customer, you will receive your hard-earned gummies, and the villager will walk away happy. Each snowplop sells for 57 gummies at base value. Note that customers won’t wait at the cash register forever, so you have to ring them up quickly before they lose their patience.
1. Discover Nullwhere. After turning on the Oobnet Tower in Mamoonia, Tinstle will break the news that you still don’t have enough bars to connect to the Oobnet. The next time you interact with Gimble’s hot air balloon, a new region called Nullwhere will be uncovered.
2. Travel to Nullwhere. Clear out your inventory, gather up your ooblets, and take a ride with Gimble to the creepy swamp of Nullwhere. It only takes a few in-game seconds, but you’ll feel like you’ve traveled to a whole new world.
3. Search for gembers. Gembers are little, red, quartz-shaped stones scattered around Nullwhere. You will find them on the ground next to the path, near the tent, and around the graveyard. Gembers glow with bright, red sparkles, so they’re hard to miss.
4. Unlock the player shop. Once you turn on the Nullwhere Oobnet Tower, you’ll receive a new Tinstle Task called “Open your own shop!” Tinstle will gift you a derelict building to fix up which requires 30 nurnies, 150 planklets, and 6 oobsidian.
5. Stock your shelves. After repairing the shop, there will be four shop displays already inside. Each display can hold one item at a time (they can be restocked if a villager purchases the item displayed). I recommend placing a chest in your store where you can keep excess supplies for restocking.
6. Open your store and wait for customers. Random villagers will wander in throughout the day after you interact with the shop sign near the front door. Each customer will have a specific item in mind when they walk in. If the item they want isn’t displayed, they’ll leave empty-handed after a few seconds. If you do have what they want, however, they will pick up the item and wait near the cash register to be rung up.
7. Ring up your customers. When ringing up a customer, you will have three options: 1) Normal Sell (sell at base value), 2) Haggle (spin a wheel to determine the price), or 3) Negotiate (play a skill-based minigame to determine the price). Each option has its own pros and cons, so weigh them carefully before choosing.
8. Rake in the money. After successfully ringing up a customer, you will receive your hard-earned gummies, and the villager will walk away happy. Each gember sells for 115 gummies at base value. Note that customers won’t wait at the cash register forever, so you have to ring them up quickly before they lose their patience.
6. Sea Dangling
A player sea dangling with their oob friends in Ooblets
Sea dangling is a passive form of fishing that can only be done at designated sea dangling spots (marked by a fishing rod and bucket sitting near the lakeside or on a dock). Before you can participate in this slow-paced sport, you will need to make bait by reconstitooting the trash you find around Badgetown. The Reconsitooter can be found in Badgetown on the right side of the entrance to the town square by the docks.
Reconstitooting is a great way to clear up your inventory and make use of otherwise useless items. Each item will give you a set amount of slurry, and you can use that slurry to make bait. There are three levels of bait: 1) Basic (10 slurry), High Quality (30 slurry), and Super (80 slurry). Each bait has a chance of catching different items, and higher quality means better items.
Most of the items you get from sea dangling will be different types of trash or fertilizers. These don’t sell for many gummies at all, but they can be helpful for growing crops. Curlyhorns, however, are an extremely valuable gift the sea can offer if you’re diligent in your sea dangling.
While curlyhorns will occasionally wash up on the beaches of Badgetown, the only (semi)reliable way to get them is from sea dangling. You will need to use a Super Bait to have any chance of catching one, and even then, it’s only a 9.1% chance.
Each curlyhorn sells for 100 gummies at Meed’s Seeds, making this a very time-consuming way of earning a small amount of money. I recommend saving them for when customers at your own store yearn for one as you can sell them to villagers for a base price of 200 gummies (and you can get a nice, little bonus if you sell them on Town Forageables Day). Still, 100 gummies can be hard to pass up when you’re strapped for cash.
How to Sea Dangle:
1. Upgrade the Reconstitooter. In order to produce Super Bait, you will need to have an Even Faster Reconstitooter. This upgrade is obtainable through the Wishy Well for 100 wishies after you’ve purchased the Faster Reconstitooter (also 100 wishies). Both upgrades become available at player level 3.
