Since its debut in 2016, Overwatch 2 has grown substantially. Each new season introduces changes to tanks that either enhance or diminish their effectiveness. This article will provide insight for what tanks are worth considering to play on Overwatch 2 right now.
These characters are considered the most powerful since they have significant advantages that excel in multiple aspects of the game. These are top picks for players in competitive games.
Zarya: 95/100 (S-Tier)
Zarya is known for her strong ability to be a great tank. She can seriously put great mid-range to long-range damage, allowing DPS dive characters to give tremendous damage to enemies. Her lack of mobility is a drawback which allows her to easily be attacked and killed at close-range.
One of Zarya’s greatest assets is her bubble ability. This is key to allow her to go up to battle at close-range or to bubble allies that may need the protection to survive. This gives her great survivability, however if you don't play corners to allow your health or charge to build back up, you risk an extreme chance of death.
Staying at mid-range using your burst damage allows you to remain alive, bubbling allies to put the push on enemies and then push in taking the last blow.
Her ultimate is crazy! She can easily pull any enemy like a magnet to this bubble. Using her lazer she can easily kill enemies, while allies are giving incoming damage.
You can easily stack ultimates like Illari, Soldier, or Bastion to name a few to cause extreme havoc on enemies ensuring a team kill. This is why Zarya is determined to be S-Tier: 95/100.
Zarya Strengths:
- Her burst damage is seriously dangerous in killing enemies mid or long-range
- Best a mid-range but can do some close-range
- Can give bubbles to allies that are diving like Genji, Reaper, or any diving hero
Zarya Weaknesses:
- Not using bubbles correctly can kill you easy
- lack of mobility as she will have a bit of trouble retreating or chasing low-health enemies
The ONLY WAY to Play ZARYA - BEST TANK ROLE TIPS (Season 6) - Overwatch 2 Hero Guide
Orisa: 95/100 (S-Tier)
Orisa is the tank to play on competitive, due to her being able to counter almost every tank in some way. She is a long-range battle warrior that causes great damage with her primary fire and javelin. Her mobility is lacking compared to other tanks like D.Va, Winston, or Doomfist, but hasnt stopped her from being a strong pick among the gaming community.
Orisa has been a strong pick for competitive players since she can counter every tank. She is primarily a long-range tank. She can easily damage fliers like Pharah or Echo, but can deal considerable damage up close. She handles a Javelin and throws at enemies to stun and approach them to kill them easily.
It's best to go after squishy heroes to ensure enemy deaths. If things get risky, you can use fortify to get boosted armor to get away. You can easily pair it with her Javelin Spin, which deflects incoming damage. This move can prove to be a way to push back out of the fight or to move in. Choose wisely! The way she can easily move in and out of a fight shows why she is worthy of S-Tier: 95/100.
Orisa Strengths:
- Fortify gives boosted healing and armor
- Stun enemies with Javelin Spear
- Can deflect incoming damage or push enemies off map with Javelin Spin
- Can basically counter every Tank if played correctly
- Best at long-range
- uItimate pulls enemies from a certain distance; Stunning, Slowing them, and potentially killing them
Orisa Weaknesses:
- Not great on dive maps
- Big Hit-box
How To Play Orisa PROPERLY In Overwatch 2
Junker Queen: 90/100 (S-Tier)
Junker Queen is a newcoming Tank to play ever since her buff in season 6. She is best played in close-range battles due to her dangerous shotgun. She doesn't have the best mobility besides using her Shout, making it rather dangerous to escape from incoming damage from enemies.
Junker Queen is a useful dive tank. She has Shout, which allows her to give allies and herself boosted armor and speed briefly. With her shotgun as her primary fire it is deadly to close-range battles. Her Knife can be used to draw back enemies with little health or squishy supports/DPS characters since it works like a boomerang and brings them back towards her.
99% of the time when you get pulled back into her grasp you are an easy pick, so it's best to play long-range against her. Her mobility is lacking especially against long-range heroes. So, it would be smart to play corners in the case you are running against an Ashe, Hanzo, or Widow.
She does have a crazy nice ultimate. It works by giving anti-healing effects to nearby enemies. Giving your allies time to jump in and get heavy damage on enemies to take point. However, if a Kiriko is on the enemy team you do run the risk of it getting cleansed, making your ultimate vulnerable. These are all the reasons why Junker Queen is S-Tier: 90/100.
Junker Queen Strengths:
- Using shout gives extra armor to yourself and nearby allies
- Massive anti-healing ultimate
- Best in Dive teams
- Strong primary fire that gives great damage
Junker Queen Weaknesses:
- If shout isn't timed right it can be useless
- Long-range heroes
- Kiriko can cleanse ultimate
NEW BEST WAY to Play Junker Queen - CARRY LIKE A PRO TANK MAIN - Overwatch 2 Hero Guide
These characters are strong, yet have some limitations to utilize them effectively, but can still be picked for competitive games if in the right hands.
