Thanos vs Darkseid: Here’s Who Would Win
The armor clad, oversized, purple skinned depopulizer hails from the now destroyed planet of Titan. He grew to be bigger and stronger than any of the citizens there—and though after repeated warnings that the planet was not able to sustain such a population—the warnings were dismissed. Now the last Titan, Thanos has made it his life’s quest to destroy half the population of the universe to prevent the same fate from happening to his home planet. With the help of the Infinity Gauntlet and all six of the Infinity Stones, Thanos goes from galaxy to galaxy reducing populations by half.
Powers and Abilities:
- Eternal Physiology–Thanos is basically a demi-god that never ages, gets sick, can never be poisoned or come to harm by natural means. He’s the walking embodiment of perfect health, if you don’t count the purple skin and scarred, goiter looking chin.
- Energy Manipulation–He can absorb and redirect lasers, beams, and energy blasts. Best not to try and hit the Mad Titan with energy unless you want to be on the receiving end of your own attack.
- Telepathy and telekinesis–Something that doesn’t get mentioned or used much is Thanos’ ability to manipulate and even take over other’s minds. He could warp and manipulate the minds of the Avengers then sit back with a warm cup of tea while they destroy themselves. Fortunately, Thanos is too much of a physical brawler to resort to mind tricks.
- Superhuman abilities–Being a demi-god, he also enjoys the perks that come along with that title, like superhuman strength, speed, intelligence…the list goes on. The guy is a demi-god, he is immeasurably tough.
- Personal force fields–To protect himself from harm, if there is a champion strong enough to take him on, he can create force fields to deflect damage. Is there anything that can harm the ‘Purple Shrek’?
- Infinity Gauntlet–If Thanos wasn’t already a force to be reckoned with, he has the Infinity Gauntlet that is able to harness all the powers of all six of the Infinity Stones. It’s like having the power of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse plus two more.

The ruler of Apokolips
Darkseid was born to the King and Queen of Apokolips. He is part of a breed of new gods and enjoys the powers associated with gods. Being the prince of a land of fiery destruction and eternal damnation, you can see he’s not going to grow up and be a cuddly teddy bear or gentle, forgiving god. He was born with the name Uxas, but took on the Darkseid persona when he killed his brother, and took the Omega force from him. Now the Supreme Ruler of Apokolips, Darkseid searches for the Anti-life Equation. A formula that strips away the free will of all living beings. With this in hand, Darkseid can and will enslave the entire universe. Pretty evil if you ask me.
Darkseid Powers and Abilities
- Size alteration–Darkseid can grow or shrink himself as needed to meet any threat. He can be as small as a molecule and wreck a hero from the atomic level, or grow to the size of planets and squish opponents like tiny, fleshy grapes.
- Possession of living or dead beings, as well as inanimate objects–This is more of a psychological tactic, but imagine if your favorite pet from years past erupted out of the grave to torment you. Instant nightmare. Yeah, Darkseid is that diabolical.
- Omega Beams–These energy beams can vaporize targets, go around obstacles or chase enemies down faster and more relentlessly than heat seeking missiles.
- He is a new god–And such, has 18 Divine Senses. He can see, sense, smell, read minds, etc from galaxies away. He knows if you’re sleeping or if you’ve been bad or good, better than Santa Claus.
- The Omega Effect–Some say this is the source of all Darkseid’s power. It grants the new god cosmic awareness, telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, matter manipulation, chrokinesie, energy manipulation, and life force draining ability. If Darkseid can imagine it, he can make it happen. Can anyone or anything stand up to him and live to tell the tale?
How the Battle Would Go Down.
The two omniscient beings square off. Darkseid sizes up his foe, but Thanos wastes no time using his super strength and speed to begin an epic beatdown on this interloper. It looks like Thanos is absolutely destroying Darkseid. Has the new god finally met his match?
This was simply a test; Darkseid launches his offensive strategy. The epic battle ensues between these overpowered beings and the planet is the casualty. Life is destroyed around them, but neither take heed, they both want to reduce the population and human casualties are of no more consequence than insects. New god, and demi-god continue the fight, but neither gain the upper hand, harms the other nor gets winded.
Face Off
Thanos seeks to get the upper hand by using the infinity gauntlet to rip Darkseid’s soul, but the god has no soul. No matter, Thanos still has 5 more powers to go through. Time after time, nothing happens to Darkseid. Power refuses to work, he can’t stop time, none of the infinity stones powers have any effect on the new god.
Darkseid laughs at Thanos. “Your gauntlet only works in your universe. I took the liberty of teleporting us to a parallel universe, where your powers have absolutely no effect.”
“No matter,” Thanos says. “I’ll still destroy you with my bare hands.”
Darkseid is bored with this battle; he is ready to end it. He hits Thanos with his Omega beams. The beams don’t kill Thanos but they weaken him. Darkseid only continues the relentless attack, further weakening Thanos, piercing, tearing his body until he is too weak to fight any longer. Before utterly annihilating Thanos, Darkseid banishes him to the darkest reaches of Apokolips where he will spend the rest of eternity in unending torment, dying over and over again. Each death is more brutal than the last.
Darkseid is a god with all the powers attached to that title. There are few, if any, that can withstand his full power and beat him alone. Thanos is definitely a powerful being, but Darkseid’s powers eclipse Thanos, even with the Infinity Stones. Darkseid is the end all, be all.
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