Top 10 State of Decay 2 Best Ranged Weapons
Ask me about the best way to kill blood feral and I’ll answer you right away. “Shoot the damn thing in the head!” But that is just one of many reasons why you have to “marry your gun” in State of Decay 2. As the popular chant in Full Metal Jacket (1987) goes, “Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless…”
Though believe it or not, there are still players who are not fond of guns. The game is so flexible to many playstyles that even the simple crossbows can be OP with master stealth players. Hence, this list covers the best-ranged weapons and not just guns.
Without further ado, let’s look at the top 10 ranged weapons and why they can save your life in State of Decay 2.
NOTE: There’s a whole lot of guides about the technical details of each weapon. This list will focus on the situational and practical significance of each of them in the higher difficulty.
10. Midnight Solstice
This light bolt crossbow from Stay Frosty Pack is super silent and can certainly do the job from afar without alerting the brainless.
What’s great about Midnight Solstice?
- Super Lightweight (just 1.5 lbs)
- Doesn’t make sound
- Doesn’t need repair
- Zooms in the target
- Cheap bolt
This is stealth-melee characters’ favorite weapon due to its weight and silence. Having it equipped barely decreases stamina during the fight and if you know what you are doing as a “ninja” survivor, you won’t even need to go down to a massive scuffle. A safe position from a distance can clear an infestation with this weapon. Additionally, crossbows don’t need repair and you can mass produce light bolts efficiently with a little number of resources.
Just a little setback, it is not that powerful and it reloads very slowly. Be sure to keep it with your legacy survivors for your next game as the Stay Frosty Pack that contains this weapon is only available from December to March.
09. Echo X3 Repeating Crossbow
"Easy boy..."
When Echo Lab Envoys appear on your map, be sure to check them out as these traders usually have Echo X3 Repeating Crossbow in their inventory. Also, a mysterious stranger’s mission rewards this weapon. This silent killer is another stealthy players’ favorite.
What’s great about Echo X3 Repeating Crossbow?
- Doesn’t make sound
- 10 simultaneous shots
- Doesn’t need repair
- Lightweight
- Cheap Bolt
The advantage of this crossbow over other crossbows in the game is its 10 simultaneous shots. In a situation where few zeds are about to charge you, depending on how accurate a shooter you are, you can put them down before they even call their peers or reach you. The downside is, it doesn’t have sight, and being a light bolt crossbow, it’s not that powerful.
8. RTX Cyclone Tactical
This is one of the rarest shotguns in the game as it is classified as a sidearm. Gun lovers in the game surely love this one as a shotgun is a least favorite primary weapon for characters controlled by the player but to have a shotgun in your holster while carrying your favorite primary gun, you are certainly a killing machine. Be sure to get this from a Red Talon trader.
What’s great about RTX Cyclone Tactical?
- Shotgun as a sidearm
- Wide crosshair
There’s not a whole lot of advantages for this gun except a shotgun as a sidearm. It comes in handy in situations where you are swarmed by zombies and you don’t have time to be accurate as this gun has a wide crosshair. If you have sharpshooting skills for your character where all kinds of bullets penetrate zeds, the shotgun is the best. But again, it’s only for emergencies as this can’t be silenced and you might wanna run to your card immediately after shooting its 8 shells.
7. Restored Echo-S1 Revolver
"Wild West but not loud..."
This revolver is available via Trumbull Valley Pack. Not very fancy. A straightforward .22 revolver that beginners may not appreciate but check out why it’s on this list.
What’s great about Echo-S1 Revolver?
- Naturally silent
- Never breaks
- Cheap ammo
- With sight
A silent revolver? Get outta here! Oh yes, this revolver is indeed silent. You can keep using it without breaking and zeds from afar can be eliminated as it also comes with sight. With common .22 bullets, you shall never run out of it in the game. It may not be that powerful but if you can headshot a lot of zeds without being swarmed, patience is the only thing you need.
6. Police Sniper Rifle
"Walking deads are now dead for good..."
Do you like sniping? Then this gun is for you. Don’t miss the bounty guy once the Critical Response Pack becomes available as this gun is lit!
What’s great about a Police Sniper Rifle?
- Accepts muzzle attachments
- Great range
- Great accuracy
- Never breaks
- High ammo capacity
If you like sniping in the game without worrying too much about repair costs, this sniper rifle is for you. It can be silent or deadly, your choice of attachment i.e. suppressor, break, cleo tumbler/accelerator. Since it holds 22 5.56 mm bullets, your sharpshooter can beat Vasily Zaitsev in the number of casualties except for the ones you shot are already dead. This is not ideal though in close contact as it doesn’t reload quickly even with the gunslinger. Now with your sharpshooter from a safe position in a distance, its steadiness and bullet penetration is another story. Just don’t forget to carry a powerful sidearm like a modded G18 Auto Custom or any magnum in case of a feral charge.
