Everybody loves a good movie right? They can cause us to feel anger, sadness, or joy, and even move us to tears. This top 10 list seeks to find the best movies for League of Legends players to watch. There is no official League of Legends movie so these picks will have to make due instead. The movies that have been chosen have been judged on whether or not they are similar to the game, teach important values, or give valuable life lessons. Here they are:
10. Hunger Games
It would be surprising if most League of Legends players had not already seen this movie. The Hunger Games is the first movie in the series based on the incredibly popular novels. It follows the story of protagonist Katniss Everdeen who gets thrown into an arena with a bunch of other kids that are forced to kill each other. Sound familiar? It sounds an awful lot like Summoner’s Rift only without respawn timers. The movie was fantastic and if you haven’t seen it you definitely should! It’s not an actual League of Legends movie but it is the next best thing.
Mere moments before children start killing each other
9. Much Ado About Nothing
This 1993 Shakespeare play adaptation probably comes as a surprise. This doesn’t quite make sense as a League of Legends movie. However, due to the fact that serious League players probably spend all of their time gaming they could probably use a little culturing. This play is the perfect fit for that because the whole concept is that there is a lot of trouble made over nothing. It is just like how League of Legends players like to make a huge deal out of really insignificant things. So the jungler didn’t gank for you, get over it!
Ah Claudio and your beautiful facial expressions!
8. Wall-E
Wall-E is a hugely popular Disney Pixar flick that follows the cutest and saddest little robot as he tries to save the earth. This move made the list as a warning to the addicted gamers out there. Without proper diet and exercise, combined with a 24/7 immersion in electronics, you will become the fat people in the moving chairs. If you’ve seen the movie you’ll know what I’m talking about. Besides, this movie might give you a little more awareness for preserving nature. Maybe you’ll get the eco-friendly Cheetos bag next time.
Is this our future?
7. Dungeons and Dragons
This overhyped movie that came out in 2000 quickly went into the books as one of the worst movies of all time. However, if you are serious about your love for fantasy and the lore is what interests you most in any game, then you have to check this out. One can’t claim to be a true fantasy fan unless they’ve seen this movie.
A disclaimer should be given though that you will want your hour and a half back. It is not a League of Legends movie, but it is the same genre and can probably give you a good laugh if you’re really tired or something. If the prospect of watching this movie scares you too much, then you could at least read some of the movie reviews for entertainment. I on the other hand don’t care what people say, I still cry every time I think of Snails. Spoiler alert by the way.
Let's rob the mage tower Snails! It'll be great
6. Battle Royale
If subtitles don’t bother you, or if you speak Japanese, then you need to watch this movie. It came out years before the Hunger Games novels but is essentially the same concept. In this movie universe though, the children’s disrespect for their elders have grown to such a point that the adults founded the Battle Royal. Every year the worst behaving high school class is dumped on an island and forced to kill each other, all with the good intent of teaching them manners I suppose. Anyway, this movie is a lot grittier than the Hunger Games, but the whole movie takes place on the actual island. Another great watch if you’re into the whole kids killing each other thing.
Teaching disciplinethrough murder. Works every time!
5. The Avengers
Just pretend that the Hexakill mode is still on going. There are 6 avengers in the movie and they need to work together to repel an alien invasion and save the world. It really doesn’t take a lot of imagination to consider each avenger a champion in League of Legends and New York as the Summoner’s rift. By the way as a side note, if you ever find out that superheroes are real don’t move to New York City. Anyway, Avengers is a fantastically entertaining movie with a great storyto get behind.
Go Team!
4. Gamer
If foul language, gore, and nudity put you off for a movie then you shouldn’t watch Gamer. This definitely R rated film came out in 2009 and has a really interesting story. The protagonist is a felon taking part in a program in which a chip is installed in his brain and he is forced to be a part of an FPS game. A regular Joe outside the prison gets to control the felons and if they win, the felon walks free. It is an extremely gritty and brutal demonstration of what it could be like if modern video games combined with the ancient gladiator arenas.
This felon was forced to teabag this corpse by the player controlling him
3. Remember the Titans
If you are an American, or if you like sports, or if you like Denzel Washington, and you have not seen Remember the Titans you should be ashamed of yourself. This movie is by far the greatest and most inspirational sports movie of all time. The only other film that could potentially rival it is Miracle so check that one out too. This movie shows how two vastly different groups of people learn to overcome their differences, cease to be toxic, and work together. That definitely makes this movie relevant to all League of Legends players. #noracism
Crossing racial boundaries through hard physical work
2. Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
The whole Star Wars saga could probably fit on this list but I chose episode III for one important reason: the chosen one concept. Believe it or not, but when you play League of Legends you don’t have to be the hyper assassin ultra mega carry that makes sure the team wins. It is ok to play support or a utility tank sometimes. Anakin Skywalker was the chosen one and acted all high and mighty about it… and we all know what happened to him. Even if you did get mid, even if you did pick Zed, and even if you did go 33-0, you still couldn’t win alone. Don’t boast, don’t be toxic, and don’t think that you alone can bring balance to the force.
Never before has so much angst been seen in one movie
1. Anger Management
If you constantly find yourself having the urge to kill or physically injure another person while playing League of Legends you should probably consider watching this movie. Anger Management is just what it says it is. The film follows Adam Sandler as he struggles with severe aggression issues. He is treated by Jack Nicholson who plays the role of a crazy therapist.
First off, this movie is hilarious, but more than that it actually has a really good message. Most people feel yucky when they watch a streamer go toxic, and they’ll turn the stream right off. Anger should have no place in our society virtual or not. Chill out because in the end, it is just a game… Unless you’re a professional and whether or not you get to eat dinner is dependent on winning. That is probably not you though so don’t worry about it.
Everybody calm down!
Unfortunately as of now there is no League of Legends movie, but you can make due with these. Do you agree with these picks? What other movies would you like to recommend to moba players? Let us know what you think in the comments.