Her Sterling Mk2 LHT ‘Welcome mat’ traps enemies when they step over it. Simple, therefore troublesome. She’s been in the game for five years, yet still remains one of the player-favorites. Understandably so. Isn’t it nice to be able to kill and contribute to the team even when you’re dead? In this article, we’ll explore more about the other deadly tools at this huntress’ disposal.
5. 9mm C1 with Red Dot, Extended Barrel, and Angled Grip + Suppressed MK1 9mm + Deployable Shield
That suppressor sound on a handgun really has the specops vibe
This loadout is an alternative to #1 when you already have someone in your team who can make rotation holes. With this loadout, you cannot make rotation holes or destroy hatches, but you can destroy attacker drones without the enemies knowing your position. Making you more effective in stealth.
Enemies that are uncomfortable because they don’t know where you’ll come from will be easy to kill.
Excels in:
Medium and long-range
4. Super 90 + Suppressed MK1 9pmm + Bulletproof Camera
In all my years of playing Siege, I can honestly say that there’s nothing more annoying than a roamer with a shotgun.
Roaming with a shotgun is one of the best ways to harass attackers. Shotguns might not be able to make kills from long range, but when used strategically, you can pick off your enemies from angles that they don’t expect.
This roamer loadout is best used when the objective area is anywhere above the basement and the flooring is made of wood. Place your bulletproof camera where you expect enemies to push while you wait under it. Once you get a good grasp of where they are above you, proceed on fragging them with your shotgun from below. With this strat, even if you don’t make kills, you’ll harass your enemies enough for them to lose precious time.
Excels in:
Close to medium range
Harassing your enemies
3. Suppressed 9mm C1 with Red Dot, and Angled Grip + MK1 9mm with Muzzle Brake + Bulletproof Camera
Frost lowkey looks like a ninja anyway. So why not actually become one?
A loadout for players who love the thrill of roaming. Frost’s 9mm C1’s recoil has a straight upward pattern, making it one of the easiest guns to control in Siege. And with a suppressor, you can make kills from long range without your enemies knowing where the shots are coming from.
Place the bulletproof camera in a strategic position. With the bulletproof camera, you’ll get a good idea of the attackers’ location and numbers. Once you get the information that you need, proceed on picking them off one by one with your silent, but deadly 9mm C1.
Excels in:
2. Super 90 with Laser + MK1 9mm with Muzzle Brake + Deployable Shield
You shall not pass
Frost is one of the best operators for anchoring. With her frost mats and deployable shield, she can make any attacker think twice before entering the objective area. And when anchoring, there will be more chances to meet your enemies at close range. The best range for your Super 90 shotgun, while your enemies' minds are occupied by the threat of being welcomed by your traps.
The Mk1 9mm handgun is for finishing off your enemies when your Super 90 needs to reload.
Excels in:
1. 9mm C1 with Red Dot, Extended Barrel, and Angled Grip + ITA12S Shotgun with Laser + Deployable Shield
Versatility is king
Effective for anchoring, roaming, and teamplays. This is an all-around loadout that plays into Frost’s strengths very well. The secondary shotgun is mainly for making rotation holes that are very useful, especially in ranked games. Attackers also love sneaking into rotation holes. Making their sides perfect spots for your welcome mat.
The extended barrel on your 9mm C1 will allow you to inflict maximum damage on your enemies even from long distance. Making it a good attachment for both roaming and anchoring. And your secondary shotgun will be a useful tool for escaping through hatches when enemies start hunting you.
Excels in:
Close, medium, and long-range
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:
A veteran of thousands of quests. Slayer of trolls. Survived the dragon attack in Loc Muinne. Kristoffer now spends his days as a scribe after receiving a permanent injury when a tavern stool gave und
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