06 May 2020
Top 3 Most Used characters in Apex Legends
3. Lifeline
- The only dedicated medic available in the game, Lifeline is - at the end of Apex Legends’ fourth season - still a top three choice for players.
- While her small hitbox is an appealing factor, Lifeline is brilliant because she’s basically the ultimate team player: deploying her DOC robot friend heals teammates in the vicinity, and when reviving a downed squadmate she deploys a shield to protect herself - and also gets her ally back on their feet faster than any other character in the game.
- However, for many people it is her ultimate ability that makes her such a valuable asset (and therefore a popular choice).
- The goodies available in her Care Package can be super useful early-to-mid game, with level three and four items (including, but not limited to, armor) readily available.
- Feeding her a steady supply of Ultimate Accelerants is a sound strategy - but be wary of the fact that enemies will also see her Care Packages falling to the ground.
- Her skillset makes her a valuable asset whether she is paired with aggressive or defensive characters and play styles.
Why Lifeline is awesome:
- Small hitbox
- Heal your allies without using items
- Revive your teammates quickly…
- ...and behind a shield
- Call in Care Packages for top-tier loot
2. Pathfinder
- The most mobile character in the game, having Pathfinder in your squad will give you easy access to almost any spot on the map.
- His Zipline ultimate ability is brilliant for gaining the high ground, as well as attacking enemy positions; this works particularly well after a softening bombardment by either Bangalore or Gibraltar.
- Since you’ll move faster on the zipline, it’s also good for escaping the circle if you find yourself struggling to get into the safety of the ring.
- Pathfinder’s grapple makes him personally very agile, and allows him to swing around the map like Spiderman.
- He can be hard to hit while doing this, which makes it a perfect tool to use in making an escape or getting the advantage in a firefight.
Why Pathfinder is awesome:
- Highly maneuverable, able to grapple in and out of positions
- Ziplines give you access to anywhere on the map
- Positioning can be crucial late game; Pathfinder can get you where you need to be
1. Wraith
- The most popular character in the game is well-suited to aggressive play.
- Wraith’s hitbox is so small, she takes an additional 5% damage from attacks (the very opposite of the hulking Gibraltar and Caustic characters, who have additional resistance of 15%).
- However, she can be hard to hit, and she is agile enough to slip many of the shots sent her way.
- This is not simply due to her size; her Void Run ability makes her entirely impervious to damage as she enters another dimension.
- She is also invisible, although she does leave purple cosmic trails in her wake.
- Her Portal ability will allow you to warp from one part of the map to another for a limited time.
- This can be useful in a variety of situations, such as getting revived teammates out of danger, withdrawing to safety, or executing attacks on enemy positions.
- Small she might be, but Wraith is a formidable opponent; as a wise man (or whatever Yoda is) once said, size matters not.
Why Wraith is awesome:
- Use her portals to instantly warp from one part of the map to another
- Wraith’s small hit box makes her harder to hit
- Void Run to avoid all damage while on the move; you can even use it on ziplines and jump towers