10. Coconut

Despite being the second worst food in Sea of Thieves, the Coconut is a highly accessible item that can help you out whenever you're in a pinch on the high seas.
The Coconut is a one-time-use consumable item, healing your pirate for 30 health.
Despite only restoring 30% of your health bar, the Coconut is one of the most versatile foods in the game, with a total of 8 coconuts per barrel being available in every sloop, brigantine and galleon. Also, coconuts are very common in barrels on islands and outposts.
- Accessibility comparable to the banana (which heals only 20 health and is the most common food item in the game)
- Healing 30 health per Coconut
- Available on ships at spawn
The Coconut is a quick and accessible solution for most pirates who need to top up their health bar.
9. Pomegranate

Healing a generous 40 Health, the pomegranate comes in at ninth place on this list.
Also, being a one-time-use consumable, the pomegranate is a great food item for PvE scenarios.
Imagine this: You're at a Fort of Fortune with your crew, who have their hands full with enemy pirates whose only goal is to sink your ship and steal the fort. It was decided that you'd be finishing the fort while your crew dealt with the enemy pirates. All of a sudden, though - Uh oh... A skeleton with a Blunderbuss hit you at point-blank range. You're now one hit away from being sent to the ferry of the damned. Through the swarm of skeletons in front of you, you see a barrel and decide to risk it all - you sword lunge through your undead foes and open the barrel to be surprised by three ripe pomegranates. Immediately clicking the red lifesavers into your inventory, you exit the barrel screen, click your food hotkey and save yourself from imminent demise.
This has happened to me more times than I can count.
Because the pomegranate
- Is very common in barrels
- heals for a lifesaving 40 health
- Usually spawns in quantities of 2 or more (in my experience, at least)
this fruit is a popular choice for hungry pirates that want to skip their otherwise inevitable trip to the ferry of the damned.
8. Mango
Next on the list is the second-best fruit in the game - the mango.
Due to its extremely low availability, along with the fact that it usually spawns individually, the mango is almost never a good choice, even though it heals for 50 health.
Mangoes are only available in barrels or crates and are quite a rare find, making them only useful for PvE, much like the pomegranate.
Because mangoes are
- Hard to find
- Usually spawn individually
- Not worth the trouble for a mere 50 health
This fruit makes for one of the least popular choices for pirates sailing the Sea of Thieves.
7. Pork chops

Despite being the worst of the tier 1 meats (which all heal for 50 health and regenerate 25 health), pork chops are easily better than every fruit in the game, except for the pineapple.
Reflecting on my time in the sea of thieves, a specific moment pops up in my head - a moment where I utilized pork chops in a way that I haven't done before and that I haven't done since.
My crew and I were sailing on our way to a fort of fortune when we saw an enemy galleon in the distance, heading our way at record speeds. As the designated boarder, I immediately cannoned over to the enemy ship, ready to take on their forces. On my way, I realized that I had two cooked pork chops in my inventory. I ate one since I was at about half health. I didn't even know of the regenerative properties yet. After ladder clutching (of course), I got on deck and shot at everything that moved. Then, almost out of thin air, a flintlock shot hit me in the back. I turned around and one-blundered the living scum that shot me, which is when I noticed that my health was increasing. I asked my crew, which confirmed the healing properties of the pork chop. I ate my other porkchop and proceeded to sink the galleon with firebombs and cannons from my ship, an outcome that was well-deserved.
Because of the pork chops
- Low availability (hogs are hard to find)
- Regeneration
- Good immediate healing
It's a great choice for anyone in the sea of thieves.
6. Chicken meat
Chicken meat is a very reliable source of food when sailing the Sea Of Thieves. Being a mob drop from killing wild chickens, this food is very easy to find (every island has chickens), with the only tier 1 meats more common than it being shark meat and snake meat.
With chicken meat's
- easy accessibility
- useful healing and regenerating potential
- short cooking times
this food is a popular choice for both PvE and PvP scenarios.
5. Snake meat
Being, by far, the easiest food to find (and stock up on) on land, snake meat makes an easy fifth place on this list. Of all the tier 1 meats, snake meat is my second favourite since it has accessibility comparable to the pomegranate or Coconut, yet heals over double what they do.
Because of the...
- extreme abundance
- Healing power
- Multiple uses
of snake meat, it is a very popular choice among all experienced pirates who sail these waters.
4. Shark Meat
The last of the tier 1 meats, and my favourite one of them, is the shark meat.
This is the only food in the entire game that I have found more times on accident than I have on purpose since sharks only spawn on pirates who have been stuck in the water for prolonged periods of time.
Although it heals the same as all the other tier 1 meats, shark meat feels much more rewarding since it is only made available to those that have defeated these underwater beasts who have the potential to feast on any pirate they lay their eyes on.
Since shark meat is...
- relatively easy to find
- Requires killing a hostile creature
- Gives enough healing for it to be worth the fight
... it is my favourite tier-one meat and always will be - since I always love a fun in-game brawl in the ocean.
3. Pineapple
Being the best fruit in the game, pineapple is regarded by some to be THE best food in the game as well. Being much more accessible than first and second place on this list, the only reason that it isn't up there is because it's easy to find and doesn't require the completion of a world event.
Pineapple is one of my favourite foods for PvP scenarios, as it immediately restores your entire health bar, making it almost impossible for enemy pirates to kill you.
With it's
- Extraordinary healing
- Decent abundance (it is rarely found in barrels, but it is still relatively easy to find if you're looking for it!)
- 2 usages per pineapple,
this fruit is CLEARLY the best option (when it comes to fruits, at least).
2. Kraken Meat
A spoil, only to be savoured by those who have had a legendary encounter with the Kraken (and lived to tell the tale), Kraken meat is one of the two Tier II meats, healing your pirate for 100 health (the entire health bar), as well as regenerating 50 health over time. Because of its heightened regenerative abilities, Kraken meat is an outstanding option for anyone looking to have some difficult PvP encounters.
Because this food...
- Gives THE BEST healing and regeneration in the game
- Requires the completion of a difficult world event
- spawns in groups of three or more (after killing a Kraken)
...it is an easy second place for the best food in the entire game.
1. Megalodon Meat
Coming in first place is my favourite food in the entire game - Megalodon meat. Being only available to those who slay any megalodon variant, this Tier II meat is a favourite among the Sea Of Thieves community. Also, being able to heal your pirate for 100 health and regenerate another 50, this meat is great for PvP (as well as difficult PvE scenarios too! This food also spawns in threes after the death of a Megalodon and (rightfully so) is sought after by all those who deem themselves pirates.
to recap, since meg meat
- is extremely difficult to obtain, requiring a mix of luck and skill
- has two uses per piece of meat
- is THE most sought-after food item in the game,
this food is THE BEST healing item in the entire game.