[Top 3] State of Survival Best Troop Formation for Trap

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12 May 2022

What are the best formations you can send to trap?

3. Equalized Formation

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Trap is easy to join but it can be hell to master.

Although there are better formations for Trap, inexperienced players would do well to equalize their marches for their trap formations. Although other marches are more effective at Trap, the number of hunters necessary for them to make a difference is significant. And if you are a low-level player, focusing on only making hunters will benefit you in Trap but make you weak for the harder fights against other players. So while you grow your power and focus on training more infantry as you should, equalizing will net you a good amount of points in Trap with the added benefit of being the quickest and easiest formation to use.

What Makes an Equalized Formation Great for Trap:

- Equalizing is easy to set up during an often chaotic event.

- Readily available to any player regardless of power or experience

- Quick way to join high scoring rallies in very active alliances

See Formation in action.

2. All Hunter Formation

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With the right choice it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

Out of the three types of troops, hunters are without a doubt the best for trap. If you want to take advantage of this to score more points sending only hunters is the easiest way of doing so. It can be very quick to do, just slide to zero on infantry and riders and then max out your hunters. But you’ll want to save some presets if you want to keep things in order and make sure your hunter heroes are leading the march before the rally is filled. There are better formations, but they require a highly organized alliance so the formation of the whole rally doesn’t make your efforts worthless. And if your teammates are not sending the best leads, joining with just hunters will help overcome the deficiencies in their gear and heroes. 

What Makes an All Hunter Formation Great for Trap:

- Easy formation focused on high damage.

- Quick formation to use but better when set up ahead of time

- Strong formation regardless of lead and joiners.

See Formation in action.

1. Hunter-Heavy Formation

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Harvest time in the zombie apocalypse.

But although easy, sending only hunters is not the formation with the most potential for damage. If you can coordinate with the rest of your alliance members (no small feat at all) using a formation of mostly hunters and a small number of riders and infantry will actually boost your damage further. You’ll want to save a few 10/10/80, 5/15/80, or 5/30/65 preset formations, but that can change a bit depending on your choice of heroes and the age of your state. Although good by itself, if you can get your whole rally to match the formation the whole rally’s damage will be maximized, not just your own. And although it will make for a more competitive and complicated trap, your entire alliance will benefit cumulatively and individually with this optimized formation

What Makes a Hunter/Heavy Formation Great for Trap:

- Most effective formation for Trap.

- Maximizes damage, points, and rewards for the whole alliance

- Excellent practice for using complex formations in a short time.

See Formation in action.

But there are many factors beyond formation that can help you get to the top of the leaderboard in your alliance. Your choice of heroes plays a very big part; not only for the rally you launch but for those you join as well. One would do well to get a versatile roster of heroes, especially considering that doing well at trap will let you power up their gear quicker and make them stronger in turn. The following link is for an article I wrote about the best choices for heroes in State of Survival, and is as good a place as any to continue on your quest for that #1 spot for Trap in your alliance.

State of Survival Tier List [State of Survival Best Heroes Ranked]

If you find yourself finding the mix of zombie hunting and strategy as exciting as I do, the following article has some great offerings you will want to try out:

Top 5 Zombie Base Building Games (Build, Defend, Survive!) 

But if your tastes run towards the horror aspect of the genre, this article’s options are amongst the best you could find, and will leave you holding your breath at every turn:

Top 11 Games Like State of Decay

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