Master These 10 Best LOL Champions And Watch Your Win Rate Increase
Bronze and Silver divisions in League of Legends often require the player to carry themselves to victory. Players opt out for hard carry assassin characters like Zed or incredible bruisers like Riven. However, none of those champions actually make this list. If you are a League player then maybe this list of the best League of Legends champions will make you rethink how you play the game. This list has been compiled from actual statistics of which champions currently lead the game in win rates.
10. Janna
She has both powerful shields and disruptive abilities
Janna has always had a very high win rate, but she’s never been very popular. Her play style is very passive and relies heavily on disengaging and disrupting the enemy team. Most players don’t want that. They want to go engage crazy with powerhouse supports like Thresh, Morgana, or Leona. Don’t underestimate Janna just because she can’t hard engage against the enemy bot laners. She is a force to be reckoned with and will blow you away.
9. Sona
Rocking out to a Sona concert!
Obviously Sona needs to be on this list. She is brutal in the bot lane and transitions very well into team fights. She has it all: Hard hitting damage, solid heals, movement speed buffs, and a killer CC ultimate. There is honestly not that much counter play against Sona in the current state of the game. She is and has almost always been a fantastic champion.
8. Swain
With the ability to transform into a dark raven, Swain gains the most spell vamp in the game
I wonder sometimes why more people don’t play this guy. He might be a little bit crazy and run with a bad crowd… and he has a crippled leg, but that is really no reason to discriminate against this misunderstood bird trainer. He is incredibly forgiving to play. Hardly any other champion has got the spell vamp sustain that Swain can pull off. Better hit him before level 6 or you’ll be sorry.
7. Sion
Anyone else want to sing the Monthy Python lumberjack song?
Lumberjack Sion is probably my favorite skin in the game. Sion is big, powerful, and swings around a massive axe. What is not to love? He feels powerful too and is incredibly tanky. Ever since his rework Sion has been topping the charts with his win rates. His durability is insane and his kit allows him to be a big bully. Plus, it feels fantastic when you land a game breaking ultimate by running halfway across the map and mowing over the enemy team.
6. Heimerdinger
Somehow what he's doing doesn't seem safe
Raise your dongers! Heimerdinger has gone from being one of the biggest troll picks to the top of the win rate charts. Sometimes you have to ask yourself what year it is. I am still trying to decide if this is because Heimerdinger is actually good or if it is simply the result of wood division players not killing his turrets. Heimer can be a giant pain to lane against though, and the humiliation when you lose is awful. Losing to Heimerdinger almost guarantees you getting reported by your team members.
5. Amumu
Amumu's story is tragic and heartbreaking
Amumu is a little heart breaker. His story is one of the most tragic stories in all of valoran. He wakes up thousands of years after everyone and everything he knew is dead, and now all he wants to do is find a friend. You think about that next time you try to steal his red! It gets rather annoying though when Amumu mains run around spamming his emote: “Give me a hug!” He might not need any sympathy though because he is already equipped with one of the most game-breaking kits in League. His ultimate could only be more OP if it was global. Amumu will grief you to no end.
4. Nasus
Whatever you do, don't let him freefarm
Nasus is played on all levels because he is an incredibly strong champion. The reason why he doesn’t win as much in the lower divisions though is because in order to really utilize his Q, you need to be able to farm. I’m not talking about 50 creep at the 15 minute mark farming here. Nasus needs to get up to 400 or 500 stacks in order to really start punishing the squishies on the enemy team. Unfortunately a lot of top laners decide to roam instead of shutting him down.
3. Malzahar
Malzahar, delivering space aids to the masses since 2010
Malzahar looks like an evil version of a magical Aladdin, which makes sense because he is based loosely off of Prince of Persia. Malzahar doesn’t just have the sweetest dance in the game (try it with a voidling out and it gets better!) but he is also the hardest lane bully in the current meta. If you disagree, try to name a single champion that can push one button, leave lane, and still clear multiple waves while forcing the enemy champion to stay back. Malzahar’s little space disease that he puts on people with his E is brutal. Add that on to a tank melting W, a silencing nuke on his Q, and an insane channeled suppressing nuke ult… It is the entire recipe for making an OP champion. Malzahar ‘s only weakness is that he is slow like nothing else. If you catch him out there is nothing he can do.
2. Leona
She is the CC king among supports
Leona is one of those easy to learn and very beginner friendly champions to help you get the hang of the game. She is sort of like Garen only she can’t deliver justice and she doesn’t suck. Leona is and always has been an insanely strong support with only one solid counter: Janna, but no one plays Janna so don’t worry about it! Leona has more crowd control than almost anyone else with her Q stun, E snare, and R aoe nuke stun. On top of that she is impossible to kill.
1. Sejuani
The ultimate jungler, Sejuani delivers brutal blows to her enemies
The number one spot on our list of the very best League of Legends champions is this bear riding, flail wielding monster of a champion. As a huge Sejuani fan, seeing her on top of the winning charts makes me really happy. She had some pretty weak moments in the last season, but with all of the jungling, itemization, and summoner spell changes that have been introduced in season 5, Sejuani is on top again.
What makes her so insanely broken is her ultimate. It is almost identical to Amumu’s only it is long range. This means that she can all out engage on an unsuspecting team without them having the slightest chance to react. The rest of her kit has excellent scaling and provide her with a lot of innate tankiness as well. She is hard to kill, does tons of damage, and can permanently CC almost any champion. If you see Sejuani on the enemy team, buy a Quicksilver Sash!
You might be surprised to find that most of these champions are supports or tanks that are difficult to carry alone with. That is because believe it or not, League of Legends is a team game and you will never make it to Challenger on your own. When you win it is not just your good work, and when you lose it is partially your fault as well. Anyway, let us know what you think. Leave a comment and let us know who you think the best League of Legends champions are and why.