2. Make some slurry. Many items can be reconstitooted into slurry. Bulk candy, gembers, hyperglobs, oobsidian, rainplops, snowplops, and sprockuts all give 30 slurry. Since these are some of the most valuable items in the game, I recommend saving them and using other things for slurry. Mystery cans often appear in Badgetown in clumps of 5 or more. The only thing these items can be used for it reconstitooting, so even though each can only gives 1 slurry, it adds up quickly. You can also reconstitoot any trash items received from failed sea dangling attempts.
3. Start sea dangling. There are three locations to sea-dangle from: 1) Badgetown Ocean, 2) Droneydrip Pond (unlocked in the Wildlands after upgrading it to level 6), and 3) Port Forward (discovered after turning on the Nullwhere Oobnet Tower). Despite being the first area in the game, Badgetown’s ocean is the best place to sea dangle if you’re looking for curlyhorns as you have a 9.1% chance of catching one as opposed to Droneydrip Pond’s 8% and Port Forward’s 0%.
4. Sell your curlyhorns. Meed will buy each curlyhorn at the drop of a hat for 100 gummies a piece. Or you can save them up and sell them at your own shop for a base price of 200 gummies a piece whenever a villager desires one.
5. Selling Crops
A player’s flourishing farm in Ooblets
Farming is one of the main time-consumers in Ooblets. The fertile ground is ready to produce mounds of high-selling crops, and all of the little ooblets are eager to help out. With a variety of crops to choose from, though, it can be hard to know what to grow.
Early-game, the most profitable crop you can plant is zinooka which brings in a whopping 4.25 gummies/plant per day. When you enter the late-game stage, however, you’ll be able to rake in 71.43 gummies/sprout per day with the elusive bubblesprout.
One great way to make farming more efficient is to involve your ooblets in the task. Aside from being adorable, ooblet friends also make great farmhands (and they still manage to look cute while doing it!). From tilling fields to watering crops to keeping plants warm, ooblets housed in oobcoops will work diligently day and night to help you bring home the gummies.
Even though selling crops outright can be lucrative, I recommend planting crops with the aim of baking valuable goodies. Most of the time, using your crops to make goodies will bring in tons more gummies than just selling those same crops by themselves. However, if you don’t have the time or energy to collect the rest of the ingredients, traditional farming is always a good choice.
1. Get to player level two. You can earn experience by winning dance battles, completing Tinstle Tasks, and planting crops. Once you’re level two, you’ll unlock the Meed’s Seeds Expansion at the Wishy Well.
2. Purchase the Meed’s Seeds expansion. The Wishy Well in the center of town offers many upgrades including an expansion for Meed’s seed stock. This expansion costs 75 wishies (which can be earned by doing the same things that net experience) and unlocks zinooka seeds along with a few others.
3. Grab some seeds. Purchase at least 1 zinooka seed packet from Meed’s Seeds for 10 gummies. You can also snag them for 5 gummies a piece when Meed decides to clear out her extra stock.
4. Plant your zinookas. Grow your crops in an area of your farm that is easy to get to. Branches, weeds, and rocks spawn frequently, so I recommend keeping your plants as close to your house as possible to ensure you always have at least one direction to access your crops from. Zinookas take 4 days to grow.
5. Harvest your veggies. You’ll know the zinookas are ready when they start sparkling. Enter farming mode and interact with your plants to gather the zinookas. Each plant will produce 3 zinookas.
6. Sell the goods. Meed will buy zinookas for 9 gummies a piece. You can also save up to complete a Plenny’s Bulk Order (14 gummies a piece) or stock the shelves at your own shop (base price: 18 gummies a piece).
1. Discover Pantsabear Hill. After completing the Port Forward questline, you will receive a new quest regarding a forbidden area called Pantsabear Hill. Upon finding the necessary relic, you will be able to take Gimble’s balloon to visit the legendary area.
