[Top 10] Skyrim Best Archery Mods

Skyrim Best Archery Mods
23 Feb 2021

Hello, hello! I’m back again with another top 10 article, this one's for all of you who like playing archers. Sit back, relax, and read through our top 10 best archery mods for Skyrim.

10. Scoped Bows

A video showing off the scopes

 This mod is a pretty big one, since it affects many bows in the game. Be it a unique bow or a generic one, this mod will give the player much more control over where their arrow goes by adding scopes.

 How Scoped Bows makes things more fun:

  • Adds lore-friendly scopes to the bows in Skyrim
  • Enables you to craft scoped bows
  • Each bow has two scopes, one used for quick shots and one for precise shots

 Click here for download: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50528

9. Ultra Realistic Bow Shoot Sounds 

A video demonstrating the sounds

 This is honestly something I never would have thought of modding, but, it seems someone did! This mod is pretty self-explanatory, it’s a mod that changes the sounds of bows when shooting. It’s not a huge mod, but it has a very big impact on the game.

 How Ultra Realistic Bow Shoot Sounds makes things more fun:

  • Replaces the bow sounds with realistic ones that have been recorded directly from Youtube videos
  • Creates a much more immersive experience

 Click here for download: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27208

8. Archery - Spinning Arrows 

A video discussing the mod

 This is probably the most unrealistic thing about archery in Skyrim, the static arrows. IRL, arrows spin when they’re shot, but in Skyrim, they don't. They just move in a straight line, this mod fixes that.

 How Archery - Spinning Arrows makes things more fun:

  • Replaces that static arrow animation with spinning arrows
  • Makes archery more realistic

 Click here for download: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29086?tab=description

7. Explosive Arrows

A video showing off the explosions

 This one isn’t the most realistic, but it’s super cool. You can one-shot really tough enemies such as trolls, horkers, giants, and mammoths with Explosive Arrows. You also get some really cool explosion effects.

 How Explosive Arrows makes things more fun:

  • Adds a merchant that will sell you exploding arrows
  • Exploding. Arrows. Must I say more?

 Click here for download: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9349

6. Extended Archery Skill Tree 

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The extended skill tree

 Ever get annoyed at the level caps? Well, this mod fixes that for archery. It allows you to get to level 200 AND includes skill perks to go with the new level cap. This is really good for people who end up just flying through the skill tree.

 How Extended Archery Skill Tree makes things more fun:

  • Increases the level cap for archery
  • Adds more skill perks
  • Enables you to improve your archery skill by an additional 100 levels, making sure that you don’t reach the max level too quickly

 Click here for download: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7641

5. Casual Bow Animations 

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A picture of the new idle stance

 These casual animations make your character look a lot more normal when they’re holding a bow. Instead of automatically going into the attack stance, your character will stand in an idle position with their bow at their side. 

 How Casual Bow Animations makes things more fun:

  • Replaces the attack stance with a casual idle animation
  • Makes for a better, more immersive roleplaying experience
  • Is great for recording videos

Click here for download: https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/1370-5-1322170660.png

 4. Elemental Arrows 

A video discussing the mod

 This one is really cool. It adds magic imbued arrows to the game along with custom textures for each arrow the mod adds! The arrow tips are very bright, glowing colors, so it adds to the fantasy feel of Skyrim.

How Elemental Arrows makes things more fun:

  • Adds magic imbued arrows
  • Allows the player to craft the new arrows at a forge
  • Gives more flexibility for playing styles

 Click here for download: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49983?tab=description

 3. Silver Bows and Silver Arrows

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A picture of the quivers with arrows

 I honestly can’t believe that this wasn’t already a feature in the game. There’s silver swords and other melee weapons, why not bows and arrows? This mod adds both silver bows and arrows to the game

 How Silver Bows and Silver Arrows makes things more fun:

  • Adds silver bows and arrows
  • Allows players to craft the new additions 
  • The silver looks really good

 Click here for download: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32756

 2. Real Bows

A video discussing the bows

 The bows in Skyrim don’t look all that realistic at times, which is fine since Skyrim is, ya know, a fantasy RPG. Sometimes, though, you may want the bows to look more realistic, this mod does just that.

 How Real Bows makes things more fun:

  • Replaces original bow models with ones that look more realistic
  • Creates a more immersive experience
  • The mod is made by someone who crafts bow IRL, so they definitely know what they’re doing

 Click here for download: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64440

 1. Angi’s Camp - More Archery Training

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A photo of Angi's newly stocked shelf

 Angi! I love her and I know that many others do as well. I just wish she offered more training. Well, now she does! Her little camp even gets some more amenities!

 How Angi’s Camp - More Archery Training makes things more fun:

  • Gives Angi a schedule to eat, sleep, and practice archery
  • Adds an alchemy lab, anvil, wood chopping block, and grindstone
  • Gives Angi some perks so she’s harder to kill if you so choose
  • Makes her weapon racks functional

 Click here for download: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54862?tab=description

 That’s it! Thank you for reading our top 10 archery mods for Skyrim, I encourage you to check them out!

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