A brilliant politician, Padme uses her brains in both the Republic and the battlefield
A squad from the Clone Wars era, this team is led by Padme Amidala who grants her special abilities to Light side and Galactic Republic allies. With all of the team consisting of Galactic Republic allies, the synergy is through the roof. This team can be expected to assist in several attacks and regain health.
Unwavering Courage Unique Team Abilities:
Unwavering Courage: Light Side allies have +50% Max Health, and while they have Protection Up they resist all debuffs and can't be critically hit
At the start of their turn, Galactic Republic allies dispel Protection Up buffs on themselves and gain 1 stack of Courage for each 5% Protection Up dispelled this way. Courage can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented Courage: When damaging the target enemy with an ability, for every 5 stacks of Courage, dispel 5 stacks and deal bonus damage equal to 40% of the target's Max Health
If all leader is Galactic Republic (Padme), Ahsoka is called to assist whenever a Galactic Republic ally uses a special ability
Always a Choice: Padmé is immune to Fear. Whenever a Light Side ally loses Protection Up, they recover 5% Health. Allies can't gain or lose bonus Turn Meter. Whenever an enemy attacks out of turn against a Galactic Republic ally, that ally gains Protection Up (10%, does not stack with itself) for 1 turn, increased to 40% if Padmé is their leader. This Protection Up can't be prevented or dispelled.
Kenobi’s Ultimate Charge increases his power and also grants 60% health and protection recovery to all light side allies.
9. Lords of the Sith: Darth Revan - Darth Malak – Bastila Shan– HK-47- Sith Empire Trooper
The conflicted Revan allies himself with the Dark Side, a Jedi's worst nightmare
Before the Star Wars we know and love, there was the Old Republic. This period featured multiple force users of the Dark and Light side, including one of the strongest Sith, Darth Revan. With multiple heavy hitters, this lineup led by Darth Revan can be expected to inflict Fear on multiple opponents. (literally and metaphorically) When a Sith ally uses a special ability or falls below 50% health, he gains Defense Up for 2 turns. Combined with HK-47’s synergy with Revan, this team can provide devastating attacks while also being defended.
Lords of the Sith Unique Team Abilities:
Bastila Shans Force Bond: If Darth Revan is in the leader slot: Bastila and Darth Revan have +70% Max Health and +70% Health Steal, and Darth Revan also recovers Protection from Corrupted Battle Meditation. Allies are immune to all debuffs during any ability used by an enemy with Corrupted Battle Meditation (excludes debuffs from raid bosses and Galactic Legends). If Jedi Knight Revan is on the enemy squad: Bastila gains Advantage and Foresight for one turn at the start of Jedi Knight Revan's turns.
Fear: Miss the next turn, can't use abilities, and can't evade. Increase cooldowns by 1 and Fear expires on taking damage from an attack.
With Revan’s Villain zeta’d, he can immediately use lacerate after an ability if the enemy is inflicted with Deathmark, Fear, or Corrupted Battle Meditation
Bastilla can be the game-changer: with her Force Bond and Revan in the leader spot, they both have +70% max health and +70% health steal
8. 501st: General Skywalker – Ahsoka Tano – Fives – Echo – Rex
A courageous leader on the battlefield, General Skywalker is cunning and fierce.
An exceptionally powerful force led by General Skywalker. This team is a special division of the Galactic Republic and can inflict 50% critical damage with Skywalker as the leader. While some may suggest adding Commander Ahsoka Tano to the mix, I still lean with this lineup.
501st Unique Team Abilities:
General of the 501st: All units can't be revived. All 501st allies have +50% Critical Damage When an enemy gains a buff, all 501st allies gain 2% Offense (stacking) until the end of the encounter. While there are other active 501st allies, General Skywalker: - Can't drop below 100% Health - Advances if he has 100% Protection and takes Cover if he has 0% Protection at the end of every turn - Removes all other status effects when he takes Cover - Leaves Cover, recovers 100% Protection, and takes a bonus turn when all other 501st allies are defeated Advance: - Taunt, which can't be dispelled or prevented - Other 501st allies can't lose Health Cover:- Can't be targeted- Immune to damage and status effects - Speed set to 0 - Recover 10% Protection and Turn Meter at the end of every turn, doubled for allied 501st turns, which can't be prevented. If General Skywalker is at 100% protection he advances, taunting enemies. This also means the 501st can’t lose health
Ahsoka can assists anytime a Galactic Republic ally uses a special ability
Force Grip: Deal Physical damage to all enemies and Daze them for 2 turns. If possible, this attack will critically hit enemies with Armor Shred.
