*Things to note: Pokemon GO is an ever-evolving game that does have a shifting meta as far as “best lists” are concerned; you are always encouraged to verify the date of the publication you’re reading if you’re trying to apply it to your playstyle while reading this. Additionally, when listing ‘best’ Pokemon, there will be a priority chain of 1. Mega Evolution Pokemon, 2. Shadow Pokemon, 3. Other Pokemon. The primary set of data that this is based on is looking at the data through the scope of Raids being the primary game focus for the time being. All can be considered Raid essentials.
15. Mega Alakazam
Alakazam has always been one of the more strong psychic types of pokemon and its mega evolution is no exception. It can be hard to find a well rounded psychic type so having a decent one of these is a pretty big deal. With the ability to drop some serious damage in many scenarios it’s extremely advantageous to have Mega Alakazam for raiding. For the best moves, there can be controversy involved based on opinion. I’ll be clear, about 95% of the time my primary focus will be on two factors in ANY case, those are overall damage per second and attack speed, put simply, whatever hits hardest and fastest. While there are some moves and movesets that are entirely undesirable to have, I’ve narrowed down the moves to one ideal moveset and one acceptable moveset (if applicable) for efficiency’s sake. Concerning the quality of this pokemon and all others on this list for that matter; I have chosen to allow their respective position on the list be the actual position of where they stack up against each other and all other pokemon.
Resistant to:
Fighting and Psychic
Ideal Moveset:
Confusion + Psychic*
Psycho Cut + Psychic*
Acceptable Moveset:
Confusion + Future Sight
Psycho Cut + Future Sight
Type: Psychic
Max CP: (Lvl)
50: 5099
40: 4510
25: 3221 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2577 (Raid)
15: 1933 (Research Tasks)
14. Terrakion
Terrakion is a monster fighting and rock type. This has only become true/relevant in the past year or so with the update in summer of 2022. With it, the introduction of the fast attack Double Kick, combined with Sacred Sword and the unique parameters it possesses, allowed Terrakion to claim the throne of supremacy in the world of both rock and fighting types.
Resistant to:
Bug, Dark, Fire, Normal, Poison, and Rock by 62.5%
Ideal Moveset:
Double Kick + Sacred Sword
Acceptable Moveset:
Smack Down + Rock Slide
Type: Fighting and Rock
Weight: 260 kg
Height: 1.90 m
Max CP:(Lvl)
50: 4181
40: 3698
25: 2641 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2113 (Raid)
15: 1585 (Research Tasks)
Kartana is considered to be the best Grass type attacker to exist within the Pokemon mythos. It tends to even outperform and outshine shadow pokemon as well. Kartan is one of the only Pokemon to come anywhere near the power of mewtwo. It can generalize in sunny weather and is just an immense powerhouse that is rivaled by none, especially in the grass typing. Imagine the devastation if anyone gets a hold of the shadow version…
Resistant to:
Dragon, electric, fairy, normal, poison, psychic, rock, steel, water at 62.5%
Grass 39.1%
Ideal Moveset:
Razor Leaf + Leaf Blade
Acceptable Moveset:
There seems to be only one option when it comes to attacks with Kartan found in Ideal Moveset.
Type: Grass and Steel
Weight:0.10 kg
Height:0.30 m
Max CP:(Lvl)
50: 4156
40: 3677
25: 2626 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2101 (Raid)
15: 1575 (Research Tasks)
12.Shadow Garchomp
Garchomp is one of the more recently released pokemon that would be considered Iconic in the franchise since the launch of pokemon. Garchomp is interesting because it can be the obvious dragon type attacker with an awesome amount of DPS but it can also be a potential ground type attacker as well with ground as a useful sub-typing.
Resistant to:
Fire, Poison, Rock by 62.5%
Electric by 24.4%
Ideal Moveset:
Dragon Tail + Outrage
Acceptable Moveset:
Mud Shot + Earth Power or Earthquake
Type: Dragon and Ground
Weight:95 kg
Height: 1.90 m
Max CP(Lvl)
50: 4479
40: 3962
25: 2830 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2264 (Raid)
15: 1698 (Research Tasks)
11.Shadow Mamoswine
Currently the strongest of all Ice types in the game, and close second on the strongest Ground type in the game, Shadow Mamoswine is not to be underestimated based on any metric. The DPS from this Pokemon is enough to solo Rayquaza in neutral weather. A truly unique force within the game and one entirely worth putting stardust and candy into over the long run.