D.Va: 85/100 (A-Tier)
D.Va is known as the #1 dive tank. She is amazing at close-range fights since she has an enormous health bar and has great mobility to get away. However, if she doesn't have a strong healer like Ana, she is doomed.
D.Va is super beefy. She has a huge hitbox making her a heavy hitter. Thankfully, she has a defense matrix to take the brunt of the damage if needed, protecting her health bar.
This gives time for supports to get to you and build it back up for you. She can even use her defense matrix against the enemies ultimate like Mei or Illari and suck it up. This makes them waste their ultimate.
Although she has a lot of health she can take heavy damage due to her hitbox. Players like Bastion can tear through her if she already used her matrix, making her get out of her mec. This makes her very vulnerable but the recoil on her pistol is uncanny. She easily gets damage in and gets back in her mec if she plays long-range. This is why D.Va is A-Tier: 85/100.
D.Va Strengths:
- Can suck up ultimates making them irrelevant using defense matrix like Illari or Mei
- Real beefy tank with a bunch of health
- Best at close-range
- #1 Dive Tank
- Great Mobility
- Has second chance of life with Mec
D.Va Weaknesses:
- Needs long-range healer like Ana to keep with this diving tank
- Has huge hit-box
- Takes heavy damage easily
Ramattra: 85/100 (A-Tier)
Ramattra is an interesting tank. He can switch between two forms which allow him to be both long and close-range. His mobility isn't the greatest besides a speed increase when using one of his forms. However, he has great survivability due to having a shield and being able to block incoming damage.
Ramattra is a strong choice for a tank. He can deal damage long-range or punch his way in an up-close battle. However, he has a decent sized hitbox making him an ideal target for incoming damage.
His shield is helpful in some aspects, but with a Bastion turreting they can easily break his shield making him vulnerable for incoming damage. With his block ability he is able to reduce damage from all incoming projectiles in all directions.
His ultimate also took a hit this season, where it takes longer to launch his ultimate compared to the previous season. Since his ultimate is very dangerous in giving deadly damage, the fact it got reduced wasn't a surprise, but brought a flaw in his gameplay. These are the reasons why Ramattra is A-Tier: 85/100.
Ramattra Strengths:
- Deadly damaging ultimate
- Best at long-range, but can deal decent damage up close
- Reduce damage using block ability
Ramattra Weaknesses:
- Knowing when to switch between his two forms can cause easy death
- Becomes very vulnerable when pushed by divers
- Launching ultimate is reduced, so he can’t use it as often as last season
Ramattra Guide from a Top500 Ramattra Player - Overwatch 2 Guide
Sigma: 80/100 (A-Tier)
Sigma has a mix of offensive and defensive playstyles. He is best at long-range and with his shield of protection he can be deadly on high ground. He lacks mobility, so being in close-range battles usually are dangerous for his character. So play back and you will see the true nature of this tank.
Sigma deals considerable damage in longe-range; and with his shield he can take high ground and take out squishy characters without really getting damaged. Using your shield for coverage is smart, as you aren’t the best tank up close due to your lack of mobility.
However, if you do get into a battle close you can easily stun enemies back by using your rock ability. If you feel you are getting damaged too quickly by say a bastion turret or soldier ultimate you can use your damage absorption ability to build up your armor instead of taking damage. This is incredibly useful especially if you find yourself near death.
He can easily be countered by many of the tanks since now there is a considerable increase in dive tanks which are his absolute downfall. Which is why this season, Sigma is A-tier: 80/100.
Sigma Strengths:
- Best a long-range
- His rock can easily stun enemies
- Damage absorption
- Using shield on high ground
Sigma Weaknesses:
- Struggles close-range
- Dive heroes
Characters in this tier are decent but are typically countered by those in higher tiers due to having noticeable weaknesses. Not picked as often as the other tiers in competitive
Reinhardt: 75/100 (B-Tier)
Reinhardt is a well known tank to play on Overwatch 2. With his large shield and huge health pool it allows him to push in close-range. He does lack range compared to other tanks like Orisa, where he only has a hammer and not a firing weapon.
He also lacks mobility for the fact of the increasing favor in flankers this season. However, he still seems to be a well liked player despite this flaw.
They did boost his shield’s health to help him keep it up for longer periods, but the amount of damage being dealt can still be too much for him. So play corners appropriately to build it back up.
His ultimate can also be really good unless you dont angle it correctly and miss enemies. These are the reasons why Reinhardt is B-Tier: 75/100.
