[Top Ten] Black Lagoon Best Moments

The women of Black Lagoon don’t need help from any man!
08 Oct 2020

[Top 10] Black Lagoon Best Moments

10. Revy Insults Rock's Style


It’s a simple moment, but funny nonetheless. Rock has just joined up with the Lagoon Company, and they’re getting ready to go out for another job. Rock is sleeping in a chair, but Revy isn’t cutting him any slack whatsoever. After all, they can’t afford to sit around all day doing nothing.

As they leave, Revy scoffs at his white collar shirt and tie he still hasn’t given up, despite what they’ve been through. He says he likes it just fine, that that’s the way he wants it. Then Revy reminds him of the Hawaiian shirt she got him at the market, asking him where it was and why he wasn’t wearing that instead.

He cringed and mentioned how it wasn’t appropriate for work and that the colors were too bright for him. Suddenly, Revy is furious, yelling at Rock for implying she didn’t have style. This rocks the team car the whole way there (they’re totally married they have to be).

Why It’s Great 

  • In a serious show operating through a serious world, it’s nice to see a small degree of humor; and it’s especially humorous to see it through two characters who’ve already been through some form of sexual tension. If you like humor, this is a great scene.
  • This scene reveals a lot about Rock’s and Revy’s personalities. Fashion reveals a lot about a character; their likes, their dislikes, etc. You get to start knowing them personally. 
  • The fact that Revy got him a shirt shows that she has a bit of a soft spot for him, and that she does think of him in ways besides hatred or irritation (this is specifically for Rockevy shippers, including myself). This is where their relationship really starts to develop.

9. Meeting Eda


This meeting between Rock, Revy, and Eda takes place during the Black Lagoon Second Barrage (its second season). Currently, there is an unknown assassin running the streets, an assassin that’s been taking out men from mobs and cartels everywhere. Including Hotel Moscow and The Triad. Balalaika, the head of Hotel Moscow, is angry that her loyal men are being murdered while she has no knowledge of who this assassin is. 

Therefore, she puts a bounty of fifty thousand U.S. on the assassin’s head, causing just about everyone on the streets of Roanapur to go searching for who this person is. However, this also means that distrust is in the air; any person could be the assassin, anyone can kill at any time. Both of these factors are why everyone seems to be carrying some kind of weapon on them. Rock and Revy are drinking at the Yellow Flag when Rock comments on this, and she explains the reasoning behind this. But soon their conversation is interrupted by a loud, blonde woman with pink sunglasses.

Eda, or Edith Blackwater, poses as a nun at the Ripoff Church, an operative from the American CSI put in place to manage the high levels of crime in the area. Of course, she usually ends up contributing to the chaos rather than containing it, but semantics. Eda invites herself to the conversation by making an inappropriate comment, flirting with Rock (which Revy does not like), and then telling Revy about the high paying reward. It seems worth the risk, and they decide to go for it. And poor Rock is just...there.

Why It’s Great 

  • Eda is a very dynamic character, and a very interesting one at that. We haven’t seen her since the scene at the Ripoff Church, and that was in a formal setting. Now she’s wearing different clothing and is definitely more relaxed. This scene shows her true colors.
  • Seeing Eda’s reaction towards Rock, and seeing her flirting with him, is especially funny. Also, Revy’s reaction to it is even better. She’s clearly jealous of the Eda is interacting with him, and that’s another great Rock x Revy moments.
  • This scene also leads into the Lagoon Company finding the Vampire Twins for the first time, involving them in the larger plot and interacting with Balalaika again. It also leads to Rock becoming more desensitized to his violent surroundings, which is a huge plot point.

8. Rock Wakes Up Revy


At this point, Rock has been part of the Lagoon Company for a bit, and has gotten closer to all of the members. Especially Revy. So much so that he can go in her room and wake her up without getting shot. 

He’s been instructed by Dutch to wake her up for an emergency job, from Chang at The Triad. So only Rock would walk all the way from the Lagoon office to Revy’s apartment to wake her up. She’s slightly resistant at first, but a fresh cigarette from Rock is just enough to get her out of bed.

