10. Death Guard
The plague marines and poxwalkers of the Death Guard bring pestilence and disease
The Death Guard are Chaos Space Marines sworn to Nurgle, the chaos god of plague and disease. Corrosive gas hangs in the air wherever they go, bringing wounds that never heal and thousands of plague-flies to cover the battlefield.
This box is heavily focused on poxwalkers, the mutated cultists horde, with a few plague marines to back them up, as well as two characters, the Biologus Putrifier and their commander, Typhus.
If you like the poxwalkers, (and they’re arguably one of the best units right now), this could be a good box to buy one of- but with 30 of them, it may be a little excessive, especially if you’re wanting to buy multiple. And with 36% savings compared to buying the models separately, it’s good value, but not great.
Death Guard Strengths:
- Cool Named Character
- Great horde units - but perhaps to many
- Good value, but not amazing
9. T’au Empire
The white-clad T’au set up to ambush the enemy
The T’au Empire are a collective of many alien species, who rely on advanced technology such as the huge battlesuits and small combat drones to protect their borders and planets. They are ruled by the mysterious blue-skinned Ethereals, some of which are in this box.
The T’au Combat Patrol is very cool in that it focuses on the stealth side of the faction’s capabilities, a side you might not always see if you always went for the biggest or strongest units. With an Ethereal and a Cadre Fireblade to lead, A Ghostkeel Battlesuit with 2 drones, 3 Stealth Battlesuits (the round guys on the left) and a unit of Fire Warriors to complete the patrol, this is a very strong box.
Though they don’t have the biggest savings at 28%, this box can be a great start to the T’au Empire- but only if you’re not too interested in big T’au robots. With only one in the box, this may not be for all who are interested in the faction.
T’au Empire Strengths:
- Strong stealth capabilities
- Some anti-tank from the Ghostkeel can give an edge on other patrols
- Alright savings, but again not great
8. Chaos Daemons
Daemons of Khorne set a terrifying sight, with a lot of inhuman creatures to choose from
The Chaos Daemons are quite a diverse faction, representing all sorts of monsters from the warp, lead by the Chaos Gods. In this case, forces of the Chaos God Khorne are represented, the god of blood and war.
If you like Khorne and therefore lots of blood and melee combat, this box is going to be fantastic. Containing a Bloodmaster, 3 mounted Bloodcrushers, 10 Flesh Hounds, and 20 Bloodletters, this set can make a fantastic start to any Khorne army, providing the core units that really make these daemons cool. However, if you prefer other types of daemons, this one isn’t for you.
With a very strong melee base, this box could be very strong, however, without any ranges cover, they could lose out against armies with tanks or other long-ranged units. With a great deal at 45% off, this could be a fantastic box to pick up - possibly even twice.
Chaos Daemons Strengths:
- Very powerful in melee combat
- Great value
- Perfect for Khorne - but not for other Chaos Gods
7. Chaos Space Marines
An elite army of troops and characters takes to the field, flanked by the mighty Hellbrute
The Chaos Space Marines are the super-powered warriors of Chaos, genetically modified to be as strong as possible, and further mutated and empowered by the Chaos Gods. They pack a lot of firepower- much more than in the Space Marines box.
If you’re looking for the core units of the Chaos Space Marines, then look no further than this combat patrol box. With the elite Dark Apostle flanked by two Dark Disciples, 5 Havocs, 10 Chaos Space Marines and the mighty Hellbrute, there is a strong base here for an all round good squad.
With objective control from the marines, a heavy hitter in the Hellbrute and some good support capability from the Havocs, this box makes a good all-rounder, able to take as much as they give and clear out objectives. However, they don’t have great value at 32% savings, so may not be ideal for buying more units.
Chaos Space Marine Strengths:
- Good all-rounder
- Very cool (and recent) models with good posing
- Strong firepower and damage output
6. Adepta Sororitas
The Sisters of Battle form up, bringing sanctified flame to the field
The Adepta Sororitas are the all-female holy warriors of the Eclessiarchy, the Imperium’s church. They are brutally efficient army, destroying heretics and daemons alike with blessed las-fire and holy tanks.
This box does a great job introducing players to the Adepta Sororitas, and also is a good one for beginners, covering all sorts of different unit types. With characters covered by the Cannonness and Repentia Superior, melee output from the Arco-flagellants and Penitent Engine, shooting from the Sisters Repentia and Battle Sisters, fast attack from the Seraphim, and vehicles in the form of the Rhino, this combat patrol can really help a player learn all different types of units and strategies.
This box is quite good, though some of the squads are a little small, making it less effective than could be the case if it has less units, but filled each one out a little more. The versatile selection of units makes the patrol pretty good at just about anything, but definitely not the best - and the model count can make them quite hard to defeat at the small point-scores of Combat Patrol
Adepta Sororitas Strengths:
- Versatile units
- Large model count- lots of health
- Good objective control
5. Grey Knights
The elite Grey Knight Daemonhunters teleport into battle, taking daemons down with every swing.
Grey Knights are a favourite of many 40K players, representing the militant arm of the Ordo Malleus, the division of the Inquisition tasked with destroying the Chaos Daemons. As such, each Grey Knight is trained in psychic magic, and armed and armoured with gear that reacts to their mental prowess.
