In Overwatch 2, your hero choices are crucial, especially for support characters. As each season changes due to the game's meta, the top-tier heroes evolve.
So, to ensure success, we have analyzed the latest data on who is the top support picks for Season 6.
S-Tier - These characters are considered the most powerful in games since they have significant advantages that excel in multiple aspects of the game. These are top picks for players in competitive games.
Baptiste: 97/100 (S-Tier)
Baptiste jumping to higher ground
Baptiste is known as one of the best supports in Overwatch 2. He has great healing abilities that increase survivability for him and his team. Not only that, defensively against enemies he has great mobility to get away from enemies when he is in a pinch.
Baptiste can use Regenerative Burst to give himself or nearby allies additional healing during a battle or in a risky situation. He can even throw down his immortality field to allow healing to heal allies or himself, but it can be destroyed. Additionally, he has a lob of healing he can launch at allies to heal them, but not himself.
Now this support probably has the most healing abilities out of all supports allowing him to play the backline of a team and keeping them alive. Dive characters like Tracer or Sombra may not have a chance to survive due to the fact he can heal himself and fight defensively.Increasing his chance of survivability.
Now his Exo Boots can help him get to higher ground to shoot long-range or to get out of the middle of a battle, but certain heroes can chase after him so be wary of that and fight accordingly.
Now his ultimate, Amplification Matrix, places a green hazed wall that doubles the damage and healing effects of allied projectiles. This allows certain characters like Bastion or Soldier to give major damage to enemies.
Placement of your Ultimate is important; if you place it against a wall instead of an open area or on higher ground it can change the impact your ultimate has. Making him worthy of being S-tier: 97/100.
Baptiste Strengths:
- Decent mobility using exo boots
- Decent damage output
- Ultimate increases damage output for you and allies that shoot through it
- Better at long-range
- Can heal himself with abilities
Baptiste Weaknesses:
- Placing Ultimate in wrong positioning makes it useless
- Dive teams can make him use up all his abilities more on himself than team
- His primary healing doesn't heal himself
- Immorality Field can easily be targeted and destroyed
- Heroes that have good mobility like Winston or D.Va can easily come after Baptiste when on high ground
- His healing can be hard to hit on heroes that are fast paced like Tracer or Genji
Ana: 97/100 (S-Tier)
Ana contemplating to heal or damage
Ana is the most played hero on competitive due to her long-range damage and healing capabilities. This tactic allows her to be fairly defensive, but in close-range battles she does lack mobility, as she is more of a backline hero. Although it is a set-back, she is a great support as long as you have an aim.
Ana’s Biotic Rifle is your main long-range weapon, so aim is your best friend. Shecan heal your allies at huge intervals or even damage enemies if aimed appropriately.
Ana isn't the best at close-range due to her Rifle, but in the case there is a Sombra or Tracer coming, your sleep dart is the next best thing. This fires and puts an enemy to sleep for a short period of time. This ability is useful for her survivability.
It can also be used for stopping certain ultimates from being completed like Cassidy, Soldier, Sigma, or Genji to name a few. This increases team survivability and wastes their ultimates.Now, your Biotic Grenade can be used for both defensive and healing ability. It will heal allies nearby but can cause anti-healing effects to enemies nearby. This allows your team to push to take point.
Her ultimate, Nano Boost, is a great asset for heroes like Soldier or Genji where it will increase their speed, damage, and reduce damage taken, making them deadly. It can also help a tank or DPS that is on the brink of death giving them a full health bar to get away from the battle or to finish it. All this reasoning is why Ana is S-Tier: 95/100.
Ana Strengths:
- Best at long and mid-range
- Great heals and damage if aim is appropriate
- Nano Ultimate can save lives if someone is close to death or can be used with another allies ultimate like Genji or Soldier to deal extreme damage.
- Sleep dart can stun enemies for you to get away from them if they get to close or if they are in the middle of their Ultimate you can cancel it
- Grenade can cause anti-healing damage for enemies and gives healing to your allies nearby
- Useful in Dive Teams to maintain backline defense
Ana Weaknesses:
- Grenade and sleep can be canceled out by Kiriko’s Protective Suzu
- Not great at close-range
- Need good aiming skills or she is worthless
- Lack of mobility
- You can throw the grenade too far or too short to get to allies and it doesn't do anything
THE BEST SUPPORT to RANK UP FAST in SEASON 1 - ANA Tips and Tricks - Overwatch 2 Guide
A-Tier - These characters are strong, yet have some limitations to utilize them effectively, but can still be picked for competitive games if in the right hands.