2. Grab some seeds. Find Eioeen at Pantsabear Hill and snag some bubblesprout seeds off her cart for 200 gummies a piece.
3. Plant your bubblesprouts. Grow your crops in an area of your farm that is easy to get to. Branches, weeds, and rocks spawn frequently, so I recommend keeping your plants as close to your house as possible to ensure you always have at least one direction to access your crops from. Bubblesprouts take 7 days to grow.
4. Harvest your sprouts. You’ll know the bubblesprouts are ready when they start sparkling. Enter farming mode and interact with your plants to gather the bubblesprouts. Each plant will produce 10 sprouts.
5. Sell the goods. Meed will buy bubblesprouts for 70 gummies a piece. You can also save up to complete a Plenny’s Bulk Order (126 gummies a piece) or stock the shelves at your own shop (base price: 111 gummies a piece).
4. Lost Ooblets
A plethora of ooblets playing hide-and-go-seek in Ooblets
Befriending villagers in Ooblets comes with many rewards including being the go-to when someone’s precious ooblet goes missing. While the words “fetch quest” ring with a note of PTSD for many gamers, this task is relatively simple and infinitely worth it.
When talking with befriendable villagers, they may ask you to locate their missing pal. If you accept and find the ooblet (for which there is no time limit), you will earn 200 gummies. The task is made simpler when you realize there are only a set number of places each type of ooblet will hide (which you can check out here).
Returning a lost ooblet will also give you friendship points which can lead to villagers offering you random items like beanjuice when you talk with them. I highly recommend accepting a lost ooblet task whenever you come across one as there are zero consequences for failing the task and a whole lot of good rewards if you complete it.
How to Find Lost Ooblets:
1. Fix the Printypress. When you reach player level two, you will receive a Tinstle Task called “Fix the Frienship Sticker Printypress.” You will need to bring Arah 6 sporbets, 10 nurnies, and 1 sweetiebeetie. Immediately after delivering the items, you will begin earning friendship points every time you interact with a befriendable villager.
2. Talk to befriendable villagers. Not every villager in Badgetown is worth your time. There are only 16 villagers in Badgetown who will offer you friendship stickers, tasks, and rewards. These villagers are easily identifiable as they will have a white dot above their heads each day which disappears once you talk to them that day. You can accept a maximum of one lost ooblet quest per day, and you will not be able to accept another one until the current quest is completed.
3. Accept the lost ooblet quest. When a villager tells you they lost an ooblet, let them know you are willing to find it (unless of course you don’t care about scared little ooblets all on their own).
4. Find the ooblet. Walk around Badgetown until you find the lost ooblet. You will know you’ve found it when the “Return ooblet” prompt appears as you approach the ooblet. Note that ooblets can be hiding inside buildings as well as outdoors.
5. Join the party. The lost ooblet will follow you around as though it’s part of your group of Follow Babies until you return it to its rightful owner. This is a really cute way of gaining one extra friend for a while.
6. Return the ooblet. Talk with the villager that gave you the lost ooblet quest. They will welcome their ooblet home and give you 200 gummies for your troubles.
3. Typesetting for The Daily Oob
The lucrative typesetting minigame in Ooblets
Ever wanted a job with a newspaper? Well, now you can commit job fraud and have your dreams come true! Tucked into the back corner of the Daily Oob Dirigible is a bumbling worker named Ledween who is eager to pawn off his responsibilities.
Interacting with the typesetter next to Ledween will start a minigame in which you slide pieces of a picture into place to complete the newspaper. Each piece is numbered in order from left to right beginning at the top left corner and ending in the bottom right corner (which will always be empty). Despite the simplicity of the game, it can sometimes take several minutes to line the pieces up correctly.
Each day, there will be three puzzles to complete. Ledween will reward you with 50 gummies for the first puzzle, 75 for the second, and 100 for the third, totalling 225 gummies in all. If you have the patience for these types of puzzles, don’t hesitate to visit the Dirigible every day!
Despite the mildly frustrating nature of the minigame, I recommend visiting Ledween whenever you have a spare moment. Even if you only complete one or two puzzles, any consistent source of gummies (especially one that requires zero investment) is worth it.