If this is the first ability General Skywalker uses during his turn, reset Sundering Strike's cooldown and use it if possible.
Fives can use his Tactical Awareness which results in sacrificing himself, giving another ally (General Skywalker or Ahsoka) 100% health. Then, 501st clone troopers gain his max health, protection, speed, and offense.
7. Usurper: Maul, Lord Vader, Jango Fett, Canderous Ordo, Wat Tambor
Maul is a renegade, with the power of the Dark Side and his ambitions he presents problems for anyone in his path
Darth Maul has been a fan favorite since his introduction. The most recent version of him (courtesy of Clone Wars and Solo) grants him synergy with Mandalorians. Partnered with Lord Vader, this team can give anyone trouble. Will we see Maul in live-action again?
Usurper Unique Team Abilities:
Maul: Mandalorian allies have +5% Max Health for each Mandalorian ally at the start of the battle and +25% Offense. At the start of battle if Maul is in the Leader slot and not the ally slot, Mandalorians in the Leader slot gain 1 stack of Mand'alor (stacking, max 2) until they are defeated, which can't be copied, dispelled or prevented. When a character with Mand'alor is defeated, the character that defeated them gains Mand'alor until they're defeated. There can't be more than two Mand'alor effects in battle. Mandalorian allies deal 20% more damage when they target an enemy with Mand'alor. While there are two Mand'alor buffs on allied characters, all Mandalorian allies deal 50% more damage during their turn. Mand'alor: Mandalorian allies assist dealing 50% less damage when this character uses an ability during their turn; at the start of every turn, dispel all debuffs on the healthiest Mandalorian ally without Mand'alor and that ally gains Taunt and +100% Defense until the end of that turn; defeating this character will grant Mand'alor to the character that defeated them; if this character is defeated by a status effect, Mand'alor will not be granted to anyone
Lord Vader’s End of the Galactic Republic: Requires at least 65% Ultimate Charge to activate. Ultimate Charge: Lord Vader gains Ultimate Charge when he uses Dark Harbinger and when debuffed Dark Side allies receive damage he gains 2% Ultimate Charge, increased to 3% if that ally was an Unaligned Force User. Lord Vader gains 50% of other Dark Side allies' current Mastery (stacking) until the end of the encounter, then they lose that much. Empire and Dark Side Unaligned Force User allies don't lose Mastery from this ability. If 100% Ultimate Charge was used, Lord Vader instead gains 75% Mastery from this ability, dispels all debuffs on himself, takes a bonus turn, reduces his cooldowns by 1, and gains Ashes of the Republic for 5 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Ashes of the Republic: Lord Vader's abilities gain additional effects; enemies defeated while this is active can't be revived; Lord Vader is immune to Ability Block, Healing Immunity, and Shock; can't gain Ultimate Charge
Maul’s Fervent Rush: Dispel all buffs on the target enemy. Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Offense Down for 2 turns. This attack deals 5% more damage for each buff dispelled. Maul gains 2 stacks of Anguish (stacking, max 5), if an enemy was defeated by this attack Maul instead gains the maximum stacks of Anguish.
6. I Am All the Sith: Sith Eternal Emperor – Darth Nihilus – Darth Traya – Darth Sion – Darth Malak
So Be It, Jedi...
A team compromised solely of Sith should scare any Jedi. Unlocking these characters will take time and patience, however, once you do you should zeta them in the correct order. Palpatine’s Sith Eternal should be zeta’d, as it gives dark side allies +25% mastery, +20 speed, +30% potency, this doubles for a Sith team.
