Top 10 Pathfinder Best One-Handed Weapons

15 Jul 2023

Every Pathfinder needs a good weapon. After all, those zombies won’t kill themselves. Let’s look at ten of the best one-handed weapons.


10. Fists

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A monk doesn’t necessarily need a weapon. He trains his body to be a weapon. And if done right, a fist is the only weapon a monk needs.

For starters, while an unarmed attack normally only does 1d4 damage, a fist attack from a monk does 1d6 damage and continues to increase as the monk levels up. As the monk levels up, the fist gains new abilities like the ability to ignore damage resistances. This said, these abilities only come into play at higher levels so a monk might want a monk weapon.

However, monks have access to abilities that they can’t use with weapons. Make liberal use of the flurry of blows ability. Since you get two hits for one action, this gives you some extra flexibility with your action economy.

The fists are good for monks because:

  • They upgrade damage resistance piercing for free. Though you have to buy Handwraps of Mighty Blows for other upgrades/
  • Flurry of Blows is an excellent ability. Two attacks for one, both at full power is amazing.
  • Abilities like stances also enhance the abilities of fists. For monks, fists can be more dangerous than most weapons.

These come with character creation.

Fist stats:

  • Damage: 1d4+strength modifier)
  • 1d6 on monks

9. Gauntlet

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Gauntlets come attached to most kinds of armor. While they don’t do a lot of damage, they’re good to have. Plus, they do lethal damage.

Gauntlets are good for most classes that use heavy armor. However, their use is often situational unless you’ve built a character specifically around them. In which case it’s better to just make a monk.

The gauntlet is best used as a secondary weapon. Its uses are situational but they do often come up. If your character is using a two-handed weapon and gets grappled he can’t use the primary weapon. So gauntlets are a good alternative. If you’re trying to bring down but not kill an enemy but not kill him, this can be good.


This weapon is good for martial classes because:

  • It comes for free. It comes equipped to most to heavy armor.
  • It’s good if you’re grappled. You can still fight and do damage.
  • It’s handy if you’re trying to bring down an enemy at low health but not kill him. 1d4 will put him in the red but as long as the attack doesn’t continue, he won’t die.

This weapon comes attached to heavy armor.

Gauntlet stats:

  • Price 2 sp; Damage 1d4 B; Bulk L
  • Hands 1
  • Category Simple
  • Group Brawling


8. Dagger

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A dagger is a fairly common simple weapon. While it’s a low damage weapon on its own, it goes great with rogues. It also goes great with casters though not for the reason you might think.

A rogue can easily conceal a dagger. This is important since rogues are often the “face” of the party. Rogues can also use their daggers for their off-hand weapon if they like two-weapon fighting. However, casters can also make use of daggers to complement rogues.

Rogues rely on flanking attacks. But for them to work, the person they’re flanking with needs to have a weapon drawn. Since battles are unpredictable, you should plan for anything.

Daggers are good for rogues and casters because:

  • Daggers can be easily concealed. This is good for social situations that might go wrong.
  • Daggers can be wielded in the off-hand. This makes them easy for two-weapon rogues to use.
  • Casters can use it to flank with rogues. Some monsters go for casters first and having a dagger will help the rogues do sneak damage and inflict debuffs.

This can be bought at character creation or at a common shop.


Dagger stats:

  • Price 2 sp; 
  • Damage 1d4 P; 
  • Bulk L
  • Hands 1
  • Category Simple
  • Group Knife

7. Flyssa

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Flyssas are bigger knives than daggers. They do more base damage than daggers. However, concealing them is harder. 

Classes that boast high dexterity like rogues and rangers that decide to go into melee weapons benefit the most from this weapon, You can use them in two-weapon fighting. It can also alternate between slashing and piercing.

The best way to use this weapon is to optimize your sneak attack opportunities. Get into flanking with anything you can. Increase your stealth and initiative skills.


This weapon is good for classes that use sneak attacks because:

  • It is a dexterity-based weapon. So you use the dexterity stat to determine if you hit.
  • The damage is higher than daggers. It does 1d6 rather than 1d4.
  • It pairs well with daggers. It can be a main-hand weapon.

It can be bought at character creation.

Flyssa stats:

  • Price 1 gp; Damage 1d6 S; Bulk L
  • Hands 1
  • Category Martial
  • Group Knife

6. Vampire-Fang Morningstar

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Sometimes, you just need to smash things on the head. But why not restore your health a bit while doing it? If your barbarian likes morningstars, the vampire-fang morningstar might be for you.

Once per minute, this weapon drains 10 HP from opponents. Since barbarians charge into battle lightly armored, having some healing doesn’t hurt. It also has piercing as well as bludgeoning.

Barbarians should use this weapon as normal. After taking some damage, use the drain ability. Ideally, do it on a fresh opponent. You can’t drain HP that doesn’t exist.


The vampire-fang morningstar is good for barbarians because:

  • They can drain HP. Barbarians can lose a lot of HP/
  • They can switch from bludgeoning to piercing. This good since you don’t want to waste rage rounds doing less than optimal damage.
  • Draining that 10 HP can kill an enemy. Bringing down enemies is always good.

This weapon has to be crafted or bought from a weapon shop.

Vampire-Fang Morningstar stats:

  • Price 500 gp
  • Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
  • Base Weapon Morningstar

5. Staves

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Unlike the other items on this list, staves are not a direct damage weapon. However, they bolster the capabilities of your caster. They give them more spells.