Kiriko: 87/100 (A-Tier)
Kiriko throwing her Kunai
Kiriko is known to have the best all-around kit. She is a support that is primarily used mid or long-range. Her defensive abilities allow her to kill DPS or Supports in two hits with her Kunai..
Kiriko has amazing mobility. She can Swift Step to allies to get away from enemies or to help allies in need of healing. If that wasn't enough she can Wall Climb to higher ground to attack certain heroes or to get away from fights.
Her healing is one of the best; she has auto-targeted healing for nearby allies she is facing. This allows easy spams of heals, but be on the lookout for incoming damage, as you will need to keep healing to counter the damage.
Defensively, Kiriko is one of the best.. She can hit DPS or supports and kill them in two headshot kunai hits. She can use her protection Suzu to heal herself or others near it and cleanse them of any negative status. This is a game changer.
This gets rid of negative effects like Ana’s grenade, Junkrat Tire, and many others, making her a major threat close or at a distance.
Her ultimate, Kinsune Rush, can be useful for contributing to damage to enemies. Be careful with where you place your ultimate as there is a delay when placing. So, if you are in a battle and place it, it might not go where you want it to go. Walls, structures, or other abilities like Mei’s Ice Wall can make her ultimate worthless, ruining the effectiveness of her ultimate. All this is why Kiriko is A-Tier: 87/100.
Kiriko Strengths:
- Can kill supports and DPS in 2 critical headshots
- Swift Step,Suzu, and Climb out of a risky situation
- Protective Suzu cleanses negative effects like Ana grenade, Junkrat Tire, Rein charge, or even an Illari ultimate.
- Her Ultimate allows an increase in speed and damage
- Has auto-targeted heal allowing easy heals
- Small hit box for targeting; harder to kill
- Best at long or mid-range
Kiriko Weaknesses:
- Placement is crucial for Ultimate, any obstacles in the way can lessen the effectiveness of it like walls, buildings, or even other heroes abilities like Mei’s Ice Wall.
- Not the best at close-range
- Swift Stepping into a fight and dying immediately makes it pointless for your team and yourself
- If you don't have good aim then you are going to struggle
- Long cooldowns for abilities
Kiriko Guide | 5 Tips to DOMINATE as KIRIKO in Overwatch 2 Ranked
Lucio: 85/100 (A-Tier)
Lucio speeding away from enemies
Lucio is a close-range support hero. Most of the time you don’t see much of Lucio in lower ranks as it takes time to get a hand on his skills, so he is seen more in higher ranked competitive matches. Mostly seen in Dive teams he gets easy pick and is hard to target due to his strong mobility and survivability.
Lucio is an interesting support character. He can use Crossfade to switch between healing boost which heals nearby allies or speed boost which increases speed of allies nearby. This allows allies to either get healed all at the same time or allows allies to get to point faster or away from enemies quicker.
To make Crossfade songs even better, he can use Amp It Up to increase the effectiveness of that song, making heals or speed better. This allows great survivability and mobility for Lucio and your allies.
He can also use Wall Ride to escape enemies or to fight them defensively. With his Sonic Amplifier he can damage enemies or even boop them off maps. With his small hit box it makes it hard for enemies to attack allowing him to get up close.
He can also increase teams survivability as well as his by using his ultimate, Sound Barrier, which created temporary shields for nearby allies. Giving your team the extra boost they need to take points or payload. Determining when to use his ultimate is important especially when you are counting on other enemies' ultimates. You can make a Cassidy, Genji, or Ashe Ultimate useless and allow your team to escape and potentially kill the enemies,than if they didn't have that boost of armor. This is why Lucio is ranked A-Tier: 89/100.
Lucio Strengths:
- Best at close-range
- Works best in dive teams
- Can use Boop to push enemies off maps
- Can boost armor with Ultimate to himself and Allies nearby
- Speed boost to yourself and nearby Allies to get to point quicker
- Healing groups of people in a radius instead of individually
- Has great mobility
- Small hit box
Lucio Weaknesses:
- Healing takes a little to build for allies
- Getting up close can be risky since it’s his playstyle so you’re risking death
- Damage projectiles are hard to hit long range
- Weak against Pharah, Cassidy, or Sombra
- Hard to get the wall climb in control as a newbie
How To Play Lucio - Tips & Tricks - Overwatch 2 Guide
Brigitte: 80/100 (A-Tier)
Brigitte using ultimate to become the 2nd tank
Brigitte is a defensive master. She is known to be up in your face with close-range battles. She’s essentially a 2nd tank due to her defensive capabilities with her Rocket Flail, Shield Bash and Whip Shot, but she does adequate healing via repair packs. However, she doesn't have great mobility like other supports.