Reinhardt Strengths:
- Heavy armored shield
- Strong shield
- Best at close-range
Reinhardt Weaknesses:
- Lack of range
- Lacks mobility to get to supports due to flankers
- Fire strike isn't that accurate to hit on enemies
Reinhardt | The Ultimate Guide To Dominate Every Game As Divehardt
Doomfist: 75/100 (B-Tier)
Doomfist hasn't been the best in previous seasons, but this season he has gotten slightly better. He is known to be a definite close-range fighter. He has great mobility to allow him to jump to get to higher ground or to support playing the backline. However, you add a long-range enemy like Pharah, Echo, or Ashe and you have a nightmare for him due to his lack of range.
This season they have seriously buffed him! His seismic slam allows him to quickly move forward and stun enemies on a lower cooldown, allowing him to do more movement than previous seasons.
Best to utilize him is to target DPS and supports that may not have the best mobility skills to get easy kills. His power block was also buffed allowing him to reduce damage from projectiles and he doesn't even have to face it to work! This makes it incredibly useful as he dies most out of all tanks and hopefully this allows to increase his survivability. This is all the reasoning on why Doomfist is ranked B-Tier: 75/100.
Doomfist Strengths:
- Seismas slam is OP with lower cooldown than season 5
- Great Mobility
- Best at close-range
- Power block reduces incoming damage from stuck projectiles
Doomfist Weaknesses:
- Long-range heroes
- Massive hitbox
- Dive heroes like Sombra or Tracer
Characters in this tier are considered weaker due to having major limitations that make them less popular in competitive.
Winston: 70/100 (C-Tier)
Winston is a dive character. He is known to jump on squishy heroes to get instant kills. He has amazing mobility to jump back and forth between fighting and getting healed. However, his huge hitbox makes him a huge target among enemies.
All players have a love or hate relationship with Winston. Anyone super squishy is going to dread seeing him, since he is a close-range dive character known to target them.
However, his huge hitbox makes him a target for incoming damage. So, make sure to place your bubble shield accordingly. Now with him being a target, having great mobility is key to his success. He is able to leap onto enemies or back to his healers.
He would benefit more with a long-range healer like Ana since she would be able to give him health at a distance if needed, otherwise you’d hope he would dive back towards the supports. However, sometimes you might get greedy and stay up-close longer than you should. These are the reasons why Winston is ranked C-Tier: 70/100.
Winston Strengths:
- Best to dive on snipers or squishy supports
- Bubble Shield
- Great Mobility
Winston Weaknesses:
- Heavy damage heroes
- Huge hitbox
How to Play Winston like a TOP 500 | Overwatch 2 Winston Guide
Wrecking Ball: 67/100 (C-Tier)
Wrecking Ball is a very controversial hero. He can remain on killing supports or being a burden on your team and not being there. Played correctly he can impact the game tremendously, with great mobility, he can play more close-range or move back into the backline. However, he has many counters which make him very liable to death.
Wrecking Ball hasn’t been the greatest this season. Due to the current trend being flankers, Wrecking Ball falls on a disadvantage. He can be hacked very easily by Sombra, which stuns him making him very vulnerable to his survivability since he can’t use his other abilities.
He also can be easily damaged by heroes like Bastion that can drain his health in an instant due to his HUGE hitbox. If played well he can do some damage but due to the players having burst healing his burst damage is useless. This is the reasoning that Wrecking Ball is C-Tier: 67/100.
Wrecking Ball Strengths:
- Great Mobility
Wrecking Ball Weaknesses:
- Only has burst damage but a lot of heroes have burst healing now
- Not good for dive teams
- Bastion or Tobjorn can kill him easily
- Sombra can hack him; stunning him briefly
- Hard to play for beginners
The ONLY WAY to Play WRECKING BALL - 5 BEST TANK ROLE TIPS (Season 3) - Overwatch 2 Guide
These are considered the weakest or least viable options in the game. Players tend to avoid using these characters since they are seen as underpowered or ineffective compared to higher tiers.
Roadhog: 60/100 (D-Tier)
Roadhog has been the worst tank to play for the a while now in Overwatch 2. He has a large hitbox making him an easy target for enemies. As a dive hero and with his large healing pool it's really beneficial. However, Ana’s grenade basically makes his healing useless, severely decreasing his survivability.
Roadhog got nerfed a while ago, for one of his best abilities, which included hooking a targeted enemy and killing them instantly. That's long gone now, which decreased his chance of being played by a lot of the gaming community.
Now one of the great attributes of this hero is the large amount of healing he can do for himself. This increases his chance of survivability. However, if the enemy team contains an Ana her grenade can easily make his healing ability useless, preventing him from being able to restore his health. This decreases his chance of surviving a fight. All of this reasoning is why Roadhog is classified as D-Tier: 60/100
Roadhog Strengths:
- Can use hook to pull supports or DPS to his benefit
- Close-range
- Strong heals
- Dive hero
Roadhog Weaknesses:
- Flanker; a lot of heroes can counter him now
- Ana’s grenade decreases survivability
- Lack of mobility
How to Play Roadhog like a TOP 500 | Overwatch 2 Roadhog Guide
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