'GUILT: The Deathless' is all about, you guessed it, guilt! Or rather, it’s all about doing a whole lot of stuff that will make any sane, caring person melt into the ground with guilt.
Guilt isn’t fun. Nobody likes feeling guilty. It follows you around and sticks to you like glue to a can after the wrapper has been pulled off. Unfortunately, guilt is a pretty powerful emotion. Often, it is justified, but sometimes guilt is just people blaming themselves unnecessarily.
‘GUILT: The Deathless’ is a roguelike hack-and-slasher where you need to fight your way through a land covered in deep darkness, a pervasive evil. Each player carves their own story. The world is non-linear, procedurally generated, and full of shortcuts to discover, treasures to find, and altars to build.
The game is inspired by Slavic folklore. Every player’s character can die permanently, but the mark they leave on the world will remain for those who follow to deal with. This means that decisions have lasting impacts and must be thought through very carefully.
But of course, carefully making strategic decisions is no problem for impatient, impulsive creatures such as us, especially when there are no real-world consequences… That was sarcasm by the way, which, I am told, is the lowest form of wit. Makes me fear for my intelligence…
Each player experiences their unique adventure alone but in a shared world. So you won’t play with other players, but you’ll impact their world!
The story is a rich fantasy tale spanning shipwrecks, mountains, and even mysterious underground libraries.
What you do and who you become is entirely up to you. A world of darkness awaits!