Every game universe has its community of loyal fans. For most games, the developers will do whatever they can to keep the players entertained and give them what they want. But who better to develop the perfect version of the game for the fans, than the fans themselves?
‘Bionicle: Masks of Power’ is an open-world adventure game set in the ‘Bionicle Universe.’ What sets it apart from other ‘Bionicle Games,’ is the fact that it is completely fan-made!
‘Bionicle: Masks of Power’ is based on the initial launch of ‘Bionicle’ in 2001, but built according to modern-day specs and parameters.
The game takes a trip down memory lane, giving you as the player the chance to experience old adventures and revisit your favorite characters and locations from the original launch.
You will explore the tropical beauty of the island of Mata Nui while fighting and avoiding all the dangers that lurk on it. Beware the dark spirit known as the Makuta! It is evil and incredibly dangerous with the ability to cast you into a realm of darkness forever!
The island is also swarming with beasts known as Rahi that wouldn’t hesitate to tear you to pieces for their next meal. Not a very exciting prospect if you ask me…
There are six different heroes that you can play as. You must collect 12 masks of power as each of the different heroes if you wish to challenge and overcome the Makuta, otherwise, you will fail and darkness will reign forever.
Being fan-made, it will be a slightly different experience from other ‘Bionicle’ games, but the upside is that this is as close as most players can ever hope to get to having the perfect game built according to their wishes.