I Am All the Sith Unique Team Abilities:
The Emperor's Ultimate Charge ability can solo many teams, especially when his Power! Unlimited Power! Is used on enemies
Nihilus, Traya, and Sion have great synergy. When Sion or Traya are dealt a debuff, Nihilus gains 10% turn meter and +30% max health (stacking) until the end of the encounter
When Sion’s Held by Hatred ability is applied he gains +25% critical chance, +100% defense, offense, and turn meter
If Traya or Nihilus are critically hit, it reduces Sion’s Held by Hatred cooldown by 1
Darth Malak’s Gnawing Terror: Darth Malak Taunts for 1 turn whenever an enemy is inflicted with Shock or Fear. Sith enemies can't gain bonus Turn Meter (excludes raid bosses and Galactic Legends). At the end of each turn, enemies who inflicted Damage Over Time on Darth Malak or critically hit him this turn are inflicted with Fear for 1 turn, which can't be resisted or evaded.
5. Saviors of the Galaxy: Jedi Knight Revan – Jedi Master Luke – General Skywalker – Jedi Knight Luke – Wat Tambor
The neutral Jedi has some of the strongest force abilities, ever.
Once again, at this stage, many characters require challenges to unlock. Your ability to win depends on who you unlock first, and how they’re equipped. I would suggest unlocking Jedi Knight Revan first, as he requires Old Republic characters. The rest of the crew has similar Light side/Jedi prerequisite characters.
Saviors of the Galaxy Unique Team Abilities:
Both Lukes and Anakin receive +5 speed, +5% critical chance, and +5% offense
Jedi Master Luke grants Jedi Lessons to Jedi allies (the first time each other light side ally falls below 100% health, they recover 25% health and protection, doubled for Jedi allies)
Once Jedi Master Luke uses his Heroic Stand, he dispels all debuffs from Jedi allies and resets their cooldowns of special abilities. They then gain Critical Chance up, and 35% added offense until the end of the battle
Jedi Knight Luke offers some of the strongest damage in-game, and at the end of Jedi allies turn, he gains 10% turn meter
General Skywalker and Wat Tambor can each dispel debuffs
Tambor can apply heal over time twice on all allies for 2 turns, and dispel debuffs on a target ally
4. Legend of the Jedi: Jedi Master Luke – Jedi Knight Revan – General Skywalker – Jedi Knight Luke – Hermit Yoda
"No one's ever really gone..."
Jedi Master Luke commands this squad. While many Galactic Legends are offense-oriented, he represents the perfect balance between support abilities and offensive capabilities. Light side allies have +10% max health and protection, which is doubled for this team compromised of Jedi’s and Jedi allies.
Legend of the Jedi Unique Team Abilities:
Jedi Legacy: Jedi allies may gain Jedi Lessons. The first time each other Light Side ally falls below 100% Health, they recover 25% Health and Protection, doubled for Jedi allies. At the start of the battle, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker gains Jedi Legacy until the end of the battle, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Jedi Legacy: +100% Mastery and ignores Taunt during their turn; can't gain Jedi Lessons
With Revan’s Savior ability he ignores taunt, while another Jedi ally is active and reduced to 1% health they recover 100% of their max health and protection (with Revan active)
Yoda provides additional health and protection recovery. Yoda buffs Jedi’s with 50% accuracy, offense, and tenacity when Master’s Training is applied
Once Jedi Master Luke uses his Heroic Stand, he dispels all debuffs from Jedi allies and resets their cooldowns of special abilities. They then gain Critical Chance up, and 35% added offense until the end of the battle
3. The Final Order: Supreme Leader Kylo Ren – General Hux – Sith Trooper – Kylo Ren (Unmasked) – Darth Malak
After defeating Snoke, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has taken over the First Order.
Supported by General Hux, this team is full of devastating offensive characters. In Darth Malak you have a useful tank that doubles down as one of the strongest attackers on this team, while both Kylo’s can eliminate opponents with their special abilities.
The Final Order Unique Team Abilities:
Supreme Leader: Dark Side allies have +30 Speed, +40% Mastery, and +50% Critical Damage, and they can't be critically hit while they have Advantage.
Whenever a Dark Side ally loses Advantage without scoring a critical hit, they gain Advantage for 1 turn at the end of the turn. Whenever a Dark Side ally gains Advantage, if they didn't already have it, they gain a bonus based on their role: - Tanks Taunt for 2 turns - Attackers gain Critical Damage Up for 2 turns- Supports and Healers gain 20% Turn Meter
The team can’t be critically hit while they have advantage
When a Dark Side ally loses turn meter, they gain 10% of their current max health and max protection (stacking) until the end of the battle
Hux can dispel all debuffs on himself and another First Order ally, granting that ally a bonus turn
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren can use his Depths of Rage Ultimate Charge at 60%, 85%, and 100%. He enters an aggressive stance and deals tremendous damage to all enemies
2. The Resistance: Rey – Resistance Hero Finn – Resistance Hero Poe – Barriss Offee – L3-37
Rey has completed her training and is ready to lead the Jedi to bring peace to the Galaxy.
