While many users often go for the strongest characters, it should be noted that having a team that works well together can be just as good, if not better. This is the Ewoks. While many often neglect these little murder bears, together they can form to create a respectable team. Here are the Top 5 Ewok teams in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes:
While cute, Logray can be deadly. Keep an eye out for attacks from behind.
Our favorite murder bears have often gone overlooked, but boosting their powers is now necessary to unlock some important characters in the game. Without a true leader, this team lacks some of the synergies the rest of the list has. However, this squad makes up for it through their attacks and special abilities. This Ewok Squad should be used as a defensive team in Territory Wars. Think of them as a necessary sacrifice.
Prophetic Visions Unique Team Abilities:
With Paploo’s Don’t Hold Back zeta’d: Paploo recovers 5% Health and Protection (he can be tough to defeat because of Ewok Elder’s Health recovery)
If any Ewok calls Wicket to assist, they gain Critical Chance Up for 2 turns
If any Ewok calls Logray to assist, they both gain Tenacity Up for 2 turns
An elder as old as the galaxy... the Ewok Elder is both wise and mysterious, able to grant healing abilities to any who are wounded.
The Tribal Healer team should focus on keeping the Ewok Elder Stealthed. Ewok Elder should be modded with protection as his Tribal Healer ability will dispel debuffs on all allies. When Ewok Elder uses Power of the Forest, revive a random ally at 40% health.
Tribal Healer Unique Team Abilities:
With Tribal Healer: all allies recover health equal to 30% of Ewok Elder’s Max Health, with a 35% chance to revive defeated allies at 15% health
Ewok Scout can inflict additional damage with Rushing Attack ability: Ewok Scout deals damage to the target enemy and has a 50% chance to call a random ally to assist
Ewok Elder can use his Guiding Strike to attack, this attack has a 60% chance to gain 50% Turn Meter
With his combat ax, Teebo can stealthily attack his enemies
As you’ve noticed by now, Ewok squads primarily rely on speed to be successful. With Teebo as the leader, the Guerrilla Warfare squad can incapacitate their opponents with Stealth and assisted attacks. When unlocking characters, this team helped me more than any other.
Guerrilla Warfare Unique Team Abilities:
Allies have a 55% chance to gain Stealth for 1 turn at the beginning of their turns
Allies have a 50% chance to gain a 25% Turn Meter at the end of their turns
With Wicket’s Furtive Tactics: Wicket gains 10% Critical Damage for each living Ewok ally and each Stealthed ally
At the end of his turn: Wicket has a 50% chance to strike again (Furtive Tactics zeta’d)
"WAR!" Chirpa cries out in his native tongue, as his tribe prepares for an incoming attack
This squad combines speed and stealth. When used properly, this team of murder bears can unleash mayhem on opponents. Paploo should have his Galvanize omega’d. When he goes first, he can then call Chief Chirpa to assist. With Chirpa’s leader ability, there is a 60% chance for another Ewok ally to assist.
Ancestral Secrets Unique Team Abilities:
Chief Chirpa’s Tribal Unity grants allies Speed Up for 2 turns
Teebo can use Ewok Scramble Tactics to provide 100% Turn Meter to Ewok allies
With Teebo’s Bring Low, he can dispel buffs on target enemy while removing 60
Who dares enter these ferocious beast's lair. As they prepare for the charge, their enemies begin to realize they have made a grave mistake...
The optimal Ewok squad is led by Chief Chirpa. A key strategy for Ewok teams to win is using them in a particular order. Use fastest modded first: mod this team with as much speed as possible. If you’re trying to unlock C-3PO, this is the squad to run as it has the best synergy of all Ewok teams.
Simple Tactics Unique Team Abilities:
Ewok allies gain a 20% Turn Meter and deal 10% more damage whenever a basic attack is performed
When an Ewok ally uses their special ability: 60% chance to call another random Ewok ally to assist
With Logray’s Prophetic Visions, allies gain 20% Turn Meter, gain Foresight, Advantage, and Offense Up for 2 turns
After a long life of serving the dark side, Edward begins to tell his stories from across the galaxy. Adventure, danger, and glory await those who choose to join him in his journey to the light