Rockstar’s Red Dead Online provides players with plenty of ways to spend their time and earn money, and the bounty hunter role makes up one of these options. With this role, players can hunt down crooks and turn them in dead or alive for money and XP (though you get better rewards for bringing them in alive). This includes legendary bounties, which are much more difficult but provide much better rewards. Since there’s a 30-minute wait between each bounty, it’s important to play the most fun bounties first. With that in mind, here is a list of the crooks that are most entertaining to capture.
10. Barbarella Alcazar
Alcazar moments before executing a man in her intro video.
While this bounty is the most straightforward one on the list, that doesn’t mean it can’t provide entertainment. Taking place in the sprawling desert of New Austin, this bounty makes use of open combat with lots of action between high and low ground. Perfect for both stealthy and aggressive playstyles, Alcazar will get players accustomed to the difference between legendary and regular bounties.
Here’s why Alcazar is a great bounty:
- Barbarella can spawn in three different locations and has dialogue for each, providing variations in replayability
- The bounty fully utilizes the large area, making the encounter more enjoyable than raiding Fort Mercer
Here are some additional details about the bounty:
- If Alcazar runs and you chase after her long enough, she’ll give up and turn herself in
- She was the first legendary bounty featured in Red Dead Online
Here is a look at how to complete the mission with a stealth approach. *Note that since the release of this video, the game has been updated and now players only need to capture the main bounty*
9. Sergio Vincenza
Vincenza is revealed to be located near Annesburg.
In the simplest terms, this bounty is a literal uphill battle. With multiple enemies armed with long-ranged rifles and good aim, the player will constantly be going in and out of cover. But for those who are patient enough, this bounty provides a ton of fun and excitement as you narrowly dodge one fatal shot after another. Stay low and make use of the explosive boxes to make this bounty less difficult. Also, watch out for the multiple ambushes you encounter along the way.
Here’s why Sergio is a great bounty:
- A large number of enemies and Sergio’s sniping make the combat more dynamic
- Enemies spawn throughout most of the stages of the mission, meaning that there are rarely any dull moments
Here are some additional details about the bounty:
- The screen may change to a lighter color during combat. This means that Sergio is aiming at you from the tower and that you need to seek cover
- Sergio’s appearance and ideology seem to be based on Leon Trotsky, a Ukrainian-Russian Marxist who created a branched off ideology called Trotskyism
Here’s how to complete the mission solo.*Note that since the release of this video, the game has been updated and now players only need to capture the main bounty*
8. “Yukon” Nik
Nik holds a Marshal Hostage.
Out of all the bounties that include animals, “Yukon” Nik’s bounty is the best out of them. Whilst the arena for this bounty is smaller than all the other entries, it compensates with waves of enemies and bears that can help the player. This bounty works with both long-range and close-range combat and gives the players the ability to use the caged animals to their advantage. Guns and bears, what’s not to love?
Here’s why Yukon is a great bounty:
- The bears will attack the guards if released, but won’t attack the player
- The player fights “Yukon” Nik in a dead-eye duel, a staple feature of the franchise not often used online
Here are some additional details about the bounty:
- Nik’s backup will show up on the radar with the 4-star difficulty but don’t appear with 5-star difficulty
- Nik’s guards have models that are also used for the Skinner Brothers, though any affiliation is unknown
Here’s how to complete the mission solo.
7. Etta Doyle
The player can note Doyle's scars, the only way to differentiate her from the rest of her gang.
This bounty is one that’ll test the patience of any player. With multiple enemies dressed like the main target, the player must act thoughtfully to avoid killing Doyle or letting her escape. Stealth, while not mandatory, is highly recommended for dealing with Etta and her gang.
Here’s why Doyle is a great bounty:
- This bounty challenges the player to use their wit instead of blindly firing at enemies
- Encourages the player to strategize
Here are some additional details about the bounty:
- Doyle is not identified until the player sees their face, so take your time to figure out the real Etta
- At the 5-star difficulty, the gang does not appear on the map
Here’s the best way to identify and capture Etta Doyle.
6. Cecil C. Tucker
Somehow Tucker looks worse in person.
For anyone who’s always wanted to feel like an 80’s action star, this bounty is the one for you. Filled with explosions, shooting, and even an 1800’s version of a turret, this mission will have you clearing out what feels like thousands of enemies. Make sure to fill up on ammo and clean your guns prior to this mission, because you’ll be fighting from start to finish.