While this team has characters from different eras of Star Wars, they each combine to create one of the strongest teams in-game. Barriss is (in my opinion) the strongest healer, and combined with Rey’s leadership abilities can heal characters faster.
The Resistance Unique Team Abilities:
Wisdom of the Sacred Texts: Light Side allies have +40% Mastery, +30 Speed, and +30% Max Health. Whenever an enemy gains bonus Turn Meter, Inspired Light Side allies gain 5% Mastery (stacking) until the end of the encounter. The first time each Light Side ally falls below 50% Health, they gain Damage Immunity for 1 turn, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented, and recover 50% Health when it expires.
Finn can use his Rallying Call to dispel debuffs from all allies, deal special damage to all enemies, and Rally all Resistance allies. Rally: Tanks- taunt and gain critical hit immunity for 2 turns. Attackers- assist Healers and Supports- restore 15% health and protection to all allies
If L3-37 has her Self Modification upgraded to MKIII she counters 100%. MKI = 50% counter MKII = 30% critical avoidance and +100 defense
Barriss Offee is one of the strongest healers in-game and makes all allies get their current health percentages equalized, then they gain 15% of their max health
Rey’s ultimate charge requires 100% to activate, when used she can’t be defeated and upon being activated again deals true damage to the enemy team. The attack can’t be countered or evaded. While her ultimate charge is active, light side allies’ damage taken is reduced to 1.
1. Harmonious Will: Jedi Master Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, General Kenobi, Ki-Adi Mundi
Are you as excited for his show as I am?
And once again, the best team in Galaxy of Heroes goes to Jedi Master Kenobi’s Jedi team. Since his introduction last year, many have tried creating different lineups to showcase his strengths, however, this team is the best choice.
Harmonious Will Unique Team Abilities:
All Light Side allies have +25% Mastery, +30 Speed, and +25% Max Health. Galactic Republic allies gain Protection Up (75%, can't be dispelled) for 4 turns. While Jedi Master Kenobi has the High Ground, Light Side allies take 20% less damage, ignore Taunt, resist all debuffs, and Jedi Master Kenobi is called to assist when a Galactic Republic ally uses an ability during their turn.
At the start of battle if all allies are Light Side, Galactic Republic allies can't be Critically Hit while they have Protection Up, Galactic Republic Tanks gain Taunt for 2 turns at the start of each encounter if they did not have it, and when they lose Taunt they gain it for 2 turns if they have Protection but did not have Taunt.
At the start of battle, if all allies are Galactic Republic or Light Side Unaligned Force Users, the first time another ally reaches 1% Health, they dispel all debuffs on themself, recover 50% Health and Protection, and gain Protection Up (50%) for 2 turns. Whenever another Light Side ally uses a Basic ability, Jedi Master Kenobi gains 3% Ultimate Charge, doubled if it was during their turn. Jedi allies' Armor Penetration is doubled when targeting a Sith enemy. Enemies and allies are immune to Turn Meter manipulation (excludes raid bosses).
Ki-Adi-Mundi’s Decisive Thrust: Deal Physical damage to target enemy. This attack deals +100% damage for each Galactic Republic Jedi ally. If Ki-Adi-Mundi is using Ataru Form and this ability defeats an enemy, reset all of his cooldowns. If he's using Makashi Form, dispel all debuffs on Galactic Republic Jedi allies and they gain 25% Turn Meter.
Ahsoka Tano’s Daring Padawan: Ahsoka has +40% Max Health, +10% Evasion, +10% Critical Chance, and +25 Speed. These values are doubled while she has Critical Hit Immunity. If Jedi Knight Anakin is an ally, Ahsoka gains Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns at the start of each encounter and whenever she uses a Special ability. If the ally leader is Galactic Republic, Ahsoka is called to assist whenever another Galactic Republic ally uses a Special ability.
After a long life of serving the dark side, Edward begins to tell his stories from across the galaxy. Adventure, danger, and glory await those who choose to join him in his journey to the light