Best Tank Destroyer for Every Tier in World of Tanks Blitz

Hey, what’s up gamers! Welcome back to another fun and informative article about World of Tanks Blitz.
Today we will be talking about the best tank destroyers in the game. Tank destroyers are called TD's for short, that is what we will call them. Today we will see which are the best td’s for their respective tiers.
TDs are the nightmare of every tank. Enemies which we cannot see, Destructors from the shadows, Friends of Chaos and the machines of devastations and annihilation. YES! THESE ARE THE TANK DESTROYERS!!
In World of Tanks Blitz, Tank Destroyers are unlocked in tier 4. Let us see which are the best TDs in the game.
Best Tank Destroyers for Every Single Tier
Tier 4:
The Hetzer:
- The Hetzer is a Tier IV German Tank Destroyer.
- It has sloped frontal armor which makes it almost impenetrable to lower tier tanks.
- Its rear Armour is very thin compared to the front Armour. As a result, it can be immobilized by firing at the tracks, flanked by another vehicle, and destroyed.
- The Hetzer, unarguably, is the greatest Tier IV tank in the game next to the Covenanter
- Apart from another Hetzer or tier five heavy tanks, very few tanks can penetrate its frontal armor.
- If you are looking for many enemy kills, or to be the "dominator" of the battlefield, the Hetzer is the right tank for you.
The Hetzer is unarguably the best tier 4. The Hetzer is the most famous and overpowered tank in tier 4. The Hetzer has its pro and cons but it's incredibly powerful Armour and amazing gun covers up all of its disadvantages and insecurities.
Tier 5:
The T 67
- The T67 is an American tier 5 tank destroyer.
- The T67 is considered a very fun and overall good tank to play.
- When first bought, it is very weak and has low engine power, but once fully upgraded, it is a force to be reckoned with.
- It can keep its 61 kph top speed quite easily over all kinds of terrain and though the turret traverse is incredibly slow, the tank excels at flanking and exposing weak sides and rear.
- Like most turreted Tank Destroyers, its armor is sloped but incredibly thin, so don't expect to bounce much.
- It's incredible speed and stunning DPM (damage per minute) makes up for its atrocious Armour and terrible turret rotation speed.
The T67 was first known as the M8A1, and led to the Hellcat. It was made a Collector Vehicle and removed from the tech tree in Update 5.5. The T67 Is incredibly strong in some aspects, but in some situations, it can do nothing and sometimes causes the team the game. The T67 has high speed to cover up for the disgusting armor it has. The T67 is a Turret Tank Destroyer with absolutely no armor. The thing about the T67 is that if you can't hit it, you can't kill it. It is incredibly hard to get a shot into a T67 moving on 60 kph. Only a pro player can hit the T67 when it’s going on top speed and that too must be a blind shot.
Tier 6:
The Jg. Pz. 4
- The Jagdpanzer IV is a German tier 6 tank destroyer.
- Unlike most other tank destroyers of its tier, the Jagdpanzer IV is not perfect for sniping at long distances. Its guns simply do not have the penetration for that purpose.
- While it may seem like the ideal sniper, it is more suited for short-mid range support and assault role.
- The Jg. Pz. IV does have is a ferocious rate-of-fire with its two top guns, excellent mobility, and a low and stealthy profile.
- It also has fairly decent frontal armor for its tier as an added bonus.
- The low profile and deadly stealth of this machine makes it a great ambush predator.
- While the frontal armor is good, the sides and especially the Rear are thin and vulnerable.
- This machine has a wickedly fast Traverse speed that can be the bane of many medium and light tanks that try to circle it.
- The Jagdpanzer IV is a Tier 6 German tank destroyer, coming after the StuG III G and before the Jagdpanther. This machine is quite like these other two tanks in style, and those who enjoyed the StuG should enjoy this tank destroyer. Very nimble and capable of relocating.
- Very fast RoF on both guns, both guns are very exact and quick-aiming, very high DPM, very stealthy and hard to hit and the bouncy front armor is the silver lining.
Tier 7:
The Helsing
- The Helsing is a Hybrid Nation Tier VII tank destroyer.
- The Helsing's counterpart is the Dracula.
- It fires an incredibly quick burst of two 200 damage shots, totaling 400 while the reload is only a short time of 9.53 seconds.
- It has a fully traversable turret, which is awesome for a TD. But it has very slow turret rotation, inadequate against light tanks.
- The Helsing is an exact, effective and explosive mid-range fighter.
- It has exceedingly good speed, and can support mediums on the second line.
- Troll frontal Armour due to the angle. But completely Useless side and back Armour, HE-able to most tanks. SU 152's HE shells can sometimes 1 shot the Helsing.
- It was once free in an event in which at the last stage you could choose the Helsing or the Dracula. The event is known as Night Hunt.
- The Helsing was the first multi-barreled tank, and stayed the only until the Annihilator was added in Update 7.3.
The Helsing is a Hybrid nation Tank Destroyer. It is an incredibly strong tank with a single shot having two rounds. The fun fact about its gun is that when you fire once both shells are fired off, the time difference being not more than a split-second. The Helsing has a low pool of hit points, only 1000. It has troll front Armour, but the side Armour is absolutely horrific and can be HE-ed by almost any tier 7 and most tier 6 tanks. It is an overall fun and kind of overpowered tank if it is played in the right way.
