We all enjoy a good career mode in racing games. To rise up and be the best gives a feeling like no other, especially when you win races and ultimately, championships whether it be in video games or real life. So, with that in mind, here are the top 5 racing games that have a great career mode. The list is based on how detailed the career mode itself is, not so much the game, but that is still an important factor. So, let’s get started!
5 . Gran Turismo Sport
Gran Turismo Sport Gameplay
While GT Sport offers an exciting entry to the world of sim racing it also has an enjoyable but complex single-player career mode. It is divided into the driving school, circuit experience and championship modes. The driving school tests offer really useful knowledge and techniques to master a variety of cars on the tracks. The last few tests in the driving school are brutally hard especially if you aim for Gold. But when you do get it, it is very satisfying indeed. The circuit experience section gives you the opportunity to master all the sections of the tracks present in the game. The championship mode offers various races with different car classes. Although the overall system is pretty dull in this mode, the races are very exciting and the AI is much better than in the arcade mode races.
4 . Dirt 4
Dirt 4 Gameplay
Dirt 4 has probably the best career mode if you’re into rallying. First, you’ll have to rent cars in order to participate in different rallies. You can create your own team and modify the cars according to your liking. The more you win, the more your reputation will increase and more sponsors will join your team. You can participate in standard rallies, rallycross, and landrush. You will have to unlock various class licenses in order to participate in more advanced competitions. Historical rallies are also available once you achieve certain criteria. Various historical cars like Colin Mcrae’s Subaru can be unlocked too. All in all, it is a fleshed-out experience if you are interested in the rally side of motorsport!
3 . F1 2020
F1 2020 Gameplay
F1 2020 was critically acclaimed due to it catering to the needs of fans, particularly for its career mode. In addition to the single-player mode where you start as a Formula 2 driver and progress to Formula 1 or directly start as a Formula 1 driver, you can now create your own team and fight with the already existing teams for the championship. You can make your own liveries, race suits and manage sponsors as well. You have to manage each department of your team to make sure everything is in order and upgrade them when possible. You can hire more experienced drivers when you have enough money and put them to good use. Your driver may leave mid-season if you do not pay them their salary. So all in all, it is a satisfying career mode, if you want to experience a small part of what it is like to own an F1 team.
2 . F1 2021
F1 2021 Gameplay
F1 2021 improved upon all the aspects the career mode of F1 2020 offered. As with the previous installment, you have the traditional single-player career mode and also the My Team Career mode. In the single-player mode, as usual, you can either start your career as a Formula 2 driver and work your way up the ladder to Formula 1 or you can directly join a Formula 1 team. In My Team, you can create your own team and fight for the championship. The R&D options in this mode are way more refined than F1 2020 so you’ll definitely enjoy them. You’ll also have the option to recruit various F1 legends in My Team which is a new addition. There is also a two-player career mode where you and your friends can play as rivals or part of a team, so it brings that co-op aspect into it
1 . Project Cars 2
Project Cars 2 Gameplay
When it comes to emulating a fully-fledged career mode of a racing driver in a video game, Project Cars 2 is the best of them all with no competition. Slightly Mad Studios really knocked it out of the park on this one. There is literally a variety of career paths and racing disciplines you can choose. You can start from the earliest level of karting and progress your way through the categories. If you decide that instead of pursuing a Formula racing car, you want to pursue an IndyCar or even Rallycross you can do it. You can choose which team and manufacturers to stay loyal too. Loyalty to a specific manufacturer will give you the opportunity to take part in the test to become the factory driver and once you do, you’ll be invited to various invitational events. You can choose the difficulty settings and also customize how long each season can be. Loads of details and customization options along with the variety of motorsport disciplines make Project Cars 2 the game with the best career mode.
So, there you have it, folks! If you want to enjoy the simple but challenging pleasure of a career mode, these games will give you a great treat! Good luck on your journey and may you always be on the top step of the podium!