![[Top 5] The Best Tier 10 Tank In World of Tanks Blitz [Top 5] The Best Tier 10 Tank In World of Tanks Blitz](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2022-04/wotb3_1.jpg.webp?itok=E6SQXZTN)
[Top 5] The Best Tier 10 Tank In World of Tanks Blitz
What’s up tankers get ready for another world of tanks blitz best tanks tier for tier special. This time it is tier 10 we are going to be rating. Hopefully, this will help you to destroy other players. Let’s start!
T-100 LT

The T-100 LT a soviet union light tank has become the best in the game in a very short period. This is due to some of the unique features wargaming has given it. The spotting mechanic for example is a very powerful technique as it allows the tank to spot an enemy tank for 20 seconds if it is shot.
In my opinion, wargaming has just given a busted ability to the tank destroying the life of tank destroyers in tier 10.
The T-100 LT Is a soviet union light tank that has recently been introduced into the game. It has gained popularity among the players due to its unique style of playing and incredible statistics.
It has a tremendous base DPM of 3129 which can go upwards to 3500. It has a very good penetration at 240mm standard ammo with a 310 alpha.
The T-100 LT has become the fastest tank in the game with a top speed of 72km/h, an amazing power to weight ratio of 31.58 hp/t, and engine power of 528 hp.
It has an aiming time of only 1.72s and dispersion of 0.317. The T-100 LT has only 5 degrees of gun depression but it does not matter as it is very low down.
The tank has troll armour which may bounce shells occasionally.
60tp Lewandowskiego

The 60tp Lewandowskiego is another tank that has just come into the game and risen to the top. This tank has been given the second largest alpha damage for a heavy tank(600). The 60tp is known for its ability to sit hold down and shoot at the enemy without getting penetrated. On the flat ground upper plate is not penetrable and if you miss the lower plate it is an auto ricochet. Personally, the 60tp is a very good tank both for starters and expert players because it has a simple play style.
The 60tp Lewandowskiego is a European nation heavy tank that has also been introduced recently. It is a very popular heavy tank as it carries a very big gun and strong armour.
It carries a massive 152 mm gun dealing 600 damage per shot with 258 mm of standard penetration.
The 60tp has very solid armour which bounces a lot of shells. If it is sitting hold down using its 7 degrees of gun depression it is impenetrable with standard ammo.
It has a top speed of 36 km/h with a power to weight ratio of 13.81 and engine power of 825 hp.

The M-VI-Yoh an American heavy tank with auto-loading and hold down capabilities is a very fun tank as you can work and ridgeline with ten degrees of gun depression without having to expose the hull of your tank. It has also been given the ability to back up after getting tracked so that it does not get hit further.
It is a very fun tank if you know how to use it at hills and ridges as you will bounce almost every shell coming at you.
The M-VI-Yoh is an American heavy tank that was introduced into the game a few months ago. It is popular due to its hold-down capabilities and auto-loading gun.
It has two choices, either it can mount the 3 shot autoloader which has more DPM(3070) or the two-shot which has less DPM(2544)
The two-shot gun deals 450 damage each shot. With an intra-clip reload of 1.71s. It has 252 mm of standard ammo penetration.
The three-shot gun has 300 damage per shot with an intra-clip reload of 5s(2.5s each).
It has a very solid turret that cannot be penetrated when the tank is using its ten degrees of gun depression.
The M-VI-Yoh has a top speed of 35km/h. It has a power to weight ratio of 16.08 and 847 hp engine power.

The German super heavy is loved by most due to it's amazing armour. If this tank is angled at you and a slight mistake is made that will be the end of your tank as the Maus will mercilessly cut through your armour. The capability to bounce shells and in return deal damage is mind-blowing. Sometimes a Maus will come out unscathed but the enemy will surely no longer exist.
This is a very easy to play tank as all you have to do is drive straight, take shots for the team and shoot the enemy.
The Maus is one of the oldest tanks that was introduced in the game, it is quite popular due to its armour profile. It is a rear turreted German super heavy.
The Maus has a good DPM of 2521 with 246 mm of standard ammo penetration and 460 damage per shot.
It has a top speed of 25 km/h and power to weight ratio of 10.21 and 1925hp engine power.
The Maus can only be penetrated in the lower plate and the turret cheeks frontally.
Another American is on the list but this time it is a tank destroyer. This thing deals 640 damage while not getting penetrated itself that is why it is quite fun. If the tank is in a while down position there is no way standard or premium ammo will penetrate it. On flat ground, the lower plate can only be penetrated and if the player is skilled he will wiggle his tank so that hitting the lower plate becomes even more difficult. So yeah, I think it is the best of the five as it hits hard does not get hit back, and gets away with it.
T110E3 is an American tank destroyer that has been in the game for quite some time now. It is very popular due to its hold-down capabilities.
It carries a massive 150 mm cannon dealing 640 damage per shot with 295mm of standard ammo penetration. It has a very good DPM of 2960.
It has a top speed of 35 km/h with a power to weight ratio of 12.97 and engine power of 963 hp.
Once the T110E3 is in a hold-down position it is physically Impenetrable by any tank shooting at it except for a small hatch on the roof, which is hard to hit.
This is the tier that matters the most, on the base of which the player is judged so you must know your tanks. This article will help you hopefully choose good tanks to become one of the best players.