Resistant to:
Poison by 62.5%
Electric by 39.1%
Ideal Moveset:
Powder Snow + Avalanche
Acceptable Moveset:
Mud Slap + High Horsepower
Type: Fighting and Rock
Weight:260 kg
Height:1.90 m
Max CP (Lvl)
50: 3763
40: 3328
25: 2377 (Raid & Weather)
20: 1902 (Raid)
15: 1426 (Research Tasks)
10.Shadow Dragonite
From the original 151 and one of my all time favorites, especially in shadow, is Shadow Dragonite. Regarded as one of the more mythical pokemon in the lore and definitely a consistent power house in the franchise, this shadow variant is one of the absolute strongest dragon types out there. While the DPS falls a hair shy of Shadow Salamance it has more TDO, just like with the normal variants of both of the lego not lego monsters.
Resistant to:
Bug, Fighting, Fire, and Water by 62.5%
Grass and Ground by 39.1%
Ideal Moveset:
Dragon Tail or Dragon Breath + Outrage
Acceptable Moveset:
Dragon Tail or Dragon Breath + Draco Meteor (Elite)
Dragon Tail or Dragon Breath + Dragon Claw
Type:Dragon, Flying
Weight:210 kg
Height:2.20 m
Max CP:(Lvl)
50: 4287
40: 3792
25: 2709 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2167 (Raid)
15: 1625 (Research Tasks)
9.Shadow Salamence
Another pseudo legendary dragon, Shadow Salamance is a crazy powerful pokemon that is able to outpace the likes of Rayquaza in damage. One of the more expensive to invest in pokemon as far as upgrading goes, but still completely worth the time and cost to get it leveled up and still more, the Elite TM to acquire Outrage.
Resistant to:
Bug, Fire, Fighting, and Water by 62.5%
Grass and Ground by 39.1%
Ideal Moveset:
Dragon Tail + Outrage (Elite) + Draco Meteor
Dragon Tail + Outrage (Elite)
Acceptable Moveset:
Dragon Tail + Draco Meteor
Fire Fang + Fire Blast
Dragon Tail + Hydro Pump
Bite + Draco Meteor or Outrage (Elite)
Type:Dragon, Flying
Weight:102.6 kg
Height: 1.50 m
Max CP:(Lvl)
50: 4239
40: 3749
25: 2678 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2142 (Raid)
15: 1607 (Research Tasks)
8.Shadow Mewtwo
Prepare to have your minds blown, Trainers, as we unpack the mind-boggling might of this shadowy titan. Picture this: even a modest 0/0/0 IV Shadow Mewtwo surpasses the perfection of a 15/15/15 normal Mewtwo, provided they are of the same level and equipped with identical movesets. That's right, the raw power emanating from Shadow Mewtwo is simply astounding! So, even if you missed out on capturing a high IV specimen, fear not, for it is still unequivocally worth your efforts to raise and unleash this behemoth.But hold on, folks, every Pokemon has its weaknesses, and Shadow Mewtwo is no exception. While its power knows no bounds, it does face a small hindrance in the form of Psychic-type moves, which prove to be relatively ineffective against many raid bosses. However, do not let that deter you, for the sheer force possessed by Shadow Mewtwo is simply awe-inspiring! In fact, when the winds of change blow in the right direction, its DPS soars to rival that of the finest super-effective attackers dealing neutral damage. We're talking about powerhouses like Shadow Mamoswine and Terrakion, Trainers! Those of you fortunate enough to reside in areas frequented by windy weather are in for a treat, as Shadow Mewtwo's absurd might as a raid attacker will leave you in awe.
Resistant to: Bug, Dark, Fire, Normal, Poison, Rock by 62.5%
Ideal Moveset:
Confusion + Psystrike (Elite)
Psycho Cut + Shadow Ball (Elite)
Acceptable Moveset:
Confusion + Shadow Ball (Elite)
Confusion + Psychic
Psycho Cut + Ice Beam
Psycho Cut + Thunderbolt
Psycho Cut + Focus Blast
Weight:122 kg
Height: 2 m
Max CP:(Lvl)
50: 4724
40: 4178
25: 2984 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2387 (Raid)
15: 1791 (Research Tasks)
7. Shadow Metagross
Shadow Metagross, despite Steel-types not being renowned for their offensive capabilities, emerges as a formidable Pokemon thanks to its pseudo-Legendary status and possession of one of the game's finest Charged Moves. When faced with opponents that do not resist Steel-type attacks, Shadow Metagross proves to be an exceptional selection, showcasing its tremendous power.
