![[Top 11] Warframe Best Bows and How to Get Them Warframe Best Bows and How to Get Them](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2022-07/maxresdefault_4.jpg.webp?itok=ETonAerc)
In most games, bows are stealthy weapons, designed to deal damage and keep you out of your enemies sight. Warframe switches that up a bit. Warframe’s bows are typically super heavy hitters, capable of dealing massive damage numbers.
11. Lenz
Bolts from this Corpus bow deliver a one-two punch of an icy pulse, followed by a conventional explosion. Excess ammo picked up for other weapons will be converted into charges for the Lenz.
Warning, safety protocols do not exist on this prototype.
What Makes Lenz Great?
The Lenz actually holds the second highest base damage among Warframe’s bows, next to the Kuva Bramma, and deals blast damage, which is highly effective against machinery and fossilized foes.
Lenz has the highest critical chance of all Warframe bows.
On impact, each arrow explodes, while direct arrow impact with an enemy has the chance to deal impact damage and stagger enemies. The first explosion deals cold damage, while the second explosion deals a high amount of blast damage.
Lenz has an innate Arrow Mutation effect which converts all other ammo types picked up into extra charges for the bow.
How to Get the Lenz:
- The Lenz Blueprint can be researched in the energy lab in your dojo.
- Lenz Details
10. Rakta Cernos
A finely tuned instrument of assassination.
In my opinion, the Rakta Cernos is one of the best bows in the Cernos family. Some of its features make for an amazing weapon, though, acquiring it may take some time.
What makes Rakta Cernos Great?
Since the Rakta Cernos is a syndicate weapon, it has the Blight effect, meaning that whenever affinity is gained while using the Rakta Cernos, enemies within 25 meters of you receive 1,000 viral damage, you recover a quarter of your base energym and your movement speed is increased by 10% for 30 seconds.
This bow is completely silent, making it perfect for spy and rescue missions.
The Rakta Cernos deals a high amount of damage: 235 per uncharged shot, and 470 per charged shot, each dealing 90% impact damage.
The Rakta Cernos features the highest charge time of all bows, meaning a faster damage output with high damage.
How to get Rakta Cernos
9. Dread
Dread is one of the Stalker’s signature weapons. It’s a hunting bow that fires bladed arrows, and more often than not, inflicts bleed damage on unsuspecting enemies.
What Makes Dread Great?
Dread deals slash damage, which is my ultimate favorite. It bypasses enemy armor and deals higher damage to enemies’ health!
Both the charged and uncharged shots fired from Dread have the highest critical chance of all Warframe’s bows, sitting at a whopping 50%
Dread has a very high status chance, capable of inflicting bleed status on enemies
How to Get Dread
8. Daikyu
Daikyu takes great strength to draw back, but provides added power and range to every shot.
The daikyu isn’t a particularly special bow, there’s nothing really extravagant about it. This bow of Tenno design deals some heavy blows though, that’s for sure.
What Makes Daikyu Great?
The Daikyu has the highest base damage of all Warframe bows, and is effective against all factions, sentients, and even the stalker.
This bow has a very high critical chance, and the second highest status chance of all bows, right behind the Mutalist Cernos.
Diakyu has the second highest projectile speed of all primary weapons and the highest among Warframe’s bows, meaning it has a very low arc rate because its projectiles move so fast.
There are two Daikyu exclusive mods that give it an extra boost. The Spring-Loaded Broadhead mod gives it up to a damage increase of 40% if the target is more than 15 meters away, and the Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired mod features +75% to headshot multiplier, +3% life steal on nikanas, and 60% chance to pick up used arrows as well.
How to Get Daikyu
7. Zhuge Prime
Tenno artistry. Ancient Craft. A weapon of surgical precision and devastating effect. Each bolt fired from Zhuge Prime explodes shortly after embedding.
Released alongside Wukong Prime, this Mastery Rank 14 Tenno crossbow is the primed variant of the Zhuge.
What Makes Zhuge Prime Great?
Zhuge Prime has the second highest fire rate of all fully automatic Weapons in Warframe, making it nice when you don’t have to wait forever to reload the crossbow.
The accuracy on the Zhuge Prime is very high, as well as its critical and status chance.
Dealing primary slash damage, the Zhuge Prime is great against enemies’ health and infected targets.
When the bolt fired reaches its target, it explodes, dealing higher damage and even dragging along killed enemies with your bolt, dealing damage to any enemies behind them as well.
The Zhuge Prime can benefit from certain rifle mods, even though it is a crossbow, making the modding process easier and more effective.
How to Get Zhuge Prime
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