How to Create a Newspaper:
1. Discover the Daily Oob Dirigible. After completing the Nullwhere questline, you will find a new Tinstle Task marker in front of the news stand to the right of the Wishy Well. When you go over, Tinstle will tell you that the Daily Oob has stopped supplying Badgetown with newspapers. You must intercept the Daily Oob Dirigible and find out why Badgetown is no longer worthy of a newspaper.
2. Meet Ledween. When you enter the Dirigible, you will have a short cutscene with the pilot. Afterward, you can either return to the hot air balloon or venture deeper into the Dirigible. In order to get to Ledween, and the typesetting minigame, you must push past each of the Daily Oob NPCs until you reach the back of the Dirigible. Once you’ve endured each of the cutscenes, you will be rewarded with Ledween’s presence and the opportunity to earn some gummies.
3. Play the minigame. Interact with the typesetting machine next to Ledween to begin the minigame. Stretch your mind and sort the pieces to create a publishable newspaper. Each successive puzzle will have more pieces to move around and thus be a little more difficult.
4. Claim your reward. After completing each puzzle, you will immediately receive your gummies. Don’t worry about draining Ledween’s pockets as he will pay you full price for three newspapers every day for as long as your conscience can stomach letting someone else pass off your work as their own.
2. The Player Shop
A player ruling over their domain in Ooblets
Of all the adorably lovable features in Ooblets, the local economy is the last thing on my list of favorite things. From Meed, who routinely swindles her neighbors, to Dubble, who can’t run a profitable business, to Mayor Tinstle, who turns a blind eye to anything that doesn’t sparkle, Badgetown’s economy is riddled with potholes for anyone trying to make a decent living.
Luckily, Mayor Tinstle has no qualms about allowing an unlicensed individual to set up their own shop and sell whichever items they want at randomly chosen prices. Unlocking the player shop is a fun and profitable way of making lots of money off of the same goods that Meed turns her nose up at. The best part of starting your own business is that you can make your shop as cute, sleek, or efficient as you want by decorating with all kinds of rugs, wallpapers, and trinkets.
The only downside to the player shop is that the base prices are generally not as good as those offered at Plenny’s. It takes quite a bit of commitment to gain the experience necessary to turn your shop into a money-making machine. Still, there’s nothing quite like being your own boss to motivate you to put up with the grunt work.
You’ll want to keep a variety of goods in your inventory while your shop is open as you never know what customers will want to buy. There are weekly events that can help you know what would be most profitable to sell, but you’ll still have some outliers with really wacky requests.
Starting off, your shop will not earn quite as many gummies per item as Plenny’s orders. There are a few items, however, with a base price in your shop that is significantly higher than what Plenny will pay. Some of the most notable are sootheysips (base price: 400) , dregplants (base price: 280), and curlyhorns (base price: 200).
I recommend starting on your shop after you’ve got your farm running efficiently. Running the shop takes a lot of in-game time and energy, so you will often find yourself unable to plant, water, or harvest many of your crops. Investing in level-5 oobcoops is a great way to maximize the efficiency of your farming plots as well as utilize all those cute ooblets you’ve raised.
How to Start Your Own Business:
1. Unlock the player shop. Once you turn on the Nullwhere Oobnet Tower, you’ll receive a new Tinstle Task called “Open your own shop!” Tinstle will giftyou a derelict building to fix up which requires 30 nurnies, 150 planklets, and 6 oobsidian.
2. Stock your shelves. After repairing the shop, there will be four shop displays already inside. Each display can hold one item at a time (they can be restocked if a villager purchases the item displayed). I recommend placing a chest in your store where you can keep excess supplies for restocking.
3. Open your store and wait for customers. Random villagers will wander in throughout the day after you interact with the shop sign near the front door. Each customer will have a specific item in mind when they walk in. If the item they want isn’t displayed, they’ll leave empty-handed after a few seconds. If you do have what they want, however, they’ll pick up the item and wait near the cash register to be rung up.
