Hyperbolica Warps Reality With Whimsical Non-Euclidean Puzzles, Mazes, and Games

Escape reality in a world of fantasy and fiction.
27 Mar 2022

Hyperbolica is built to challenge convention. Imagine a world built in hyperbolic space, where objects further away appear to be larger or traveling in a straight line causes a curved trajectory or space rotations?

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A world where reverse perspective is a thing. Image by 'Hyperbolica.'

In ‘Hyperbolica’ players explore a massive open world filled with puzzles, mazes, and confusing hyperbolic space elements. A few steps can travel across a continent for instance. According to its developers, ‘Hyperbolica’ was developed to “break the mold” and to “have a fun experience in an alternative universe different from our own.”

Due to the hyperbolic space, it is built in, the ‘Hyperbolica’ universe has incredibly strange and uncanny effects on the environment. There are no parallel lines. The ground may be sloping in strange ways. 

Objects may be warped. And it is in this bizarre world that players will have to try and solve complex puzzles, working out how the pieces fit together even as they change with variations of their positions in space. 

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Taking a mega ski jump. Image by 'Hyperbolica.'

Players will have to find their way through mind-bending mazes in a space where reverse-perspective is a thing, and objects that appear further may be closer, or objects that appear closer may be further away. 

‘Hyperbolica’ aims to completely throw players’ ideas and understanding of how things work out the window, making every puzzle harder to solve, every maze more stressful to navigate, and every challenge more difficult to overcome.

‘Hyperbolica’ is developed by ‘CodeParade’ and is scheduled for a March 2022 release on Steam.

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