The Breakup
The legend of the video game industry that is Hideo Kojima went through something of a media storm in 2015. Rumours circled he was leaving Konami after the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. For once the rumours were true and Kojima did indeed leave the company to take on pastures new. Speculation still surrounds the details of the break-up and there are two sides to every story. Rather than focussing on what we don’t know, we’re going to talk about what we do know.
A snap shot into the new world of Metal Gear.
Wait a minute, Zombies?
Metal Gear: Survive is the legacy of a post-Kojima Metal Gear. The game is stated to have stealth action, in keeping with the long-standing tradition of the series. Konami go on to state the game will have amazing visuals; multiplayer and finally you’ll be tasked with fending off hordes of zombies.
Excuse me? Yes, you heard it, zombies in a metal gear world. Perhaps not the strangest thing to appear in a Metal Gear game, but I’m betting Snake is turning in his grave.
Get’em whilst they're hot
Konami has stated this game will be a “Divergent take” on the series, but as you can imagine fans are already writing the game off. To me, this does seem like a cash in from a studio executive. It feels like one of those games, that speculation and rumours have had its way with this title. Metal Gear: Survive might actually turn out to be a good game, but perhaps its too soon for a pots-Kojima game. Many will still have a sour taste in their mouth from the breakup and a poor game could only alienate fans from Konami further.
So far all we have is a trailer for Metal Gear: Survive, which is more of a cinematic than anything else. You’re not able to tell if games going to be good or bad based on a cinematic, so I’ll save my thoughts for when we see some actual gameplay. Metal Gear: Survive is due to launch later this year and it’s likely we will see some gameplay along with further details at E3 this year.
That looks painful.
Konami have taken a risk on this title and I have no doubt the company will survive without the brilliance of Hideo Kojima, I just can’t say the same for the Metal Gear series. It looks like we’ve seen the last of Solid Snake, for now.
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