Tier 8:
ISU 152
- The ISU-152 is a Soviet tier 8 tank destroyer.
- The ISU-152 was conceived as a replacement for the SU-152, which was based on the KV-1s chassis.
- The ISU-152 is well-known for its 152mm BL-10 gun. With its extreme alpha damage, as well as penetration that laughs at the armor of most tier 10 tanks, this is an exceptionally dangerous tank destroyer.
- The gun, of course, fires at the average rate for 122-152 mm guns at tier 8, has horrific handling (Typically Russian), and takes long to aim.
- The tank is fast in a straight line, but turns quite slowly, and has flat and weak armor for Its tier
- however, it does have a very thick gun mantlet, so at times you will bounce some shots if lucky enough
- It does, however, have a good camouflage rating, making it best for supporting its team from the second line.
The ISU-152 is a Soviet Tier 8 TD. ISU-152 was a Soviet multi-role fully enclosed and armored self-propelled gun developed and used during World War II, with a subsequent use, mainly in the Soviet military, till the 1970s. One of the biggest mistakes that many people make is to skip researching the 122 mm guns on the SU-152, as researching them both on the SU-152, a tier lower, will shorten the grind to BL-10, the gun that this tank NEEDS. The mighty BL-10 gun makes you a threat that no tank can safely ignore, but the gun's temperamental nature can severely limit your performance. Accuracy, penetration, and damage dealt can all fluctuate wildly, and the same gun that nearly 3-shots a Maus one minute can and often will be completely missing TOG’s at 100m, not penetrating scout tanks, and dishing out repeated sub-600 damage rolls the very next. Tricky, low-percentage shots are strongly discouraged, unless you have absolutely no other choice. The ISU is an awesome gun and the Bl-10 is an awesome gun which can destroy the armor of tier 10 heavies. The ISU can turn the tide of a game if played correctly.
Tier 9:
- The JagdTiger is a German Tier IX TD.
- Developed from 1942 through 1944, the heavy tank destroyer, with the chassis of the Tiger II heavy tank, became the heaviest mass-produced armored vehicle ever.
- The JagdTiger has the Highest DPM in the entire game being a whopping total of 3997 Damage per minute.
- It has an incredibly decent alpha damage of 460 after every 6.90 seconds.
- The JagdTiger has a strong hull-down ability and is incredibly strong in a hold down position.
- It has a very accurate gun and exceedingly quick aiming time, which covers up for its poor mobility.
- The tank has very good gun depression of 8 degrees incredibly good for a Tank destroyer.
- Compared to many TDs at these tiers, the JT seems to be a less damaging tank, what with its 490 (later 560) damage-per-shot rating, when many other tier IX (and especially tier X) TDs are doing 750 or more.
The Jt (JagdTiger) is a German TD. The JT cannot scout and cannot flank other tanks; its role isn't distraction or spotting or indeed even suppression. Its role is to simply hammer away at the foes' hit points. The most distinguishing aspect of this tank is its DPM; it can face any other tank in the game and, with adrenaline, literally "burn it down" with its extremely high rate of fire and 460 damage. There are some drawbacks to the JT though: the mobility and lack of effective armor. Oh, and it has no camo, don't ever think to rely on it. It should be said that the 250mm casemate plate, mantlet, and 8 degrees of gun depression does make the JT quite good when hull down. However, when attempting to relocate to a location, or in the open without cover, the JT is without question vulnerable. So, the Jt is in fact a very strong tank in most aspects but on many occasions, it may disappoint a player.
Tier X:
Jg.Pz E100 (Jageroo)
- The Jagdpanzer E 100 is a German tier 10 tank destroyer.
- The JagdPanzer E-100 is one of the two tier X German Tank Destroyers.
- The Jagdpanzer E-100 also known as "The Broomstick of Doom", or "Jageroo", is one of the most popular TDs at tier X for a very good reason.
- This tank features a massive 170mm (about 6.69 in) cannon that bears striking resemblance to the artillery gun on the GwTiger and GwTiger(P).
- Dealing an average of 800 damage, a shot, with the max roll of 1000, the JagdPanzer E-100 can strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest tankers in World of Tanks Blitz.
- The alpha of the gun can bring down even tier X tanks with two shots.
- To balance the massive power of this tank, it has been given a horrid reload time, matching that of some artillery vehicles, so it is highly recommended that this tank be accompanied by a few others.
- The armor protection on this tank is quite good, the only true weak spot on the front of this monster is the lower armor plate.
- The Jagdpanzer E 100 marks the end of its German tank destroyer line.
- The Jagdpanzer E-100 takes another leap of size and lack of mobility. Even slower than the Jagdtiger, this is a TD which should never be left alone, as all it takes is one rather mobile tank to flank you and mercilessly kill you. If you want this tank here are some tips.
- Stay in the back or midfield ONLY HEAD UP IF YOU NEED TO
- people can easily pen your cheeks and lower plate so try to hide these
- angles are important so angling at roughly 18-22 degrees is best.
- people will panic if you face hug them, BUT, make sure you also block with your gun
This is Pretty much all for the best Tank Destroyers for every tier. Hope you enjoyed the article and got all the information you want. Toodles!