5. RTX Stormbringer
"Black and red"
Red Talons have superior weapons in their arsenal and RTX Stormbringer is indeed one of them. Be sure not to miss one through a Red Talon trader but it can be obtained in many ways anyway.
What’s great about RTX Stormbringer?
- Availability
- Powerful
- High fire rate
- Good sight
- High accuracy and control
- High ammo capacity
The issue with good guns in the game is a rarity. Thankfully, this gun is not that rare. There’s a lot of good 7.62 mm guns but they are often rare. Aside from Red Talon trader, you can also have it from a newly recruited Red talon Agent, Red Talon Mission and it is probably the most found gun in the rare chests. Some enclaves carry this gun too and if you piss them, they will drop this gun if you manage to kill them. This one breaks overtime but whether you’re a gunslinger, sharpshooter or assault build, you might wanna consider having “scout” skill as well to improve its durability. Why? It’s a good all-around gun and worth carrying in all situations.
4. Eternal Guard's Infinite Rage
150 rounds? Are you serious?! Yes, and Eternal Guard's Infinite Rage exists. Mysterious wandering traders sometimes carry this gun. It can be looted as well and the soldier enclaves can also provide it through the quest.
What’s great about Eternal Guard's Infinite Rage?
- High ammo capacity
- Powerful
- High fire rate
- High accuracy and control
- High ammo capacity
Everything mentioned about RTX Stormbringer is present in this gun except the rarity as EGIR is pretty rare. If not for its exceptional ammo capacity, it’s not gonna be great. Though the weight of it is also an issue as it is heavy and not compatible with melee build characters. This gun is perfect for killing hostile enclaves in a lethal zone because putting it in automatic or burst mode will make their head like a smashed pumpkin. Hell, you can even put down a juggernaut and no feral can run fast if you spray them with this gun.
3. SMGs
"Let's have some serious killing tonight."
SMGs are probably the most common guns in the game and their abundance, as well as their ammo, are their strong feature. They are often found in the killed plague hearts and the unique varieties can be obtained from traders and bounty packs.
What’s great about SMGs?
- Availability
- Cheap ammo
- Usually light
- Muzzle attachment
Spec Ops Vector SMG and all other SMG’s use .45 or 9mm bullets which are abundant in the game. These are perfect in close range and are favorites of assault-melee build players as they are relatively lightweight with high ammo capacity. They may lack power but due to the availability of bullets, they can serve you more frequently in the entire game. Their repair cost is also not that high aside from the fact that most of them are also durable.
2. Otoe Howlitzer
"Here comes the boom!"
M99X1 Timberwolf and other .50 cal guns in State of Decay 2 are so powerful that your game is not complete if you don’t have one. Though they all share an obvious downside which is not present in this badass gun that can be obtained from Stay Frosty Pack. Check out why Otoe Howlitzer is your go-to .50 cal gun in the post-apocalypse.
What’s great about Otoe Howlitzer?
- Lightweight
- Super powerful
.50 cals are no secret, super-powerful guns that can take down the plague heart in a few hits. It is also an ultimate juggernaut killer and ferals will lay on the ground in one hit enough to be murdered by knife. But with 22 lbs weight, they are mostly good for base defense but not Otoe Howlitzer which is only 5.5 lbs. Your only problem here is the price of ammo which is really expensive but if you have an abundance of .50 AP, you can go nuts and massacre the hostile enclaves because it is the most efficient weapon against them in lethal difficulty. Though, it is super loud so brace yourself with the upcoming hoards.
1. Pyro Launcher
"Wanna have some barbecue?"
Is that a flame thrower? No, it’s not. It’s a mighty Pyro Launcher, a gun that shoots fire. It is allegedly overpowered yet not that crowd’s favorite.
What’s great about Pyro Launcher?
- Cheap ammo
- Availability
- Ultimate incendiary weapon
Use your radio to call for Independence Pack or buy it from Independence trader, just that easy. Well as long as you have plenty of bucks of course. This ranged weapon doesn’t require any vital shooting skills. If you love grilling and don’t mind smelling burning infected flesh, this is your weapon. It is so good that even though it draws the attention of zeds due to noise, they can keep coming and you can keep burning them like a wildfire. Hell, even a feral in the lethal zone can be turned by this bad boy to ash. Well except juggernaut as that bastard is fireproof.
Pyro launcher is notorious for wiping out infestations and is handy in pretty much all situations. The appearance though is an issue as its cartoonish design will make your characters look like Melissa McCarthy in Ghosthbusters (2016).
This list is not necessarily “the best” for all players as some might have their own preferences. Some even consider aesthetic over quality which is not surprising considering the wide variety of fun that this game can offer. Nevertheless, the right choice for a ranged weapon according to your playstyle can change your game experience and through time, you will find yourself laughing at the peak of the hill with a bunch of your surviving community members planning to seize some more towns to punish the undead.