Resistant to:
Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Rock, and Steel by 62.5%
Poison, and Psychic by 39.1%
Ideal Moveset:
Bullet Punch + Meteor smash
Acceptable Moveset:
Zen Headbutt + Psychic
Type: Psychic Steel
Weight: 550 kg
Height:1.60 m
(Lvl) MAX CP
50: 4286
40: 3791
25: 2708 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2166 (Raid)
15: 1625 (Research Tasks)
6.Primal Kyogre
The remarkable dominance of Primal Kyogre as the ultimate Water-type powerhouse. This awe-inspiring Pokemon stands as an unrivaled force, firmly seated upon its throne, with little to no chance of being dethroned. The strength it possesses is nothing short of stupendous, surpassing all expectations. Truly, the power potential of this tyrant knows no bounds, leaving us in awe of its truly extraordinary might.
Strengths:Resistant to:
Bug, Dark, Fire, Normal, Poison, Rock by 62.5%
Ideal Moveset:
Waterfall + Origin Pulse*
Acceptable Moveset:
Waterfall + Surf
Waterfall + Hydro Pump
Waterfall + Thunder
Type: Fighting and Rock
Weight:260 kg
Height:1.90 m
Max CP:(Lvl)
50: 4181
40: 3698
25: 2641 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2113 (Raid)
15: 1585 (Research Tasks)
5.Primal Groudon
The reigning monarch of all Ground-types, stands as an indomitable force that is highly unlikely to be usurped. Its strength is so overwhelming that it defies comprehension. This tyrant of the battlefield possesses an awe-inspiring level of power, leaving little room for underestimation. The sheer potential of this behemoth is nothing short of astonishing, solidifying its position as the ultimate Ground-type ruler.
Strengths:Resistant to:
Bug, Dark, Fire, Normal, Poison, Rock by 62.5%
Ideal Moveset:
Mud Shot + Precipice Blades
Acceptable Moveset:
Mud Shot + Earthquake
Mud Shot + Solar Beam
Mud Shot + Fire Punch
Type:Fighting and Rock
Weight:260 kg
Height:1.90 m
Max CP:(Lvl)
50: 4181
40: 3698
25: 2641 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2113 (Raid)
15: 1585 (Research Tasks)
4.Mega Charizard Y
Behold the majestic Charizard Mega Evolution, the epitome of fiery might and a bearer of potentially advantageous typings against select raid bosses. While it may not possess the ability to fulfill the dual Type responsibilities as proficient as its X counterpart, the "good" Charizard Mega Evolution shines brightly with its unwavering focus and concentrated power. Such an alluring Mega Evolution beckons trainers to invest wholeheartedly, for its singular prowess in battle is a sight to behold.
Strengths:Resistant to
Bug, Dark, Fire, Normal, Poison, Rock by 62.5%
Ideal Moveset:
Fire Spin + Blast Burn (Elite)
Acceptable Moveset:
Air Slash + Blast Burn
Type:Fire Flying
Weight:100.50 kg
Height:1.70 m
Max CP:(Lvl)
50: 5037
40: 4455
25: 3182 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2546 (Raid)
15: 1909 (Research Tasks)
3.Mega Gengar
In the realm of Mega Evolutions, one specter reigns supreme: Mega Gengar, boasting the pinnacle of neutral DPS among its peers. The true brilliance of Mega Gengar shines through when one contemplates the expansive reach of Ghost-type moves, delivering a solid choice for neutral coverage that remains fiercely competitive when pitted against various other types. As an unrivaled Ghost-type force, Mega Gengar steadfastly holds the throne, destined to retain its title as the most potent specter for the foreseeable future.
Strengths:Resistant to:
Fairy, Grass by 62.5%
Bug, Normal, Poison by 39.1%
Fighting by 24.4%
Ideal Moveset:
Lick + Shadow Ball
Acceptable Moveset:
Shadow Claw + Shadow Ball
Type:Ghost Poison
Weight:40.50 kg
Height:1.40 m
Max CP:(Lvl)
50: 4902
40: 4336
25: 3097 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2477 (Raid)
15: 1858 (Research Tasks)
2.Mega Blaziken
Resistant to:
Dark, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel by 62.5%
Bug by 39.1%
Ideal Moveset:
Fire Spin + Blast Burn*
Counter + Blast Burn* if weak to both Fire and Fighting
Acceptable Moveset:
Counter+Focus Blast
Type:Fire Fighting
Weight:52 kg
Height:1.90 m
Max CP (Lvl):
50: 4704
40: 4161
25: 2972 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2377 (Raid)
15: 1783 (Research Tasks)
1.Mega Sceptile
Resistant to:
Ground by 62.5%
Electric,Grass, and Water by 39.1%
Ideal Moveset:
Bullet Seed + Frenzy Plant
Acceptable Moveset:
Fury Cutter + Frenzy Plant
Type: Dragon Grass
Weight: 55.20 kg
Height: 1.90 m
(Lvl) MAX CP
50: 4585
40: 4056
25: 2897 (Raid & Weather)
20: 2317 (Raid)
15: 1738(Research Tasks)