Brigitte gives decent heals with repair packs with quick bursts of healing, however they do run out fairly quickly unlike other supports with continuous healing. One of her passives allows her to heal nearby allies while she is dealing damage. So, with her being fairly defensive, damage is helpful for heals for your team.
The last healing capability that she holds is in her ultimate, Rally, where she is able to move faster, provide extra health to nearby enemies, and stun enemies with shield bash. This ultimate is very tanky. Giving Brigitte and her team enough power to kill the enemy team to take a point or payload.
With that being said, Brigitte is usually played when you have dive heroes like Tracer or Sombra that just keep on trying to flank the backline. She has enough defensive abilities to allow her to take care of herself by blocking damage with her barrier shield and doing decent damage with her rocket flair or whip shot.
Whip Shot can also be used in a lot of ways including getting long-range shots at Pharah or Echo. It can also be useful to smack a resing Mercy before she can get it off. This all shows that Brigitte is A-Tier: 80/100.
Brigitte Strengths:
- Repair packs give range and burst of healing
- Her Rocket Flail can cause constant damage
- Can use shield to prevent Bastion turret, Torbjorn turret, or D.Va ultimate
- Whip Shot can hit mid-range fliers like Pharah or Echo who may be trying to escape a fight
- Can fend for herself against DPS or supports that attack her
- Extremely Tanky
- Best at close-range
- Mechanics are easy to learn for newbies
Brigitte Weaknesses:
- Repair packs run out quick
- Shield can burn out if you don’t give it a break from bastion turret or other damage
- Not good at long range for fighting
- Poor mobility
- Works worse against enemies that play long-range like Pharah, Echo, or Ashe
The Ultimate Overwatch 2 Brigitte Guide
Illari: 87/100 (A-Tier)
Illari intimidating enemies
Illari is the newest addition to the Overwatch community. She has made a mixed impression for her debut. She’s known as a versatile healer that can do both long or mid- range heals and has amazing defensive abilities that are compared to a DPS.
She has decent mobility which allows her to jump and knock back nearby enemies. However, there is speculation on whether or not she is going to be nerfed in the upcoming season due to these reasons.
Illari carries a Solar Rifle which allows long-range damage and mid-range healing. This allows her to be versatile in dealing decent damage output but also healing allies nearby with her weapon.
Now her most prized possession is her healing pylon. You can easily throw this anywhere: high up, on the ground, and even on the payload itself. Making sure you have good positioning on this healing pylon is important as it can heal majorly for teammates that are on the edge of death. If found, it can be easily targeted and destroyed by enemies; taking longer to replace it as the cooldown is longer once destroyed.
Now her damage output is crazy for her. Add her healing pylon as coverage; she can be a deadly foe. She is dangerous against long-range heroes like Pharah or Echo since she can deal great damage from afar and with her healing pylon she can take incoming damage.
Her ability, Outburst, gives her decent mobility in the case she is in a chase and needs to get away from enemies. This allows her to launch in a certain direction, knocking back enemies, and the longer you hold, the higher you jump; ensuring you get to higher ground.
Her ultimate, Captive Sun, can be super dangerous. If you see enemies all grouped up this is your chance to use this ultimate.
An explosive ball of energy is blasted into nearby enemies, enemies hit are slowed and an explosion deals more damage. So, ideally aim for grouped up individuals otherwise you won’t use the ultimate to justice.
What is so unique about this hero is that she can easily wipe out a whole team with just her ultimate. This is what makes her A-Tier:
Illari Strengths:
- Ultimate kills enemies when they are in close proximity
- Great mobility
- Healing pylon gives range and Carries a healing weapon for close range
- Weapon does decent damage
- Can jump and knock back enemies
- Puts pressure on long-range DPS heroes like Pharah or Echo
- Healing pylon can not be hacked by Sombra
- Favors more of a DPS hero than support
Illari Weaknesses:
- If enemies aren’t grouped up then your ultimate will be a waste
- Kiriko can cleanse ultimate making enemies survive the bombs attached to them
- Vulnerable against Dive Tanks like D.Va, Winston, or Doomfist due to low fire rate and other defenses
- Genji is a counter against her due his mobility and the ability to overcome her Pylon healing rate with his burst damage
- Not the best at close-range
Illari Guide | The BEST ILLARI Guide In Overwatch 2
B-Tier - Characters in this tier are decent but are typically countered by those in higher tiers due to having noticeable weaknesses. Not picked as often as the other tiers in competitive
Lifeweaver: 70/100 (B-Tier)
Lifeweaver using petal to his advantage
Life weaver is a long-range support hero. He has decent mobility to get away from enemies, but lacks utility. Defensively, he does lack extreme damage like other supports but can do decent healing.