Why It’s Great 

  • This scene may be short, but it’s a very intimate moment between two characters who already have constantly developing sexual tension. It gives shippers a moment to revel in their favorite ship (that includes me).
  • Since Rock went into Revy’s room to wake her up, we are let into a very private character’s lifestyle. She’s messy, lazy, but smart and wild while she’s awake. This is all revealed during this scene when you see beer can, guns, and clothing everywhere.
  • One important thing to know is that Revy’s apartment is not close to the Lagoon office, and Dutch wanted Rock to tell her to “wake the hell up.” Rock doesn’t have a car, meaning he walked all the way there to wake her up. This scene paints him as dedicated and caring.

7. The Drinking Competition


This is just before Rock decides to officially join the Lagoon Company as their mediator. After an intense day for everyone, the Lagoon Company meets at the Yellow Flag, a run down bar, but a popular watering hole for the less savory citizens of Roanapur. Not only had Rock been held hostage that day with the rest of the company men, he was taken for ransom by Revy. That would make anyone feel a bit angry and frustrated.

Suddenly, Revy insults Rock for drinking beer, jeering that he might as well drink piss. She gives him a Bacardi, sneering that if he’s a real man, he’ll drink that instead. Rock gets angry at being insulted, rightfully so, and he drinks the entire glass in one go. But not before saying one of his classic lines, “never underestimate a Japanese businessman.” Revy is shocked that he did it, but also angry that she didn’t have any more reasons to tease him. So they decide to have a drinking competition to even out the score. Only those two.

Why It’s Great 

  • Despite what we’ve seen of Rock so far, this scene proves that he’s bolder and can hold his liquor better than expected. It’s only the first episode and this scene already paints him as a dynamic character. 
  • This scene knocks Revy down a peg, and knowing what we know about her, she seems to need that. This also leads to their relationship becoming deeper and more developed, as Revy finds herself having something in common with the former businessman. 
  • It’s definitely a funny scene, one that makes you smirk to yourself. Plus Dutch has a knowing smile on his face this entire time, as if he’s aware that despite their differences, they mix incredibly well.

6. Boat vs. Helicopter


This chase takes place in both the first and second episode. After Rock is officially kidnapped in the first episode, and the Black Lagoon Company has secured the disk for Balalaika, they attempt to move on their way. But it’s not going to be that easy, it seems. The board of the company Rock previously worked for gave Kageyama, Rock’s former supervisor, permission to hire mercenaries to stop the Lagoon Company from getting away with the disk.

After escaping the mercenaries the first time, along with Rock being officially declared dead, the same group in a military helicopter gunship starts chasing the boat. In order to escape, Dutch takes them down a river but reaches a dead end, leading them into entrapment and preparing for the ultimate worse. However, Rock comes up with a plan to defeat the gunship.

Rock hypothesizes that the pilot wants to fight the Lagoon Company duel style, as in face to face, and he comes up with a plan that Dutch decides to follow. They use a sunken ship as a launch point to send the Lagoon ship into the air and fire torpedoes at the gunship. It worked, and it seems that Rock is a little crazier than we thought.

Why It’s Great 

  • We’ve just met Rock and he’s already proved to be a total badass and not as incompetent as we thought. Black Lagoon has fast character development for him, although that can be slightly easy when specific dates aren’t revealed. But regardless, he’s earned our approval.
  • It’s a solid and interesting plan, and it really demonstrates teamwork between the Lagoon Company. Revy generally works alone and on her own terms, despite working for the Company, so that was a huge deal this particular scene.
  • The fact that Dutch went through with Rock’s plan means that he trusts Rock, and that he’s incredibly intelligent. This reveals a lot about his character, especially considering he’s the most closed off and the one we know the least about. 

