It’s 2023, a New Year and a new opportunity for you to spend all that Christmas cash on some YuGiOh cards.
So, I hear you asking, “what are the top cards out of Amazing Defends that I should pick up?”
Don’t worry, I’ve got you.
After extensive research, lots of reading, a little bit of wondering “why was this reprinted”, and some “ooh that’s quite good”, I have written the only list you’ll ever need to decide what you should be picking up from the first YuGiOh set of 2023.
It’s got a few questionable reprints and some ‘amazing’ new archetypes, so let’s take a look, shall we?
15. Rescue-ACE Turbulence

The ACE of the ACEs. Rescue-ACE Turbulence.
An archetype based on what seems to be fire rescue, Rescue-ACE’s are all-powerful machines that banish to Special Summon.
The gimmick seems to be summoning Turbulence, and then setting the Rescue-ACE Quick-Play cards.
While this is powerful and Quick-Play Spells are always useful in YuGiOh, I don’t expect to see it get much play just yet due to its clear lack of pieces.
However, heavy-hitting ACEs have potential. If you can pick up the whole core for something like $50 right now, I would do it before their prices shoot up.
Fun Facts:
- It seems to be based on fire rescue.
- They’re all heavy-hitting machine monsters.
- There seem to be pieces missing from the archetype, so expect more support later this year.
14. Purrely

For those of you that don’t know, the Purrely archetype got 4 Collector’s Rares in this set.
If you’re a fan of cute cats, then you’re probably very happy about that. Your deck is going to look beautiful if you get playsets of each card.
Konami has plans for this deck and knows their audience will have a demand for higher rarity. Keep an eye on it moving forward.
But what’s so special about this card? Well, I think it’s the base card. The key component for the archetype.
Despite it currently missing the next ‘form’ in its evolution, this is a card and a deck worth picking up before the hype gets too big for your bank.
Fun Facts:
- It’s the only cat-based archetype in YuGiOh.
- Only archetype to ever get 4 Collector’s Rares in a single set.
- It’s still missing support.
13. Gizmek Orochi, The Sepentron Sky Slasher (Collector’s Rare)

Everyone loves Gizmek, it’s been a meta staple in various formats and a pest to many players during its existence.
Its effect to banish 8 cards from the top of your deck face down ended up being such a powerful tool for many strategies.
In this case, Gizmek is a special one because it’s finally been printed in Collector’s Rare.
Fans of this card finally get a beautiful rarity upgrade, which gives it a well-deserved spot on this list.
Fun Facts:
- This monster is based on the Yamata no Orochi, an eight-headed dragon in Japanese mythology. This ties into the ‘banish 8’ effect.
- Despite looking like a dragon and being based on a dragon in its mythology, it’s actually a machine. Strange choice.
- Did you know Gizmek is a whole archetype? Me neither.
12. Overlay Regen

Anything with the word ‘Overlay’ in it is so obviously going to be a powerful new weapon in the arsenal of XYZ summoning.
Before even reading the effect, I knew I was right. And I was.
A super simple effect that involves targeting an XYZ Monster on the field and attaching this card to it. Good stuff.
This card will thrive in almost any XYZ strategy. I’m thinking it’s going to be abused in decks like Exosister, Zoodiac, Trains, etc.
Fun Facts:
- It’s the only Normal Spell in the set that’s Super Rare and didn’t get a Collector’s Rare variant.
- It’s a new addition to a whole list of ‘Overlay’ cards.
- The artwork was completely redrawn compared to the Zexal manga.
11. Immortal Phoenix Gearfried

Gearfried The Iron Knight. Who remembers that card?
I was a huge fan of that card when I was a kid, so seeing such a powerful retrain of it as a man has made my inner child very happy.
Immortal Phoenix is used alongside Warrior strategies that use the Equip mechanic. That means cards like Isolde, Infernobles and Noble Knights all benefit from this generically good card.
It really did need a reprint, so it’s a welcome addition as a Super Rare to Amazing Defenders.
Fun Facts:
- Isolde can aid in effortlessly summoning this card.
- It’s the final form of Gearfried The Iron Knight.
- It only has 3 printings; Ultra Rare, Collector’s Rare, and now Super Rare.
10. Card Trooper (Collector’s Rare)