Lifeweaver has come a long way since his nerf. He can easily switch between his healing blossom or thorn volley like Moira. This allows ease of changing between them so he can heal an ally one minute and attack another.
His mobility is good. He can use his rejuvenating dash to push forward and heal himself or he can use a petal platform to spring up in the air to get to higher ground. He can also use his petal to raise certain characters like Ashe or Cassidy ultimates to cause more damage and let your team hold the payload.
Additionally, with his healing abilities he can use Life Grip to pull an ally to your location during a risky situation like a Reinhardt Ult, D.Va Ult, or on the verge of death.
Now his ultimate is very useful, with the Tree of Life he can heal allies near periodically in intervals. So be careful and play the Tree as it doesn't heal all at once like Zenyatta’s ultimate; more intermittently. The ultimate can be useful for blocking doorways or halls to allow you to trap enemies for easy kills or to take payload without them touching. This is what makes Lifeweaver a B-Tier: 70/100.
Lifeweaver Strengths:
- Moira like switch off between healing and damaging with ease
- Can petal away from fights
- Can use Petals to lift BOBs, Orisa Ults, or your allies in the middle of a Rein Ult for your advantage
- Tree of Life gives more health at smaller intervals over a longer period than say Zen Ult
- Use Tree of Life to block entrances/buildings to encase enemies
- Pull your allies to safety when they are on the verge of death or in a risky situation
- Petal allows you to get to higher ground for vantage point
Lifeweaver Weaknesses:
- Lacking utility
- Tree of Life isn't like Zen Ult it slowly feeds health not all at once
- Weaker damage weapon compared to Kiriko or others
- Petal lasts a short period of time
- Can pull the wrong ally at any time when grouped up
Mercy: 75/100 (B-Tier)
Mercy throwing her glock up in defense
Mercy is a close-range support. She is relatively targeted due to having a decent amount of heals compared to other supports so it’s a good thing she has great mobility to fly ally to ally. With her boost ability she can pocket other heroes and cause a deadly duo. She doesn’t have good defense but does carry a weapon in the case of a nearby battle.
Mercy uses her Caduceus Staff to heal an ally using primary fire or secondary fire boosts damage. Determining which to use is important and can be super useful when using Mercy.
Boosting certain heroes like Soldier, Genji, or Bastion can help infict extra damage to enemies especially during Ultimates. This allows your team to push onto payload or take points.
Mercy has great mobility as she can use her Guardian Angel to fly towards allies one after the other to escape danger and can be helpful to get to other allies that may need boosted or healing.
Now, Mercy does have a unique ability, Resurrect, that allows her to revive any dead teammate. This can be a gamechanger, as you can easily revive a tank and have a chance to take points. Be careful, since Mercy will remain in statue-like-state until the revive is complete, making you vulnerable to incoming fire from other enemies.
Defensively, Mercy isn't the best nor the worst, but by pulling out her Caduceus Blaster to fire continuous rounds, she can deal decent damage. However, this isn't important in her role as support. Sometimes this can be useful, but can be risky as your team is more vulnerable to losing more health than heals. So be mindful when pulling a Battle Mercy.
Mercy’s ultimate, Valkyrie, is usable for mobility as it allows you to quickly fly in the air for a limited time. During this, you can heal or boost every ally nearby. Again, be mindful as being in the air you might think you are away from danger and may pull your weapon of choice to inflict damage. You may do more harm than good and cause a target on your back. This is why Mercy is B-Tier: 75/100.