Most people who see this box are going to be instantly enamoured by the Nemesis Dreadknight, the mech with the huge sword who really is the star of this box. But the Librarian, Terminator Squad, and Strike Squad Marines are just as awesome when built up and standing beside their heavily armoured brother. While the models are a little old compared to some other boxes, they still hold up to the test of time.
When it comes to Grey Knights, especially at low point values like in Combat Patrol, it’s always going to be tough to get enough models on the field to cover all of the objectives that are desired. This box solves this problem effectively- by providing enough firepower to allow you to destroy your enemies, rather than worrying about objectives at all.
Grey Knights Strengths:
- Massive firepower
- Each unit is tough and hardy
- Huge psychic output to blast your enemies
4. Drukhari
Raiders of Commorragh rally to pillage and destroy any world unlucky enough to be near them
The Drukhari are evil aliens of the Eldar species, who believe the only way to resist destruction at the hands of the Chaos God Slaanesh is to indulge in hedonism, slavery and wanton destruction. They are incredibly lethal, fast, and scary, coming out nowhere and attacking.
This box is a great start for the Drukhari faction, especially if you like the Kabalite Warriors, a great core unit, as it comes with 10. They’re lead by an Archon, and supported by 5 Incubi, as well as the two battle-barges, the Raider and the Ravager- some very cool models for this faction.
This list really captures the Drukhari’s proficiency for attacking at speed, as well hitting hard in melee, making it quite strong, as it meshes well with their army rules and stratagems. It’s also a good deal at 39% savings.
Drukhari Strengths:
- Great core units with melee prowess
- Fantastic vehicles - can’t get enough of them
- Worth buying a few to get your army started
3. Genestealer Cults

The mutated ambushers of the Genestealer Cults smash through an Imperial factory
The Genestealer Cults are humans of the Imperium who have been genetically modified and mutated by genestealers, alien lifeforms of the Tyranid species, and trained to worship the tyranid swarm as gods. They take over Imperial worlds, preparing them for consumption by the Tyranids.
This box contains a lot of models, which is really good for a horde faction like the Cults, and it has a lot of diversity as well, making it a rather versatile list. With the core ranged units of Acolyte Hybrids and Neophyte Hybrids, the hulking melee-focused Aberrants, the Magus leader, and the Goliath Rockgrinder vehicle, this list is really awesome, and contains a lot of the most interesting units of the Genestealer Cults.
In terms of power, this box has a lot of ways to go up against other combat patrols, especially ambushing and surprising enemy units, as well as taking many objectives where other factions would struggle. However, with quite weak models, they can also be defeated by an army with high firepower. This is probably the best box of the lot in terms of savings - with 46% saved.
Genestealer Cults Strengths:
- Diverse and versatile list
- Great objective control
- Fantastic value
2. Orkz
Ork Boyz and their wild vehicles stomp their way into battle!
The Orkz are an alien species who only love destruction, coalescing into huge crusades called WAAAGH!s. They emit a psychic field, which grows stronger the more of them are present, which allows their crazy technological inventions to work (even when they shouldn’t).
This is a really fun list, showcasing some of the coolest Orkz models, especially the variety of Boyz that can be built - as there are 20 in the box. There’s also a Warboss in Mega Armour, 3 Deffkoptas, and 1 Deff Dread - all awesome vehicles which really shine. This is really great stuff - a must buy for anyone who likes Orkz.
They also shine power-wise, as those vehicles are really strong, especially with the lack of anti-tank found in combat patrols. These are backed up by quite decent core units, making the whole thing rather good. In terms of value, there’s a savings fo 43%, making it one of the best.
Orks Strengths:
Awesome vehicles
Great core units - very cool models
Great value
1. World Eaters
The World Eaters, Chaos Marines of Khorne, burn their way through an Imperial Temple
The World Eaters are another faction of Chaos Space Marines, but this time they are a specific legion sworn to the Chaos God Khorne, god of blood and skulls and war. They are known for their wanton savagery, their blood-hunger, and their huge prowess in close combat.
A fantastic box with some incredibly cool models, the World Eaters Combat Patrol is really a must-buy if you like the factions of Chaos. Containing 20 Khorne Beserkers, 10 Jakhals, and a World Eaters Lord on Juggernaut, this box is the most marine-heavy in the line, as well as the most heavy on getting up close and personal, with all of those models being melee-focused.
The real thing to focus on here is value. At a whopping 56% saved, this box is the best value for your money by far, and you want everything in it too. With the ability to rush across the battlefield, take objectives and catch up to any ranged enemies at speed, this combat patrol can be really devastating. The only thing that might hold them back is a lack of anti-tank - but they can still outrun many tanks, making their heavy guns obsolete.
World Eaters Strengths:
- Best value in the range
- Fantastic models, with the power to back up their good looks
- Melee superiority, with speed and lethal efficiency
So that’s the rundown of the top 10 Combat Patrols in Warhammer 40K. Though some of these boxes may be updated in the new edition, it seems like this lineup is going to last for a while - especially as the particularly good lists all seem to be on the newer side, so are unlikely to be replaced soon. Pick up a combat patrol and battle your friends! You’re sure to beat them if you rely on this lineup.