5. Revy Rescues Rock


This instance takes place during the episodes “Lock'n'load Revolution” and “Guerrillas in the Jungle.” First, before Revy saves Rock, Revy gets into a bit of a situation herself. Already, Rock has been taken by Takenaka, a leader of the Protectors of the Islamic Force. The original situation was a job set up by Chang, and they were finishing just fine when the terrorists pursued them. 

After Rock is taken, Revy is rescued by a Chinese assassin named Shenhua, hired by Chang. While the two definitely don’t get along, Revy convinced Shenhua and her driver Leigharch to help save Rock so they could get the documents he had with him. 

While Rock is being interrogated, Revy and Shenhua manage to break past the barriers of the camp and help Rock escape with the documents. However, since Leigharch, the driver, was so high on drugs, he drove through the enemies entire camp instead of going through the jungle to escape. 

After being followed by a fleet of their dispatch vehicles, Shenhua and Revy take them out. Now, Rock and the documents are safe. For the time being, that is.

Why It’s Great 

  • The Revy we met would never have gone back for Rock, she wouldn’t have cared. If anything she would have only cared about the documents, but she also asked about Rock, too, showing that she does have concerns about other people.
  • We get to meet Shenhua for the first time, a comedic but dangerous assassin. Her interactions with Revy are some of my favorites, and they make some of the best moments throughout the show. Also making Rock uncomfortable in a healthy way is the best.
  • There are also American references such as Jimmy Hendrix and Star Trek, and if you appreciate those references or are supportive of either of those pieces of media, this is a great scene.

4. Revy vs. Pirates


Dutch gets stuck in a bit of a situation with his former boss, Chin. Chin asked that Dutch quit working for Balalaika and come back to work for him. When Dutch says no, Chin hires a man named Luvak to hunt down the Black Lagoon as revenge. Dutch had gotten a so-called “job” from Donnie Yen to pick up a package from the Vietnamese military at Pho Quoc island.

They quickly realize that this job was just a trap to lure Dutch and the rest of the Lagoon Company into a group of Luvak’s boats. Dutch isn’t afraid, but is angry because he was lied to and is now inconvenienced by something pointless. Therefore, he sends Revy to take care of all five boats, which she does so with pleasure. 

She jumps from boat to boat, leaving no man alive, in less than ten minutes. Rock is absolutely stunned while Dutch is just happy to have the nonsense out of the way.

Why It’s Great 

  • Here we first see Revy inaction, and as one of the Pirates says, she proves to be almost inhuman, which is actually a common theme for her. It’s a pretty entertaining and intimidating to see.
  • Seeing Rock in awe of her as she fights basically echoes our thoughts, and he especially conveys what we’re thinking when he narrates about her actions. It’s a wild ride from start to finish.
  • Revy, despite being an anti heroine, is incredibly brave and enjoys her job to the fullest. While it’s odd, it’s good to see her happy and enjoying something, something we don’t see for a lot of the show.

3. The Cigarette Kiss


The scene takes place directly after Rock and Revy fight about what happened down in the submarine not too long ago, when they were trying to salvage that German painting from the underwater wreckage of it. They had argued about morals, shouting at each other like crazy. Then Revy shot one of her guns, and the police showed up.

The police in Roanapur aren’t much of a police; they tend to let the outlaws and pirates do their own thing so they can avoid trouble from any of the higher ups. The chief didn’t care about what happened, but he still took them to the station for appearances sake. In the back of the cop car, Rock is smoking a cigarette he lit with the cop’s lighter when Revy asked if she could get a light.

Rock told her that the cop was the one who had the lighter, but Revy told him he had one right in his mouth. He leaned in and they shared a cigarette together, staying close to each other for longer than they needed to, creating a very intimate moment.

Why It’s Great 

  • For Black Lagoon, this is a very sweet scene, and for Rock x Revy shippers, it’s a definite win for them especially so early in the show. Their relationship is very slow burn, but existent, and it really shows up here.
  • The lightning and music is absolutely amazing, meaning they fit together so well. Film or anime buffs will really appreciate this, as it’s sometimes hard to put those two things together in an anime. It’s a beautiful scene visually.
  • Here, you can see opinions discussed without shouting or guns. They’re trapped in a confined space and are slightly forced to talk in a quieter environment, meaning that it becomes more intimate and more important.