Staves can be recharged daily  According to the rules “During your daily preparations, you can prepare a staff to add charges to it for free. When you do so, that staff gains a number of charges equal to the level of your highest-level spell slot.”

Spontaneous casters can use staves for extra spell slots. But only for the spells listed on the staff. However, they are often good spells depending on the element. The staff of fire has burning hands.


This is good for spontaneous casters because:

  • They give casters extra spells. Casters are always hurting for spells.
  • The special abilities of staves are helpful. The staff of air allows characters to move through difficult terrain.
  • Major and greater staves let you cast their lower-level spells. This means you have a lot of spells.

Staves can be crafted by casting the spells listed on the staff.


Staff stats:

  • Minor staff: 60 gp:
  • Greater staff: 450 gp
  • Major staff: 1,800 gp.

4. Scizore of the Crab

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If you run a fighter focused on grappling, a scizore of the crab, might be helpful. It can be used to grab opponents and choke them. Plus, it’s a great way to support other fighters.

A scizore has a parry ability so it’s a good defensive weapon. This specialty scizore can automatically grab opponents. A grabbed opponent is easier to hit.

This can be a good secondary weapon for a two-weapon fighter. Hit the opponent, grab him and then choke them or use your primary weapon. The next turn, use two attacks with your primary weapon to choke them.


This weapon is good for fighters because:

  • You can parry attacks and disarm people. This makes it a good defensive weapon.
  • Grabbing opponents makes them easier to hit. This helps your party.hit them.
  • You can automatically choke an opponent and do damage when they’re grabbed. More damage is always good.

This can be crafted with a crab pincer from a giant crab.

  • Scizore of the Crab stats:
  • Price 150 gp
  • Usage worn on 1 hand; 
  • Bulk 1
  • Base Weapon Scizore

3. Rapier

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If you’re a fencer, or just like making Princess Bride jokes, a rapier is a good weapon. At 1d6 damage, it’s decent for base damage. But if you’re a rogue, your primary concern is the sneak attack damage.

Rapiers help rogues because they’re finesse weapons. Their damage can also go from d6 to d8 if you get a critical hit. If your rogue has a lot of skill in athletics, you can disarm an opponent.

Your rogue’s true strategy with a rapier is to get into sneak attack position. Use stealth, get a flanking partner. Whatever you have to do because a finesse weapon’s strength is in helping with sneak attack damage:

The rapier is good for the rogue because:

  • They are finesse weapons. Rogues should use dexterity for attacks.
  • The rapier can disarm enemies. This can be helpful because rogues aren’t a heavily armored class.
  • They pair well with daggers. If you’re a two-weapon fighter, this can be good.

The rapier can be bought at character creation or in any shop.

Rapier stats:

  • Price 2 gp; ‘
  • Damage 1d6 P; 
  • Bulk 1
  • Hands 1
  • Category Martial
  • Group Sword

2. Hand Crossbow

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When you look at the special abilities of the hand crossbow, or rather lack of them, you’re probably surprised that it’s on this list. And you’re more surprised it’s at number 2. So you’re probably confused as to why.

For starters, any class can use it. And there are many occasions in which crossbows come in handy. For example, fighters and rogues may need to go against flying opponents. A caster might go against someone with immunity to what they have. Having a crossbow means that while these characters are not doing ideal damage, they’re still doing damage.

The hand crossbow, unless your character is built around it, should be used as a secondary weapon. It’s best used against flying enemies. Or against enemies that are immune to your standard spells. 

Everyone should have a hand crossbow because:

  • It keeps you useful when fighting flying enemies. You can’t always rely on fly spells or potions. 
  • If you battle enemies who are immune to your spells, the hand crossbow is the next best thing. Low damage is better than no damage.
  • It’s a good stealth weapon. A rogue might not be able to get into melee range of a monster before he’s noticed. But they might be able to get to within 60 feet.

The hand crossbow can be bought at character creation.

  • Price 3 gp; 
  • Damage 1d6 P; 
  • Bulk L
  • Hands 1; 
  • Range 60 ft.; Reload 1
  • Category Simple
  • Group: Bow
  • Ammunition Bolts

1. Earthbreaker

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I may be a bit biased here. My first experience with a Pathfinder character was the pre-gen with the earthbreaker. So I will choose this weapon when it is optimal to do so. However, don’t let my biases influence you if you’re playing barbarians. Look at the facts. 

The earthbreaker can be wielded as a one or -two-handed weapon. It does significant damage either way. But a barbarian should go for the two-handed option. A defensive-oriented fighter should use it with a shield. 

It can smash things with its razing ability. It can also pierce enemies so that’s a nice edition. Either way, your main strategy with the earthbreaker is to go in and smash things. 

Earthbreakers are good for fighters and barbarians because:

  • Using it two-handed does 1d10 damage. It optimizes the barbarian’s rages.
  • It has piercing and bludgeoning. It can get around a lot of damage resistance.
  • Used one-handed it can be a good weapon for a defensive fighter. Bludgeoning and piercing are not a common combination so it’s versatile.

This weapon can be bought at character creation or at a common shop


Earthbreaker stats:

  • Price 4 gp; 
  • Damage 1d6 B; 
  • Bulk 2
  • Hands 1
  • Category Martial
  • Group: Hammer

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