What is a Survival FPS game?
A survival FPS game could be categorized as a game that is focused in an open world environment with the main objective being to survive as long as possible. Survival games typically include realistic elements such as a hunger and thirst system, health system, and a myriad of other challenging variables.
Purpose - In a good Survival FPS the player needs to be given an understandable reason as to why the character should keep going. The character needs to have a contribution to the world they’re in. This can be done through many ways, one example being penalties for dying. “Rust” and “7 Days to Die” have an interesting system where the character’s respawn is random unless you have a bed or some other resting location. A sense of purpose is created so as to not lose progress.
Choice - If you find yourself in the middle of a forest with limited supplies and a necessity to find civilization and you have two paths in front of you. One goes West the other goes East. You have the choice to pick either one. Survival games must mimic this approach. The player must be in control of their character’s survival and that is done through choice. “DayZ” and “Rust” do this well by having no restrictions on the player’s journey. They are free to go wherever and whenever they want.
Difficulty - Surviving the apocalypse or fighting monstrous entities isn’t easy. This doesn’t mean the video game counterpart should be just as challenging but it shouldn’t be a breeze either. A survival game should have a good balance of difficulty. Letting the player breathe once in a while then continuing on with their journey.
10. Generation Zero
In a fictional 1980s Sweden, you are dropped into the countryside where machines have started to exterminate the human race. As you explore, you’ll notice that you and the people in your group are the only ones around.
Looting and taking out as many machines as you can is how your days are spent in “Generation Zero”. You start with a small amount of gear and can either follow the missions that are set up around the map or venture on your own journeys.
“Generation Zero” has an interesting storyline by being so different in its setting. The atmosphere is very strong and provides an eerie backdrop to an already eerie environment. The machines are well thought out and at times terrifying.
9. Deadside
If you enjoy the experience of a simple survival shooter without any complicated mechanics, then “Deadside” might be for you. Being primarily focused on PVP and PVE, you’ll find yourself in many combat situations. You’ll need to explore the map which is filled with locations to loot and events such as heli-crash sites and convoys.
“Deadside” is very barebones in its approach. Depending on the server rules and set up you are spawned in either with nothing or with a few supplies. The rest of how you spend your time playing is up to you. You could either try to build a base and aim for longevity, or you could run around and complete quick but challenging missions.
The best thing “Deadside” has going for it, is its ability to keep the player at ease while still offering a unique experience. It may not be an extremely detailed and realistic survival playthrough but it’ll be one that is replayable.
As a prisoner you are picked for the game show “SCUM” where inmates are made to fight to the death. You are thrown into a large open map with weapons and gear to scavenge. An almost “Battle Royal” style of gameplay.
Crafting, looting, and surviving is what you’re there for and combat isn’t just between you and players. Mechanoids and zombies also exist alongside you. A grueling fight around every corner.
“SCUM” has interesting gameplay to it as there are many different threats to face. It’s not just one type of enemy. There are also many points of interest strewn across the map for players to find and explore.
7. 7 Days to Die
A blend between Minecraft and a zombie apocalypse, “7 Days to Die” offers players a unique experience in zombie survival. With places to loot and your own shelter to build and fortify, you’re left with your own devices to stay alive.
The premise is simple but not so much to where it’s boring. You can play solo or with friends to hunt, loot, and fight different zombie types. Crafting and base building is the main staple of the game and what makes it stand out from other titles of the survival genre.
A very interesting game that mixes the building aspect of “Minecraft” with the zombie survival of “Left 4 Dead”. When progressing through the game you’ll notice the similarities and can be met with a comforting playthrough.
6. Ark: Survival Evolved
Dinosaurs and humans shouldn’t exist together, but in “Ark: Survival” they do. A survival FPS with an attention to detail and realistic mechanics. Tons to do and lots to explore on a beautiful prehistoric island.
Dropped into a map with gigantic reptiles you start with nothing and have to craft your way to survival. There’s a large emphasis on gathering supplies via natural ways. There aren’t many buildings to loot so hunting and gathering is what you’re left with.
“Ark: Survival Evolved” is very unique in its environment. Deadly dinosaurs and creatures from a past time can either be friend or foe. A very interesting experience if you enjoy surviving within a fantastical world.
5. Hunt Showdown
Survival against demonic creatures set in the Louisiana swamps of 1895. You’re a bounty hunter tasked with killing monsters and escaping the map alive in order to claim your prize.
Set up in a dangerous environment, hunters can kill you and steal your rewards. It’s a brutal landscape with magical elements. Some looting opportunities exist, but most of the time you’ll be running and fighting.
“Hunt Showdown” with its beautiful graphics and challenging gameplay embraces players in a thrilling experience. The monsters that roam the map are terrifying and well designed and the atmosphere will immerse you.
4. Rust
An island in the aftermath of a post-nuclear war is where you’ll find yourself in “Rust”. There aren’t many landmark locations aside from a handful of buildings scattered around. Looting materials and scraps is how you’ll make progress.
You start out with a rock and with that have to mine resources to build a base. Crafting is very apparent in “Rust” as that is the most efficient way to generate the means to survive. Hunting animals and raiding other bases is a good way to spend your time in “Rust”.
A thriving community encompasses “Rust”. There’s never a dull moment as the map is filled with players just like you. You can be sure that you’ll always be faced with some challenge or tribulation.
3. Escape From Tarkov
In a fictional region of Russia during the present day, you are a private military contractor trapped in an apocalyptic scene fighting to stay alive. Players are immersed into a hyper realistic survival scenario.
“Tarkov” is an extraction shooter at heart but implements the survival FPS elements well. The objective is to make the most amount of money as you can. You can either loot your way or kill your way to achieve this. Whatever you choose to do, you’ll be met with very troubling events.
A game that needs patience and strategy to excel in, “Escape From Tarkov” has players experience a truly high adrenaline experience. There’s many things that separate this game from others in the survival FPS genre. The main thing being that the gameplay is very unforgiving and stressful.
2. Stalker Anomaly Mod
Unlike the other mentions on this list, “Stalker Anomaly” is a mod for the game “Stalker: Call of Pripyat”. Set in an alternate timeline where the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster was more devastating and brewed mutations in local wildlife and human populations.
You’re dropped in a terrifying, radioactive wasteland where you’re made to fight off monstrous mutants and differing factions of survivors. The world is yours to explore and is a very story driven solo experience.
“Stalker Anomaly” expands on the base game with new missions, weapons, and much more. It is recommended to play the original trilogy to experience the story and gameplay the way the developers intended. However you go about the “Stalker” series is up to you, but the high energy gameplay will persist in any decision.
1. DayZ
Originally a mod for the milsim game “Arma 2”, “DayZ” is set in the fictional Republic of Chernarus. A post-Soviet nation that has found itself overrun by a mysterious sickness that turned its residents into zombies. With a heavy focus on realistic survival mechanics, “DayZ” will have you vigilantly exploring the map.
You’re spawned in with low supplies, sometimes nothing depending on the server, and have to loot and gather to survive. Zombies aren’t that abundant but are challenging when encountered. The main enemies are other players. Unexpected and unpredictable scenarios plague “DayZ”.
As you further your journey, you’ll notice that there’s an abundance of talkative and deceiving players. The best part of “DayZ” is figuring out who you can trust and how to dispose of those you don’t.
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