2. The Courtyard Fight


It’s been a little bit since the submarine incident with Rock and Revy, and Revy still seems to be a bit irritated by what went down. They’re sitting down to eat when Revy tells him to go back to Japan, that he doesn’t belong in her world. Rock brushes it off, as it’s not the first time she’s told him this, and still refuses to apologize for what he said to her in the submarine.

Only when Revy continues to talk down to him and push his buttons does he stand up and shout at her, repeating himself. Revy, in anger, pulls her gun on him and aims it at his forehead. But Rock doesn’t run away. He faces her with no fear, and when she fires, he grabs the barrel of the gun and points it away from him, reiterating that not everything can be solved with a gun.

Now that she hasn’t killed him, the fight continues. Rock argues that he thought that by joining the Lagoon Company, he wouldn’t be kissing ass or wandering aimlessly under the thumb of a corporate boss. However, that’s how he feels his relationship with Revy is; him sucking up to her and doing whatever she wants. Rock claims that he’s disappointed in her since she invited him here. Revy gets angrier and tells him to stop being such a spoiled brat.

She tells him that he can’t expect justice or honor out of a world like this, a world like hers. Revy tells him that violence is all she knows how to live, all that she’s ever experienced, until she punches him in the face. After that, she seems to cool down, and it’s becoming a matter of agreeing to disagreeing and simple name calling

Why It’s Great 

  • This is one of Black Lagoon’s most well known scenes, as it’s where things come to an emotional head for the first time between Rock and Revy. Yes, they talked in the submarine, but they didn’t truly confront each other like this. This scene reveals not only how they feel about life, but how they feel about each other.
  • One of Black Lagoon’s most sexually tensioning scenes takes place here. The best part is that the sexual tension was very subtle, and didn't distract from the message. But it is still there for your enjoyment.
  • This scene also leads to the cigarette kiss scene which was mentioned earlier, a key scene in Rock and Revy’s chemistry and their thoughts on several issues.

Top Black Lagoon Moment: Rock vs. Balalaika


This moment takes place during what we call the Japan arc. At the moment, Rock, Revy, Balalaika, and one of her men are standing in a parking lot, guns pointed at all of them. Just as Balalaika is leaving, Rock calls out to her, telling her that she should focus on a weaker gang instead of the one she was going after.

Revy begs him to shut up, but he keeps talking, leading to Balalaika slamming Rock on the roof of a car with her gun pointed at his head. Revy is terrified for Rock in the background with her gun still pointed at the other man. Balalaika calls Rock out on speaking out of turn, warning him that he’s just her interpreter, nothing more. 

Balalaika plays with his emotions, basically asking him why he thinks he should live. Only by making poor jokes and keeping his mouth shut for the remainder of her speech did he survive. She laughed at him, told him that tomorrow was another day, and tossed him the keys so he could park her car.

As soon as they were gone, Revy tosses her gun and grabs Rock by the shirt, yelling that she would protect like the Alamo but that she couldn’t if he tried to get himself killed all the time. At the end, Revy chews him out and they end up moving on.

Why It’s Great 

  • We’re at the point in the story where Rock is finally starting to stand up for himself, although albeit in a poor situation. In this scene you can see how much he’s changed, and for fans of his character, you either enjoy the change or you don’t. After all, it’s a very dark one.
  • Balalaika is an absolutely amazing villainess, and she proved so here. Not only is she intimidating, she’s smart, and in a very terrifying way. She proved that in this scene but threatening violence and not using it, also while lecturing Rock on his morals like she has a right to.
  • This is one of the first times Revy has shown genuine concern for Rock, and her genuine concern is yelling and screaming in his face about how she wants to protect him. This is especially important, as even without saying anything, Balalaika can tell Revy cares for him.
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