Mercy Strengths:
- Can pocket on nearby fliers like pharah or echo
- Close-range healer
- Does a good amount of heals
- Valk allows her to heal or damage boost everyone near her Ultimate
- Can rez any ally to come back from the dead
Mercy Weaknesses:
- Focusing more on DPS than healing
- Using Valk to cause more DPS than healing which may or may not be effective
- Boost ability is ok but not as good as it was last patch
- Not good at long-range for healing
- Must be right on her allies to heal; making herself more vulnerable
- Generally is a big target by other enemies due to healing ability
Zenyatta: 78/100 (B-Tier)
Zenyatta throwing damage orbs
Zenyatta is a long-range backline support. He lacks mobility and is better at peeking corners, but is very versatile in defense allowing him to be deadly at a distance.
Zen is a super squishy support. He doesn't have much mobility to protect himself from enemies.
This doesn't mean he is useless in close-range due to his orb of destruction dealing decent damage in especially headshots, but sometimes isn't too reliable.
Zen can also use his melee kick, which is a strong melee and can cause major damage compared to other supports.
So, if you have enemies coming close using orb of destruction and your kick of death can be super helpful. Now, Charging his orbs of destruction can be deadly for snipers or simply anyone just sitting still. It can easily kill supports or DPS so definitely be charging that up!
One of Zen’s strongest abilities for defense is his orb of discord, which can land on an enemy and increase damage an enemy is taking. So always aim for Tanks!!!! Aiming this on Tanks is a smart way to gain the ground on payloads since everyone is generally aiming for the tank.
Now his orb of harmony is his healing orb. He can land this on one ally at a time to heal over time. So if teammates have this orb they need to play corners to allow the heal to grow more and more.
Now his ultimate, Transcendence, is one the best ultimates in the game where it literally makes everyone in the vicinity invincible from anything:Ults or damage. This is a gamechanger move for your team to get all their health back and win the game. This is why Zenyatta is ranked B-Tier: 78/100.
Zenyatta Strengths:
- Discord orb takes a good amount of health away from an enemy
- Strong melee kick
- Best at long range
- Orbs of destruction and be deadly for snipers during a volley
- Transcendence allows him to heal enemies with ease and be invisible for a short period of time
Zenyatta Weaknesses:
- Super squishy
- Healing takes time to build, unlike other supports
- Not good at close-range
- Dive characters just obliterate him like Sombra or Tracer
- Lack of mobility
Overwatch 2: You're Playing Zenyatta WRONG! - Git Gud Guide
C-Tier - Characters in this tier are considered weaker than the majority of any of the players due to having major limitations that make them less popular in competitive.
Moira: 60/100 (C-Tier)
Moira using her ultimate to heal nearby allies
Moira is generally an easy pick for lower ranks to get higher in ranks due to her great mobility. However, she isn’t the best pick in terms of being the best support to generally being a dive hero and focusing more on her defense damage then healing itself.
Moira is a simple hero to play as support, but can be misused for being a DPS Moira rather than healing. Be wary of this and use your biotic grasp cautiously to heal or damage. To use biotic grasp you must be in close-range of your allies or enemies.
This doesn't prove fatal for Moira as she has great mobility that allows her to use her Fade to disappear and become vulnerable and get out of a risky situation. Now, if you use your biotic grasp to heal make sure to use your healing intermediately as it runs out after a little bit and takes time to build back up. It does grow back faster doing damage, but be careful as the DPS person in you might take over and might do more bad than good.
The Biotic Orb can be very powerful and is useful for long range battles across or even above Moira. She can launch this orb around nearby allies to heal them or damage nearby enemies.This can be useful for enemies trying to run from a fight in a hallway or building and can drain the last bit of health they have or if someone is high in the air it can attack high fliers trying to get away.
Moira’s Coalescence ultimate is a fire beam that can heal allies and damage enemies. You can even fade while in your ultimate, allowing you to be risky and damage enemies and if it gets too much you can fade away. Just be careful, any stun moves like Brigittes Bash, Reinhardt Charge, or DoomFist Bash can push you out of the ultimate. Making it useless. This is what makes Moira C-Tier: 60/100.
Moira Strengths:
- Great mobility with fade
- Continuous draining of health from enemies with secondary fire
- Big orb ability does quite a bit of healing/ damage
- Useful when you're being pushed by Dive characters like Tracer or Sombra
- Best close-range/ mid-range
- You can heal yourself with healing orb allowing you to survive longer
Moira Weaknesses:
- Focusing more on DPS than healing
- You can lose your healing spray rather quickly
- Not the best at long-range
- Healing yourself more than your teammates
- Got to damage to restore healing when spray is out; or recharges slowly
- Can be taken out of ult by Doom Fist Push, Rein Charge, or Orisa’s Javelin
Overwatch 2: How To Play Moira