I am genuinely so surprised that Card Trooper made it into a ‘Top YuGiOh List’ in 2023, but here I am talking about it.
Card Trooper used to be very popular back in the day due to its ‘Draw 1’ effect if it gets destroyed.
Honestly, in this day and age of YuGiOh, Card Trooper’s mill effect wouldn’t even be that bad.
It mills 3 up to cards from the top of the deck and then gains attack points based on the amount you milled. Imagine milling 3 in Tearlaments.
Card Trooper 2023, bring it back.
Fun Facts:
- Card Trooper has a defensive counterpart in Card Blocker.
- This card was involved in an April Fools joke from Upper Card Entertainment.
- The artwork is based on B9 from Lost In Space.
9. Infernoble Knight - Renaud (Collector’s Rare)

It’s about time Renaud got reprinted.
It was one of the chase cards from Toon Chaos and only received an Ultra Rare printing.
Renaud is a staple of 3 copies in any Warrior-based strategy as it’s a free Special Summon and becomes a Tuner.
A lot of people will go after this card as a Collector’s Rare. And a Super Rare.
Infernoble’s are a popular combo strategy that has always been expensive because of Renaud being Ultra Rare.
Another very welcomed reprint from Amazing Defenders.
Fun Facts:
- This card is based on the fictional French knight Renaud de Montauba
- It becomes a Tuner under the right circumstances.
- It was a last-minute addition to Toon Chaos because there weren’t enough cards in the set.
8. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights (Collector’s Rare)

If I’m honest, I thought Isolde already came as a Collector’s Rare. It’s kind of baffling that it hasn’t had a higher print than an Ultra Rare.
Until now of course. And that’s why it made this list.
Isolde in Collector’s Rare should have happened a long time ago, as it adds an additional layer of beauty to an already beautiful-looking card.
Isolde got a lot of heat back in the day. People called for it to be banned.
Summoning something from the deck is a classic recipe for really good combos, but unfortunately (or fortunately, however, you want to look at it), Isolde needs to send bricky Equip Spells to the GY before doing that.
Isolde really set a benchmark for powerful Link Monsters, as it was one of the first in the game and really deserves to be a Collector’s Rare on this list.
Fun Facts:
- The two figures in this card's artwork are a reference to the two different Iseult in the Arthurian story of Tristan and Iseult.
- You’re always supposed to negate the second effect of Isolde.
- It gets used to send Phoenix Blade to the GY for endless resources.
7. One For One (Collector’s Rare)

One For One is on the F&L List at one copy. That’s just poetic.
The reason this card got limited is that both parts of the effect are utterly insane. Sending a card to the GY from the hand will trigger lots of effects, while also getting to summon a Level 1 from the hand or deck.
That’s crazy good in today’s game.
I think this card was reprinted in this set because of the Purrely archetype.
It really didn’t need a reprint, but having it Collector’s Rare is a really nice addition to the already stacked prints it's received before.
With it only being limited to 1 copy, lots of people will be looking to pick this card up for sure. Wonderful little reprint that makes a great addition to this set.
Fun Facts:
- It has a Trap counterpart in One By One.
- Samsara Lotus and Scarr, Scout of Dark World appear in this card's artwork.
- It’s had an errata 2 times.
6. Rescue ACE Hydrant

Now I expect some of you are wondering why this card made it higher than Rescue ACE Turbulence.
The reason is that Hydrant feels like the more important piece in the combos. It’s that 3 of that is needed to get to Turbulence. It’s basically a more key card that helps get to Turbulence.
It’s a 3 of in the deck. It’s that card that’s needed to make the deck tick over and run smoothly.
And with it being a Level 1, it also works perfectly with that One For One Collector’s Rare. Imagine summoning your Rescue ACEs with a Collector’s Rare. It’s the stuff YuGiOh player dreams are made of.
Fun Facts:
- This will be a 3 of in the deck
- As you probably guessed, it’s designed after a fire hydrant.
- Its prevention effect will make it a sticky card to deal with.
5. Ha-Re The Sword Mikanko (Collector’s Rare)

