Beholder 3 Reveals The Meaning of Political Servitude and Favors

Beholder 3 Reveals The Meaning of Political Servitude and Favors
27 Feb 2022

People have been getting themselves into tight spots for millennia. Whether it is someone getting themselves locked up in jail, caught and sold into slavery, or even just pissing off a powerful person who won’t hesitate to put them in the ground, there are plenty of ways people can get themselves into trouble.

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Anonymous phone calls with instructions on who to target and what to do. Image by 'Beholder 3.'

In such situations, any assistance will often be taken without hesitation out of sheer desperation. However, more often than not, whoever lends the helping hand does so because they see an opportunity to use someone for whichever purpose or agenda they are attempting to push.

Beholder 3’ is built around the concept of favors being used as leverage to control a person or people for political gain. Players take on the role of ‘Frank Schwarz’ who was set up to land in prison and was pulled out of jail by a “high-ranking security officer.” 

The officer works for the totalitarian state and Schwarz must do whatever she says or face the risk of being chucked back in prison. Frank’s role is to monitor and spy on all the tenants in the building for which he has been made landlord to catch anyone who dares to oppose the state.

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Controlling the beliefs and opinions of the masses is the key to power. Image by 'Beholder 3.'

Additionally, players will have to carry out hits on rival factions within the government, conduct surveillance missions, and more, as their handler and her faction vies for more power within the government and attempts to take out any potential political threats.

The decisions Frank makes are up to the player, and the type of person he becomes is in their hands. Players could choose to do as they’re told, to fight for what’s right, or to take matters into their own hands.

‘Beholder 3’ is developed by ‘Alawar Premium’ and is scheduled for release on Steam on 3 March 2022.

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