Here’s why Tucker is a great bounty:
- The bounty makes full use of the environment with explosive barrels, the maxima gun, and even the burning of the fort
- The unending waves of enemies mean that the player is constantly on their toes and is given constant action
Here is an additional detail about the bounty:
- Despite the pressure created by the burning of the fort, the fire never spreads inside and therefore can’t harm the player so long as they avoid the walls
Here’s how to complete the mission solo.
5. Vigil “Shepherd” Edward
The mark on his forehead may look like an upside-down seven, but Edward was probably trying to copy Harry Potter's scar.
Players looking for a multi-staged bounty should hunt Virgil Edwards for an extensive bounty. Shepherd’s bounty provides plenty of action for the player as they go through a wild chase.
Here’s why Shepherd is a great bounty:
- Clearing multiple locations keeps the player engaged
- Fighting Shepherd is more entertaining than other bounties as he puts up a decent fight
Here are some additional details about the bounty:
- Shepherd will wear armor plating and will require multiple shots to subdue
- While the final encounter is generally located at a cave near Annesburg, it is also possible for the player to find Virgil at The Loft in the Grizzlies East
Here is how you can face him solo.
4. Carmela “La Muñeca” Montez
Montez may seem quiet and docile, but players will quickly learn that she's a maniac.
Most bounties aren’t much of a threat by themselves as they can be easily hogtied; that’s not the case with Carmela. Armed with the only armored war wagon in the game, the player is greatly outgunned against her. However, if you make sure to use cover and a rifle, you can conquer this feat. Alternatively, stealth may grant you access to this titan of a weapon.
Here’s why Montez is a great bounty:
- Montez’s use of the war wagon adds another challenge to the bounty; now the player has to fight her instead of simply hogtying her after clearing out the enemies
- The bounty uses more dangerous enemies such as those on Maxima guns and even snipers, providing more intense combat for
Here are some additional details about the bounty:
- There are three versions to this bounty that determine Montez’s position as well as the location of the war wagon
- In some versions of the mission, the player can reach the war wagon and use it themselves
Here’s how to capture Montez...and use the wagon if you’re lucky enough.
3. Gene “Beau” Finley
Even in the middle of a robbery, Finley can't help but strike a pose.
Shady Belle provides some entertaining fight sequences in the campaign, and with this bounty, players can relive those fights online. While Beau himself doesn’t put up much of a fight, his gang makes the encounter more worthwhile. Clearing Shady Belle allows the players to use a mix of long, mid, and close-range combat, meaning that everyone can enjoy the battle.
Here’s why Beau is a great bounty:
- There are plenty of Maxima guns and explosives to use
- The large number of enemies sprawled across ensure that the player gets plenty of action
Here is an additional detail about the bounty:
- Finley gives up when you approach him
Here is how you can complete the bounty solo.
2. Red Ben Clempson
Clempson is regarded as a Wild West Robin Hood within the Red Dead universe, except he uses smaller, much deadlier "arrows".
As fun as it is to rob a train, there’s also entertainment in capturing the train thieves. Whether you decide to snipe every enemy from the top of the train or to use a shotgun and clear every room at point-blank, it’s hard to deny the fun that comes from fighting a train full of goons. Make sure to pack lots of tonics and ammo, as you’ll be fighting nonstop.
Here’s why Clempson is a great bounty:
- Enemies keep spawning alongside the train, making sure the player never stops fighting
- Clearing out the train of enemies is fun due to the close combat
Here are some additional details about the bounty:
- Throwing Clempson off the train while it moves can accidentally kill him, so it’s recommended that you stop the train first
- At the max difficulty, multiple targets have to be turned in, though they don’t have to be captured alive
Here’s how you can capture all three bounties solo.
1. Owlhoot Family
During their intro video, the Owlhoot make it clear that they're crazy.
Out of all the gangs you come across in the Red Dead Redemption franchise, none are as entertaining as the Owlhoot family. With so much variety between the different bounties in this mission, any playstyle works against these crooks. This bounty is perfect for anyone looking to just relax and enjoy their day.
Here’s why the Owlhoot family is a great bounty:
- The use of multiple locations allows the player to try different playstyles for each bounty and gives the player multiple fights to stay entertained
- The characters themselves are well designed and provide an entertaining dialogue
Here is an additional detail about the bounty:
- There are a total of four bounties to capture, each in a different location
Here is how you can capture all four bounties solo.
Legendary Bounties are a good way to make decent money and have more fun in the game. Replaying bounties makes them increase in difficulty, so if one is too difficult for you then play a different bounty until you adjust to the difficulty increase. Just have fun with the missions, experiment with playstyles, and make sure to keep those bounties alive.