4. Ring up your customers. When ringing up a customer, you will have three options: 1) Normal Sell (sell at base value), 2) Haggle (spin a wheel to determine the price), or 3) Negotiate (play a skill-based minigame to determine the price). Each option has its own pros and cons, so weigh them carefully before choosing.
5. Rake in the money. After successfully ringing up a customer, you will receive your hard-earned gummies, and the villager will walk away happy. Note that customers won’t wait at the cash register forever, so you have to ring them up quickly before they lose their patience.
6. Keep an eye out for event days. Each day of the week, there will be a set category of items with a higher base price than normal. These “events” range from Building Material Day to Cake Day to Figurine Day. Make sure to stock up on whichever items have an active event to increase your profits.
7. Hold on to things Meed won’t buy. Items like ooblet accessories, figurines, and forageables may earn little to no money when selling them at Meed’s Seeds or even Plenny’s Bulk Orders. While it may be tempting to throw these out, it is worth sacrificing a little bit of storage space to hang on to these until an event day comes. Many villagers will pay outrageous amounts of gummies for a cute top hat for their favorite ooblet.
1. Plenny’s Bulk Orders
A player posing for a rare photo-op with Plenny in Ooblets
When trotting through Badgetown, it’s easy to walk right past Plenny’s booth without a second thought. This sleepy villager, although short on conversation, has no limit to the amount of gummies he’ll give away. His bulk orders defy the logic of wholesale and bring in more gummies per item than what Meed will pay.
Another point goes to Plenny when you consider how he buys things like shells and building materials that Meed rejects. I only hope that Plenny is shipping these items out to other people instead of hoarding them in his little, one-person pod.
Despite Plenny’s high prices, he does have a few limitations. The first is that he controls what he buys. Gone are the days of dumping your inventory on the counter and walking away with fistfuls of cash. The second limitation is that Plenny can be picky about how many items he buys, only asking for stacks of 10, 15, 20, or 30.
Before ragging on Plenny too much, it is important to know that he has a set pool of orders to pull from each day. He has three levels of orders (levels 1, 2, and 3), and each level has its own items that can win the Plenny lottery. Chances are, if you’re looking to sell a specific item, you’ll only have to wait a few days before it comes up on Plenny’s list.
Additionally, Plenny lets you lock up to four orders at a time. These locked orders will remain active until you either fulfill or reject them (watch out, though, as rejected orders disappear immediately). If utilized properly, this feature can ensure you always get the orders you want.
Although Plenny will buy a wide variety of items, some are clearly more profitable than others. Out of the level one orders, 20 sweetiebeeties will net you the most with a sell value of 286 gummies per beetie (62 gummies per day). Planklets sold in bundles of 20 have a slightly higher profit per day at 78 gummies, but it’s not as renewable as sweetiebeeties.
For level two orders, pompadoots rake in 1248 gummies per doot (201.6 gummies per day). When it comes to level three orders, oodles take the cake with 1920 gummies per bowl (900 gummies per day). The only downside to selling oodles in bulk is that they require 2 buttonboys and 1 boregus to make, so you’ll want to be sure to grab those whenever you come across them.
How to Become Plenny's Supplier:
1. Upgrade Plenny’s orders. Visit the Wishy Well to unlock level two (75 wishies, available at player level 2) and level three (100 wishies, available at player level 3) orders.
2. Check Plenny’s list. Plenny updates his list of bulk orders daily. In general, higher-level orders require more items and give more money per item than lower-level orders.
3. Lock the orders you want. If you find a high-value order, or just one you think is doable, hover over the order and accept it. This will keep the order locked until you either fulfill or reject the order. Once you’ve unlocked Plenny’s level three, he will let you lock up to four orders at once.
4. Gather the items. Plenny will require a certain number of items for each order (between 10 and 30), so be sure to make or grow enough to fulfill the request.
5. Fill the order. Be sure to have all the necessary items in your inventory when you go back to Plenny’s. Hover over the order and select “Fulfill.” Plenny will pay you on the spot for every order you complete.