Of the 3 new archetypes debuting in Amazing Defenders, my guess is that Mikanko will be the one people want.
They’re ‘waifu’ cards.
A YuGiOh set wouldn’t be complete without its waifu tax.
Ha-Re is one-half of the Mikanko sisters. She’s the Fire Attribute that needs to be at 3 in the deck.
Her rarities include Super and Collector’s Rare, and with it being a waifu card, everyone will go after this card immediately. Get yours while they’re still cheap.
Fun Facts:
- It is themed after a mouse.
- She is holding one of the swords from the archetype Equip Spells.
- She is the Fire attribute to the Water Attribute counterpart.
4. Ni-Ni The Mirror Mikanko (Collector’s Rare)

Now there’s no reason Ni-Ni made it higher than Ha-Re on this list apart from my personal preference.
They’re basically equal in their purpose for the deck, but I just prefer the Water-based design over the Fire.
Ni-Ni is another powerful 3 of needed in the Mikanko strategy.
The fact that Ni-Ni and Ha-Re came in Collector’s Rare was a beautiful (and clever) touch by Konami. They know their audience will want those waifus in shinier rarity than Super.
If you haven’t already picked yours up, I strongly suggest grabbing a playset of Ni-Ni and Ha-Re as soon as possible.
Fun Facts:
- A younger version of Ni-Ni appears in the artworks of Mikanko Promise and The Great Mikanko Ceremony.
- It is themed after a cat.
- She appears in the artworks of many of the Equip Spells.
3. Mikanko Water Arabesque

As well as being cute waifu cards, the Mikanko archetype comes with a series of really powerful Equip Spells.
Arabesque is one of them.
This card is special because it lets you turbo out the missing Mikanko sister, while also making the equipped card unable to be destroyed by card effects.
I’m expecting Arabesque to be a staple in Mikanko, and definitely one of the chase Equips from the set.
Fun Facts:
- As you may have guessed, that’s Ni-Ni in the artwork.
- It can be equipped to an opponent's monster and return them to the hand during the end phase.
- It will likely be played at 3 copies in standard Mikanko builds.
2. Purely Pretty Memory (Collector’s Rare)

I chose Purrely Pretty Memory for the number 2 position due to its One For One like effect and because it’s a Quick-Play Spell card.
Not only does it act as a One For One, but it also acts as a Snatch Steal/Mind Control by taking the opponent’s monster.
However, I would say it’s arguably better than Mind Control/Snatch Steal style effects because you don’t have to give the card back. It gets attached as material to a Purrely XYZ card.
Did I mention it’s also a Quick-Play Spell? That’s crazy.
Fun Facts:
- It’s one of the Purrely cards that got a Collector’s Rare printing.
- 100% will be a staple playset in all Purrely strategies.
- It appears Purrely is taking a bubble bath in the artwork. Super cute.
1. Ohime The Manifested Mikanko

Those familiar with Amazing Defenders could probably have guessed what number 1 was going to be.
Of course it’s Ohime.
Personally, I don’t understand why this got made into a Ritual monster, but that’s cool I guess.
Ohime is the boss monster of Mikanko.
She’s also a very sticky card. 0 attack and 0 defence, but she can’t be destroyed by battle and your opponent takes any battle damage involving her. Good stuff.
Alongside the Equip Spells in the Mikanko archetype, Ohime becomes a powerful ‘towers’ monster that’s extremely difficult to deal with and deadly in battle.
Fun Facts:
- Mikanko Kagura is used to Ritual Summon this card.
- She’s already amassed quite a cult following in the OCG.
- She is a separate entity from Ni-Ni and Ha-Re, as some people thought she was a fusion of both.