“Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom."
A Lot of people wonder why they don't succeed when they do something, the reality is they don't go with the best of things.
Today we will all find out the best tier 6 tanks in World of Tank Blitz, So that we remain the winners.
This article will guide you and help you choose the best tanks for tier 6.
1. ARL 44
ARL 44 is a tank which has very good statistics in tier 6. It has the ability to bounce shells on its frontal plate and deal some heavy damage.
In my opinion anyone who wants an easy tank to play should try this one as it only has to drive straight and shoot the enemy. But be careful the gutter is susceptible to damage.
The ARL 44 is a French heavy tank with very strong armour and amazing DPM. It is very good for starting players as all you have to do is not show your sides. Well, let’s break into its statistics.
It carries a 90mm gun dealing 225 damage per shot with 200mm of penetration and 2003 DPM.
The ARL 44 top speed is 37km/h with a power to weight ratio of 17.61 and engine power of 825hp.
Now if you can survive in a heavy tank that has no armour but only firepower then this is the perfect line as the tiers 8,9 and 10 have these qualities.
2. KV-1S
The KV-1S is a soviet heavy tank which deals 400 damage at tier 6. It has the capability to even brawl with some tier 7 heavy tanks.
It is a very fun tank as it has the firepower, speed and armour so there is very little to worry about when driving the tank.
The KV- 1S is a U.S.S.R. Nation Heavy Tank.
The KV- 1S has the DPM of 1357
The KV- 1S fires a single shell of 400 damage after every 15 seconds. It has the penetration value of 160
It has the armour of 107.8, Penetrating this beast is not easy. It has a lot of armour and even the tanks with the best penetration value have trouble penetrating this tank.
The KV- 1S has the speed of 25
3. Vk 28.01
German light tank which is very good as it has some armour which can bounce Shell's from enemy medium and light tanks. The vk 28.01 has pretty good penetration values so it will not have any problem going through enemy armour. It is a very good tank if you are used to high speed tanks and flanking tactics.
The Vk 28.01 is a German light tank that is very fast and hard to hit. It has moderate DPM but high speed which is very helpful in many scenarios. Let’s break it into its statistics.
The vk 28.01 carries a 75mm gun dealing 160 damage per shot with 157mm of penetration and 1701 DPM.
Its top speed is 65 km/h with an amazing power to weight ratio of 30.9 and engine power of 715hp.
4. KV-2
The mighty KV-2, destroyer of every single tank in tier 6. One shell and this tank will ruin your game, removing half of your hit points.
If this thing penetrates a high explosive shell then you will never see that tank again as it will now through your hit points in a matter of seconds.
The KV-2 is a U.S.S.R. Nation Heavy tank.
The KV-2 has the DPM of 1669
The KV-2 is known for the longest reload in the whole game. It fires a single shell of 640 damage after every 23.01 seconds. It has the Penetration value of 110
It has a tough armour of 86.8, but has many weak spots as well. You can penetrate the armour of the KV-2 but you must aim at the thin penetrable spots of KV-2, but be careful that he does not shoot you.
The KV-2 has a speed of 13 km/h, which is not particularly good even for a heavy tank.
5. T-43-85
The T-34-85 is one of the best tanks due to its chunky alpha for a medium at tier 6. It just keeps on shooting and shooting at you like an annoying mosquito.
It will ruin your day if it gets behind your tank as it will rip you into pieces.
T-34-85 is a soviet union tier 6 medium tank with solid armour and a good gun. It is pretty good for starting players as all you players have to do is drive straight and not expose your sides. Let’s get into its statistics.
It carries a 85mm gun dealing 200 damage per shot with 144mm of penetration and 1722 DPM.
The T-34-85 top speed is 54 km/h wit a power to weight ratio of 19.82 and engine power of 660hp
The T-34-85 is a very strong tank that leads to one of the best tier 10 medium tanks.
That Ladies and Gentlemen are all of tier 6 best top 5 tanks in the
game. Hope you guys had fun because I did not, It was a pain writing about all of these tanks. Well, anyways that is it. Wish you all the best! BYE…
Meet the Great Mountain Lion of United States, This lion has great humor and excellent writing skills (Impossible IKR), he enthralls the readers, attracts their attention & feeds their hunger for more
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